A man fails to live up as a man a husband. His wife and sister have plans for him, he begins to recall younger moments in his life....this is not new to him.

It had been a really boring day, although that wasn't a surprise. I was a writer with a seemingly never ending case of writer's block. I would start the day with high hopes of getting started writing the great American novel, but within an hour I would give up and play video games. I was fortunate that my loving wife, Elise never questioned me. With her inheritance and her high paying job she was easily able to support us. At the usual time I heard the front door open and knew Elise was home.
"Stephen, I'm home and I have a surprise for you. Come into the living room!"
I made my way to the living room and stopped short. There, sitting on the sofa was Fiona. Fiona was 1 year younger than me and had always resented my presence in the house. Her mother had raised me after my parents were killed in an airplane crash. It had been about 6 years since I had last seen her and if I never saw her again it would have been fine with me.
"Hello Stephen" she said smiling. She had the same evil grin she always had when addressing me and a cold chill crept down my body.
"H..hello Fiona." I replied, suddenly very nervous.
"I will let you two get reacquainted" said Elise "while I get us some drinks and snacks."
"Oh no need" said Fiona. "Stephen can do that."
Elise laughed at that suggestion.
"Hardly. Stephen is totally helpless in the kitchen" Elise laughed. "I think he would burn water"
"Really? Is that what you told your wife Stephen?"
I squirmed and didn't answer immediately. I saw the questioning look in Elise's eyes as she waited for my response.
"I asked you a question?" said Fiona, almost shouting.
I felt like I was 14 years old when she caught me in a lie. She stood up and took a couple of steps towards me and I backed up. As I looked at her I felt myself shaking, fearing she would take me over her knee as she had done so many years ago. A quick glance at Elise told me she was curious to see how this was going to play out.
"Well, I may have said something to that effect." I finally replied.
I could hear the tremor in my voice and knew that both women had also heard it.
"But we both know that is not true don't we?"
"Y..Yes Fiona."
"So you have been lying to your wife all these years telling her you were helpless in the kitchen. Do I have that right?"
"Wait..no….I mean…."
They stared at me waiting for me to answer but could think of nothing that would satisfy them..
I looked at my feet and nodded.
"I think you should be the one to fix us snacks and bring us some drinks. Don't you agree Stephen?"
"Yes, Fiona" I replied and turned to scurry off to the kitchen to get them their drinks and snacks.
"I will go with you and find a nice apron for you to wear."
Seeing Fiona had brought back all the memories I had hoped to forget. I could not help but think of all of the ways Fiona had tortured and humiliated me and how powerless I had felt to stand up to her. Now, as adults, she had come back into my life and I felt as powerless to fight her as I did those years ago.
"Where does Elise keep her aprons?"
I pointed to the closet where her aprons hung on a hook on the door. Elise was not a girlie girl though she was very feminine in a sophisticated way, so I knew her aprons were kind of plain, almost unisex. Clearly Fiona was not happy with the ones she saw hanging on the door. I smiled to myself as she started to grab one, but stopped.
"What is this?" she asked herself as she reached into the back of the closet and pulled out another apron that had been on a shelf under some towels.
I gasped as I recognized it as one Elise's friends had given her as a gag gift at her bridal shower, knowing she would probably never wear it. It was pinafore style with ruffles on the neck, pockets, and skirt. In short it was girlie to the extreme. With an evil smile on her face Fiona approached me holding out the frilly garment. I backed away from her but backed into the kitchen counter. She quickly slipped the apron over my head and spun me around so she could tie a big bow in the back.
"You know what would be better, if you took off your pants."
"Did I stutter? Now remove your pants!" she ordered.
When I hesitated she reached up under the apron, quickly unbuttoned my pants and pulled them down.
"Now do as I tell you!"
I bent over, untied my shoes and removed them with my socks, and stepped out of my pants, leaving me standing there in the dress like apron with only my shirt and boxers underneath.
"I will have a gin martini. Make Elise whatever she likes and you may have a small glass of apple juice! Be quick about it!"
Introduced to Dresses and Panties
I had come to live with Auntie Vivian (she insisted I call her Auntie) and her daughter Fiona when I was 14 years old. She was not really my aunt, but a friend of my mother's who agreed to take me in when my parents were killed. In front of my auntie Fiona was always nice to me, but when her mother was not around, she made my life hell.
Despite being younger than me she was an inch or so taller and weighed about the same as me. I always felt intimidated by her and would go out of my way to stay on her good side, but ultimately came to the conclusion she had no good side, at least not where I was concerned. She had no desire to be my friend, only to torture me. It seemed that each time I agreed to do something she suggested, I wound up being humiliated. By the time I recognized the pattern it was too late.
The incident that I would regret forever had started innocuously enough. Auntie Vivian left me a note when I got home from school asking me to deliver a package she had put together for one of her friends. I was surprised when Fiona's friend Anita opened the door. She was very pretty and I had a crush on her from the moment I had met her. When she invited me to come in I accepted. She took the package from me and with a big smile on her face invited me into the kitchen for milk and cookies. Sitting at the table were Fiona and Stacy, another of her friends.
"Would you like to join us Stephen?" asked Anita "we are playing poker.
The idea of spending time with three very pretty girls was appealing and despite the fact that Fiona was one of them, I accepted. We played poker with chips, but no money was involved. I was doing really well and soon had won most of the chips. After awhile, Fiona suggested we make it more interesting.
"How do you want to do that?" asked Stacy.
"Let's play strip poker" replied Fiona.
"I don't know about that" said Anita.
"Oh let's" said Stacy. "What do you think Stephen?"
Fiona was being especially nice to me and the idea of seeing these girls naked was exciting me, so stupidly I agreed. Stacy also agreed and we all turned to look at Anita.
"Well, seeing as how I am outvoted, I agree. Let's play!" she responded.
I didn't realize how much the odds were stacked against me. I was wearing seven items of clothing: 2 shoes, 2 socks, boxers, t shirt and jeans. The girls were wearing more. They each wore 2 shoes, 2 socks, training bras, camisoles, slips, skirts and blouses, a total of nine items.
Fiona suggested that since I was obviously the best poker player amongst them that I should have a handicap. My shoes and socks would count as one item each for me, but theirs would still count as two items. At the time I didn't realize that they were wearing much more clothing than I was. I protested, but they told me if I didn't agree I would not be allowed to play and I would have to leave. With my ego having been fed, I foolishly accepted the premise that I was the best poker player and decided I could not lose. I accepted the terms.
Each of the girls won one of the first three hands which meant while they had each lost only their shoes, I lost my shoes, socks and T shirt. Now I was getting nervous. I managed to win the next two hands which meant the girls lost their socks. I thought it would get interesting now, but Stacy won the next hand and while Fiona and Anita removed their skirts revealing their slips, I had to remove my pants and was wearing only my boxers.
I needed a winning streak with the next hand. I was dealt Aces up and felt pretty good about the hand, but Anita pulled 3 deuces. The girls clapped their hands in delight. Fiona quickly removed her blouse uncovering the camisole she was wearing while Stacy removed her skirt showing her slip.
"Please, don't make me remove my underpants" I begged.
"You agreed to the rules Stephen. Honor them and take off your panties!" Fiona responded.
"I'm not wearing panties!" I replied.
I looked around for my clothes thinking I could grab them and run, but I did not see them. In the commotion following the last hand, someone had apparently grabbed them and hid them. I stood there debating whether or not I should take my boxers off. Before I could decide, I heard Stacy say "Grab him!"
Before I knew it the three girls had tackled me and while Fiona and Anita held me down, Stacy pulled my boxers off. I struggled to get free, and I watched in horror as she threw my boxers out of the window onto the street.
Stacy pointed at my cock and laughing said "That is about the size of my 8 year old brother's".
"It is not a cock" said Fiona "it is a cockette."
All three girls howled with laughter and it was all I could do not to cry.
"Do you still want your boxers Stephen?" asked Fiona after they had calmed down.
"Yes please. Will one of you go outside and get them."
"I'm afraid you will have to do that yourself, but if you do, you should go on home. We don't want to play with a sore loser" replied Stacy.
"What about the rest of my clothes?"
Stacy shrugged her shoulders and all three girls laughed. I couldn't bring myself to go outside naked and the idea of walking home in just my boxers did not appeal to me.
"We will give you clothes when the game is over, but in the meantime you will stand in the corner and turn your back. "
"But why can't I watch the game?"
"Because you lost, you don't get to see us naked."
"That's not fair."
Once again, the girls just smiled. I turned and walked to the corner figuring I would just peek at them while they were playing.
"Cute butt!" said Anita. It would look sweet in a thong!"
The girls all laughed as I turned even redder than I already was. I heard a drawer open and close and one of the girls put a scarf over my eyes and tied it tightly around my head. She adjusted it so I could not see anything. I was once again reminded that unless I stayed there and did not try to peek at them, I would walk home naked.
I am not sure how long the game took, but when it finally ended and I was finally allowed to see again, all three girls were fully clothed. To my surprise, however, Fiona was wearing my clothes. I saw hers lying on the bed including her panties and bra.
"Give me my clothes!" I said.
"No. I will be wearing your clothes and you will wear mine, or you can walk home naked."
Before I could respond, she turned to Stacy.
"Come on Stacy let's go. I'll see you at home Stephanie" she laughed.
The two girls left me standing there naked in front of Anita who could not control her laughter.
"You better get dressed and get out of here. I don't want my mother coming home and seeing a naked boy here. It would not go well for either of us. Trust me!"
"Don't you have a pair of jeans I could borrow?"
"No, you will wear the clothes Fiona left you. If you don't get dressed now I will kick you out and you will have to make your way home naked."
Judging that she was quite capable of doing just that and seeing no other choice I reluctantly stepped into the panties Fiona had left for me. They were pink, of course, nylon, with white flowers on them. I immediately noticed how thin and soft the material was and I had an instant erection. That did not escape Anita's attention and she burst out laughing.
"So you like wearing girls' panties!"
"No! I don't know why that happened."
She continued laughing and handed me Fiona's bra. It also was pink and matched the panties.
"I don't need a bra!"
"Do you want to look like a boy in a dress or would you prefer that I make you look like a girl?"
I thought about it for a few seconds and realized it would be less embarrassing to be mistaken for a girl.
"A girl, I guess".
"Turn around and I will help you with the bra."
She had me slip my arms through the straps and she buckled it in the back. She stuffed it with tissues and adjusted the straps. It felt very foreign to me and I wondered how I would be able to remove it.
Anita held out the slip, also pink and told me to step into it. Then she gave me the matching camisole and the white blouse which was translucent allowing my camisole and bra straps bra to show through. I stepped into the short red pleated skirt which was a good 4-5 inches above my knees. Though completely dressed I felt almost naked and wondered how girls could feel comfortable wearing such clothing. Anita motioned for me to put on the socks and shoes, which surprisingly fit me as if they were mine. The shoes were open toed but had a low heel, which took me a few moments to adjust to. Anita produced a cheap blonde wig which she had worn at Halloween and placed it on my head. She touched it up with a brush.
"Now for makeup" she said.
"No, I didn't agree to that."
"Ok, if you want to look like a boy in a skirt, go for it."
"This just keeps getting better" I said sarcastically and nodded my agreement.
She sat me down on a chair and applied some mascara, eye shadow and lipstick.
"I don't think you need blush, your cheeks are naturally pink" she laughed at my clear show of embarrassment.
"Take a look at yourself!" she said pointing to the full length mirror on the wall.
Following her direction I walked over and stood in front of it. I was stunned at my appearance. Gone was any trace of the boy who had walked over here just a few short hours ago. I won't say I was drop dead gorgeous, but I would certainly not hesitate to date the vision staring back at me.
"Stephanie!" she called out and I turned around to see her snap several picture with her camera.
"Wait" I said and reached for the camera.
She slapped my hand and told me that I had better leave before her mom came home. Not wanting to be caught by her mom in the humiliating outfit I was wearing, I quickly forgot about the camera and headed for the door. I took a few steps outside and heard the door being locked. The realization hit me that I was outside, in public, wearing girls' clothing. I had to walk about ½ mile through a residential neighborhood where any number of people might recognize me.
I remembered how I looked in the mirror and tried to tell myself that I appeared to be a girl and that no one would know who I really was. I wasn't sure that I was terribly convincing, but having no other choice I set off for home. With the unaccustomed heels I could not walk very fast but tried to keep up a steady pace. I was trying to work out a strategy that would allow me to avoid Auntie Vivian until I could get out of these clothes. I finally came up with a tentative plan and just prayed I could get home without being seen by anyone who knew me.
I almost made it home. I got to the corner of my street and was about to turn when I felt a hand on my shoulder.
"Hi there sweet cheeks! What's the hurry?"
I turned towards the voice and started shaking when I recognized Jack Cornwell. He was a couple of years older than me and before he graduated was the school bully. At 16 he was already 6' 2" which was several inches taller than me and built like a football player.
"I haven't seen you in the neighborhood before, what's your name?"
"Ssssssss…Stephanie" I replied.
"Well Ssssssss…Stephanie" he said "I'm Jack."
"You must be new here?" He asked.
I nodded.
"Welcome to the neighborhood Ssssssss…Stephanie" he mocked me. "How about I show you around?"
"I..I d…don't know" I replied frightened that he would recognize me.
"Are you afraid of me?" he asked as he took a couple of steps closer to me.
"Then why are you so nervous?"
Not knowing what else to do I turned down the block and started running from him. I didn't get far before I tripped in the low heels I was wearing. I felt a pair of hands under my arms lift me to my feet. It was Mr. Jacks who lived several doors down from us.
"Are you hurt little girl? He asked me.
"N..no thank you" I replied and turned towards home.
I was crying and shaking and walked as fast as I could to my house, and without thinking about my plan I just barged in through front door. I almost ran into my aunt who apparently had just gotten home herself and was putting her bag down on the table in the entry way.
She had a puzzled look in her eyes at first, but recognition kicked in.
"Stephen! Why are you dressed like a girl? Are those Fiona's clothes?"
Before I could answer Fiona appeared having changed into her own clothes.
"I'm sorry mother" she said. "I know I shouldn't have kept this from you, but Stephen begged me not to tell you. He has often asked me to allow him to wear my clothes, almost from the day he came to live with us. Today he showed up at Anita's house where Stacy and I were and begged us to make him look like a girl so he could feel what it was like to walk outside in a skirt."
"She's lying Auntie Vivian" I said. "I never..".
"I know it is embarrassing Stephen, but it is better if mom knows." Fiona interrupted. "Then you can dress at home whenever you want. Isn't that right Mom?"
"But I don't want to wear girls clothing!"
"Are you calling Fiona a liar?" my aunt inquired.
"Yes! I never wanted to wear her stupid clothes. She made me."
"Really? Fiona does not lie!" my aunt stated emphatically.
"You can call Anita and Stacy. They will verify what I said" added Fiona.
"I will do just that!" responded my Aunt as she walked towards the kitchen to make the calls.
"I'm gonna change my clothes".
"You will do no such thing" my aunt responded "If you want to be a girl you will dress like one, at least at home. Wait there while I verify her story with Anita and Stacy."
As my aunt turned back towards the kitchen I saw Fiona smile at me. It was an evil smile and it suddenly occurred to me that Anita and Stacy might well confirm Fiona's accusations. Then I would really be screwed.
Auntie Vivian came back a few minutes later and I could see she was not happy.
"It seems Stephanie that you have been living a lie in this house. From now on you will wear only girls clothing except for school until I decide otherwise. Is that clear?"
"But Auntie Vivian…".
"I said is that clear?"
""Yes auntie" I responded, knowing I had lost the battle.
"Now come and help me with dinner GIRLS" she said, emphasizing the word 'girls'.
Fiona took my hand and said "Come Stephanie, I will find you a nice frilly apron to wear."
I poured the three drinks, got out some cheese and crackers and put them on a tray. I remembered at the last minute to place a doily on the tray, knowing that Fiona would chastise me if I forgot. I returned to the living room with the tray and noticed Elise looking at Fiona's phone, though I could not see what it was. I remembered to bend at the knee as I set the tray down. It was a lesson I learned those many years ago and I knew Fiona would be watching my every move. I tried to remove the apron thinking I would sit with the women but found that I could not undo the knot that Fiona had tied.
"Keep the apron on Stephen!" ordered Elise. "Since you are more versed in the kitchen then you allowed me to believe, you will prepare dinner while Fiona and I chat. You can do that, can't you?"
Blushing terribly by now at having the truth revealed, and fearful of how Elise was going to respond to my lies I nodded.
"Good, now off you go!"
The Early Years
For the next 4 years I was only allowed boys clothing for school, and even then my underwear was quite feminine including panties, camisoles, and pantyhose. At home I was taught domestic chores such as cooking, baking, sewing, knitting, crocheting, and was expected to do various household chores that I had previously been able to avoid.
I was dressed as a very girlie girl. I was not allowed pants, only frilly dresses, skirts, and blouses. My bras, slips, and panties were all silky with tons of lace. Obviously I had no friends of my own and as a consequence hung out with Fiona, Stacy, and Anita. Auntie Vivian had warned Fiona that I was not to be exposed and that if anyone got wind of my predicament, she would be held responsible. That is not to say that I was not put into embarrassing situations in public. I could pass as a girl, so was often compelled to go out in public while en femme. Fortunately no attempt was made to reveal my true gender.
Since I was not allowed pants, I was often the only one in a skirt or dress when with the other girls. They would take me to ice skate or roller skate and make me wear a skater's costume with frilly panties. Not being terribly well coordinated, I often fell exposing my lacy underwear to all. At the beach I wore a skimpy bikini. That was when I learned to tuck to hide my genitals. Of course I came home with bikini tan lines which only added to my embarrassment.
Anita took a closer interest in me and often invited me to her house. She did not go out of her way to embarrass me. At first she wanted me to try on some of her clothes. She enjoyed seeing me in only my frilly underwear. When I would put on one of her dresses I would have to walk the length of her room or down the hallway if no one else was home as if I were a model.
Other times, when alone in the house we would sit on the sofa in the family room and make out. She always seemed to be wearing pants and was the aggressor. I enjoyed those times the most. The first time we did that she ran her hand under my dress and rubbed me through my panties with predictable results. I had to walk home in my cum soaked panties and by the time I reached home it had seeped through my slip onto my dress. Auntie Vivian was livid and I soon found myself bent over with my skirt up and panties down receiving a spanking on my butt. After that incident I took the precaution of putting a spare pair of panties in my purse when I went to visit Anita. My orgasms were usually followed by Anita removing her trousers and having me lick her pussy through her panties until she came several times.
As I returned to the kitchen I wondered what it was that Elise was looking at. It occurred to me that they were probably pictures of me dressed in girls' clothing and I felt sick inside. I knew this could only bode ill for me but could not think of any way out of my predicament. I loved Elise with all my heart and could not bear the thought of her leaving me, which I assumed was a real possibility.
We had some chicken in the refrigerator and I gathered the ingredients for chicken tetrazzini which I cooked with rice and roasted asparagus. I knew this had been one of Fiona's favorites and hoped it would pacify her. While dinner was cooking I found a recipe for brownies and put those in the oven while we ate dinner. I breathed easier when both women remarked on how good dinner was. By the time we had finished eating, the brownies were done. I cleared the table and served the brownies with coffee and an aperitif.
Elise told me to come into the living room when I finished washing the dishes and cleaning the kitchen. The two women were seated on the sofa and I was odered to stand in front of them.
"Remove your boxers Stephen!" Elise ordered me.
I did as told and Elise handed me a pair of lacy pink panties, motioning for me to put them on. This dominant side of Elise was one I had never seen, but fearful of the consequences of disobeying, I did as ordered.
"Now sit!" Elise ordered me and pointed to the chair opposite the women.
I did as ordered and without thinking about started to smooth the non-existent skirt under my ass and crossed my legs at the knees as I had been taught to do when wearing a skirt or dress those years ago.
"We need to talk about your lie, Stephen. More specifically, how you will make it up to me."
Before I could respond Elise held up her hand to stop me.
"Don't say another word! I don't care why you lied but you will pay. I work my ass off to support us and when I come home I have to prepare dinner and clean up the kitchen, and since Maria quit I have had to clean the house as well. Do you think that is fair?"
Not waiting for my response she continued "It is clearly not fair. Now that I learn you are skilled in domestic duties I think it time that you take them over, since I am the sole bread winner."
I nodded.
"Good, I am glad we agree. That however is not your punishment for lying. Those are your duties to uphold your half of the marriage. You still need to be punished for lying to me, don't you agree?"
Before I could say another word she continued.
"So Stephen, you have two choices. You can leave and we will get a divorce. As you know our prenuptial agreement will leave you with your clothes and nothing else. Or you can take your punishment like a man and if I am satisfied we may stay married. I offer no guarantee."
Fiona giggled.
"I love you Elise. I will do anything but please don't divorce me" I said.
"I thought you would say that. Now come over here and so I can untie your bow and you can remove your apron."
I did as she said and was about to remove the apron but realizing I had on only my panties underneath. I hesitated.
"Well, what are you waiting for?" asked Elise "Take off your apron."
I turned to go to the bedroom.
"Stop, where do you think you are going?"
"To our bedroom" I only have on my pan…underwear. I want to put on pants."
"There is no need for that. Strip! Here and now!"
"Please Elise?" I begged.
She picked up the phone and said "I guess I have to call my lawyer."
"Wait! I will do it."
She smiled at her victory and both women watched as I removed the apron. Before I could cover myself with my hands she ordered me to stand with my hands at my sides.
"Stay there and don't move!" she ordered as she left the room.
She returned with a tape measure and proceeded to take various measurements of my body, reading them off aloud while Fiona wrote them down. I was too scared to inquire what she was doing or why.
She took the paper from Fiona and turned to me.
"I have to go out for awhile. While I am gone Fiona is in charge. You will obey her! If not, she has my permission to discipline you in any way she sees fit? Understood?"
This was getting out of hand, and though I was fearful of being left alone with Fiona I nodded I did not want to piss her off any more than she already was. She had already threatened to call her attorney and I did not want to give her further cause to do so. I expected her anger would subside in a few days. I did not realize at the time how drastically my life would change.
"Come with me Stephanie!" commanded Fiona.
I briefly thought of refusing but the memory of the last time I had refused her was enough to dissuade me.
The summer I turned 16 Auntie Vivian was away on a 2 week cruise and I was left at the mercy of Fiona and her friends. I had been dragged to a party by Fiona, Stacy, and Anita. I protested and insisted I would not go. In all of my previous excursions in public the girls had pretty much isolated me from close contact with anyone. It was made clear to me that at the party I would be expected to socialize with other guests. My protests led to an over the knee spanking by Fiona until I was in tears and agreed to go.
At the party I managed to find a corner where I hoped to be a wallflower, but that had not happened. Several boys came to me and asked me to dance. I was able to turn them down but Stacy noticed. She walked over to me and ordered me to dance with the next boy who asked, promising to take me over her knee in front of everyone if I didn't obey her. Sure enough a boy came over and asked me to dance. He introduced himself as Darnell. It was a fast dance so I accepted, hoping it would be the only one. The next song was a slow dance and before I could turn away he had his arms around me and pulled me to him and led me around the floor. The next three dances were also slow and he would not let me go.
I did not want to make a scene and risk exposure so I danced close with him. After the third song he asked me if I was thirsty to which without thinking, I replied in the affirmative. Holding my hand he led me into the kitchen and got me a cup of punch. It was very fruity and sweet. It was also spiked with alcohol which I didn't realize at the time. I was not much of a drinker but the punch tasted awfully good and I finished it rather quickly which caused me to get light headed. He handed me another one, took my hand and led me outside into the back yard.
Ok, before you say anything I was 16, thirsty, inexperienced with boys or girls for that matter in this kind of a situation, and clearly under the influence of the alcohol, so I put up no protest. He was being nice to me, seemed like a good guy and aside from holding me closer during the dances than I would have liked, did nothing to make me think he would make any unwelcome moves on me.
We found a bench on the lawn and sat there for awhile, he sipping his beer, me sipping my punch and studying the night sky. Few words were exchanged. Between the perspiration on my body from the dancing, the cool night air, and the thin summer dress I was wearing I started to shiver. Darnell put his arm around my shoulder and pulled me close to him. With my inhibitions down due to the alcohol I offered no resistance, and when I leaned into him the warmth of his body felt really good.
I continued drinking, getting higher with each sip. When I finished it he took the cup from me and put it down. I looked up at him and smiled. He tossed the cup on the ground and turned towards me returning my smile. He leaned over and kissed me gently on the lips.
I had never had any interest in boys but I remember thinking how good it felt to be held and kissed so softly. A small part of me knew I shouldn't be doing this but I seemed unable to stop him. He forced his tongue into my mouth and we tongue wrestled for awhile. I felt his hand squeeze my ass and run down my thighs to the hem of my dress. The alarm bell went off when his hand slid up under my dress and moved slowly toward my groin. I caught him unexpectedly when I shoved my hand against his chest breaking his hold on me. Unfortunately I wound up pushing myself backwards and fell on my back onto the ground.
"You're just a cock tease, aren't you" he said angrily.
"No. Please don't hurt me."
"I won't hurt you if you take care of this."
He pointed to the bulge in his pants. I wanted to scream but realized I might put myself in an even more vulnerable position and my secret could come out. Instead I just nodded, agreeing to his demand hoping I could satisfy him with a hand job.
"On your knees" he demanded.
I got up onto my knees and knelt in front of him. He motioned with his hand for me to take out his cock. I started to cry as I realized what I was about to do. I unbuckled his pants and pulled them down. His cock was bulging in his briefs. I pulled them down also and freed from his under pants his erection hit me in the face, which caused him to chuckle.
"Stephanie!" I suddenly heard Anita calling me.
I looked towards the house and saw her on the back porch. I called to her and she came running to me. Darnell quickly put his cock back into his pants and took off. When she saw me she hugged me.
"Oh my god!" she exclaimed "You poor girl. Did you just do what I think you did?"
"No, you came just in time. Thank you" I said while crying.
She wrapped her arms around me and held me until I calmed down. She took me back to the house and fixed my makeup in the bathroom. Then she led me to the car and told me to wait there while she got Stacy and Fiona.
Of course, Fiona never let me forget it. She accused me of luring the boy outside so I could give him a blow job. She would often tease me about finding a boy for me to suck but fortunately she never followed through much to my relief.
Fiona pointed to the suitcase at the front door and ordered me to take it to the guest room. Where she opened the suitcase and took out a bottle and some disposable gloves.
"Now into the bathroom!" she commanded me.
Once there she slipped on the gloves and opened the bottle. Ordering me to stand still she poured some lotion onto her gloved hands and proceeded to rub it over my body. She covered every inch below my eye brows, even my genital area. I was too afraid to protest and stood there like a statue while she covered me. Then she ordered me not to move. The lotion began to burn my skin. In fear of angering her further, I stood there stoically. I knew it was hair remover from my experience as a teenager. Finally she allowed me to step into the shower and wash away all the hair. After I dried myself she rubbed a lotion onto my body explaining that it would reduce the irritation while moisturizing my skin. That may have been the first nice thing that Fiona had ever done for me. She then walked me naked to the guest room and ordered me to stand in the corner facing the wall like a child on "time out."
I don't know how long I stood there until Elise finally returned home with a load of packages. She opened one and handed me a pair of black panties and a matching bra and ordered me to put them on. When I hesitated she told me to either put on the clothes or leave. I slipped on the panties and the bra, hoping the punishment would be temporary and we would return to our old lives. I could not have been more wrong. She pulled my panties down to my knees and placed my penis in a metal tube. She put my a ring around my balls and connected them to the cock cage with to a small metal chain that forced my cock back.. A tiny padlock ensured that I could not remove the cock cage without the key which she hid presumably somewhere in the house. When she pulled up my panties I could see that my groin appeared to be that of a woman. I felt totally emasculated.
Next she wrapped a black corset around my waist and began to tighten it. By the time she had tied off the laces my waist had been reduced by 4 inches and I had the beginning of an hour glass figure. The corset forced my flabby chest into the bra and negated the need for falsies. Then she ordered me to sit on the bed and handed me a new pair of black stockings. She did not have to say anything since she clearly knew that I had experience putting them on and attaching them to the garters on the corset. She produced a pair of black pumps with what appeared to be 4 inch heels and motioned for me to slip them on.
I stood up and had a bit of trouble gaining my balance. It had been awhile since I had worn heels, but it didn't take very long before I was able to walk in them without any problem.
I was ordered to sit at my wife's vanity and Elise gave me makeup to apply. I had been forced to learn to do my own makeup and to my surprise the talent came back to me. In short order I transformed my face into that of a pretty young woman. Elise took over and using comb, brush and scissors styled my collar length hair into a feminine style.
Fiona held up a red dress and laughed at the look in my face as I recognized it as one I had worn those years ago. It was translucent with a free flowing skirt that was several inches above my knees. I remember how humiliated I felt wearing it those years ago and now I was expected to wear it again. I took the dress from her and slipped it over my head. Fiona zipped it up and closed a tiny padlock effectively locking me in the dress. I had grown a couple of inches in height but had not gained much weight since I was last at my childhood home, so it was no great surprise that it still fit. It was, however, much shorter than it had been those years ago. I was totally at the mercy of the two women.
My worry now was wondering where they were going to take me. I knew Fiona well enough to know that having me dress like this was not so we would sit around at home. She was clearly interested in putting me into some embarrassing situation and it appeared that my wife was ready to go along with her. Elise had made it clear that I either obeyed her or leave. Since I could not bear the thought of life without Elise, I swallowed what little pride I had left and resigned myself to go along with their plan, whatever it was.
While I was applying my makeup Elise had changed into a little black dress with black fishnet stockings and CFM 4 inch heels. Her long blonde hair hung loosely and the sight of her would have been enough to give me an incredible erection if my cock hadn't been enclosed in the cock cage. As it was it only caused me significant discomfort.
Fiona had changed into black leather pants and a white low cut blouse that did nothing to hide her magnificent breasts. I had to admit to myself that she too was quite hot. Elise called a taxi and within a few minutes our driver had arrived. The taxi was a clear indication that we would be doing some drinking. It didn't take much of an imagination to figure out what type of establishment we would be imbibing in. As we left the house Fiona handed me a tiny purse which I could strap over my shoulder. In it were a compact, a lipstick, and two tampons.
The taxi driver dropped us off in the center of town in front of Quincy's, a popular night club known to cater to those with alternative life styles. In other words, all types of sexually oriented people could be found there. There was a long line waiting to get in which for a brief moment gave me a reason to breathe easier. That changed when one of the bouncers came over, and greeting Fiona, helped us exit the taxi, and allowed us entry ahead of all those on line.
We managed to find a table near the dance floor and before we could order drinks a round of cosmopolitans was delivered to the table. A tall handsome man approached us.
"Excuse me" he said "I am Jonathan and I thought you looked like the type of women who would enjoy cosmos".
"I am not sure what type you think we are" replied Elise "but thank you for the drinks.
She raised her glass as if to give a toast and sipped it.
"I am Elise, this is my sister-in-law and girlfriend Fiona, and my husband Stephen, but he calls himself Stephanie when dressing like this" she laughed.
I didn't think I could be more embarrassed than I was at that moment. I thought he would break out in laughter and point at me letting the whole club know I was a man. Instead, he just smiled at me and turned back to Elise.
"So, when you say Fiona is your girlfriend do you mean girlfriend or GIRLFRIEND?" he asked.
In response, Elise leaned over to Fiona and French kissed her, which put me in a state of shock. I had long suspected Fiona of being gay but wondered if my wife was also, in fact, a lesbian.
"Too bad" Jonathan replied. "I was about to ask you to dance."
"I'm sorry, but I am sure our lovely Stephanie would love to dance with you Jonathan."
"I would like that" he said and walked to me offering me his hand.
"Go ahead Stephanie!" interjected Fiona before I could protest "You were hoping to meet a nice man here, weren't you?"
The look she gave me clearly meant her question was rhetorical. Reluctantly I allowed him to help me to my feet and holding my hand we walked to the dance floor. It was a slow song the band was playing and I breathed a small sigh of release when he held me loosely.
"You don't mind that I am a guy?" I asked.
"I am mostly straight, but have always enjoyed being with girls that have something extra" he smiled as he looked down towards my groin.
The band continued to play slow songs and he gradually pulled me towards him until our bodies touched. I felt his erection against my stomach and became fearful of what was coming next. I glanced over his shoulder looking for my wife and Fiona. When I finally found them they were dancing together at the far end of the dance floor. Fiona was leading and holding Elise tightly. I saw them exchange affectionate kisses and it occurred to me that this whole evening had probably been a setup. It made me angry but I could not figure a way out of my current predicament as Jonathan wrapped both hands around me and held my waist tightly with one hand and my butt with the other.
A couple of songs later the band took a break. He led me back to our table and pulled up a chair. Fiona grabbed my hand and told me we were going to the ladies' room, leaving Elise alone with Jonathan. When we returned, the band was starting up again and Elise stood up, grabbed Fiona's hand and led her to the dance floor.
Without asking me, Jonathan took my hand and also led me to dance. After several dances, he led me off the dance floor towards the exit. I tried to stop him but being much stronger than me he easily pulled me along.
"Please stop. I can't go with you."
"You really don't have a choice. Your wife asked me to watch over you and see you got home safely."
"You're taking me home?"
"Yes, where did you think we were going?"
"I.. I don't know" I replied. I felt a sense of relief and was not willing to admit I thought he was taking me some place to "use me" for his pleasure.
I was surprised and suspicious that he knew where we lived. When I questioned him he told me that Elise had given him the address. He walked me to the door holding my hand. I realized at that point that I did not have a key. I rang the bell hoping that Elise and Fiona had beaten us home but there was no answer. I turned to him to tell him of my plight when he produced a key and opened the door for me.
"But how…"
"Elise gave me a key. They are going to a party and will be home quite late."
He opened the door and motioned for me to go in. I turned the light on and turned to him to thank him for the ride when he took me in his arms and gave me a long passionate kiss. Once again I could feel his erection. To my shock I felt myself trying to get erect inside the cock cage.
"Thank you for a very nice evening" he said as he caressed my face with his hand.
Then he handed me the key, gave me another kiss and walked to his car.
The thought that he could have forced himself on me caused me to break down in tears. I was in an emotional turmoil. I don't know how long I lay there crying before I finally got myself together and made my way to the bathroom to clean myself up as best I could. I decided that if this was to be my life that I would be better off leaving. I had nothing. Our pre-nuptial agreement had pretty much guaranteed that. If Elise was willing to risk my safety like that I figured I figured that her love for me was over.
I had to tear off my dress since it was padlocked on. I tore off the rest of my clothing but could not get the corset off. It had metal stays and I knew I would not be able to cut through them. I then examined the cock cage and realized that without the key I would be unable to remove it. Unwilling to escape wearing the corset and cage I started to cry. I went to my dresser to get pajamas. The drawers were filled with panties, bras, slips, stockings, and other intimate female apparel. My closet held only skirts, dresses, blouses, and heels. It did not contain even one pair of pants, not even a pair of girl's pants. I recognized some of the clothes that I had worn years before. I lay down on the bed and began to cry once again. Fatigue set in and I fell asleep wearing only my corset.
I heard the girls come into the house in the wee hours talking and laughing. They both sounded like they had a bit too much to drink. Later I heard moaning and screams of pleasure coming from the guest bedroom. I covered my ears with one of the pillows to muffle the sounds of passion coming from the two women. I pulled a blanket over me and drifted off to sleep again. I did not wake up until the sun shined through the window and Elise was screaming at me to get up.
Finally I felt the blankets being pulled off me. Elise grabbed my arm and with surprising strength pulled me to my feet. Then she turned me away from her and loosened my corset, letting it fall to the floor.
"I've drawn a bath for you, when you are finished come back here and I will lay out your clothes for the day. Don't be long Stephanie!"
She emphasized my name, a clear implication that that is what I would be called, at least for the time being. Then she gave me a not too gentle shove towards the door.
It felt good to be out of the corset. The bath was filled with bubbles and smelled like roses. I can't say I was terribly surprised after the previous evening, but the water felt good when I got in and lay there for awhile. I heard Elise calling me, telling me to hurry up. For what I did not know, but not wanting to anger her any further I quickly washed up and got out of the bath.
It was no surprise to see girls' clothing on the bed. Not wanting to piss my wife off any further, I chose to dress in the humiliating clothing. I stepped into the yellow panties she left me and slipped on the matching bra. Without the corset my male breasts did not come close to filling the bra. Then I noticed the breast forms and inserted them into my bra. I had experience with them from my teen years of forced cross dressing. Nude panty hose, a pink skater skirt, a white sweater and white low heeled pumps completed the outfit. I did a quick job on my makeup and not knowing what else to do with my hair I put it in a high pony tail. Then, with a great deal of anxiety, I went down to the kitchen to face the day.
The girls were sitting at the kitchen table chatting over coffee. I was ordered to prepare breakfast for them. I did not expect to be freed from my feminized captivity as long as Fiona was here. I hoped then I would be able to reason with Elise and come to some sort of an agreement that would allow me to dress as a male. After breakfast they took me to a salon, where in an unnecessarily loud voice Elise explained that I was her sissy husband who wanted to be feminized and that she agreed that it was appropriate for me. There was a great deal of laughter from many of the patrons and staff.
I was taken into a back room by two young women barely out of their teens. They introduced themselves as Cindy and Amanda. I was told to strip to my underwear and was given a pink smock to put on. I waited for them to leave the room while I undressed, but they stood there and reiterated their demand that I strip. It was clear that they were not leaving so I was forced to strip in front of them causing me further humiliation.
Cindy washed my hair, added highlights, and left me with my hair in curlers under a dryer. Then Amanda got to work and gave me a pedicure and a manicure with acrylic nails that made it hard for me to pick up anything. She told me I would have to become accustomed to working with them.
After Cindy removed the rollers and combed out my hair, Amanda gave me a makeover. The first thing she did was wax my eye brows which was not pleasant. After seeing the result I was convinced that I would be unable to pass as a male or at least not as a straight male. The whole process took about 4 hours and I was exhausted. They did not leave the room while I stripped off the smock and put on the clothes I came with. They giggled and made unflattering remarks about my being such a sissy.
If I thought my public excursion was over I was wrong. The girls then took me shopping to buy me maid's uniforms. They made it clear that I was male to the sales girls. For my domestic chores they bought me 3 knee length dresses with A line skirts in Black, gray, and pink. They looked like the dresses hotel maids wear. For entertaining they were French maid's dresses in black, light blue, and pink. It was even more humiliating then my time at the salon.
When we got home I was ordered to change into one of the day uniforms to prepare dinner. While dinner was cooking, I was ordered to bathe and change into the blue French maid's dress to serve them. Before I went to bathe I served them cocktails with some crackers and cheese.
When the evening was over I collapsed into bed. Fiona departed the next day, but I continued serving as a maid. Each morning Elise left me a list of chores. If I didn't complete them by the time she came home from work she would take me across her knees and spank me. I never realized how strong Elise was and felt powerless to resist her. The spankings brought me to tears and it was often painful to sit for a day or two. I learned to do my chores to her satisfaction and after several weeks she rarely had to spank me. Once a week I was allowed out of my cock cage. She would handcuff me to the bed posts, pull my panties down, remove the cock cage, place a condom on my cock and masturbate me her latex covered hands. After I came she would remove he condom and drain it into my mouth making certain I had swallowed all of it.
After completing my daily chores I was required to "dress for dinner". That meant a French maid's uniform. After serving Elise dinner, I ate in the kitchen after cleaning up and serving her an after dinner drink. I complained to her that I was her husband and should not be treated like this. She told me that I was free to leave if I could not abide her rules. I still loved Elise and could not imagine my life without her. I stayed in the hopes that she would in the future allow me to resume my life has her husband.
A few months later Elise started dating men. Apparently her fling with Fiona was just that and she decided she was straight. I was required to serve her and her male friends. They often spent the night and I accepted that she was not going to allow me to be her husband in any meaningful way. My hair had grown out and to my chagrin I realized I was growing breasts and becoming more emotional. Elise admitted to me that Fiona had injected me with a time release capsule of female hormones. Thee would be no hope of reversing the hormones effects. She had me strip, removed my cock cage and had me look at myself in the mirror. I realized that my cock and balls had shrunk and my body was taking on a more feminine shape. I cried myself to sleep that night.
One day Elise presented me with divorce papers.
"I still love you Stephanie but because of your lies I don't feel I can trust you. I think it is best if we divorce. You may stay on as my live in house maid and in addition to room and board I will pay you a small salary. If you choose not to stay you may move on. As per the pre nuptial agreement you will get nothing but your clothes. You have a few days to decide, but should you choose to leave I expect you to be out of the house within 2 weeks."
I cried myself to sleep that night. My career as a writer had been a total failure and I realized that my only talent was to be a maid. I decided to stay on as Elise's house maid until such time as I could come up with a better plan. I hoped to save money that might allow me to resume my birth gender.
So that is my life. The worst part was the feminization of my body and my developing breasts. They were small, but noticeable. When she removed my cock cage she allowed me to touch it for the first time in a very long time. The changes to my body were too far gone for me to be able to function as a male. Clearly I would forever pay for the lies I had told my wife.
Elise married Vernon, one of her boyfriends. I wanted to object, but the threat from Elise reminded me to know my place as one of her bridesmaids. He does not treat me poorly but his presence seems to emphasize in my mint my inadequacy as a male.
Elise was unwilling to leave me in the house alone while they were on their honeymoon so her parents agreed to take me in. I was very nervous about the arrangement but the choice was not mine to make.
I had always had the feeling that they disapproved of her marriage to me and had been distinctly cold to me when they learned of my lies to Elise. Staying with them and serving them as their maid was not an ideal situation for me.
They were both in their mid fifties. I found out soon enough where Elise got her strength from when on my second day with them her mother had me across her lap with my skirts up and panties down for a sound spanking. She often spanked me me for perceived offenses.
They both took great pleasure in humiliating me in front of their friends, introducing me as their daughter's ex-husband as I stood in front of these people in one of my maid's dresses. Invariably I was ordered to lift my dress and expose my panties. Despite the humiliating life I had led with Elise before her marriage, and not knowing what to expect when they returned from their honeymoon, I eagerly anticipated their return.
The End
I wish to thank Annabelle Brito for reviewing and making suggestions that I believe have greatly improved the story.
This is complete fiction and any resemblance to persons living or dead is pure coincidence. I hope you enjoy it. Please leave your comments, good or bad. I try to learn from constructive criticism. If you prefer you may email me at kjensen0611@gmail.com.
Really excellent Karen. Such a wonderful touch at the very end where you have Sissy Stephanie serving as a Sissy Maid to her ex-wife's parents. You could do an entire story on that alone.
ReplyDeleteI enjoyed this story very much! It was (and still is) one of my most favorite fantasies.