Hello Everyone,
As some of you know Rikki's sister passed away this week. My dear friend and partner is currently taking some time off from her Martin Saga project. I wish the best and pray for her in this time of great sadness which I can't even begin to understand.
I have a new contributor, Joe X who has agreed to share his stories to the blog. I will begin to create a more CFNM branch to the blog along with BIC's poems. Trust me Joe's stories are very hot and entertaining! Welcome to the Blog Joe and BIC!
In other news, I have a major announcement with Valerie coming up soon. Stay tune.
Brenda has also submitted her latest Mommys Sissy story to me which I will post this week. Love her immensely.
That's all for now!
A simple blog dedicated to artwork and erotic literature of traditional role reversal through feminization and crossdressing themes.
Friday, September 23, 2016
Monday, September 19, 2016
Review and Illustration: M.C Questgend's The Nightmare Vacation
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Chris surprised by his new female body. |
![The Nightmare Vacation by [Questgend, M.C.]](https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/51hlEvxIoUL.jpg)
M.C writes treats her readers to plenty of surprises as Chris returns back to America as she tries to reconnect with everyone. You would think nothing would shock you from the trauma from waking up a girl, but M.C writes treats her readers to plenty of surprises as Chris returns back to. M.C has a talent for shaking things up when you least expect it. Chris or Christine’s interaction with her family is well put together as a tense and awkward experience. The father struggles to look his new daughter in the eye.
The author has a way in making you care about the characters. The sense of isolation that Christine goes through most of the book is done very well. Unfortunately I’m left wondering what would the story had been if she slowed down a bit in certain portions of the story. The story is easy to read, but she glosses over many parts of the story. The first part of the book feels as if the author was in a rush to get to the sex transformation. We also are left with little to no descriptions of the physical characteristics of the characters in the book.
When it comes to the more intimate moments of the story, M.C delivers on the erotic department! The buildup to her first sexual encounter is done surprisingly well and the last one is sensuous borderline raunchy! However there are a few problems or scenes that feel a little out of place in a soft sentimental semi-erotic self discovery novel, but would feel just right at home on a rated R Fictionmania story (no offense, I love Fictionmania). Without spoiling too much, the inner slut in Christine takes over in one scene causing a bit of turbulence in the flow of M.C’s style of writing.
A missed opportunity is missed by not fully exploring the inner conflict inside Chris regarding his sexuality. The reader never really believes Christine is fully heterosexual, alas a great opportunity to help give a little more dimension to our heroine is missed. However a later trauma in the book helps flesh out the Chris character out in a different way which ultimately helps her welcome the future as a woman.
The Nightmare Vacation is available now through Amazon.
Click Here for the Link: The Nightmare Vacation
Click Here for the Link to M.C Questgend website
Sunday, September 18, 2016
Up and Beaming
From BIC
Technically, she is still a virgin
But her sex hormones were urgin'
Her to have some sex fun
With something or someone.
So she tried an alternate sex version.
She ventured into a sleazy sex-store
And found naughty sex toys galore.
Now a dildo of great size,
Which she dubbed 'Enter, Prize',
Boldly goes where no man's gone before.
She'd learned about giving sex oral,
Which she felt was not immoral.
For it's a proven fact
That hymens stay intact.
Now she loves giving blow-jobs for all.
Saturday, September 17, 2016
Mommy's Sissy Ch. 2 now up!
Brenda has been generous enough to share with us her new installment in the Mommy's Sissy series!
Click Here for the story
Mommy's Sissy Ch. 2
Click Here for the story
Mommy's Sissy Ch. 2
Wednesday, September 14, 2016
Short Story: P is for Pussy
This week I made a new online friend named BIC from the Stripped and Humiliated board site. Anyways, she shared with me a handful of poetry and this short story. I'm planning on opening a small section devoted to poetry soon on the blog soon, since BIC was so kind to share some with us and I think a few of us will enjoy them. Thank you!
The following story is not what you might expect from its title. Rather it is a satirical, fictionally-historical, hysterical and humourous mockumentary. As a speculative fiction of futuristic fantasy, it could be called Feminist 451. The story takes place in a land not so far away in a time yet to be when excessive heat from feminism reaches the boiling point and everyone gets burned. But don’t get your knickers in a twist. There’s a happy ending. Btw, This story in no way reflects the opinion of the author. (Well, just a little bit )
Dogs chase cats; it’s just in their nature. No one blames them or looks down on them. It’s just Mother Nature doing her thing. Likewise, hounds of the horny male humanoid variety love to chase pussy. But for that these days, they get a bad rep and are called pigs ( Porcus Chauvanisticus Masculanus, to use the proper scientific term ) It’s just not ‘PC” to be a P.C. Porcus Chauvanisticus these days.
For many years the radical feminist girlella movement had cowed government and private institutions into a corner of guilt and put pathetically pandering politicians on the defensive. So defensive were they, that merely being a man’s man was an offense in some circles. Not illegal, but politically incorrect and decidedly immoral.
Women’s Liberation Groups were known to blackball colleagues and associates who were married .... to a man, that is. They were accused of ‘sleeping with the enemy.’ Fem-terrorist conferences went so far as to expel their own lib-sisters if it was discovered they were dating guys. That was called ‘fraternizing with the foe.’
What this radical, exclusive and judgemental approach did to some vulnerable and impressionable women was sad indeed. But that was nothing compared to what it did to men. The cultural changes in North America and Europe saw the male model of manliness eviscerated and emasculated. Traditional roles do shift and flux with the times as well as through technological and economic necessity. No one was denying that. But this latest impact on the male psyche shattered men’s will to an imposed and unnatural degree: by fiat, men were symbolically neutered. They became neither female ( nurturing givers of life ) nor male ( protective and overseeing fortresses of strength. ) Ironically, given the rhetoric and ideology of the era, men were objectified.
Male and female as sex objects was nothing new, of course. In the Victorian Era fig leaves were placed on statues and even paintings to cover up the male genitals. The nude female figure, on the other hand, was considered the essence of human pulchritude and smooth shaven yoni were on display in public galleries with nary a sniff of prudishness from the Christian Ladies Guild or Church of England elders. Woman equaled beauty, man equaled shame. Freudian theorists, for instance, thought the male phallus was just too powerful a figure for the weak willed women of the day.
But the modern reality was far different, indeed its polar opposite. While the smooth shaven Venus Mount was still considered by all the height of beauty, the male phallus lost its inherent power and morphed into its opposite quality; cocks became shameful, not as too powerful an image, but because they symbolized utter impotence. As men’s position and esteem in society lowered, so men themselves, and especially their cocks, became sorry versions of virility, pathetic fallacies...( a pathetic phallus, see) Cock of the Walk became Mock of the Jock.
That’s how it was 100 years into the decline and fall of masculinity. The feminization of men had one purpose only, their humiliation and emasculation. Men became pussies and the more they accepted this role, the less they were regarded by women. And not just by staunch feminists. Woman of all walks of life and persuasion laughed at these male-pussies, these boys-without-balls, these droopy-dicks. The most popular expression among young, giggling girls to describe such men, these pathetic pussies, was ‘Tiny Toms‘.
So Tiny Tom pussies became the male norm and women boasted and bragged, kept the men in their place and thought they had won at last. But life is not that simple. While Tiny Toms had lost any semblance of masculine power, control and virility, they had attained little more than the mere trappings of femininity.
The new culture provided feminized fashion for men, such as bikini style men’s underpants which were redesigned women’s underwear adapted to fit the male physique.
The new culture provided multi-level advertising and subliminal propaganda to reinforce its message, ‘ One cunt good, two balls bad. ‘
The new culture did get them to use male make-up.
The new culture did teach them to do domestic chores.
The new culture did put them into low-paying, meaningless, boring jobs.
The new culture did subject them to humiliating advertising that mocked their nakedness. Ads showed men blushing with shame as clothed women snickered at the guys’ nude and semi-nude state.
But what the new culture did not do is off-set their loss of masculinity.
Men did not, could not, become women, just lesser men. And a woman is not a lesser man. She is a creature unto herself. And that is non-transferable. Tiny Toms did not become Mighty Moms. And despite hormonal injections and increased testosterone dosages, women could not acquire the essence of manhood, just its awkward misplacement in a feminine psyche ( plus coarser body hair. )
The New Order became a perversion of Genesis 1 : 27. “…male and female created He them.” The new cultural order of the day became ‘ Masculine-females and feminine-males are recreated equal. ‘ But it just didn’t work. Just as nature abhors a vacuum, so too it revolted by drastic polar reversals. Things were gradually changing as Tiny Toms turned the tide and took on the Fanatical Feminists. And they did it spontaneously all over the Western World ( Islamic states continued to keep women encased in black sacks to preserve their feminine charms.. but that’s another story.)
Demonstrations in major cities became impossible to control and all media as well as Twitter, YouTube, Facebook and other social networks fueled the fire that now raged as men stood up.. so to speak. For the mass male gatherings were all in the nude. ‘Streak a blow for Manhood’ campaigns saw hundreds of thousands of naked men parading their wares and getting in the face of flabbergasted women. Slogans like “Proud to be a Cock–Jock “ were on placards and banners ( no buttons were worn, for obvious reasons ). Men chanted, “ We’re rude, we’re nude. We’re proud to be a dude! ‘
Finally, one great leader emerged, Bravehard, a man in his early 40’s who looked a lot like a kilt-less, sober Mel Gibson. Bravehard addressed the undressed crowd outside the Big O, Oprah Studios in Chicago. This bare baritone spoke eloquently
They may take away our beer steins and cold pizza,
They may spray Febreeze to clear the manly air of our unwashed bodies,
They may force safety-at-the-cost-of-fun upon us
They may pass bike helmet laws
They may erect plastic playgrounds devoid of fun,
They may banish body hair and sweat with cosmetic chemicals,
They may use fabric softener on our jockstraps,
They may change game rules to take the fun of violence out of sports,
Yes, they may mess with our ball games...”
Bravehard stood tall grabbing his erect penis and cupping his scrotum. His baritone voice ironically hit a higher pitch as he screamed out:
“ But they will not take away our balls!!!”
The Occupy the Jockstrap Movement grew some and things for a time got ugly, downright testy you might say. For months the lads persevered, even into the winter in cities like Boston and Toronto where freezing rain and snowstorms diminished the size of the crowds ( as well as the size of their manhood ) But Bravehard was an outstanding and upright leader of men. He rallied naked men throughout the land to continue the struggle despite adverse conditions. He cried out…
Our cause is just.
Our balls are blue.
Yet we know we must
To our cocks be true!
Other groups were formed, including Men’s True Nation which held monthly demonstrations where they proudly waved bloody flags to show their commitment to sacrifice. Their battle cries rang out!
We’re He-men, not She-men.
Our balls are full of semen!
Our horny cocks are creamin’
‘Cause that’s our right to be men!
In the end, all humiliation was washed away in a wave of new-found pride in their naked male bodies. Men asserted themselves without shame. What’s more, that sense of comfort with their own nudity impressed women of all persuasions.
At last, the feministas surrendered and proclaimed that men would be granted their rights, they would be allowed to display their naked maleness openly and with no stigma attached. Henceforth, the Fem-authorities declared, men will not only be allowed to display their naked genitalia, it will be the law of the land. No buts about it. Men had won the battle.
And, to show their subservience to men, women would no longer parade in skimpy outfits meant to rouse, tease and humiliate men. No, instead women would be clothed at all times in public. But men and boys would not be shackled by image-denying clothing. In fact, clothing was no longer an option for men.
Thus, the CFNM Act was passed by Congress and soon was adopted in all 50 states to become the XXX Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. Men got the right, the privilege and, in fact, the duty to appear in manly fashion, which is to say, naked before clothed women. No longer would naked men be mocked by women....... just enjoyed.
The following story is not what you might expect from its title. Rather it is a satirical, fictionally-historical, hysterical and humourous mockumentary. As a speculative fiction of futuristic fantasy, it could be called Feminist 451. The story takes place in a land not so far away in a time yet to be when excessive heat from feminism reaches the boiling point and everyone gets burned. But don’t get your knickers in a twist. There’s a happy ending. Btw, This story in no way reflects the opinion of the author. (Well, just a little bit )
P is for Pussy
Dogs chase cats; it’s just in their nature. No one blames them or looks down on them. It’s just Mother Nature doing her thing. Likewise, hounds of the horny male humanoid variety love to chase pussy. But for that these days, they get a bad rep and are called pigs ( Porcus Chauvanisticus Masculanus, to use the proper scientific term ) It’s just not ‘PC” to be a P.C. Porcus Chauvanisticus these days.
For many years the radical feminist girlella movement had cowed government and private institutions into a corner of guilt and put pathetically pandering politicians on the defensive. So defensive were they, that merely being a man’s man was an offense in some circles. Not illegal, but politically incorrect and decidedly immoral.
Women’s Liberation Groups were known to blackball colleagues and associates who were married .... to a man, that is. They were accused of ‘sleeping with the enemy.’ Fem-terrorist conferences went so far as to expel their own lib-sisters if it was discovered they were dating guys. That was called ‘fraternizing with the foe.’
What this radical, exclusive and judgemental approach did to some vulnerable and impressionable women was sad indeed. But that was nothing compared to what it did to men. The cultural changes in North America and Europe saw the male model of manliness eviscerated and emasculated. Traditional roles do shift and flux with the times as well as through technological and economic necessity. No one was denying that. But this latest impact on the male psyche shattered men’s will to an imposed and unnatural degree: by fiat, men were symbolically neutered. They became neither female ( nurturing givers of life ) nor male ( protective and overseeing fortresses of strength. ) Ironically, given the rhetoric and ideology of the era, men were objectified.
Male and female as sex objects was nothing new, of course. In the Victorian Era fig leaves were placed on statues and even paintings to cover up the male genitals. The nude female figure, on the other hand, was considered the essence of human pulchritude and smooth shaven yoni were on display in public galleries with nary a sniff of prudishness from the Christian Ladies Guild or Church of England elders. Woman equaled beauty, man equaled shame. Freudian theorists, for instance, thought the male phallus was just too powerful a figure for the weak willed women of the day.
But the modern reality was far different, indeed its polar opposite. While the smooth shaven Venus Mount was still considered by all the height of beauty, the male phallus lost its inherent power and morphed into its opposite quality; cocks became shameful, not as too powerful an image, but because they symbolized utter impotence. As men’s position and esteem in society lowered, so men themselves, and especially their cocks, became sorry versions of virility, pathetic fallacies...( a pathetic phallus, see) Cock of the Walk became Mock of the Jock.
That’s how it was 100 years into the decline and fall of masculinity. The feminization of men had one purpose only, their humiliation and emasculation. Men became pussies and the more they accepted this role, the less they were regarded by women. And not just by staunch feminists. Woman of all walks of life and persuasion laughed at these male-pussies, these boys-without-balls, these droopy-dicks. The most popular expression among young, giggling girls to describe such men, these pathetic pussies, was ‘Tiny Toms‘.
So Tiny Tom pussies became the male norm and women boasted and bragged, kept the men in their place and thought they had won at last. But life is not that simple. While Tiny Toms had lost any semblance of masculine power, control and virility, they had attained little more than the mere trappings of femininity.
The new culture provided feminized fashion for men, such as bikini style men’s underpants which were redesigned women’s underwear adapted to fit the male physique.
The new culture provided multi-level advertising and subliminal propaganda to reinforce its message, ‘ One cunt good, two balls bad. ‘
The new culture did get them to use male make-up.
The new culture did teach them to do domestic chores.
The new culture did put them into low-paying, meaningless, boring jobs.
The new culture did subject them to humiliating advertising that mocked their nakedness. Ads showed men blushing with shame as clothed women snickered at the guys’ nude and semi-nude state.
But what the new culture did not do is off-set their loss of masculinity.
Men did not, could not, become women, just lesser men. And a woman is not a lesser man. She is a creature unto herself. And that is non-transferable. Tiny Toms did not become Mighty Moms. And despite hormonal injections and increased testosterone dosages, women could not acquire the essence of manhood, just its awkward misplacement in a feminine psyche ( plus coarser body hair. )
The New Order became a perversion of Genesis 1 : 27. “…male and female created He them.” The new cultural order of the day became ‘ Masculine-females and feminine-males are recreated equal. ‘ But it just didn’t work. Just as nature abhors a vacuum, so too it revolted by drastic polar reversals. Things were gradually changing as Tiny Toms turned the tide and took on the Fanatical Feminists. And they did it spontaneously all over the Western World ( Islamic states continued to keep women encased in black sacks to preserve their feminine charms.. but that’s another story.)
Demonstrations in major cities became impossible to control and all media as well as Twitter, YouTube, Facebook and other social networks fueled the fire that now raged as men stood up.. so to speak. For the mass male gatherings were all in the nude. ‘Streak a blow for Manhood’ campaigns saw hundreds of thousands of naked men parading their wares and getting in the face of flabbergasted women. Slogans like “Proud to be a Cock–Jock “ were on placards and banners ( no buttons were worn, for obvious reasons ). Men chanted, “ We’re rude, we’re nude. We’re proud to be a dude! ‘
Finally, one great leader emerged, Bravehard, a man in his early 40’s who looked a lot like a kilt-less, sober Mel Gibson. Bravehard addressed the undressed crowd outside the Big O, Oprah Studios in Chicago. This bare baritone spoke eloquently
They may take away our beer steins and cold pizza,
They may spray Febreeze to clear the manly air of our unwashed bodies,
They may force safety-at-the-cost-of-fun upon us
They may pass bike helmet laws
They may erect plastic playgrounds devoid of fun,
They may banish body hair and sweat with cosmetic chemicals,
They may use fabric softener on our jockstraps,
They may change game rules to take the fun of violence out of sports,
Yes, they may mess with our ball games...”
Bravehard stood tall grabbing his erect penis and cupping his scrotum. His baritone voice ironically hit a higher pitch as he screamed out:
“ But they will not take away our balls!!!”
The Occupy the Jockstrap Movement grew some and things for a time got ugly, downright testy you might say. For months the lads persevered, even into the winter in cities like Boston and Toronto where freezing rain and snowstorms diminished the size of the crowds ( as well as the size of their manhood ) But Bravehard was an outstanding and upright leader of men. He rallied naked men throughout the land to continue the struggle despite adverse conditions. He cried out…
Our cause is just.
Our balls are blue.
Yet we know we must
To our cocks be true!
Other groups were formed, including Men’s True Nation which held monthly demonstrations where they proudly waved bloody flags to show their commitment to sacrifice. Their battle cries rang out!
We’re He-men, not She-men.
Our balls are full of semen!
Our horny cocks are creamin’
‘Cause that’s our right to be men!
In the end, all humiliation was washed away in a wave of new-found pride in their naked male bodies. Men asserted themselves without shame. What’s more, that sense of comfort with their own nudity impressed women of all persuasions.
At last, the feministas surrendered and proclaimed that men would be granted their rights, they would be allowed to display their naked maleness openly and with no stigma attached. Henceforth, the Fem-authorities declared, men will not only be allowed to display their naked genitalia, it will be the law of the land. No buts about it. Men had won the battle.
And, to show their subservience to men, women would no longer parade in skimpy outfits meant to rouse, tease and humiliate men. No, instead women would be clothed at all times in public. But men and boys would not be shackled by image-denying clothing. In fact, clothing was no longer an option for men.
Thus, the CFNM Act was passed by Congress and soon was adopted in all 50 states to become the XXX Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. Men got the right, the privilege and, in fact, the duty to appear in manly fashion, which is to say, naked before clothed women. No longer would naked men be mocked by women....... just enjoyed.
From: Such a Sissy Blog: Monday ManCandy
Its not illustration feminization, but I thought it looked like a cute gif to share.

Such a Sissy: Monday ManCandy: Star Trek - The Future...... Light Speed - surpassed hundreds of years ago!!! Poverty, inequality. injustice, racism - just words in a his...

Such a Sissy: Monday ManCandy: Star Trek - The Future...... Light Speed - surpassed hundreds of years ago!!! Poverty, inequality. injustice, racism - just words in a his...
Saturday, September 10, 2016
Sissy's Humiliation by SissyFellatrixFL
Found this on Deviant Art. Unknown artist. Very similar to Sissy Fellatrix's classic about a man blackmailed into being dressed like a little girl in party dress for the entertainment of others. The story I'm referring to is Sissy's Humiliation by SissyFellatrixFL on Fictionmania.
Link to the story Sissy's Humiliation
Link to the story Sissy's Humiliation

Wednesday, September 7, 2016
Martin Hasting and Rhonda from Sub Sissy
I got a question thus week if there were more Rhonda pictures on the way and the answer is yes. Martin Hastings fans, you may want to stay tuned. You never know when you may see a new profile.
Thanks for those who commented on Rose's story! It always helps to know what the readers think!
Annabelle B.
Thanks for those who commented on Rose's story! It always helps to know what the readers think!
Annabelle B.
Monday, September 5, 2016
Hi everyone!
Hope everyone is enjoying their labor day! Ryan Rose, or as i call her "Rose" allowed me to share her story to the blog, "All Grown Up." She is a new author and was looking to get back some feedback on her tale. If you could please give a read to her story and leave a comment or two, it would be really appreciative.
Also, if anyone who is an author and wants to share their story here on this blog wants to share their story, please contact me at alicegarden01@yahoo.com or alicegarden01@gmail.com.
Thank you!
What do you think happens to all of the terrible men who get turned into
little baby girls by vindictive women. What happens to them and what
kind of women do they become when they grow up. Lets find out
Alice had just turned twenty one a few weeks ago. Her childhood had been
a vicious struggle. She excelled in high school even if she didn't get
along with the other girls. There were various reasons for that. The
girl scene that teenage girls indulge was still totally foreign to her
and held little appeal. Girls in their teenage years are awkward enough,
but it was ten fold for her. She struggled and her studies excelled and
the girls taunted her enough for that. It hurt her a lot, but nothing
near as much as her mother hurt her during her childhood. She was
downright cruel, as if it was some sadistic act of revenge.
You see, Alice actually was a grown man. He was a cruel sadistic man who
pretty much deserved what he got. His mother, was actually his wife
before she had some friends with some very advanced tech transform him
into a baby girl. His wife, who was his victim during the marriage
adopted him. Her revenge was vicious, and the other various women he
abused took delight in also abusing him.
He grew up again in a dark abusive childhood. His new view on life now
showed him that he was terrible and he figured he pretty much deserved
it. But Alice wanted something more.
She looked across the table at the other darked haired older woman,
hoping for some understanding. "Kimberly, I know the way I treated you
when you worked for me all those years were wrong. I am so sorry I hurt
you. I should have respected you. I hope you can forgive me for it. But
what happened to me is so much worse. I did what I did four times in my
office. My mother invited various men to do it to me continuously during
my childhood. For years from ages 5 on up. Here is what bothers me, and
I hope you can forgive me enough to understand that these men are sick."
She spoke up, "Allen, I have forgiven you years ago. I didn't take part
in what she did, She stoped being my lover years ago. I will help you."
It was hard to believe that this girl, as a man raped her. She was so
much older than him now, she was a woman in her 40s.
"Those sick men my wife invited to abuse me, delighted in molesting
girls that age. Once I got too old, they lost interest. Even of those
teachers. They wont stop, they will find other girls to abuse. Please
help me, expose them, expose my wife. I have learned my lesson. She
hasent, she was an evil woman when we were married, I was cruel too. But
she wont stop. You know what she did to me and other women," Alice
"What do you want me to do?" Kimberly asked.
"Come forward with me. Make statements at the police, that she invited
men to abuse me and watched. That will be enough to put her away for a
long time. Then give names of those men, You know who they are."
She smiled. "Yes, I will help you." Then she went to hug Alice.
She was shocked enough, Kimberly must have seen. "Alice you look nothing
like the man that hurt me. There is none of him left. Just a shattered
little girl crying out. I will help you."
They went to the police station together. They both gave their
statements. The detectives were horrified at what they were told. It was
nothing new to them. It wasn't like they haven't heard statements from
sexual abuse victims before that were abused as children. Even if it was
invited by the parents, unfortunately, that happens too. They took the
two womens statements. It was recorded, evidence was collected. Then
warrents were sworn out by the judge.
His wife Karen was sitting comfortably in her manner that she had stolen
from her husband so many years ago. A few thoughts crossed her mind that
brought total erotic delight to her as she smiled into the darkness. She
reveled in the humiliation that her sadistic husband felt when he was
touched by a man, and violated. It happened over and over, and she loved
the look on that bastards face when he faced what he did to her and the
other women in his life. The fact that she often took delight in others
humiliations didn't enter her mind as she cheated and stole from others.
She often ripped apart their family's, taking their homes and property.
She had a long history of fraud, theft, and many other crimes. She could
be as vicious as her husband. She didn't consider what she did to him as
a crime, he was her husband, and a man. She never considered the fact
that legally he was a child, and she had become his parent when she
legally adopted him. He was legally adopted as a five year old girl. She
never considered any of that.
Then there was a knock at the door and she went to open it. There were
officers at the door holding official looking documents. She was taken
and handcuffed. She was totally shocked when her rights were read to
her. "You are under arrest for aggregated child sexual abuse. You have
the right to remain silent." She had no idea what they were talking
about. She never abused a child.
Nothing made any since until she was taken to the station and saw Alice
there, beeming with glee seeing her in handcuffs taken to a cell. Now it
all came very clear and she tried to protest.
Luckily, the officers didn't understand and began questioning her sanity
at the nonsense she began spewing. This idiot may not even be competent
to stand trial. Alice, a fifty year old man who abused other women.
There was no way.
Now Karen heard herself and realized it. She shut up in embarrassment.
Standing beside Alice was Kimberly. She realized she was done. And she
realized that what she did was a crime, alice was a little girl being
abused by her. She was alices mother. There was going to be no mercy on
Then she realized how screwed she was when some of the other men she
invited over came in, wearing handcuffs. She was lead to a cell, and
bowed her head in dispare. That bastard had won again. He screwed her
over, and there was nothing she could do about it.
Most of the men got from 10 to 20 years, few made it out of prison
She got life with parole. She would be an embittered elderly woman she
she got out, but she would be on the sex offenders life.
Alice eventually found happiness in the arms of another woman around her
age. She got his company back, and resolved to respect women, because
she was one. Her wife helped her run the company, but it went though a
transformation from the way her mother, ex wife ran things.
Hope everyone is enjoying their labor day! Ryan Rose, or as i call her "Rose" allowed me to share her story to the blog, "All Grown Up." She is a new author and was looking to get back some feedback on her tale. If you could please give a read to her story and leave a comment or two, it would be really appreciative.
Also, if anyone who is an author and wants to share their story here on this blog wants to share their story, please contact me at alicegarden01@yahoo.com or alicegarden01@gmail.com.
Thank you!
All grown up
By Ryan Rose
What do you think happens to all of the terrible men who get turned into
little baby girls by vindictive women. What happens to them and what
kind of women do they become when they grow up. Lets find out
Alice had just turned twenty one a few weeks ago. Her childhood had been
a vicious struggle. She excelled in high school even if she didn't get
along with the other girls. There were various reasons for that. The
girl scene that teenage girls indulge was still totally foreign to her
and held little appeal. Girls in their teenage years are awkward enough,
but it was ten fold for her. She struggled and her studies excelled and
the girls taunted her enough for that. It hurt her a lot, but nothing
near as much as her mother hurt her during her childhood. She was
downright cruel, as if it was some sadistic act of revenge.
You see, Alice actually was a grown man. He was a cruel sadistic man who
pretty much deserved what he got. His mother, was actually his wife
before she had some friends with some very advanced tech transform him
into a baby girl. His wife, who was his victim during the marriage
adopted him. Her revenge was vicious, and the other various women he
abused took delight in also abusing him.
He grew up again in a dark abusive childhood. His new view on life now
showed him that he was terrible and he figured he pretty much deserved
it. But Alice wanted something more.
She looked across the table at the other darked haired older woman,
hoping for some understanding. "Kimberly, I know the way I treated you
when you worked for me all those years were wrong. I am so sorry I hurt
you. I should have respected you. I hope you can forgive me for it. But
what happened to me is so much worse. I did what I did four times in my
office. My mother invited various men to do it to me continuously during
my childhood. For years from ages 5 on up. Here is what bothers me, and
I hope you can forgive me enough to understand that these men are sick."
She spoke up, "Allen, I have forgiven you years ago. I didn't take part
in what she did, She stoped being my lover years ago. I will help you."
It was hard to believe that this girl, as a man raped her. She was so
much older than him now, she was a woman in her 40s.
"Those sick men my wife invited to abuse me, delighted in molesting
girls that age. Once I got too old, they lost interest. Even of those
teachers. They wont stop, they will find other girls to abuse. Please
help me, expose them, expose my wife. I have learned my lesson. She
hasent, she was an evil woman when we were married, I was cruel too. But
she wont stop. You know what she did to me and other women," Alice
"What do you want me to do?" Kimberly asked.
"Come forward with me. Make statements at the police, that she invited
men to abuse me and watched. That will be enough to put her away for a
long time. Then give names of those men, You know who they are."
She smiled. "Yes, I will help you." Then she went to hug Alice.
She was shocked enough, Kimberly must have seen. "Alice you look nothing
like the man that hurt me. There is none of him left. Just a shattered
little girl crying out. I will help you."
They went to the police station together. They both gave their
statements. The detectives were horrified at what they were told. It was
nothing new to them. It wasn't like they haven't heard statements from
sexual abuse victims before that were abused as children. Even if it was
invited by the parents, unfortunately, that happens too. They took the
two womens statements. It was recorded, evidence was collected. Then
warrents were sworn out by the judge.
His wife Karen was sitting comfortably in her manner that she had stolen
from her husband so many years ago. A few thoughts crossed her mind that
brought total erotic delight to her as she smiled into the darkness. She
reveled in the humiliation that her sadistic husband felt when he was
touched by a man, and violated. It happened over and over, and she loved
the look on that bastards face when he faced what he did to her and the
other women in his life. The fact that she often took delight in others
humiliations didn't enter her mind as she cheated and stole from others.
She often ripped apart their family's, taking their homes and property.
She had a long history of fraud, theft, and many other crimes. She could
be as vicious as her husband. She didn't consider what she did to him as
a crime, he was her husband, and a man. She never considered the fact
that legally he was a child, and she had become his parent when she
legally adopted him. He was legally adopted as a five year old girl. She
never considered any of that.
Then there was a knock at the door and she went to open it. There were
officers at the door holding official looking documents. She was taken
and handcuffed. She was totally shocked when her rights were read to
her. "You are under arrest for aggregated child sexual abuse. You have
the right to remain silent." She had no idea what they were talking
about. She never abused a child.
Nothing made any since until she was taken to the station and saw Alice
there, beeming with glee seeing her in handcuffs taken to a cell. Now it
all came very clear and she tried to protest.
Luckily, the officers didn't understand and began questioning her sanity
at the nonsense she began spewing. This idiot may not even be competent
to stand trial. Alice, a fifty year old man who abused other women.
There was no way.
Now Karen heard herself and realized it. She shut up in embarrassment.
Standing beside Alice was Kimberly. She realized she was done. And she
realized that what she did was a crime, alice was a little girl being
abused by her. She was alices mother. There was going to be no mercy on
Then she realized how screwed she was when some of the other men she
invited over came in, wearing handcuffs. She was lead to a cell, and
bowed her head in dispare. That bastard had won again. He screwed her
over, and there was nothing she could do about it.
Most of the men got from 10 to 20 years, few made it out of prison
She got life with parole. She would be an embittered elderly woman she
she got out, but she would be on the sex offenders life.
Alice eventually found happiness in the arms of another woman around her
age. She got his company back, and resolved to respect women, because
she was one. Her wife helped her run the company, but it went though a
transformation from the way her mother, ex wife ran things.
Saturday, September 3, 2016
Becoming the Rubber Doll added and sneak pic into Subjegated Step Sissy and art for Rikki!
Annabelle B- "Hello Rhonda, this is Annabelle B, how are you?"
Rhonda- "Hello?"
Annabelle B- I have some great news for you!
Rhonda- I'm out of this feminzed prison!?
Annabelle B- "No, I have Chloe Latex gave us permission to share her "Becoming the Rubberdoll" series on the blog, we have a new author Ryan Rose, a new illustration for your Subjegated Step Sissy series and even a sneak peek for Rikki's Tales of Forced Crossdressing Blog both in the sketch folder!
Rhonda- "Hello?"
Annabelle B- I have some great news for you!
Rhonda- I'm out of this feminzed prison!?
Annabelle B- "No, I have Chloe Latex gave us permission to share her "Becoming the Rubberdoll" series on the blog, we have a new author Ryan Rose, a new illustration for your Subjegated Step Sissy series and even a sneak peek for Rikki's Tales of Forced Crossdressing Blog both in the sketch folder!
Thursday, September 1, 2016
Brenda's Mommy's Sissy now published!
Sorry for the delay fans, it has been a bit of a busy week here. As promised, a new illustrated chapter in artist/writer Brenda's Mommy's Sissy series is now available here on the blog!
Click here: Mommy's Sissy
Click here: Mommy's Sissy
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