New! A Concubine for Doctor Rochelle

Priscilla Gay Bouffant

Overwhelmed by his present situation, a young male falls deeper and deeper into a perilous, feminine chasm. Escape is doubtful.

Chapter I: The Doctor will see you now
     The boy stared at his ever increasing, feminine countenance and exterior. The attendant removed the hair curlers and began to arrange his hair, into an “appropriate style for an interview with a possible employer.” The boy thought, “My hair is just so very, excessively, blond!”
     Indeed it was. As it should be. Champagne blond, to be exact. That was the color the stylist had termed it. His longish hair was smoothly combed in the back and somewhat on the sides, into a sleek, upward trajectory. “I’m giving you a top curled upsweep dear. The Doctor who is interviewing you today, isn’t looking for a Sissy maid. She says, she’s in the market for more of a Lady’s Boy or in your case, a Lady’s Companion,” the hairdresser replied.
     “We’ve been training you in that direction anyway. Ever since your previous, perspective employer had to…. Decide against having a Sissy Maid. Her latest Fiancé would have none of that! Didn’t want a Pantywaist Sissy, swishing about in girls’ clothing, he said!” The hairdresser chimed in, scoffing at the boy.
     The boy was glad he was caped, while he was being coiffed and made up. At least he wasn’t able to see the breasts he had grown since he was at the school. “Oh goodness! What indignity and mortification one foolish night of excessive drinking has brought upon me,” he thought.
     It was true. He’d been at a New Year’s Eve party, at the home of Lady Cynthia Berkline. In fact, he had been with Lady Berkline’s niece, Crimson. The beauty of young Crimson, as well as her ample bosom, and expensive perfume, added to the excessive alcohol he’d consumed, led to the young male to being unable to control his sexual emotions!
    Even as the beautiful Crimson had screamed, “Stop!” It was unfortunate. He had most of her clothing off as well as his own. He also had a raging erection in his hand. He was positioned to mount, the lovely, young, Crimson, when Lady Berkline and several of the other guests arrived in the boudoir where this act of uncontrollable, sexual passion, was about to take place.
     “My goodness, he’s trying to rape my niece, Crimson!” Lady Berkline screamed out. Police were called, the arrest was made. Unfortunately for the young lad, Niece Crimson was not yet 18. The young male you ask? Yes, of course, he had just turned 21.
     The charges were sexual assault, as well as attempted rape. Of a minor, no less. The prison sentence could be as long as ten years. Of course, Lady Berkline had connections. First, the boy would attend a school for six months. Then he would work for Lady Berkline.
     He would be employed in her home as a servant, for another year, after his school term was over, of course. Lady Berkline would then arrange for the charges to be reduced, to the total time of the indenture, plus the training.
     The young lad agreed readily and signed all the documents. He was all too late in realizing Lady Berkline’s devious strategy. The institute where she had registered him, was run by a society that steadfastly adhered to an exacting credence. That wayward males, needed strict, authoritarian and thorough feminization, before they could be totally redeemed.
     Then Lady Berkline had become engaged. Her suitor would have no parts of some silly, sissy, fop, prancing about in high heels and curled hair. So Lady Berkline advertised through the Cassandra Sissy Academy the availability of a one year indentured sissy.
    Now seated at the institute’s beauty salon, the youth was doing his best not to break out into tears. With all the feminizing chemicals, coursing through his now, beautifully contoured body, it was a very trying accomplishment. He knew if he did cry, he’d likely be admonished for “ruining” his makeup.
     This would result in demerits and a trip to the Matron’s office for distressing punitive measures. Thus far he’d been injected with Estrogen, Premarin and Prolactin, in both his buttocks and underarms. He’d had collagen injected into his lips, while seated in this very salon chair. He’d also been massaged with creams and lotions containing all of these very same hormonal ointments.
     These treatments had produced a curvaceous, smooth and soft, female body, as well as the emotional disposition of a very delicate young lady. As the hairdresser completed the young male’s coiffure and cosmetic application she had him stand. She carefully removed his cape, before she turned him to the full length mirror to his left.
     The boy gulped. His 34 B-cup breasts jutted out most prettily from behind his lacy, ruffled, pink, high-collared blouse. The pushup brassiere was doing the utmost to show off his delectable bosom. The combination of strict dieting, corsetry, and a long line panty girdle showed off the Sylph-like dimensions of his narrow, 22 inch waist.
     At 5’9” in his stocking feet, and a svelte 120 pounds, his figure had taken on the beautifully girlish proportions, of an exquisite debutante. His well-rounded, ample, 36” hips, completed the illusion of a beautifully coiffed, glamorous, well-endowed, young female.
     Perched on his elegant 3 inch high heels and wearing a charcoal, hobble skirt, the boy was helped into a matching, charcoal, lady’s business blazer. The beautician finished the boy off with a dab of perfume on both his wrists and behind both ears.
     “Now. We’ll go to the matron’s office and meet Doctor Constance Rochelle,” the hairdresser said. The effeminate boy minced along in time with his escort, his heels clicking prettily. His breathing had slowed to a normal rate. At the very least…. If this Lady Doctor liked him. He might possibly depart, this intolerably mortifying habitation. Then he could begin a yearlong indenture.
     Standing at the door of the Matron’s office, the hairdresser knocked. “Yes, please come in,” the Matron called out.
     “Yes Matron. I have brought Marie, for her interview with Doctor Rochelle, ma’am,” announced the hairdresser. The boy’s name had of course been changed from Marcus, to the very unmanly, sissifying and overtly girlish name of Marie.
     “Do come in, young lady,” intoned the Matron as the hairdresser guided Marie through the doorway and said her adieu to the Matron.
     “Thank you Matron. I feel graced to be in your presence Milady,” said the sissy boy curtseying.
     “Very well Marie, as you should be. Marie, this is Doctor Constance Rochelle. She is interested in employing you for one year. As soon as your six month term is complete here. I believe you will still be with us for two more months Marie,” the Matron spoke.
     Marie, curtseyed, and said, “Tis a pleasure Milady Rochelle.”
     “You of course realize Marie that your agreement with the dear, Lady Berkline is still in effect. By law you are obligated to complete it? Unless of course you would prefer incarceration?” Matron asked.
     “No ma’am. I mean, I will gladly fulfil the obligation I signed with Lady Berkline,” the boy bowed from the waist.
     “Come closer to Doctor Rochelle, girl. That’s it. Stand there. Head bowed, of course. Doctor, would you like to inspect the girl?” Matron asked.
     “Yes, of course. From what I can see, you’ve accomplished a simply divine transformation in four months’ time. Are her breasts real? Her hips are marvelously desirable!” Doctor Rochelle exclaimed.
     “Yes. Most of what you see is all hormonally induced. We don’t permit a student to depart these premises, without an authentic feminine shape. As well as a representative girlish disposition. Depending on their training, they are at the very minimum, proficient in a least one of, Domestic sciences or the beauty arts,” the Matron explained.
     “Yes. Well I would be requiring primarily beauty and personal boudoir services. Also a female companion. As well as beautician, and valet. For myself and for my dear, nineteen year old daughter, when she is home from University,” said Constance Rochelle.
     “This girl really is lovely Matron. Oh by the way. I intend for her to keep the name Marie. But, as her middle name. I intend to rename her Lizette. Lizette Marie. Look at me darling girl. Lift your eyes and look upward at me,” said Doctor Rochelle as she tilted Lizette’s chin skyward.
     “So do you like your new name Lizette? Lizette Marie of course?” Constance Rochelle asked.
     “Yes, Milady. Tis such pretty name, mum,” Lizette half smiled.
     “Matron. I’m quite pleased with what I see here. I would be collecting Lizette in two months’ time if it pleases you,” smiled Constance.
      “Yes. Of course. Lizette. You are dismissed. One of the Matron assistants will escort you to your next class,” announced Matron, as the newly named Lizette curtseyed and exited.
     “Well Constance. Now that we have the privacy, necessary. Could we further discuss the Boudoir Services you described as being desirable? Sexual in nature I presume? This information would only be used for further training of the girl, of course,” smiled the Matron.
     “Well yes. As I practicing Gynecologist, I often provide services to members of our Sisterhood where their effeminized males are concerned. The insertion of butt plugs, normal ball sac milking, advanced prostrate milking, as well as the injection of all the obligatory female hormones. These are all part of the scope of services we offer,” smiled Constance Rochelle.
     “I have often given referrals to surgeons that perform breast implants, as well as other feminizing surgical procedures. I’m fully aware of the sexual proclivities and versatility of the feminized male,” the Doctor added.
     “I am alone quite frequently, while my daughter, Karina, is at University. My spouse Alan and son Vance, my oldest, at 23, travel often with their luxury home building concern. So, oral stimulation as well as satisfaction, by a very effeminate Changeling such as Lizette Marie, would be most fulfilling,” smiled the Doctor.
     “And the rest of the family, you just mentioned. Would they be partaking of the delights, of our little Changeling’s sexual promiscuity? Matron asked.
     “Well, I believe my daughter Karina would be interested in the same sort of oral stimulation I would desire from Lizette. Karina has occasionally brought home female love interests. I’ve always permitted her to share the same bed with them,” smiled Constance.
     “How lovely! My oldest daughter is a committed lesbian. Ah, yes. The joys of unbridled, though introspective female to female lovemaking! So joyous!” Matron exclaimed.
     “How about your spouse and male offspring?” Matron again queried.
     “Truthfully, I have never enjoyed performing oral sex on my husband or any male. I fully intend having Lizette, fluff my husband Alan, should the subject come up. Men’s semen tastes awful,” complained Constance.
     Constance paused before continuing. “My son, Vance is a homosexual. We have a family reputation to uphold. I hope you don’t mind. However, I intend to attempt to promote a relationship between Vance and Lizette. At the very least, our friends, family and business associates will believe Vance has a girlfriend,” Constance shared.
    “The idea of my son, holding hands or kissing a man publicly, frightens me. If he finds Lizette attractive I’d offer to pay her to marry him. Though her life might be unusual, she would reside in the lap of luxury. Is this beyond the scope of the indenture?” Constance asked.
     “Whatever arrangement you might come into with Lizette, beyond the indenture, would be between your family and Lizette. The Academy is only concerned with Lizette paying her debt to Lady Berkline and her niece Crimson. We will see that Lizette is properly Slut Trained to the standards you require,” Matron promised, smiling.
Chapter II: Estate Rochelle
     The drive to the Rochelle estate was a true relief to Lizette. She was so thrilled to be able to leave the Cassandra Academic Institute of Advanced Effeminacy Studies. Doctor Rochelle’s attractive and masculine dressed, female driver, drove in silence, giving Lizette time to think of how to behave properly during her year as a Lady’s Companion.
     As the limousine navigated the long driveway to the Rochelle Estate, the pretty, limo driver spoke through an intercom. “Doctor Rochelle is at her office, Miss. Her husband and son are traveling on business. Her daughter, Ms. Karina is home from her University studies. She will meet you when we arrive at the entranceway,” the driver explained.
     “Here we are Miss. There is Ms. Karina with two servants. I will get the door and open the trunk,” the driver spoke.
     “Hello Lizette. I’m pleased to meet you. Ladies, take Miss Lizette’s belongings to the boudoir between Mother’s boudoir suite and my suite. Come to me Lizette and let me hug you. Such a pretty girl. Come to my boudoir while the servants put your belongings away,” smiled Karina.
     Karina held Lizette’s hand as she walked her up the stairway. Once they entered Karina’s Boudoir suite, Karina posed Lizette in the middle of the room to appraise her.
     “I can hardly believe you were ever a boy Lizette. You certainly aren’t much of a boy now though. Are you? In fact you couldn’t have been much of a male to allow a group of ladies to transform you so easily, I would dare to think,” said Karina.
     Lizette blushed furiously. She was so embarrassed by the conspicuousness of her plight, she said nothing.
     “In fact, here I am a female and I’m wearing slacks and flats. You’re wearing a hobble skirt, a ruffled blouse, and three inch high heels. My dark brown hair, is cut in a sensible Bob, and still in its own natural color. Your hair is styled in a heavily sprayed, fastidiously styled, flamboyant version of a page boy. Plus, a dramatic Champagne blond is hardly anyone’s real shade,” Karina pointed out.
     “With your curvaceous figure you’re really, very much more feminine than I am at this point. However, I don’t really care that you’re a sissy. That is what we call a girly-boy, such as you, these days, isn’t it, Lizette? A sissy? That is true, isn’t it Lizette?” Karina asked.
     “Yes ma’am, Ms. Karina. You are so very correct, ma’am. I am a sissy,” Lizette admitted, embarrassed horribly at this admission of her advanced effeminacy.
     It was true. The trim, athletic, somewhat muscular Karina, was much closer to being boyish, than the overtly, girly, Lizette could ever think of being. It was most shameful to Lizette, and she nearly wanted to shed tears.
     “Don’t let it trouble you girl. You’re not the only effeminized boy I know. However, you are the most lovely,” said Karina, as she kissed Lizette’s crimson lips.
     “Yes, you are very much, every bit, in fact, a quite attractive young lady,” Karina added. Then she kissed Lizette again, this time full on the mouth. She took Lizette firmly in her arms and embraced her confidently, as an assertive male might treat a dutiful female. Releasing Lizette, Karina closed the door to her room.
     “Come with me, Lizette. Lay with me on my bed. The door is locked. No one will enter. Come girl. Lay with me. I want to kiss with you and feel your voluptuous body in my arms,” said Karina as she led the helpless Lizette to her large bed.
     For the very effeminized Lizette, the experience was dizzying, to say the very least. She swooned as Karina pulled her to the bed. Then, Karina climbed atop the girlie sissy, and smothered her with moist kisses.
     As Karina very briefly broke away from her amorous assault of her willing conquest, Lizette gasped in blatant, sissified pleasure. “Oh my gracious, Ms. Karina. I’ve never been kissed so ardently, before. You are so very strong and commanding. Are you certain we should be doing this ma’am? What would Mistress Constance say, should she find out? Lizette inquired.
    “Well she need not know, silly girl. She shan’t be home for several hours. Four to five hours to be more exacting. For the time being you are mine, dear heart. With Mother gone, I happen to be the Mistress of this household. You are in my control, precious,” Karina spoke authoritatively.
     Karina unbuttoned Lizette’s blouse and kissed her passionately on her neck. “You have gotten me wet and sticky between my legs. My pussy is just sopping wet, my lovely. You must lick it and kiss it to my exacting standards, my exquisite doll,” Karina ordered, as she kicked off her flats and removed her slacks and panty.
     “Get your head, between my legs my most lovely, dear. That’s it. Press your adorable face and collagen fattened lips right up to my cunt. Now snake that darting tongue across my clit. Oh very good! You have practiced. Open me wide with those, smooth, beautifully manicured fingers,” Karina sighed.
     Lizette had indeed practiced much at the Cassandra Academy. Evenings, a Mistress would come to her room. Then she would teach the glamorously made up, and heavily perfumed sissy, to suck and slurp her pussy, as well as a life- sized faux penis. Once the rubber penis was sopping wet, from the sissy’s drool and spittle, the Mistress would mount the sissy. Then she would lube the sissy’s anus, and enter her rectum with the dildo.
     The amorous sissy would screech, buck and jiggle her hot, bottom as the Mistress would prod and plow the sissy’s backside. A few of the Mistresses could be quite rough and aggressive with Lizette. “Don’t think a man won’t ride you like a sluttish, little filly, darling,” one Mistress had implied.
      Ms. Karina, was now reaching the apex of her passion. She was ready to burst forth. Lizette, had enough experience, having her face, lips, tongue and fingers in Ladies’ vaginas. She knew Ms. Karina would be having an orgasm soon.
     Lizette intensified her efforts to good results. Karina arched her back and gasped. Then she bucked her hips several times, screeching out, “More, more, Lizette!” Then she simply screamed in ecstasy as her thighs squeezed tightly on Lizette’s head.
     Karina breathed heavily and pulled Lizette to her. “Cuddle with me, my sweet, sweet, sissy-girl. Oh yes, my pretty. Lay here with me and baby me, precious,” Karina said, as she kissed all over Lizette’s face.
     Lizette, felt unfulfilled as far as having an orgasm. But she felt accomplished that she had satisfied Karina. “Lizette, darling. I will come to you tonight when you are in a nightgown. You appear to be wearing a long line girdle underneath your hobble skirt. Just too much undressing,” smiled Karina.
     “Yes, Miss. I am here at your pleasure,” Lizette answered.
     “How sweet. I’m going to nap. You should take a nap also. Go to your room. I’ll have a maid wake us when Mother calls. She always phones, as she leaves her office,” said Karina.
    “Yes ma’am, Ms. Karina,” said Lizette, as Karina kissed her. Lizette checked herself in the vanity mirror when she got back to her room. She decided to strip down to her foundation garments, touch up her hair and makeup and lay out some things to wear to dinner.
    Lizette slept somewhat fitfully.  So much had happened in the past six months. She was still unaccustomed to sleeping with the two swollen orbs protruding from her chest. Especially when she would turn over. She also missed the normal erupting orgasm of a male.
     Not being completely fulfilled by Karina left a lingering in her loins. When she did awaken she was sweating. “Such a strange dream!” Lizette thought. In her dream, she was being kissed fervently. She was aroused. Then as her dream lover pushed her to the bed, she realized all too late, it was a young man!
     A handsome young man at that. Though he resembled, Karina! In his hand he was holding a large, swollen, penis. The penis was dripping with pre-cum sperm. The young man was pushing his penis into Lizette’s creamy, crimson lips! Her heart was still beating excitedly when Karina knocked on her boudoir door.
    “Mother will be here within the hour. I would suggest, when we meet her, in the foyer, you ask if she would care for a before dinner drink. Let me explain about Mother. She is the absolute Mistress in this household. She wields more power in our family than anyone. Including my father or brother,” Karina said.
    “She holds the purse-strings, and controls all the finances. My father and brother would never dare defy her. They kowtow to her in all matters. You, are off limits to any of us, unless Mother would give her permission for one of us to have our way with you,” said Karina blushing.
     “Well. If Lady Constance gave you permission to have your way with me earlier today….. Then I’m very glad she did,” smiled Lizette, moving to the vanity to fix her face and hair.
     “Are you wearing this pink A-line skirt with the black, diaphanous top, to dinner?” Karina asked.
     “Yes, with those black strappy heels. My hair will be worn up, and I’ll make up my face, with evening makeup. You like?” Lizette asked.
     “Yes. Smashing. So glam. Mother will love it!” Karina exclaimed.
     “I believe it was Lady Constance who purchased the outfit. These are not clothes I wore at the Academy. I would guess she was given my sizes by the administration there,” said Lizette.
     Doctor Constance Rochelle arrived on time from the office. Her daughter and Lizette met her. Constance was quite pleased when she noted Lizette in the pink and black ensemble. She was also quite pleased with Lizette’s offer of a before dinner beverage.
     “Oh, you lovely child. Yes. Scotch and soda on the rocks. Two fingers of Scotch. That outfit looks so posh on you dear. I knew it would. Isn’t she just stunning, Karina?” Constance asked.
     “Yes Mother. I find her quite the looker. Lizette? I will have what Mother is drinking. And why don’t you pour a glass of Pink Chablis for yourself? That would be fine, wouldn’t it Mother?” Karina asked as Constance agreed.
     Each of Constance, Lizette and Karina had finished two drinks by the end of dinner. Constance decided on a bath. “Lizette. Why not bathe while I’m in the tub. Make your hair and face nice, for bedtime. Then come to my room. A robe and heels will be perfect,” Constance said as she whisked away.
     Karina seemed perturbed that Mother would be partaking of Lizette’s tasty treats. “Goodnight Lizette. Make yourself lovely for Mother. I wish you were going to bed with me,” Karina pouted as she kissed her new girl goodnight.
     Lizette arrived in Constance’s room, just as ordered. She wore a fresh patina of turquoise lipstick. She had on satiny high heels and a floral kimono. Her face was flushed, slightly polished with face cream. The Kimono was open enough at the lapel to show Lizette’s delightful bosom. Her hair was wet and shiny.  She had combed it back sleekly. Then she tied it in a stylish bun at the nape of her neck.   She had dabbed perfume between her breasts.
     “Come here to my bed Lizette. I want you to massage my feet and legs with this Sonoma lotion. Here. Let me lift my robe so you may rub me, right up to my thigh muscles,” smiled Constance.
     Lizette started with her Lady’s feet. She used as much force as she could to penetrate the muscles and work the cream into Lady Rochelle’s feet and ankles. Then she moved to the calves. Constance Rochelle loved what her Lady’s companion was doing.
     “Oh my Lizette. Oh that feels so good. Such a long week. I’m so glad you came today and I didn’t wait for the morrow to come collect you. This is heavenly, you sweet, sweet, child. Work on my thighs. My thighs please, Lizette. Near my pussy. Make my pussy come alive, my darling Lizette,” pleaded Constance.
    “Yes, Milady Constance. Lizette would dearly love to do that,” the sissy-girl added, lubricating her hands and strongly massaging the areas closest to Constance’s vagina.
     Constance was breathing passionately. “Enough. Come to me Lizette. Hug me and suckle at my breasts. Oh yes. Open my gown. Very good. Open your Kimono darling. I want to feel your breasts as you suckle mine,” Constance commanded.
     “Oh your breasts are beautiful, Lizette. So young and ripe. I love them. Do you love my breasts, child? Tell me. Do you love my big breasts?” Constance asked.
     “Yes, Milady Constance. Your breasts are so vibrant and full of life and love. I adore them Milady Constance. They are part of you,” Lizette gasped.
     “Oh. You are a dear. So precious. Such a sweet, adorable girl. Umm, you smell so very nice. Oh darling Lizette Marie. You and I will have so much fun together. I’ll take you shopping for pretty clothes and show you off at Ladies’ luncheons. Weekends we’ll spend hours at the beauty parlor together,” Constance promised.
     “Oh yes. And evenings like this, with my Hubby out of town, we will be in bed together. Here darling. I asked Karina earlier. She didn’t finish you off today. Let Mummy take care of that. On your back precious,” said Constance to Lizette’s surprise. Lizette was indeed surprised that Mistress would care to take care of her sexually. She was also surprised that she’d discussed the afternoon sex with her daughter.
    Constance positioned Lizette on her back. She parted Lizette’s shapely legs. She made Lizette slide her feet back to elevate her knees, with her legs spread. Lizette was always easily positioned. Her exacting training at the Cassandra Academy made certain she was readily available for anything her Mistress would suggest.
    Doctor Constance, very professionally snapped on a surgical glove. She liberally lubricated the index and middle fingers of the glove. These fingers she slowly inserted into Lizette’s easily acceptable rectum. The Doctor inserted, and then twisted her fingers side to side, causing the submissive Lizette to squeal, whimper and wiggle her hips.
    “Oh baby Lizette. Don’t fear darling. You will enjoy what is about to happen,” cooed the voluptuous Doctor. She removed the glove and then oiled an interesting, battery powered pussy vibrator. It was pink, of course, with a long slender extension at the end.
    “This is a prostrate massager darling. Have you ever been prostrate-milked? No? I thought not. Well then, my little virgin, you are in for a real treat,” smiled Constance.
     The well trained, gynecologist, was an expert where sissies and other forms of transformed males were concerned. She slowly inserted the extended end of the vibrator into the anus of the mewling, but compliant Lizette. The batteries were turned on, and soon, Lizette’s rectum was receiving an unusual, but not unpleasant massage.
    “Oh my. It feels different, but it is nice, Lady Constance,” sighed the sissy-girl.
     “Yes, honey. Lady Constance won’t hurt her girl. Oh, I might paddle you or spank you if you are naughty, but I specialize in this sort of treatment,” said Constance.
     Just as the vibrator contacted Lizette’s prostrate, her eyes rolled back. Constance smiled and placed a well-oiled hand on Lizette’s hormonally shrunken penis. As Constance knew it would, the penis showed some life and sprung to attention. It was a modest size, but obviously, quite consistent, with the girl’s hormonal intake for the past four months.
     Constance allowed the vibrator to hum against the sissy’s prostrate. She worked it in a circular motion as she moved her other hand up and down on the sissy-girl’s swollen sissy-clit. By this juncture, Lizette was pleasantly shaking her buttocks and sighing deeply. Sweat poured down the side of her blushed cheeks. Her glossy lips were parted slightly by her tongue.
     The orgasm built slowly and the eruption came. Constance pursed her own creamy lips in a knowing smile as the sissy’s legs thrashed, as Lizette folded her arms as if to caress her blossoming breasts.
     “Oh please, you amazing lady. Oh goodness me! I can’t believe this! Oh wow!” Lizette literally screamed and nearly passed out as the sperm continued to spurt from her penis.
     Constance watched to the end, until her Lizette was curled up into a ball, crying tears of ecstasy. Constance wiped Lizette, with a discarded pair of panties. Lizette could hand wash them on the morrow. Then Constance slipped back into bed.
     She drew back the bed sheets and covers, and smothered her sissy-girl with kisses. “Let Mummy caress you darling. When you have recovered sufficiently, you can put your head between Mumsie’s waiting thighs. Oh, what a good girl! Oh yes. Well you have done this before haven’t you? Well I’m pleased Angel. Oh yes. Mumsie is very pleased,” sighed Constance Rochelle as she took her new lady’s companion’s head in her hands.
    She directed her new girl on just how to please Mumsie.
End of Part I
To be continued in Part Two, Chapter III: The Boys
You may contact me at





  1. Wonderful ,please,pretty please continue and post asap.

    Denise Bouffant

    1. Denise. I can't seen to find your email. Please contact me at mine so I might send you some photos I think you'd just love! Priscilla.

  2. Thanks you Denise. How sweet of you honey! And such a lovely name. We must be cousins? At least I hope so! I saw your pages of photos at Flickr, dear, and you are very glamorous. Thank you for posting and thank you for contacting me also. I will get to this story soon, however, I also have 3 others to complete. I'm a busy girl, darling.

  3. OMG Priscilla what a lovely piece. I so enjoy how willing and happy Lizette Marie is with her world. She seems so cute and happy. It makes me understand why I too have accepted the joys of accepting myself as a femme sissy.mmthank you so much for this inspirational work.

    Kisses and love

    1. Thank you Harriet. Yes, even when Karina casually mocked how much more effeminate Lizette was then her, she submissively agreed.

  4. Love this please tell me that the second part is soon and involves Lizette meeting the daughter or the reason why she is in this position.

  5. Truthfully I am not working on Part Two currently and don't know when it will be out.

  6. What a great story! Who wouldn't want to make love to 2 beautiful mistresses so thrillingly and to be treated to such a wonderful orgasm. I couldn't help but cum when Lizette did. Thangs so much for this wonderfully erotic and sexy story.

    Sassy Sue

  7. Any chance of this story being completed?
