By Priscilla Bouffant
(A Continuation of a Sandy Brown Story)
Synopsis of the first six parts:
Sandy, (soon to be called, “Sandra Renee” by his Mommy, Laura,) is a very effeminate MBA grad that has been interned at a financial company called Catamaran. One of the female execs, Sheila Grace takes an unusual interest in him.
Sheila has ulterior motives. She wants to embarrass her rival, who is the very macho exec, who Sandy is interned to. She deviously and cleverly sissifies Sandy in androgynous clothing, for a cocktail party at her home. She pays him $250.00 cash for serving drinks.
At her next party, promising him another $250.00 cash, she fully feminizes him in a flirty skirt, a flouncy blouse, high heels and cosmetics. It is a company party at her home.
He becomes humiliated in front of everyone at work, when she outs him, as a male dressed to impersonate a female. However, one thing leads to another. I any event he agrees to forego his internship, and become her secretary. It turns out that he has actually discovered, he enjoys dressing as a female. Sheila and three other women at work, decide to make certain, Sandy gets a complete makeover, as well as a full femme wardrobe for his new secretarial position.
Sandy is a little overwhelmed. He contacts his mother Laura, who steps in. At the salon she explains to the girls that Sandy’s feminization should be taken slowly. He gets a new, unisex “do,” some light makeup, highlights in his blond hair, piercing studs, and gently waxed brows.
Laura Brown, Sandy’s mother, is a very wealthy, incredibly attractive, New York socialite. She is actually quite happy she may soon have a daughter and not a son. She has raised him as a single mother ever since his father left them when Sandy wasn’t even two years old.
Laura adores Sandy to the point that she actually kisses him on the mouth when she greets him. The interplay between them borders on being sexual. Laura doesn’t seem to care about this. Laura even loves it that Sandy has begun to babyishly refer to her as “Mommy” much of the time.
Sandy on the other hand is uncomfortable that he feels slightly erotic when Laura kisses him. His taste in females runs to women that are like his mother. Strong, assertive, attractive, bossy, take charge, well put-together females arouse his interest.
The outfits the ladies buy Sandy are mostly androgynous ladies’ pant suits, slight heels, and handbags. However, they do throw in some very feminine shorts sets, dresses, skirts, blouses, lingerie, camisoles, and higher heels, “just in case.”
Sheila, Sandy’s boss, is really attracted to her new, sissy secretary, as is Jenn (Jenna), a lady from the secretarial pool. Sheila takes him out one evening, with friends, with Sandy in full femme attire. They play the role of two lesbian girlfriends. Sheila takes Sandy to her home and they make true lesbian love throughout the evening.
This lovemaking not only includes oral sex, but Sandy is also taken rectally, with Sheila’s strap-on dildo. He awakens the next morning alone, as Sheila was called into work on a day off.
Sheila returns and discusses their relationship. She wants Sandy to play the role of her “Lady-in-waiting.” She then takes Sandy to her Gynecologist for T-blockers and Estrogen. The Doctor wants to make sure Sandy is a good candidate for these drugs.
“If you can get Sandy to orgasm without manipulating his penis, and with rectal stimulation only, I’ll know he’s a good fit for lady hormones. Did you bring your strap-on dildo Sheila?” The doctor asks.
Sandy is naked, and already locked into the stirrups. He is also tightly strapped to the Gynecological exam table. Sandy cannot believe Sheila is going to sexually violate him, with a dildo in the presence of the doctor! He struggles to break free to no avail.
“Easy my little sissy boy. Mommy will take care of everything my darling little princess. She will make sure you are well lubed and sexually aroused before she enters you, my lovely girlfriend,” smiled Sheila.
Sheila uses a lubricated finger to oil up Sandy’s anal passage. Then she kisses his mouth sweetly, before biting his plump, aroused nipples. Sandy simpers in delight. He is on his back and Sheila mounts him and enters his “pussy”. She is the Mistress and he the submissive sissy.
He whimpers, shudders and then finally pushes into her to receive her faux penis. As they get into a rhythm the doctors smiles. When Sheila knows her Sandy is getting to the apex of his arousal, she asks sweetly, “Does Mommy’s little sissy want to cream her pussy like a pretty lady?”
Sandy spurts violently all over himself and the exam table. The doctor prepares a syringe filled with estrogen and injects Sandy. She also writes a prescription for daily tablets of T-blockers and more hormones.
For the next few days, Sandy stays at Sheila’s home and plays the role of a sexy, submissive, dutiful, Scarsdale housewife. He prepares Sheila’s meals and keeps the house clean. Sandy is beautifully made up, glamorously coiffed, and immaculately dressed when Sheila arrives home.
Unfortunately, Sheila, ever the power driver, goes too far. She decides to cuckold darling Sandy and Sandy refuses to play that game. After calling his Mommy, Sandy and Mommy Laura put together a plan to get even with Sheila.
First Sandy convinces Sheila’s date that Sheila wants him to sleep with Sandy when they return from the date. He tells the young man that Sheila, likes to watch. While Sheila and her date are out, Sandy packs two suitcases. Much of the clothing even belongs to Sheila. Then Sandy takes an Uber over to Mommy’s elegant home.
“Sandy what if Sheila threatens to bring charges with the police for you stealing her clothing?” Laura asks.
“I’ll just ask her if she’d like me to bring a sex harassment suit against her and Catamaran, Mommy,” Sandy smiles.
When Sheila returns from her date, her boyfriend explains he is going to wake up Sandy and screw the sissy.
“What? Are you crazy? Get out of here you creep!” Sheila screams.
Then Sheila checks and sees that Sandy, the two suitcases, plus some elegant ladies’ wear belonging to her are missing.
Wanting Sandy to get an extra restful night’s sleep, Laura gives her sissy son a Martini, along with a prescription drug she, herself, takes on occasion.
Before bedtime she helps Sandy remove his makeup, set his now, longer hair, put on face cream, and dress in an elegant peignoir. After he drinks down the Martini, with the sleeping agent, his mother kisses him on the lips.
“Goodnight my sweet Princess. My Princess Sandra. Had you been born a female, I wanted to call you Sandra Renee. I want you to go by that name now darling. Can Mommy call her girl, Sandra Renee? You’re my girl now, aren’t you angel” Laura asked.
With “her” eyes batting femininely and a smile on her face, “Sandra” answered, “Yes Mommy. I’m your girl now. You may call me Sandra, Mommy. It’s a pretty name.”
Now my continuation of “The Intern” will begin.
Chapter One: A New Day for Sandra
Laura Brown awakened. Her exotic, Afro-French maid, from the Isle of Martinique, Yvette, was off for the day, and at her mother’s. Yvette, once a partial governess to Laura’s son, would be surprised to find out that “Sandra” not Sandy was now back at home. Laura had a few things to do today. One would soon take care of itself.Sandra’s cell phone rang. It was Sheila. Laura knew that between the double Martini and the dose of Valium she’d given Sandra, that her daughter would not be up and about for a few more hours. She didn’t answer the call from Sheila.
Then Laura’s cell rang. It was Sheila again. Laura would answer that call. “Hello Sheila. This is Laura. How are you today, dear?”
“Could I speak to Sandy? He didn’t answer his phone. I need to explain something to him,” Sheila said.
“I’m afraid my daughter, Sandra, is still sleeping. She was quite upset last evening. I gave her a double Martini and a Valium. That works wonders, in calming the nerves,” Laura laughed.
“Sheila, I regret to tell you it is over between you and Sandra. You went too far Sheila. Trust me. Cuckolding is never a good idea, but pulling that, so soon in a relationship, was just foolish, so selfish, and reckless,” Laura explained.
“Sandra is also finished with Catamaran. I’ll find her employment elsewhere. She could never work there again and feel comfortable. She’d only feel shamed,” said Laura.
“Did she mention the designer clothing and suitcases she appropriated from me?” Sheila asked.
“Don’t play the victim with me you bitch. Consider the loss of your elegant attire the price of doing dirty business. Plus, if you insist on pursuing the matter, Sandra, my attorney, and I, can discuss a sexual harassment suit against Catamaran and you, personally. I can’t imagine that would help your standing with your firm, now, would it?” Laura questioned.
“Okay Laura. You and your precious sissy, ‘Sandra’ win this round. I would like to apologize to her in the future though,” mewled Sheila.
“Save your apologies Sheila. From you I would think they are meaningless. I don’t think we simply won just one round Sheila. I think we scored a knockout darling. Good day, Sheila,” said Laura, disconnecting the call.
Laura next contacted her dear friend and investment counselor, Monique Bovier. She and Monique had been very close. They both had their husbands leave them, within a few months apart, 23 years ago. They had become business partners, occasional lovers, and even competitors in the financial services business.
“Monique darling. Did I wake you? Excellent. How about lunch today dear? Why don’t we go to Emilio’s around noonish? Excellent darling, I will see you there, love,” Laura smiled.
Now Laura had to contact Yvette. Just in case Yvette returned and saw Sandra dressed, coiffed and made up to the nines. Yvette had been with Laura since Sandra was 10 years old. Laura always paid Yvette very well, and had helped her get her US citizenship. Yvette, at 35 years old was 10 years older than Sandy, and 10 years younger than Laura.
Yvette adored her employer and always doted on Sandy. In fact, during the call, when Laura brought Yvette up to speed on Sandra’s new name, appearance and sexuality, Yvette seemed more pleased and excited than anything else.
“Oh Madame Laura. Sandy was always such a lovely boy. I am certain that Demoiselle Sandra will be an absolutely stunning young lady. I can’t wait to see her! I love her middle name Madame. Renee is just so very François,” Yvette exclaimed.
Laura not only had a working relationship with her Gynecologist, Debra, they were close personal friends. Debra had Saturday morning hours. She contacted her office and made a Tuesday GYN appointment for Sandra. Debra’s admin didn’t bat an eye when Laura explained that the visit was for “Transgender Consultation.”
Finally Laura called “Spa Debutante at Salon Demure” and booked an all-day package for both her and her daughter for Wednesday. She spoke to the owner, Bethany, who giggled cheerily, at the thought of assisting in the feminization of Sandra Renee.
“She’ll be in good hands Laura. I will care of her personally. From her painted, tippy-toes to her hottest highlights, she will look ravishing. You’d be quite surprised at the number of femme-bois we doll-up here weekly. I’m waiting with baited breath to meet your new Princess darling. I’ll turn her into an absolute queen,” Bethany chirped.
Laura now got ready to set out to have lunch with her dear friend, Monique. Prior to leaving she looked in on her new daughter. Sandra was still sleeping like a contented baby. Indeed she did look gorgeous. The scented and perfumed floral scarf covered the pink hair net and curlers in her rolled hair.
Her soft complexion was slightly flushed. Laura pictured her daughter with “bee-stung” collagen injected, plump lips. The beige negligee hugged her newly feminized body. The scents of the skin lotions and face cream emitted from her soft, smooth skin.
What a doll this girl could become! Laura could not wait to enjoy mother/daughter outings with Sandra Renee at lunch, the beauty salon, and clothes shopping. She called an Uber, which took her directly to Emilio’s. She arrived two minutes prior to her lovely friend Monique.
The two women hugged in the lobby, and gave each other a sweet kiss on the lips. Once the hostess seated them a waitress brought menus and took their drink order. Monique, suspecting something was up, spoke first.
“Laura darling, you look smashing! You also look like you are about to call in a favor dear. I don’t care what it is though love. Please let me know. Today I am one of the most sought after financial consultants on the Upper East Side, thanks to you,” smiled Monique.
“As well you should be, my lovely, Monique. Why don’t we order and get our lunch first. I’m so excited I need to gather my thoughts,” said Laura.
Once their food was served, Laura told Monique everything. She began with Sandra’s graduation from Columbia Business School. She ended with her daughter’s terrible treatment at the hands of Sheila Grace.
Monique paused to think and said, “I must say, Sandy was always an absolutely beautiful boy. I can only think that your Sandra Renee would turn out to be a stunning, glamorous young lady. A true femme fatale. Such nasty treatment by Sheila, also.”
“So it appears you are comfortable with this transformation. Where do I come in besides being a supportive ‘Auntie’? If you’d like me to hire her, I’d love too. I’m looking for an Executive Assistant. Which is a much better place to start than Intern or Secretary. Sandra will be working and living as a female I presume?” Monique asked.
“Yes she will. I plan on taking her to my gynecologist Tuesday, and I have a salon package booked for Wednesday. I’d like to have her with me at home for the next month. I really want to have some quality Mommy/Little Girl time with her. I’m plotting on having both Yvette and I really cultivating her feminine appearance and charm to precision,” smiled Laura.
“Laura that sounds so awesome. I’ll assist in any way I can. Why not wait the entire month and have her submit her resume directly to me. She can list Catamaran. Just have her say she was under-employed. I’ll conduct her interview and we’ll dispense with the background check and drug test. Have you thought of contacting your attorney, to have a complete identification package re-done?” Monique asked.
“You mean driver’s license, passport, and social, all in her femme name with photos? Great idea. I’ll make that call Monday. Let’s discuss old times now. I have very fond memories of us together Monique,” Laura said as both women smiled.
When Laura arrived home, she heard feminine giggling and chatter coming from Sandra’s room. Walking to the door she was surprised and happy to see Yvette, holding a can of hair spray, and affixing Sandra’s highlighted blond tresses in a dramatic upsweep.
Apparently, Yvette was so eager to see Sandra, she had only spent a half day at her mother’s. She had come home and surprised Sandra eating lunch. Then she had assisted Sandra with dressing. Finally she had plucked out her new charge’s rollers and began giving her a makeover.
Yvette had dressed her slim demoiselle in black panty hose, and 3 inch heeled pumps. She wore a tan mini with a black, crop top. Her locks were in a heavily lacquered, curly topped upsweep.
“Please let me do my own makeup Yvette? I’ve been getting quite good at it,” begged Sandra.
“Only under my strict supervision my slender, demoiselle. From now own, you will abide by my strict standards young lady. Your mother and I will assure you are primped, polished and perfumed to perfection my dear. Go ahead with your makeup application. I will critique when needed. You may begin, Sandra Renee,” said Yvette, playing the role of the strict governess to a tee.
“Sandra, when you have time you must treat yourself to one of Yvette’s full body massages. She is absolutely fabulous. On many an occasion Yvette has massaged away all my worries, cares and stress, with a late evening, after bath, massage,” stated Laura.
“Oh my, I think I’d enjoy that,” said Sandra, as she carefully applied her foundation. Sandra turned to Yvette, and asked, “Wouldn’t that be lovely Yvette?”
Yvette’s eyes had glossed over. She had become momentarily entranced with the thought of handling this lovely sissy’s naked body, late in the evening, after bathing the same sissy in a scented tub.
“Yes Miss Sandra. I would have to agree it would be truly lovely,” smiled the maid. Laura picked up on the nuances of the exchange.
“Why not? Why not a sweet romance between a budding sissy girl and her loving maid? Certainly better than a brutish male!” Laura thought.
Chapter Two: Refining Sandra
Laura’s first order of business Monday was to contact her attorney, Colleen.
“Not a problem Laura. Get me several passport sized photos and the particulars. I’ll get the papers ready and you two can drop by and sign everything,” Colleen agreed.Tuesday before the Gynecological exam Laura could see that Sandra was terribly distraught. “Do you need a Valium honey? Do you want Mommy to get you a Valium precious?” Laura asked.
Sandra answered, “Yes, please Mommy!” Then she burst into tears, describing her virtual deflowering by Sheila during her initial GYN exam.
“Oh baby, that must have been awful. Come here to Mommy and take this Valium. Then let Mommy hold you in her arms and hug and kiss her little girl,” smiled Laura.
Sandra was a true sissy girl for now. She was still blossoming into womanhood. Though slender, she wasn’t exactly petite and elfin though. She stood 5’ 9’’ in her stocking feet. Laura had decided her target weight should be around 130 pounds when her breasts and hips filled out.
If need be, Yvette and Laura had decided on the possibility of corset figure training to assist in achieving a 34B-cup, 22 waist and 34 hip measurement on their budding demoiselle.
Debra Smyth, did put the now naked Sandra on an exam table with her feet in the stirrups, but dispensed with any other restrictive bindings. She did however caution Sandra she would likely need to touch her intimately and fondle her private parts.
Sandra had been given a second Valium in the waiting room. By now, had she been strapped tightly to the exam table and gagged, she would likely not have cared. If needed, Laura had a third Valium at the ready.
“Now honey, I don’t think we need to have you on T-blockers to achieve a very nice, shapely, set of B-cup breasts and equally plump hips. So we are dispensing with that scrip. No more T-blockers for you!” Doctor Debra exclaimed.
“Estrogen will do just fine in giving you a girlish figure. That way, should you want to have sexual relations, this will still work, somewhat,” smiled Doctor Debra, holding Sandra’s penis in her well-lubricated fingers.
“In fact, just for test purposes let’s get you oiled up and see how aroused I can get you?” Debra smiled and she carefully and lovingly manipulated Sandra’s penis and testicles. It didn’t take long for Sandra to sigh and become stimulated. She closed her eyes and pictured herself being massaged by her lovely maid, Yvette.
As Sandra’s penis grew to its maximum, but limited proportions, Doctor Debra’s nurse smiled and winked at Laura. Laura whispered, “It was never very big, even erect, but it would certainly suit me were she not my daughter,” teased Laura.
“Isn’t that the truth? I’d rather have one inside of me that was right-sized and useful. Instead of a giant schlong, hammering my vagina and doing nothing for me,” the nurse whispered back.
As any sissy girl would, Sandra reached an effeminate mewling stage and began shaking her buttocks and wiggling her legs. “Okay sissy girl. Do a creamy spurt for Auntie Debra. Come on girlie-girl, let it go!” Doctor Debra ordered.
As Sandra spurted, she cried, “Oh yes! Oh it’s so, so good!”
Once Sandra was cleaned up, she was given an injection along with a prescription for daily tablets. “No more T-blockers, honey. We’ll let the hormones do the work. You could possibly have some figure training too. That always helps and will give you a cute, femme, body shaping,” the GYN added.
Sandra enjoyed helping Yvette with dinner that evening. Then along with Yvette and her mother, delighted in watching a chick-flick and having her nails painted and hair rolled up in curlers by Yvette.
She even became secretly aroused when Yvette insisted on moisturizing her legs for her. Again, she was thinking about a future bubble bath, followed by one of Yvette’s skillful massages. She so badly wanted to kiss Yvette on her lips.
Then it happened. Laura got sleepy and kissed both Yvette and Sandra good night. Once the movie was over Yvette and Sandra stood up smiling. Yvette took a step forward and took her new charge into her arms. She kissed Sandra fully on her lips and then flicked her tongue out.
Sandra didn’t hesitate and took Yvette’s darting tongue into her mouth. Their French kiss was long and passionate. Yvette hugged the delightful sissy and kissed her neck. “Good night my kittenish, tart. Please have sweet, sexy, girly dreams of me if you wish. I will think of you when I hug my pillow, my pet,” announced the sexy, French maid.
Sandra was surely smitten. She thought of Yvette as she fell off to sleep. During the Uber ride over to the spa/salon on Wednesday, Laura noted Sandra seemed to be preoccupied. She wondered herself, what might have happened when the two girls had said goodnight.
Though Sandra did seem to come to life once they entered the trendy exclusive “Spa Debutante at Salon Demure.” Meeting the chirpy owner, Bethany was a treat for Sandra. She thought it was so dreamy to have the proprietor of the salon as her personal hairdresser.
“Well let’s begin with getting you ladies into robes. We’ll start with shampoos and hot oil conditioning of your hair. Then we’ll move on to hot waxing, facials, manicures pedicures and full body moisturizing. Once we get you re-dressed, we’ll work on lips, hair styling and makeup,” smiled Bethany.
As Sandra and her mother Laura changed into a robe and panty briefs to prepare to be body waxed, Sandra became noticeably distraught. “Oh Mommy! Must I receive a leg, body and bikini line waxing? They are just so very discomforting, Mommy,” whined Sandra.
“Yes young lady. Yes, you will be properly waxed. Understand this Sandra, and please do stop being such a sissy. Beauty is a feminine discipline. You should be thrilled that you are about to be endlessly pampered in the finest salon in New York City, if not the entire state,” Laura intoned.
“The discomfort, as you call it is well worth it. If nothing else, but for the feeling you will get sashaying from this salon into a divine restaurant this afternoon, feeling like the belle of the ball. Now, please do start acting as a refined young woman, looking forward to enhancing her beauty. Is that understood Sandra?” Laura asked.
“Yes Mommy. I love you Mommy. That you for this special treat,” said Sandra as she gave her mother a sensuous kiss on her lips.
“That is so much better Sandra. That’s my good girl,” smiled Laura.
Once Sandra’s hair was washed and the hot oil combed through, her vibrant tresses were wrapped, turban style in a pink towel. He robe was removed by the skin care specialist, Daphne. “We’re going to start you out with a green clay facial pack. Then the girls will come in to do your fingers and toes,” Daphne smiled.
Once the girls are done with your Mani/Pedi combo, I’ll remove the clay. Before I moisturize your entire body, I plan on waxing you. Don’t fret. I get compliments on my painless waxing all of the time,” smiled Daphne.
Sandra managed to relax throughout the facial and nail care. Once her facial was removed she remarked on the darling nail polish shade. “Oh this is lovely! What is the color called Daphne?” Sandra asked, holding her nails in the lights.
“It’s called Wild Plum darling. It will be the shade of your lip cream. It will look just smashing with your new hair color. Bethany and your Mater settled on a dark blonde dye job, with caramel highlights,” Daphne expounded in her British accent.
Sandra smiled and nodded. She tensed when Daphne waxed her brows, but barely felt a thing. When Daphne zipped her bikini line, however, Sandra did let out a little squeal. Her leg waxing went well, but when Daphne turned her over to wax Sandra’s butt crack, Sandra shrieked, as Daphne pulled the wax and butt hairs off.
“Honey you need a glass of wine. One moment. Now this is the best part. Sip your wine while I coat your entire body with scented, skin moisturizer,” Daphne intoned.
Daphne began at Sandra’s forehead, and sensuously worked her way down to Sandra’s neck and upper arms. It was when Daphne carefully massaged the moisturizer into Sandra’s budding breasts and slightly swollen nipples that Sandra felt a stirring in her loins.
Daphne then worked her way from Sandra’s feet, up to her inner thighs. At that point, as Sandra repositioned herself, her penis popped free from its “tucked” position. Soon, Sandra’s panty brief was tented. Sandra wanted to faint.
Daphne giggled and said, “Oops. Well what have we here? Don’t worry honey. Bethany let all of your technicians know you were ‘special’ if you know what I mean?”
“We’ll need to take care of this. I can’t possibly let you return to the salon proper to have your hair done, with any sort of boner. I’ll need to milk you off, with some of this moisturizer. You’ll have the softest, most sweetly scented pee-pee in the entire salon,” Daphne teased.
“Oh Daphne. I am so sorry. I’m so very embarrassed about this,” simpered Sandra.
“Don’t be, precious. Honestly I have masturbated a number of pretty sissies in salons on both sides of the Atlantic. There are likely more sissies being catered to in hair salons in London, then there are in New York,” smiled Daphne as she slid Sandra’s panty brief down to expose her erect penis and puffed-up ball sac.
Daphne expertly fingered Sandra’s testes, as she slid her well-oiled hand up and down the shaft of Sandra’s penis. “Your cock is a lovely size for screwing, pet. Not overly large, but I’m certain it would fit nicely in my puss,” Daphne explained as Sandra’s breathing pattern accelerated.
“Now you can’t be too noisy. There is only this privacy curtain separating us from the hallway. You’ll need to cover your mouth when you spurt, you adorable girl you,” Daphne cooed.
“Relax, and think of pretty girlie things, like perfume, curly hair, high heels and lip gloss. I could tell by your interaction with Laura that you are most surely Mommy’s little sissy aren’t you, Sandra? Does Mommy’s little sissy want to climax for Auntie Daphne now? Does she, my little sissy Sandra?” Daphne asked coquettishly.
This was much, too much for Sandra. The feminine scent of the moisturizer covering her entire body as well as the sensual stimulations of Daphne’s expert fingers became more than any sissy could possibly bear. The added sound of Daphne’s sensory voice and her carnal entreaties brought Sandra to a shuddering orgasm.
Waves and chills of quivering passion shook her delicate figure. Her semen gushed from her ballooned penis in a fountain rivaling fashion. Her ladylike frame shuddered and shook. She barely covered her mouth in time and found the need to bite her prettily manicured hand to keep from shrieking.
Sandra gurgled helplessly to Daphne’s delight and amusement. “Oh pretty girl. We need to clean you up, get you dressed and over to Bethany’s beauty station,” Daphne whispered, kissing Sandra on her cheek and wiping the globs of sperm off of Sandra’s tummy.
Sandra’s entire body was as limp as a noodle, so Daphne initially struggled, getting Sandra into her tight, paneled, and red satin, panty-brief. Next she slithered a filmy white camisole top over Sandra’s toweled head. The camisole matched Sandra’s A-cup, uplift, brassiere.
“Lift your legs honey. I need to put these pretty vermillion shorts on you, precious,” said Daphne, before slipping a gorgeous pair of high heels on Sandra’s slender feet.
The shoes were open-toed, Lady Catherine, custom made pumps, in a carefully matched Vermillion shade, perfectly blended with Sandra’s suit shorts and matching blazer. Sandra was finally coming to, though with glazed look in your eyes and a silly smile.
“Baby, you need to stand up and I’ll escort you to Bethany, so she and Margo can get started on you,” smiled Daphne, getting the sex-dazed Sandra to her feet.
“There is our pretty girl, Margo. Thanks Daphne. Come over to the sink Sandra. I’ll get you rinsed and colored. While the dark blonde is setting in, Margo has some things to do. Your mother decided to have us tint your lips and do some collagen plumping,” explained Bethany.
Bethany leaned Sandra back into the shampoo sink and rinsed out the dried hot oil treatment. Then she snipped the tip off of a bottle of Madison Reed, Dark Blonde hair tint and carefully worked it into Sandra’s light blonde tresses.
“You’ll love this shade once we add the caramel highlights. You’ll look luscious, baby. These days, going darker is the way to go,” smiled Bethany.
To save steps, and fully realizing Sandra was still a little bit dum-dum from being masturbated, Bethany had the lip technician tint and plump Sandra’s lips while she still reclined in the chair at the shampoo sink.
First Margo injected the pink tattoo ink into Sandra’s lips, followed by the injection of lip-plumping collagen. By that time Bethany could condition and rinse Sandra’s freshly colored hair before seating her back at the styling station to put in her caramel highlights.
“Is my mommy still in the salon?” Sandra asked. These were the first words she’d spoken since her earth shattering orgasm at the hands of Daphne. Bethany smiled and said, “Why yes honey, but she’s getting rolled up right now. Did you want me to get her?”
“No ma’am. I simply wondered where she was,” smiled Sandra as Bethany separated the strands and applied the dye and foil.
“You have wonderfully thick hair honey. I’m going to let you sit under the dryer for about 20 minutes. Then before I give you a cut and styling, we need to give you a light lunch of a cheese and fruit plate with some white wine,” said Bethany.
Sandra had begun to love this sort of pampering. After her time under the dryer was complete, the foil was removed and her tresses were conditioned and rinsed. Then with a towel carefully wrapped around her head she enjoyed her lunch and two glasses of wine.
Then Bethany worked her hair cutting and styling magic. While Bethany snipped, the makeup girl discussed Sandra’s new look with Laura. Bethany began tapering Sandra’s longish hair from back to front.
The style she was planning on, for this gorgeously feminized sissy, was a dramatically tapered, inverted bob. When Bethany got close to the shaping she wanted to achieve, she then buzz cut and razor shaved the hair at the top, back portion of Sandra’s neck.
Sandra’s locks had been shorn quite close behind her head, but had been exotically tapered frontward. Her bangs were neatly trimmed and fluffy. The longest hair on the sides, tapered lengthier towards her chin.
At the maximum length, her tresses touched her collar and draped ever so slightly to just above her bosom. Sandra shook her head to watch her hair bounce and sway. Then she giggled. The dark blonde base color was set off dramatically by the iridescent caramel highlighting.
Using a blow dryer, styling gel and a lacquer spritz, Bethany finished her tonsorial masterpiece with a polished sheen. The very effeminate Sandra gasped and squealed, “Oh I love it Miss Beth! I can’t wait for Mommy to see it!”
“Not yet! Not until we are finished. I’m going to get some perfume samples for you to test out. Your mother wants you to leave here with your signature scent so to speak. Meanwhile, I leave you to our makeup artist, Melanie,” smiled Bethany.
Melanie’s skills with cosmetics were as accomplished as Bethany’s with scissors and hair color. She used her makeup table, as if it were an artist’s palette and treated Sandra’s face as it were the canvas of a masterpiece.
Melanie began with a rich, satin, crème foundation, and a silk, matte powder. She then blended a champagne blush with buttery ivory eye shadow. She merged a rust colored eyebrow pencil and a burnt sienna mascara with the aforementioned ivory shadow to really set off Sandra’s beautiful hazel eyes.
Finally she dramatized Sandra’s already sensuous lips. She delineated Sandra’s lovely mouth with a metallic gold lip liner. Then she filled in her pouty bouche with brilliant plum gloss. To conclude, Laura surprised her stunning daughter by coming up behind her.
“Don’t move angel. I have a surprise. These amethyst chandelier ear fobs belonged to my mother. She wore them the day she was married. I want you to wear them, Sandra, my lovely daughter,” said Laura, as she removed Sandra’s gold hoops and replaced them with the family heirloom.
“Oh Mommy. You have made me so happy. This has been the most delightful day of my life!” Sandra nearly sobbed as she got to her feet and hugged her mother.
“I’m ecstatic too baby. I want you to sniff these perfume samples. See which one you like. We’ll purchase a bottle. You can wear it to our early dinner tonight at Per Se. We have reservations for two,” Laura announced.
Sandra tested several perfume samples and stopped abruptly. “Oh my. This one is it. So heavenly! I could bathe in this!” Sandra giggled, triumphantly.
“Well Laura. Sandra is assuredly your little girl. She has exquisite taste. She chose Passion de L’Amour. I’m afraid it would be cost prohibitive to bathe in this Sandra. However you will always smell lovely when you wear it,” said Bethany as she touched Sandra behind her eyes and on her wrists with light dabs of the perfume.
Then Bethany whispered seductively in Sandra’s ear, “Make sure to scent between your breasts before a date,” as Sandra gasped and then giggled girlishly.
“Include it on the tab with a 20% gratuity Beth. Here’s my American Express,” said Laura as she dialed her cell for an Uber.
Chapter Three: Beauty is Indeed a Discipline
Laura and Yvette had put together a plan. By the time Sandra went to work at Bovier Financials, she would be a convincing 25 year old, sophisticated young lady, able to pass muster in the New York financials society as a cultured, refined, and educated, female.The weekend after the salon visit, they sat down in the living room of Laura’s opulent home, with Sandra in attendance. Laura was thrilled and pleased that Sandra was dressed so nicely and seated so demurely.
Sandra wore sheer hose and three inch, black, high heeled pumps. She had on a hip hugging, gray hobble skirt, with a high collared white blouse, and a floral print neck scarf.
She had set her hair in pin curls at bedtime. Her inverted bob was in a delightful array of springy spirals. She had affixed a decorous white bow to the top of her pate. Her makeup was immaculate, with soft pink lipstick, rose blush, and cinnamon mascara. Sandra looked the part of an obedient, contrite school girl, which in reality she was about to become.
“Sandra, I need to inform you that I took the liberty of securing employment for you, with my dear friend, Monique Bovier, of Bovier Financials. You will interview three weeks from now, though the interview is merely a formality. You’ll begin your employment a month from now. I don’t know if you recall Monique, but she is just so very excited to meet you as Sandra,” smiled Laura.
Laura was seated primly. Her back was straight, her knees together, her hands folded in her lap, and her budding breasts thrust forward. “Thank you so very much Mommy. Yes, I recall Miss Monique. Will I be her secretary?” Sandra asked.
“Absolutely not. You will be employed as her executive assistant. Now listen to what I have to say. Yvette and I will be training you, right up to your very first day at the office, and beyond, if need be. You will learn to walk, talk, sit, stand, gesture, smile, pout, flirt and stoop as a refined, twenty-five year old, young women,” Laura explained.
“Of course. Thank you Mommy. It’s very sweet of you and Yvette to take the time to instruct me and instill confidence in me to be the very best female I can possibly be,” smiled the pertly sitting, sweet angel, Sandra.
“Agreed. Now for your very first lesson. In public, you should call me Mother, not Mommy. I find it very sweet privately. Of course, at the beauty salon, where everyone around us knew you were a sissy, it was also proper enough,” explained Laura.
“However in a public setting, the typical 25 year old MBA graduate generally uses the term Mother, instead of Mommy. I know you were raised as a sissy mommy’s boy darling and I love you for that. Privately I’ll always be Mommy, and you will be my baby. However I should be Mother in other settings,” smiled Laura.
“Yes, Mother. I understand. I will remember that. I think we can move onto the next lesson, can’t we?” Sandra asked sweetly.
“Yes, darling. Why don’t we move on, to the proper way for a well-bred young lady to walk? Now watch mother, and note how I position my hands, how I hold my head, how I move my hips, and how I limit the size of my stride. Also note mother’s erect carriage. I’ll walk the length of the room twice to illustrate,” said Laura as she gracefully swayed her hips, moving very smoothly.
Sandra watched carefully and proudly. She was so fascinated with her mother’s elegant femininity. She wanted to make her mother proud, especially in front of her mother’s lifelong best friend.
“Mother, why don’t I try it now? I know I’ll have to continue to practice it, to perfect my walk, mother. And yes, I will practice diligently,” said the obedient Sandra.
Lessons in sitting demurely would follow. “Always act as if you are wearing a skirt or dress. As you sit, reach behind to carefully fold the pleats. Even if you are wearing shorts, or slacks, as long as you comport this way, people will know you are a properly schooled young female,” spoke Laura.
“Now watch Yvette do this, and then you will mimic her. By the way, Sandra. In order to train you, we are using the curriculum of a fastidious sissy academy, secluded in a remote locale, in the upper part of the state,” smiled Laura.
“A sissy Academy? I didn’t know any such facility existed?” Sandra remarked.
“Oh yes dear. More frequently than you might think, mothers, aunts, older sisters, female employers and even wives, send their unmanageable males to such a school. The curriculum is stern, emasculating, and exacting,” smiled Laura.
“Mother would never send her Sandra girl to such a place though. The course length can be quite lengthy and Mother would miss her baby terribly. I’m very proud of you darling. You’ve taken to the feminization process so well,” Laura added.
“Oh thank you so much mother. I love you so dearly!” Sandra said, jumping to her feet spontaneously, sashaying to her mother, and throwing her arms around Laura, before giving her, a firm, sensuous kiss.
“Oh my dear daughter, I love you so, also,” beamed Laura, returning the kiss with equally fervent passion.
The day was exhausting for Sandra. She was pulled one way and then another, by her two challenging teachers. There were lessons in proper eating habits, as well as how, when and where to apply makeup. Luckily, as a sissy boy, Sandra always had a sort of “girly” voice.
The only lessons she really needed in proper speaking, were in her method of precise annunciation, as well as girlish phrasings and hand gestures. After dinner, and the cleanup to follow, Laura, Yvette and Sandra decided on baths and an early bedtime. Sandra tarried, and was the last one to actually immerse herself in her scented, bubbly oils.
She had just emerged from toweling herself off and applying an apple scented powder. She was wrapped in a towel when Yvette, entered her bedroom. Sandra was mildly startled.
“Oh Yvette. My, but you look so nice this evening. I was just about to moisturize my body,” said Sandra spying Yvette’s pointy breasts, exposed nicely by her red peignoir. Yvette was also wearing vivid makeup and was lavishly perfumed. More cosmetics and perfume than she would normally use.
“Oh thank you so very much Miss Sandra. Why don’t you let me moisturize you and I’ll give you a nice massage while we are at it? After all, you have spent the entire day in high heels, attempting to master the art of femininity. You have been such a good pupil, I have decided to reward you. Lay on the bed my kitten. Let me show my appreciation,” ordered Yvette.
Sandra didn’t need to be told twice. She stretched out coquettishly, face down on her large King bed. She fluffed her hair seductively. She looked back and smiled and winked at Yvette as the lovely maid uncapped a bottle of aromatic massage oil.
“Have you conditioned your pretty tresses yet, my sweet demoiselle? You haven’t? Oh my. Then let Auntie Yvette do that also. This massage oil I have contains conditioning as well as moisturizing agents. You look so yummy, Mon petite jeune fille,” said Yvette, emphasizing her French accent.
She began by oiling Sandra’s hair face and neck. Yvette’s hands were strong and firm and Sandra could not resist emitting a throaty, raspy, sigh as she exhaled. Sandra was in girly paradise!
Yvette continued her massage, applying pressure in her attentions all the way down Sandra’s supple body. She paid special consideration to the sissy’s rump and loins, before turning Sandra over onto her back. What happened of course, was, Sandra’s excited penis now sprung to full attention!
“Oh gracious Miss Sandra. Such an unladylike display on your part,” Yvette mocked, as she applied the massage oil to the inner walls of her own, wet, vagina. “I’ll just have to make your erection invisible,” she laughed as she carefully and gingerly mounted Sandra’s swollen sex organ.
She gasped, as the last of Sandra’s somewhat undersized, but plump and adequate, five inch penis, entered Yvette’s tight vagina. Then Yvette bent over to kiss Sandra, and toy with her now swollen nipples. “Oh my pretty girl. I have wanted to make L’Amour with you so badly,” Yvette whispered gutturally.
Sandra whimpered and tears streaked her, not yet removed, mascara. She was so joyously happy, to finally make love to her lifelong and doting maid. She responded greedily to Yvette’s boisterous, lustful, energies.
Yvette’s thrusts were intense and violent. The enthusiastic Sandra retorted in kind. Sandra was not going to last long. The activities of the day had placed her in a position of sexual edginess. The kisses with her mother had been extra-fervent today, to say the least.
The firm bossiness of Yvette and Laura, along with the occasional teasing, concerning “spankings” for inadequate performance, added to Sandra’s sexual anxiousness. She was ready to explode and she did, spurting her creamy semen into the depths of Yvette’s moist vagina.
Yvette, though she had yet to orgasm, loved it. She knew the power she had over this lovely girl-child. She had just exerted that power it and would wield it again.
Also, her mischievous coercions of a spanking were hardly empty. She collapsed on the whinnying sissy and kissed her face ardently. “Oh, Mon petite, Mon amour. That was so sweet,” cooed Yvette.
“Now, you will please Yvette. No? Yes, Mon bonne fille. You will use your bouche and tongue on my pretty pussy. Oh yes, very nice Miss Sandra,” the maid said cheerily as she mounted the satiated sissy’s face.
Some of the sperm Sandra ejaculated, now dripped into the sissy’s mouth, but still Sandra obediently followed every prompt given her as she properly licked, nibbled and sucked Yvette’s clitoris. Yvette encouraged her onward and finally arched her back and screeched loudly as she climaxed.
Yvette was so pleased with Sandra. Plus, Sandra was pleased she had satisfied Yvette. Down the hallway, still awake and reading the training manual from “Madame Angelina’s Academy for Advanced Femininity Studies” was Laura. Of course she had heard the sounds of uncontrollable passion from Yvette. She smiled and turned the page.
“I’ll have to fill in Monique on our training and progress with Sandra. It wouldn’t hurt to have some further input and instruction from an even more mature female such as Monique, now would it? Yes, I believe that would be an excellent idea,” thought Laura as she continued to review the upcoming modules.
Chapter Four: “Yes Ma’am Ms. Bovier.”
Sandra’s heels clicked on the parquet flooring of the reception area of Bovier Financials. She always attempted to arrive a full half hour before Ms. Bovier to be ready for the work day. This morning she might have been running ten minutes off from that schedule.Her dear mother, Laura had recently talked her into a loose, spot-perm. “You need to put a little curl, right at the top of your head, honey. It will really spice up that cute, inverted bob, Bethany gave you. I’ll make your appointment for you,” demanded Laura.
For whatever reason, today, she just had not been able to get her hair to behave properly. Actually, she looked great, but she had become such a fussy, perfectionist “style queen” that she felt her hair just didn’t look the way it should look.
She was also right, smack, in the middle of her chemically induced, “time of the month.” Both Laura and Doctor Debra Smyth had insisted she stop taking her hormones on days 27 thru 30, following each monthly injection.
This would cause her body to simulate many of the symptoms of a lady’s period. She would cramp, bloat, and feel out of sorts. She’d be somewhat anxious and even a little bitchy. It would all mellow out when she saw Doctor Smyth for her next monthly booster.
She even was told to wear a Tampon in her rectum and carry a small pack of sanitary products in her purse. Of course, she was to always purchase her own sanitary products. “You really do need to experience all the joys and sorrows of being a female, to adequately appreciate and revel in your femininity darling,” Laura had told her.
“Good morning Ms. Sandra. Oh my you look so lovely every day. Ms. Bovier just called. She is running 15 minutes late,” smiled Ginger, the receptionist.
“Oh thank you Ginger. Actually that’s good. I’m about ten minutes off my own schedule. So nice of you to say that about my appearance Ginger. Does my hair really look okay? This morning I just felt like I couldn’t get it right. I thought it might be the spot perm I had put in?” Sandra asked.
“Your hair looks fantastic Miss Sandra. I thought your spot perm turned out delightfully. I truthfully wish I had your thick, rich tresses, ma’am,” added Ginger.
“Oh thank you Ginger. I’m much too fastidious at times. I so do appreciate your compliment,” said Sandra as she sashayed happily into her office.
Though Sandra simply cherished going to the salon she had not enjoyed the permanent wave process. She felt fortunate it was only a spot perm and not a complete permanent wave. She had not enjoyed the odorous perm solution nor the tightening of the wave rods while under the dryer.
Not to mention the perm smell staying in her hair even after shampooing. In any event she only had it done to please her mother. Of course Laura’s reasoning was for Sandra to “be immersed in the joys and trials of a life filled with femininity.”
“We go thru so much for our beauty. Surround yourself with it Sandra. Engage yourself into it darling. Experience all of it,” Laura had intoned.
Indeed, Sandra had only recently stopped setting her own hair or having it set, every evening at bedtime. “Mother, I fell so silly sleeping with rollers in. I don’t know any of the girls at work who set their hair at bedtime,” Sandra had insisted.
Sandra had been at Bovier for slightly over a month. All of her identification now bore the name of Sandra Renee Brown. Her picture ID showed a photo of her shortly after she’d received her highlights and inverted bob.
She was now very excited about her upcoming first business trip with her mentor Monique Bovier. Monique had big plans for Sandra both in and out of the workplace. Even though Sandra wasn’t Monique’s secretary, she still took a doting, daughterly tack with Monique.
She had taken to preparing hot water for both her, and Monique’s tea in the morning. “Good morning Ms. Bovier. Could I prepare a cup of tea for you this morning? I’m about to have one myself,” Sandra asked.
“Sandra, that is so thoughtful of you. You treat me so well. Yes please. I’ll have the English Breakfast blend with just a smidge of Agave,” Laura smiled.
“Sandra, instead of rushing to Albany for the Dresden merger Monday, how about we meet here Sunday 9:30 to 10:00 AM. We can take my Lincoln Town Car to the Winter Clove in Round Top. Then Monday morning we’ll make the short drive to the Dresden offices,” said Monique Bovier.
“You can leave your Mustang in our parking garage. We’ll get to the Winter Clove by early Sunday afternoon. Catch a late brunch and then relax in our suite and maybe peek at the merger documents,” smiled Monique.
“Yes, ma’am Ms. Bovier. I’m all for that. Here’s you tea ma’am,” chirped Sandra as she set the tea on Monique’s side table. Sandra momentarily rested her well-manicured fingertips of her free hand, on the edge of the desk.
Monique reached over and placed her smooth, warm hand on top of Sandra’s fingers. Then she cupped both her hands around Sandra’s, and observed Sandra’s fingers intently.
“You have such beautifully soft, well-groomed fingers and hands Sandra. Just so lovely and smooth. They’re so very well-shaped. Just like your mother’s hands. I’ll bet you give wonderful foot rub’s, don’t you dear? Your mother gave such sumptuous foot massages. Did you know that Sandra?” Monique asked.
Monique stared intently with her own piercing blue eyes into Sandra’s beautiful hazel orbs. Sandra felt frozen and motionless. She was overpowered by Monique’s intensity.
“Yes, in fact I’ve gotten wonderful foot rubs from mother. I have also given foot massages to Mother, Yvette and a former girlfriend,” said Sandra, timidly.
“Well then, your girlfriend was very lucky. Then I would think we could trade off foot rubs one day. Possibly one evening at the Winter Clove?” Monique chimed, kissing the back of Sandra’s hand affectionately, before releasing her gentle grip.
“Yes, ma’am. That would be nice,” Sandra said, chills running up her back. She felt like she was floating on air. She was already smitten with Monique Bovier. Monique was gorgeous. Modestly full figured with an ample boson, and thick blond hair. So much like Sandra’s mother.
Sandra excused herself. All day long and into the next, she couldn’t get Monique and her sexiness out of her mind. She tried thinking of someone else. Strangely enough, the beautiful Jenna, from Catamaran, came into her consciousness.
Jenna, from the secretarial pool, was the only reason Sandra regretted leaving Catamaran. She was as pretty and sexy as Sheila Grace, but certainly kinder and sweeter. She’d overheard Jenna call her “Sissy” once, but it appeared to Sandra to be more of an endearment than anything.
Sandra wondered about Jenna, and what she might be doing? She asked herself if she might ever see her again. She was certainly glad when the day of the trip arrived. She drove the silver Ford Mustang GT, Laura had purchased for her into the underground garage at the Bovier Building.
She navigated to her very own parking space, especially reserved for Monique’s exec assistant. As she waited for Monique to arrive, Sandra listened to a CD of mystical Celtic music, Laura had given her. The CD had been included in the large packet of training literature Laura had received from Madame Angelina’s Academy. Also included was an elocution and vocalization CD Sandra enjoyed, as well as a really sassy, “Evening Makeup” DVD Sandra loved practicing with.
Monique pulled her luxurious Lincoln Town car into the space reserved for her. Sandra took her CD, shut her vehicle off and popped open her trunk. She removed her wheeled suitcase, her bounteous makeup and beauty products carry-all, and her lap top.
Sandra was indeed “dressed to the nines” and Monique was quite pleased. Friday at lunch Sandra had chatted with Alicia, one of the account managers. Alicia had once been Monique’s exec assistant.
“Monique expects her girls to go all out on a corporate excursion. I mean she anticipates full makeup, fastidiously dressed coiffure, stylish skirt and blouse or a dress. Preferably wear a dressy jacket or blazer. Your heels should be at least 3 inch pumps, with no open toes. Wear stockings, never panty hose,” warned Alicia.
“At the room in the evening, make sure you are in a negligee and marabou slippers. Don’t go without makeup until you are in bed. Although she wears curlers at night, she is never seen in them and doesn’t want to see you wearing them. Make sure to use generous perfume. She also expects your nails to match your lips,” explained Alicia.
“And by all means Sandra, if you should go anywhere with Monique after 6 PM, even the hotel dining room, be certain to wear, full evening, date make up, plus evening jewelry! She insists upon that any time after 6PM,” intoned Alicia.
So wanting to please Monique, Sandra’s caramel highlighted hair gleamed with fresh styling gel and lacquer. Her plum covered lips matched her extended nails. She minced towards Monique’s Town Car on shiny, stilted, four inch, vermillion heels. She wore a matching vermillion silk blouse with a navy blue wrap mini-skirt.
The skirt tied with a blue, white polka dotted bow at her left hip. Her navy blue blazer matched the skirt. She had placed a dab of perfume on her wrists, behind her ears, and between her pert, growing breasts. She had added gold hoops to her ears, a Lady Movado to one wrist and an amethyst bracelet to the other.
Her mother had loaned her a strand of pearls belonging to her great-grandmother. Sandra chose dark, seamed stockings for her waxed legs. She slid into the passenger seat of the town car, in a perfect, ladylike maneuver. Monique smiled and looked Sandra over. “Perfect darling! You look stunning. I wished I looked as good,” smiled Monique.
“Ms. Bovier you look spectacular! I wish I had your head of full, rich, bouncy blond curls. Not to mention your womanly figure,” protested Sandra.
“Well I love flattery! Sandra, it is fitting and proper for you to call be Ms. Bovier in any business or workplace situation. However, in a private setting like this you may refer to me as Monique or preferably Auntie Monique. After all, I have been your mother’s best friend, business partner and intimate confident since you were two years old,” pleaded Monique.
“I would love to call you Auntie Monique! That would be so wonderful!” Sandra chirped, gesturing with her hands effusively. During the three hour drive to the Winter Clove Resort, Monique told Sandra how pleased she was with Sandra’s performance thus far.
“You have exceeded even my highest expectations for you. I suspect I’ll be turning over some new customer accounts in less than six months since your start date. I would not be surprised if you are an account manager at the end of your first year,” lauded Monique, as she placed her right hand on Sandra’s thigh.
Sandra smiled and thanked her “Auntie Monique.” She batted her eyes and tossed her gleaming locks with a shake of her head. Monique continued to talk and began to massage Sandra’s thigh intimately.
Feeling equally affectionate, Sandra placed her hand on Monique’s and petted it sensuously. She then lifted Monique’s hand to her lips and kissed it. “I love you Auntie Monique. I’m so happy we are together for these few days,” she whispered.
“I am also, darling. I have always cherished the private moments I have shared with Laura. You remind me so much of her. I anticipate a lovely two or three days,” Monique said softly.
They reached the Winter Clove, in Round Top, New York at 1PM. “We won’t have your room ready for another 45 minutes Ms. Bovier. Why don’t you and your lovely companion partake of the brunch, courtesy of the Round Top?” Melanie, the desk agent suggested, handing Monique two signed vouchers.
“You are so gracious Melanie. Melanie I would love for you to meet my new Exec Assistant, Miss Sandra Renee,” said Monique, placing an arm around Sandra.
“Well Sandra you are certainly a beautiful young lady,” Melanie smiled as Sandra repaid the compliment. After brunch the two business ladies, took the elevator to the VIP suite and Sandra was in awe of the opulence.
“Why don’t we unpack? Then we both will take creamy, perfumed, bubble baths. After that we can put on sexy evening makeup, do up our hair, put on pretty negligees and meet in my room to exchange foot rubs?” Monique said.
Monique’s endearment, truly made Sandra feel sexy and submissive. Sandra puckered her lips, grabbed the edges of her mini-skirt and dipped into a pert curtsey. “Yes Auntie Monique, your wish is my sworn duty,” teased Sandra.
After her bath Sandra took great care with her toilet, especially her evening makeup. She used her lap top to view the “Evening Date Makeover” portion of her makeup tutorial DVD. This was the first time she’d noticed that the female narrator referred to “Applying evening makeup for a hot date with your Master or Mistress.”
Sandra shrugged it off. She decided on having her inverted bob, up in a twist, set off by a black bow with white polka dots. She put a black bra and panties on under her red negligee and slipped into a pair of marabou slippers.
Taking a bottle of massage oil off her dresser, she made her way towards Monique’s boudoir. As she neared the open door, Monique could hear the clicking of her heels and the swish of her negligee.
“Come in darling. The door is open. Oh my, you look and smell so adorable. Come over to Auntie Monique and I’ll rub some of that oil you are holding, into your tired feet. You can do mine also. We’ll lay side by side and chat as we pamper ourselves,” Monique added.
Sandra fell in love with Monique’s exposed bosom and her plump, excited nipples. She lay on the King bed, her head at Monique’s toes. Monique took some oil from the glass bottle. She handed it to Sandra who did the same. They proceeded to aggressively pamper, each other’s feet.
The full figured Monique had firm, quite strong fingers. Sandra gasped at the robust, well-founded clasp of her feet and calves. Soon, the stress and tension of three hours of interstate travel and a full morning in four inch spiky stiletto heels began to release.
Sandra vigorously attacked her mentor’s feet and spontaneously proceeded to suck Monique’s toes. “Well now child, that feels very nice. I believe we are both on the same page as to having some sexual intimacy, aren’t we? Come here to me my pet. Come to Auntie Margo, dearest. That’s right darling. Lay beside me and suckle at Auntie’s bosom, precious,” Monique intoned huskily.
“Aren’t you just the most delightful lesbian, sissy girlfriend an Auntie could have? Look at you all beautifully made up with a sexy, shiny, new hair style. And you perfume is so heavenly. You are such a turn-on Sandra,” Monique crooned, as she spurred her sissy girl lover on to new heights of sexual effeminacy.
Monique’s robe was wide open by now. She untied the belt keeping Sandra’s robe closed to reveal the young girl’s panties and bra. “Let’s dispense with this brassiere, shall we? Auntie wants to see her sissy girl’s tits. Oh these are so nice and prim. Now what is in these panties? No, I didn’t tell you to stop nursing at my breast did I?” Monique mocked.
“Naughty girl will get a spanking if she doesn’t obey her auntie. Oh my, you are hiding a fat little clitoris in your panties aren’t you? Oh and it gets bigger, doesn’t it? Are you excited Mon Cherie? Tell auntie, if her sissy girl lesbian lover is excited,” laughed Monique.
“Oh yes Auntie Monique. Your sissy girl lesbian lover is very excited. Oh Auntie Monique this is so beautiful. Could I suck on your clit for you, my dearest auntie?” Sandra begged.
“Yes, dear, you can suck auntie’s clit. Only, you have to go down on me, while I play with your clitoris. Let’s get into a nice sixty-nine position, with my head on the pillows, and your pretty head, facing the foot of the bed. That’s a good girl! Perfect. You may suck, nibble and lick away, my princess!” Monique encouraged.
Having been taught the ways of Lesbian love by Sheila and Yvette thus far, Sissy Sandra carefully parted the folds of her lover’s labia and daintily licked her clitoris. Monique was administering an oily massage to Sandra’s cock and testicles.
Monique was having such fun, she’d already decided to take a little trip with her new coquette every two to three weeks. Sandra lapped Monique’s aromatic juices. Monique perfumed her pussy regularly and used fragranced douche. She would soon encourage Sandra to do the same to her genitalia.
Sandra was hardly ready for Monique to take her penis into her mouth. As Monique did so, Sandra gushed and gasped demonstratively. It drove Sandra to a new level of sexual determination. Monique toyed with the girl a little longer.
She was quite pleased with Sandra’s prowess with oral sex. “The little tart is nearly quite as good at eating pussy as her mother is! I don’t know if I can hold out much longer at the rate my sissy is going right now? Oh my gracious, I’m going to burst!” Monique thought as her uterus had a spasm and her toes curled.
Monique let out a gasp and a guttural sound as she closed her eyes to enjoy her shuddering climax. Momentarily she took the penis from her mouth, as her thighs held tightly around her pretty sissy’s head. She refused to let Sandra stop eating her until she was fully satisfied.
“Oh baby, just relax. Oh that was just so, so, good my angel. Auntie needs to breathe. You probably need some air also. Are you all right princess? Auntie will resume sucking your cock as soon as she composes herself. Let me look at you baby,” Monique asked.
Sandra turned her head to Monique and Monique had to chuckle. If her fastidious little princess could only see the mess that had been made of her precise makeup application! Oh my. Though she had to wonder if Sandra would even care after Monique would complete her blow job.
“Okay baby. Lower your pelvis a touch more. That’s good darling. Okay, hang on because Auntie Monique is going to finish sucking you off,” Monique warned.
Sandra was still nearly rock hard and Monique was quite good at any sort of sex. She fondled her assistant’s balls and sucked away gleefully. She sensed a small shaking in Sandra’s pelvic region and then, “Oh Auntie, I’m coming,” moaned Sandra.
Her sperm gushed into Monique’s mouth in gobs. Sandra had a lot of pent up sexual juices. As Sandra spurted, she lost complete control of her emotions. To Monique’s amusement she squealed, until she collapsed, exhausted, “Oh Auntie, oh my Auntie, oh, I can’t stop coming, oh my, what is happening auntie?”
Monique swallowed all but one large globule of sperm. She pulled Sandra to her, comforting her and whispering, “Everything is okay baby, auntie has it all under control. Suck my nipple baby. Auntie will comfort you.”
Sandra loved the babying and curled up with her “auntie” with moist, tear filled, eyes, along with her streaking mascara. She blubbered and cooed, until Monique said, softly, “Kiss me my sweet lover.”
Sandra was joyous and threw her arms around Monique and kissed her fervently on the lips. Monique’s tongue penetrated Sandra’s lips, and Sandra accepted it greedily. To Sandra’s shock and surprise, Monique used her tongue to plant the glob of sperm in Sandra’s hungry mouth.
Sandra tried to repel it but Monique grabbed Sandra’s throat and massaged it causing a swallowing reflex. “Don’t you dare young lady? If I can swallow your spunk, so can you. Now swallow that or auntie will take a paddle to your plump little ass!” Monique threatened.
Sandra swallowed with even more tears in her eyes. “Yes auntie, I’ll swallow it. Please forgive me auntie? I didn’t mean to be a bad girl,” Sandra begged.
“Of course you didn’t pumpkin. You can sleep here tonight with Auntie Monique and maybe we can play some more?” Monique laughed.
The following day, the merger went even better than planned. Monique sent off an email telling her secretary to transfer all her Tuesday calls to her cell phone. She copied Alicia. She sent another to Alicia, telling her to announce the merger to the rest of the staff. Monique planned on celebrating the merger with her new girl, Sandra, in more ways than simply a night out.
When Alicia, the head account manager and Monique’s former Exec Assistant saw the email she chuckled as she realized that Monique was spending an extra night upstate. “That little tart Sandra must be a minx between the sheets. I know Monique likes her girls young, hot and sexy. The way the little princess struts around here, I could see she’d be easy game for Monique,” thought Alicia smiling.
They would return to Manhattan the following afternoon after checkout. “I know a lovely restaurant near here called the Crystal Brook. It’s very romantic and as close to a Five Star facility as you’ll find here. We have a table at 7 PM. So darling, its evening wear for tonight. Our hair, makeup, dresses, shoes, and jewelry should all be top shelf, Sandra dear,” Monique ordered.
Heads definitely did turn when these two well turned out females, flounced into the Crystal Brook. The fussy Maître De nearly fell over himself seating them. People stared and wondered who this queen was with this princess?
They pondered if the mature female with the full figure, the gorgeous head of hair and the stacked bosom was some Broadway Maven. The younger girl pirouetted as if she might have been a runway model. She certainly had the figure for it.
Monique soaked it up and absolutely loved it. Sandra, a true sissy at heart, just adored being out and having the attention of this lustrous woman, who, being her Mommy’s age, made Sandra feel protected.
“Sandra, where did you get your gown, child? It’s just magnificent! It fits you like a glove. Did Laura have you custom fitted for it?” Monique asked.
Sandra wanted to phrase her answer without letting on that she’d basically stolen the gown from Sheila Grace. “Well, no, Mommy didn’t buy this. It was something I got from Sheila Grace, auntie,” Sandra said smiling.
“Oh really? Well, it certainly looks better on you, than it would on her, I am sure,” huffed Monique. Monique had bedtime plans for Sandra. Something new she wanted to try out. She wondered if Sandra was a virgin in this respect.
Possibly Sheila Grace had penetrated the girl, rectally? Who knew, and it certainly wasn’t anything to be concerned about. “There is a first time for everything,” Monique mused.
After a lovely, romantic meal, the unique couple returned to their resort hotel. “Auntie wants to take her good girl to bed tonight honey. Go make yourself pretty for auntie and come to her room, princess,” Monique smiled.
The eager Sandra ecstatically cooed, “Oh yes auntie. I’ll be right there and I’ll be so pretty for you!”
Indeed Sandra was gorgeous when she arrived into Monique’s scented boudoir. She was also more than a little disturbed to note that Monique was laying seductively on the divan wearing a strap-on dildo. “Oh auntie!” Sandra gasped.
“Is something wrong child? You seem to be unnerved. It isn’t auntie’s dildo is it? You’re not afraid of a little dildo are you? Did someone ever screw you with one of these Sandra?” Monique asked, fondling the faux penis.
“Yes, ma’am Auntie Monique. Sheila Grace did. I didn’t really like it until the end when I finally spurted,” Sandra explained.
“Well, it was probably bigger than this and she might not have been gentle. Auntie will be very gentle with her girl. This penis isn’t much bigger than yours. Have you had your penis in a girl? Did it hurt her?” Monique asked,
“Yes. I have had my penis in Yvette. No, she didn’t say it hurt at all. Still I don’t want that hard rubber penis in my butthole auntie. I won’t do this. You can’t make me,” said Sandra, uncharacteristically rebellious.
“So. I can’t make you? Well we’ll see about that, young lady,” said Monique very firmly, removing the dildo and walking to her dresser. She picked up a large, hard-backed, ornate, Victorian hairbrush. Walking to the now frightened Sandra, she grabbed her by the wrist and pulled her towards the bed.
Sandra whimpered and cried, “Oh please no auntie, don’t spank me,” but Monique pulled her and threw her to the bed.
“Get up on that bed now! Get on all fours this instant. Yes that’s better. On all fours just like a little doggie. In this case a little sissy French Poodle would be an apt description,” scoffed Monique.
“We’ll see how many strokes of this lovely hairbrush it takes to get you to agree to let me screw you,” pooh-poohed Monique, as she flipped up Sandra’s negligee and lowered her panties to expose her butt and thighs.
“Whap!” Monique’s hard-backed Victorian hair brush fell sharply on Sandra’s bare right buttocks causing her to screech loudly, “Oh my auntie that hurt me!”
“Smack, smack!” Two more hard swats fell smartly, one on each buttocks, as Sandra whimpered, and began to sob. “Auntie please, you are scaring me,” she mewled.
Monique ignored her. All she wanted to hear was Sandra begging to surrender to Monique’s faux penis. “You know, a couple of stinging blows to the thighs might change your mind about my dildo,” smiled Monique.
“Swat and slap!”
“Ow wee, auntie! Oh please auntie. I’m sorry. I’ve been a bad, bad girl! Please, screw me with your dildo. I promise to love it,” begged Sandra as tears streamed from her hazel eyes, ruining another gorgeous makeup job.
“Well that is much better. To show my appreciation I’ll massage your butt and thighs with this cold cream. It will also make a nice lubricant for your rectum. Listen to me carefully dear. This is in relation to proper feminine hygiene,” said Monique, pausing for effect.
“You have noticed, I’m sure, how pretty Auntie’s pussy is scented? That is because I perfume it every day at least once. From now on you will perfume your clit and ball sac morning and night. Additionally, whenever you buy Tampons you will purchase Massengill Floral Douche,” announced Monique.
“I know Mommy and Doctor Debra have you on a menstrual cycle. Every time you start and stop your cycle I want you to give your rectum a nice, cleansing douche. You will also prove to me you can do it properly. On the next occasion we get together privately, you will give both of us a proper lady’s douching,” instructed Monique.
“Yes, auntie. Oh my, the cold cream makes my behind feel so nice. Ooh! Your finger, oh, that feels better,” said Sandra as Monique rotated a cold cream covered finger back and forth in Sandra’s rectal cavity.
“There now, you entryway should be sufficiently lubed. Now I’ll affix my dildo and lubricate it. One can’t be too careful in these matters. Now you stay just the way you are, little girl. Now Auntie is mounting you,” explained Monique.
“Breathe normally. Auntie will enter and then penetrate you as you exhale. Once we get a rhythm established I’ll reach underneath you and manipulate your fat little clit. There we are darling, now exhale,” said Monique as she moved the dildo in and out of Sandra’s anus, penetrating a little further each time.
She wanted to get the edge of the dildo to titillate the prostrate. Sandra winced and then relaxed. Her sphincter muscles then squeezed the dildo. Then Sandra began to push back against the faux penis. “This feels better than the first time auntie. I like this more,” Sandra said.
“I told you auntie would take good care of you. Now I’ll grab your chubby little clit and stimulate that,” chimed Monique. Indeed the two got into a rhythm and Sandra felt the ecstasy of prostrate stimulation. The slight protrusions where the strap-on touched Monique’s clitoris stirred her also.
The couples’ breathing picked up. Monique went off first, making her increase her thumping into Sandra’s buttocks. Then Sandra squealed and whinnied as she had a dribbling, prostrate stimulating climax. It was more introspective and feminine for her than anything else.
The couple collapsed on the large bed. Monique got over onto her back, pulling the sissy to her. “Suck my breast little one. Suck away and enjoy our passion,” Monique encouraged.
The two slept the sleep of sated lovers.
Chapter Five: More is Revealed
Sandra was glad to be home. She was sexually satiated, refreshed, though mildly out of sorts from the trip as well as the spanking and all the lovemaking. As she parked in the garage of her mother’s Upper East Side townhouse, she was glad to see Yvette’s Camry and her mother’s Mercedes.She had called ahead from the interstate and they were expecting her. When she had added, she had Tuesday off, mother told her that they had a nice surprise for her. After a scrumptious meal, Laura said to her, “Take a nice bath and put on the cute Kimono and Marabou heels I just bought you and come to the beauty room.”
The Beauty room was adjacent to Laura’s boudoir on the 2nd floor of the townhome. Installed there was a shampoo sink, two makeup and hair styling vanities, along with a salon style dryer. When Sandra arrived in the beauty room, she saw that Yvette and Laura were similarly attired in a negligee and a satin robe, respectively.
“Our nice surprise is, we are going to teach you how to set our hair, as well as do your own. Then we’ll all put on some facial moisturizer as well as fresh lipstick, and watch a video of a recent fashion show,” said Laura.
“Oh yummy. This is wonderful. I can’t wait!” Sandra exclaimed.
Yvette, the beautiful, languid, tawny skinned, Creole-French maid, set Laura’s hair, describing what she was doing to Sandra. Then, Laura supervised while Sandra set the thick, ebony hair of Yvette. Lastly, Yvette assisted the sissy, in setting her own hair. As Yvette watched Sandra, as well as put in a few rollers, she chatted about her own past in Martinique, and her years prior to working for Laura.
“This is so much fun Mon Cherie. It reminds of being in high school in Martinique. My mother worked in a beauty salon. She would set my hair at night. I would look so pretty for school. We moved to New York when I was 18 and I went to work with Mama in a hair salon. I became very good and got my cosmetology license,” smiled Yvette.
“When I turned 21, I was doing the hair of this very rich lady who was visiting in the city from the Upstate area. She offered me an interview at Madame Angelina’s Academy for Advanced Femininity Studies. I passed the interview and some tests they gave me. I was hired as an instructor for Hairdressing and High Heel Management,” said Yvette proudly.
“You worked at Madame Angelina’s? Isn’t that the sissy academy where all my girl lessons training materials come from?” Sandra asked.
“Yes, my darling Sandra I did work there. For nearly four years until I missed the city and my family. I then went to work at Bubbles Salon in Manhattan. Your mother needed a quick trim one day, and I agreed to do a walk-in for her. She hired me a week later,” laughed Yvette.
“Madame Angelina’s turns out the most sophisticated, exquisitely feminized sissies, you could possibly dream of. Sandra my love, you would fit in so well there. If you were my sissy, and I your mistress, I would surely send you there. I would have them train you to be a delicate Parisian runway model. Then I would take you to France and have you displayed in the latest French fashions,” Yvette teased, as she wrapped Sandra’s rolled hair in a satin turban.
The three ladies went to the den to watch a video of a recent Manhattan fashion show. At the end of the video Yvette kissed both Laura and Sandra, good night. Sandra was already sexually charged again. With Yvette gone to bed, Sandra decided to sit on her mother’s lap.
Sandra put her arms around her mother and asked, “Mother dear, could we retire to your room and read some hairdo and fashion mags, please?” Sandra asked.
“Well of course dear. I also have an interesting makeup and hairdressing video I want you to view,” said Laura.
Laura queued the video and then got into bed with Sandra. “Come to mother, and let me hug you. Here, you can rest your head on mother’s bosom. Now watch this. The girl in the video is an older sister. She’s twenty-five. She is feminizing her eighteen year old brother. He has an interview upcoming with a docent at Madame Angelina’s,” said Laura.
Sandra was awestruck. The older sister was very bossy. Her younger brother, was obviously timid. He had shoulder length hair and his body was naked and hairless. Once he was dressed he had his hair and makeup done. Then the next scene showed them walking into an office at Madame Angelina’s.
The narrator explains that the sissy was accepted there on a full scholarship. Finally it showed the beautifully feminized boy leaving Madame Angelina’s on his graduation day with his Fiancée. His Fiancée is a thirty five year old female lawyer. The camera pans in, onto the lawyer and her sissy. The female lawyer smiles and speaks.
“I always wanted a wife. I didn’t have the time for some guy that was going to have me cook for him, have his children and put my legal career on hold. So I went shopping at Madame Angelina’s and found Davina. Just look at her. Isn’t she just the loveliest little trophy sissy you’ve ever seen?” Smiled the lady lawyer.
Then the film closes with a narration statement, “At Lady Angelina’s we turn boys into girls, so they can make your life so much easier.”
Sandra was now more horny than she been in some time. She looked into her Mommy’s eyes and then she kissed her strongly. Laura did not hesitate to kiss her daughter and pushed her tongue into her mouth. This resulted in a prolonged French kiss between them.
When the kiss ended, Sandra was the first to speak. “Mommy, if we just touched each other, down here, and made each other happy, would that be such a bad thing?” Sandra asked.
“No honey. I don’t think it would be necessarily something bad. First thing though, we won’t let on to anyone else. This will be our little secret. Additionally, we can’t do anything but touch each other. Here angel, let me put some love oil on your fingers. I’ll put some on mine,” smiled Laura.
She had already opened her robe, and Sandra’s Kimono. Sandra looked over at her mother’s Mons Pubis. Laura looked affectionately at Sandra’s plump penis. Sandra wasted no time in touching and opening the folds of mother’s labia and massaging her clitoris.
Laura threw her head back. It felt so wonderful! It had been too long. She loved how she felt. She moved closer to Sandra and grabbed her erect member. Their mouths, lips and tongues melted into a loving kiss. Laura went one step further and pushed her breasts into her sissy daughter.
The sexual tension was volatile and Laura could hold back no longer, “Oh Sandra my sweet girl, thank you!” Laura shuddered.
Then Laura felt the pulsing spurts of her girl’s penis and she knew Sandra had reached her climax. She held her daughter to her tightly. They stayed together, until Sandra asked, “It was okay to do wasn’t it Mommy?”
“Yes precious, it was wonderful. Nurse on Mommy’s boob honey. Suckle to your hearts content,” Laura cooed, as Sandra wrapped her lips around Laura’s nipple. Sleep would come soon and peacefully.
Two months had passed since Sandra’s business trip with Monique. Yvette was now concerned. She’d awoken at 3 AM. She felt so nauseous! She’d made her way to her attached bath and became ill, vomiting.
The month before she had no menstrual flow at all. The month before that, she had only spotted. Prior to that, she’d had her first sexual encounter with Sandra. Since that time, they had made love several times but always with Yvette inserting her IUD.
But no, not on the first occasion. The sexual encounter had been unprotected. At breakfast, once Sandra had left for the office, Yvette spoke to Laura. “Madame Laura, I need to make an appointment with Doctor Debra Smyth. I believe I am pregnant, Madame.”
Laura immediately went to Yvette and hugged her. “Oh Yvette, are you certain? Have you been seeing someone when you visit your mother?” Laura asked.
“I am almost certain I am with child Madame. No, I see no men when I visit mother. It is my duty to tell you, if I am expecting, the child belongs to Sandra and me,” whispered Yvette.
Laura had not been this close to fainting since she discovered her ex had ran off with his secretary. However she took a deep breath and said, “I will call Debra and we’ll get you in to see her ASAP. Oh my, I might be a Grandmother.”
End of Part One.
Please stay tuned to Forced Feminization Illustration Art for Part Two. I’m sure there will be plenty to talk about. Will Sandra have to breast feed? Love Priscilla
Email Priscilla directly below:
Priscilla Gay Bouffant Myspace
I like this story. It's thrilling to read about strong women and their sissies.
ReplyDeleteI wonder maybe Yvette will be his mistress too, send him to the sissy Academy and made him her wife and maid. ;)
Oh my! Alex, you and your lovely legs are back. I'm thrilled you like the story. I'm not sure they marry. Sandra might make her way to the Academy but possibly as an employee in this case. Thank you for reading and commenting, darling.