New! The New Secretary

Joe X

I was happy in my new job. Fancy being a senior executive with my own secretary, or personal assistant as she preferred to be called; and Molly was a good looking girl, in her mid-twenties with a strong and, I had to admit it, rather sexy personality.

If she had a fault though it was a tendency to dash off at precisely 4.29 to go to the hairdressers, the gym or wherever girls spent their time these days. I never knew. And when she dashed off she invariably failed to log off her computer properly. Didn't she know the security rules! I sighed yet again and went to log off for her. The computer was even open at her e-mail in-box. I would never have opened one of her mails, but I couldn't help noticing that the latest one was titled 'Man of the Month'. Was this some new monthly company award I'd never heard of? I decided to tackle Molly about it the next day when I told her off yet again for leaving her computer on.

'And what's this Man of the Month thing I've never heard of?' I asked her next morning, 'some kind of monthly award?'

Molly burst out laughing.

'In a manner of speaking you could say that. If you promise, promise, promise not to let anyone know I've let you in on the secret, I'll forward it on to you'.

'I promise', I said, how could I do otherwise I was so intrigued.

Molly pressed the key to forward it.

'And don't open it till I've gone' she added.

I couldn't wait until 4.29 when Molly with a knowing grin departed leaving me to open the e-mail. It consisted of a single attachment and it was circulated to all the secretaries in the office. The attachment was labelled 'My Man' and was sent by Trixie, one of the young secretaries in the Finance Department. I opened it up and gasped. It was headed by a large full frontal picture of a naked man captioned 'My BF' and it was accompanied by a little story about him, his manly attributes and Trixie that left little to the imagination.

I tackled Molly about it the next day.

'Oh', she said, evidently embarrassed at having sent it at all, 'it's a little thing the girls do. A bit of fun you know, every month we take it in turns to circulate a picture of a man and a story about him. He doesn't have to be in the nuddy she added, but somehow it's got so he usually is. You know what girls are like'

Somehow I decided I didn't really know what girls were like.

'And what do the boyfriends, husbands or whatever think about it?' I asked.

'Good God, nobody tells them' said Molly, 'and you mustn't let on I've told you about it!'

I, not for the first time, wondered at the double standards between men and women. If men had circulated pictures like that they'd have been sacked for misuse of the e-mail system. But even the MD's hallowed PA's name was on the circulation list!

It never occurred to me that Molly had just had an idea who would make a good subject for the next man of the month.

I had to go to Berlin on business. It was not a good trip. The flight was late, so late that I didn't get to the hotel until eleven o'clock. I was so shattered I just tore my clothes off and jumped in the shower. I jumped again when I came out of the shower stark naked, as did the two girls just coming in through the door into my room. They said I was in their room, I said they were in my room. The receptionist arrived apologetic. She said I should not be there, they had given my room away when I hadn't turned up by ten o'clock.

Bloody Molly, I thought, she hadn't confirmed my room for late arrival. I couldn't argue with the receptionist, it was somehow difficult to argue when I was stark naked and everyone was looking at my penis.

Ensconced after much difficulty in his my new hotel I e-mailed an account of my travails to Molly. I didn't like to scold, so I made it humorous, but at the same time pointed out that my room should have been confirmed.

Molly it appeared was not in the least abashed.  I received a reply almost immediately asking for an illustrated version! I presumed it was a joke. she wouldn't expect to receive one.

In retrospect I'm not sure why I did it. It just seemed a funny idea at the time, and Molly was such a good sport. I'd show her!  I'd teach her to ask for naughty pictures! I'd download a suitable picture off the internet.  Send her that.  But then I had a thought.  You see I had some pictures of myself in the nude on my laptop. Pictures nobody else knew about. Nude portraits taken by a girl photographer I had once been persuaded to pose for in Paris. I'd answers an advert you see and it had ended up with me being photographed with nothing on.  Sometimes I seem to get taken advantage of.  But I had got the pictures.  I chose a nice one of me. Taken from the rear.  Discreet.  Not showing anything too naughty and I pasted it into the Word document describing my adventure in detail; and of course out of discretion and for decency's sake I put a big black square my bottom. I smiled to myself as I sent it off. She'd never know it was me!  She'd just think it was some picture off the internet! How she'd laugh! But I'd have the last laugh.

Within a few minutes the reply came.  I'd been right she had laughed.  She was still laughing as she explained how easy it was to go into Edit Picture and removed the black squares to restore the picture to its original glory. And there was the original picture showing everything.  She'd seen everything! What a nice bottom you've got, she said.  Yes, very nice. She was a lucky girl. Not many secretaries got to know what their boss's bare bottom looked like. Clearly it was a professional portrait. She was dying to know who had taken it and why. She wondered if there were more. It would make a great 'Man of the Month'.  Should she send it round the girls now?

'No! No!' I e-mailed back.  I was mortified.

'Oh, what a pity,' she replied.  Never mind, she had some more news.  She had been asked to fly to Berlin to bring some important documents out. Would I, she asked, like to hear a story from her about a business trip she had had. Of course I said I would.  Anything to divert attention from that embarrassing picture.

I received the story the next day and started to read it. My God! I stared at the words.

Boss - hotel room - secretary - knocks - no reply - goes in - boss naked - balls - cock - mouth - climax.

I looked in more detail at the final paragraph.

'His balls were big and manly, to tease him I took each one in my mouth in turn and sucked it gently. Then it was the turn of his big, manly cock. My lips closed round it and I took it right in.'

And so it went on. I went hot, cold and sweaty in turns. She was coming out tomorrow. What was I to do? This was as blatant an offer as I could receive.

With some trepidation I met Molly at the hotel the next day.

'Did you enjoy my story?' She asked.

'Er... Yes'

'It was just fiction' said Molly quickly, 'I mean I wasn't suggesting I wanted to do that to you. I mean it's not that I wouldn't enjoy it. I mean I always enjoy doing it. I mean... '. Her voice tailed off. I reassured her he had enjoyed it as a work of fiction.

We went up to Molly's room to go over some documents. Molly opened up her laptop and switched on. I gasped - there on the screen as screen saver was my picture. - minus black squares. I gasped.

'Nice isn't it' said Molly grinning all over her face, 'it was really easy to remove the squares'

'Who took it?' she asked 'tell me the whole story'

I took a deep breath and told the story.  How I had seen an advert from a girl photographer offering to take artistic portraits, and in a moment of, I don't know, vanity I suppose, had gone and had a series of 'artistic and nude' portraits done.  And the others.  The ones she had persuaded me into.  It's hard to resist when you've got no clothes on.

'Well show me the rest of the pictures then' said Molly 'you said you keep them on your laptop'

'Oh, I don't think I should do that' I replied nervously.

'Well in that case who's going to be Man of the Month next month?' said Molly pointing at her screen.

I was in a quandary. She would do it. There was no doubt she would do it. Why had I sent that stupid picture. Well, I could just show her the 'artistic' pictures. She needn't know about the others. The other ones the girl had persuaded me to pose for.  The ones the girl had really wanted.

I plugged my memory stick in her laptop and opened up the file containing the pictures and my naked image sprang up on the screen. I was standing side on to the camera my penis in profile. Molly gasped and I went scarlet with embarrassment. I hadn't meant to show her a penis picture, and I'd forgotten how big my penis looked on that one. And I had forgotten that I had captioned it 'My big cock'.

I moved quickly on to the next picture. My cock looked big in that one too. I had forgotten how much my penis featured in them. That girl photographer had really liked my penis.  I tried to move on through them quickly.

'Hold on' said Molly 'you've got a nice willy. Give me a chance to get a good look at it.'

I blushed even more. I had forgotten how modern girls would talk about cocks as freely as they would talk about hands or feet.

A picture of me sitting came up. It was the first where my balls were clearly visible.

'Oh that's lovely' said Molly 'how sexy. Your balls look really sweet.'

Another profile came up. I winced. I hadn't meant to show that one. It should have been with the 'special' ones.

'Ooh!' Said Molly 'were you getting a bit aroused on that one?'

I was forced to admit I was. The evidence was plain to see.

'I thought so. Your cock's half up' said Molly. She seemed to have a sudden thought.

'Are there any with you - well you know.'

'Know what?'

"You know...  Really aroused..."

Oh no!  There were indeed.  There were 'the special ones'.  The ones the girl had persuaded me to pose for.  The ones where she was...  But I'd better not go into detail.

'No...' I tried to lie. But Molly could tell from my face that there were.

'Oh, and I didn't think you wanted to be Man of the Month', she said.

I realised he was in no position to refuse. Too embarrassed to look myself, I opened up the file of special pictures.

Molly gasped again and looked as if she was about to wet her pants. The picture was a side view and showed me kneeling on a settee completely nude. My cock was clearly visible in profile fully erect.

'Aw that's really sexy' she said ' how did she persuade you to let her take that one?'

'She er...  She..."

'She didn't!  She did, didn't she!'

I moved on through the pictures. Molly was containing herself with some difficulty. Until the final one. I was on my hands and knees, completely nude as ever facing the camera. My erect cock and my balls were clearly visible between my legs. The expression on my face was one of total embarrassment.  Molly could contain herself no longer. She stood up and made for the bathroom.

'Sorry, I've just wet my pants' she said bluntly 'and I've got to go and do something to myself'.

I just fled. The thought of Molly returning minus her knickers was just to scary.


When I came back from the bathroom he had gone. He'd left in a hurry apparently as he'd left his memory stick still plugged in.  Bloody bosses, I thought, he hadn't even password protected the folder. I copied it onto my laptop.

I opened up the file again. It was a good job I'd taken off my knickers.  And, well, now I had the pictures, all the pictures.  What a position of power I was in. Now I could get the boss to do anything, anything I liked. What, I wondered, should I do?

A few days later I was looking at the picture again.  God, it made me feel so hot; I could feel my knickers getting moist even as I looked. I wriggled on my seat. Who would have thought it of my so staid and reserved boss? And then to send me one of the pictures and leave them unprotected on my laptop so I could copy them! It was unbelievable. How I longed to see the real thing. Of course I had dropped hints. Even asked outright once, but he just seemed to want to act as if the whole thing had never happened. But I was determined. I said to him, “I’ve set my mind on it. And when I set my mind on something I always get it”


I tried to forget about the whole stupid incident, but Molly didn’t make it that easy. I'd left my memory stick in her laptop and she had got hold of copies of the pictures and she teased me mercilessly about them.

And she wanted me to strip naked for her, to see me in the flesh she said, it was only fair she said, a reward for keeping quiet about the pictures, for not circulating them round all the girls in the office.

It wasn't blackmail as such.  She wouldn't have called it that.  And this was a much better way to get her way. Tease me with the photographs, she knew I could only stand so much teasing, then I was bound to give way if only to make it stop.  That was why I couldn’t forget about it. Molly kept teasing me.  Her best tease was to have one of the photos up on her computer screen whenever I came over to see her. It sent me into paroxysms of embarrassment and fear. What if somebody should come into the office and see it!

Then I had to go to Paris on a business trip. Molly wanted to go with me; apart from the nice trip away from the office she was sure to be thinking up a plan to get me to reveal all if she could get in a hotel with me for a few days.  She might even have been wanting a few pictures of her own!

So I had said ‘no’, I understood the pressures she would exert while away on a business trip perfectly well.


He'd said I couldn't go with him to Paris, but I wasn’t to be put off so easily. That was why I was looking at the picture. I had it in Photoshop, it was a wonderful thing, Photoshop, you could do almost anything with pictures. Take a figure from one picture and put it in another, and no-one could tell it wasn’t an original. That was what I was completing now, a photomontage using one of th the naked picture of the boss. I put the final finishing touches to it and looked across at him; we shared the same office and had desks facing each other. He looked back, he could tell I had been looking at THE pictures again and he flushed bright red, while pretending not to notice.

I attached the picture to an e-mail, addressed it to him. and sent it winging across the office. I heard the ping as it went into his inbox.


I looked at my new message. Oh no! It was from Molly and it was headed ‘Trip to Paris’. If I'd told her once I'd told her a hundred times. She wasn’t going.

I saw Molly watching as I opened up the attachment and felt a bright red flush pass over my face as I saw the picture that was revealed.

I looked at it in horror. It was a photomontage, but it looked so realistic. It was that  picture of me naked on my hands and knees facing the camera, penis rigid, face like a scared rabbit.  It had been transferred to a picture depicting the inside of the office. I appeared to be kneeling naked on the office floor. Behind me stood Molly leg raised, looking for all the world as if she was about to kick me up the bottom. What made the picture so embarrassing though was that the frightened look on my face was just that of someone about to receive a kick in the balls. A speech bubble came out of Molly’s mouth saying “Am I going to Paris or not?” What a tease! The implication was obvious. If she didn’t get to Paris I was going to get a kick in the balls, metaphorically if not literally. There was a speech bubble coming my Joe’s mouth where I was to fill in his reply. What option did I have? I made the best job of it I could and typed in “Yes, anything!” and sent it back.

Molly looked at the response and smiled; I was flushed bright red and didn’t dare look at her. Molly had her response ready. She sent back her reply.

I saw it come in and opened it up in trepidation; it used the picture of me kneeling taken from the rear. Molly had set up the picture so that he looked as if I was again kneeling naked on the office floor and Molly was standing behind me patting me on my bare bottom. A speech bubble came out of her mouth saying “That’s right, there’s a good little boss”.

I knew I was beaten. Molly was the real boss now. I was going to have to do as I was told.

A week later we arrived at the smart business hotel in Paris and I announced I was going to take a shower before dinner.

“Ooh, can I come and watch”, said Molly.

I fled and locked the door. I thought he heard somebody knocking while I was in the shower but I didn’t dare go and look to see who it was.


I'd got him to take me to Paris, but the naughty boy wasn't letting me into his room. Standing outside the door of his room I thought things over. It wasn’t going to be that easy to get him to reveal all. I'd need a careful plan and he was going to need some more softening up.

I started to put her plan into operation the next morning.


I let Molly into my room when I'd got out of the shower and was respectably dressed.

“I know where we’ll go this evening”, she said

I looked at her in some trepidation.

“I know a lovely spa on the Grands Boulevards, just the place for a relaxing evening after a hard day’s work. It has sauna, relaxation room, massage, everything you need”

“Massage?” said Joe nervously, “I don’t think I’m quite into that sort of thing”

“Oh it’s quite respectable”, said Molly, “everybody goes there. It’ll do you good”

But I was not to be persuaded. Massage, in a spa, with Molly, it made me very nervous indeed

“I haven’t got a costume”, I said, as if that settled it.

“Costume”, said Molly scathingly, “this is Paris not Chipping Sodbury, you don’t wear a costume here”

I suddenly realised what she was getting at. She wanted me to go to a naked spa and sauna with her. Oh my God!

“No, no! I don’t think so”, I said and tried to change the subject, "Let's find somewhere to eat."

Molly smiled ruefully. She seemed to be hatching some sort of a plan

We met next morning to discuss my talk that afternoon on my favourite topic – Document Writing and Quality Control. It was a subject which I found endlessly fascinating and was sure I could make fascinating for everyone. I had prepared an exciting thirty slide presentation which Molly had put into Powerpoint on her laptop. I was to deliver the lecture at the front of the lecture room while Molly sat with the laptop moving the slides on for me.  Well, it gave her something to do; there wasn’t really any other reason for her to be there.

So there I was practising the routine with Molly, she sat with the laptop while I described the contents of the slide on the screen. I had been talking for about two minutes when the screen suddenly shuddered, the slide went off and the Screensaver appeared. Molly had chosen a very special screensaver. It was another of her montages. Onto a picture of a class in a lecture room she had placed one of the nude pictures of me standing facing the camera, my penis somewhat enlarged and very prominent, so that it looked as if I was lecturing to the assembled class stark naked and somewhat sexually aroused. A speech bubble came out of my mouth. It said, “At least this would make the talk less boring than usual".

"God! What's that?” I shrieked.

"It’s my new screensaver", said Molly

"Well, get rid of it! …Please", he added plaintively. As if that would make any difference.

"Ooh no!” said Molly, "I think it's rather fun. Don't worry; it only comes up if there's no activity on the computer for two minutes. You'll just have to make sure you don't spend more than two minutes on each slide".

Molly smiled.  She knew I'd be on tenterhooks the whole talk. Just where she wanted me.


The first people were coming in and he kept anxiously looking at the screen. The course participants had come prepared for a particularly boring afternoon and were particularly intrigued by the way the lecturer kept asking to see a different slide every minute or so.

He started on his talk. The whole thing was a nightmare. He kept rushing on the slides because he was terrified of leaving the same one on the screen too long. Then he'd have to go back to one that he hadn't finished.

I had never attended such a fun lecture. He seemed to be losing track of time as he was leaving the slides up far too long.

I could stop the screensaver coming up by jiggling the mouse about, and start with I'd jiggle it with about ten seconds to go. But that soon got boring, so I started playing a little game - trying to see how late I'd dare leave it. Five seconds to spare - yes! Three seconds to spare - yes! Did I dare? Leave it to one second. He was on to his last slide. He was overrunning regularly now, growing in confidence as the picture failed to appear. It was now or never! He'd been such a naughty boy I'd just have to give it a go, or I'd never forgive myself. I watched the second hand creep round, five seconds, four, three... I found my heart was actually pumping with then excitement, two, one... Go! My hand shot to the mouse, but maybe just a fraction too late. For a split second the members of the class saw a bizarre picture flash up on the screen, then it was gone.

The audience gasped.  I could see what was passing through their minds.  Had they really seen that, was it their imagination?

And as for the naughty boy, he looked at me pleadingly.

"Please", he said, "I can't go through that again. I'll do anything. Anything"

"I take it we're on for the spa then", I said, and he could only nod his head in agreement.


I had had agreed to go to the spa with Molly. Anything to avoid another repetition of the events in the lecture. We took the metro, walked over the road and down the stairs to the spa.

“Sauna, steam room, plunge pool, salle de repose and peppermint tea”, read the sign.

Molly handed over the entrance money.

“And a massage for my friend”

"He would like the full body massage?" said the receptionist.

"Of course," said Molly winking. I wasn’t sure that I wanted a massage and I knew it was just another of Molly’s ploys to embarrass me, but I nodded.  She was boss now.

We were handed a towelling robe each, a towel and a pair of rubber flip-flops. We must wear the flip-flops at all times, we were warned, otherwise we'd find the floor was very slippery. We would be in trouble if we didn't wear them.  We were shown the way to the changing room.

It was a communal single sex changing room. Oh my God! We weren’t going to have to strip naked in front of each other.  I could think of nothing worse. It had been one thing stripping naked for the girl photographer. That had been embarrassing enough, but I knew I would never see her again, so it had been bearable. But stripping naked in front of Molly, a girl I worked with every day, it would mean a daily embarrassment for me. And then to have Molly strip naked in front of me!  Was that what she wanted?  She, however, had no intention of stripping off in front of me. There was a single private changing cubicle and she dived in there and came out five minutes later, carrying her clothes and demurely wearing her towelling robe.


I had hoped that he might start stripping off out in the changing room, as most people did, but no such luck. To my disappointment he took the opportunity to dive in the changing room after me and soon we had put their clothes in a locker and made our way into the Salle de Repose. Never mind, there was plenty of time yet.


The salle de repose was a large room with oriental murals on the walls. Round the sides were lounger beds for relaxing on, and up the far end reached by a set of stone steps and situated in a sort of grotto was a cold plunge pool for the relaxation of guests after a hot sauna.

A tall rather muscular looking girl of Middle Eastern origin came into the room and said something unrecognisable in rapid heavily accented French. She went out again.

A woman lounging on one of the rest beds called over.

“Elle cherche sa prochaine victime”

“She’s looking for her next victim!” I thought, that sounded a bit daunting. Then it occurred to me that this young lady was the masseuse and that she was looking for “une victime” – presumably her next female client. Then it dawned on me that “victime” is feminine in French regardless of the sex of the person concerned and that she was looking for me. I was to be the next victim.

I looked at Molly, made a face and went after the masseuse. The masseuse was an impressive looking woman of few words and led me through to the massage table which bizarrely was in a partitioned area at the end of the communal changing room. The door was wedged open.

“Le peignoir là” she pointed to a peg on the wall where I was to hang my robe, “et la tete là” she pointed to the end of the bed where my head was to go.

She was the sort of woman you didn't argue with.  Faced with such authority I had little choice but to do as she said. I took off the robe and lay face down on the bed. I was not used to lying naked on a bed with a young lady standing over me and I started to flush with embarrassment.

The muscular young lady then poured hot oil on my back and started kneading. And I started to relax. She was good, very good. Very strong hands.

But at no point did she make any effort to close the door. Whether this was because she was claustrophobic, or to make sure there were no accusations of hanky-panky I don’t know. So everybody that came into the changing room could peek in. I was acutely conscious of people moving around in the changing room, of footsteps approaching the door, of the door opening and somebody coming. Oh my God, I looked round, it was Molly.


This had been my little plan, get him naked on the massage table, and then come to have a good look. He was stuck there with no clothes on unable to escape.

I had come with Him, as far as the masseuse was concerned I was his partner, somebody who had a right to be there.

I could see him cringe as I watched that cute little bare bottom being slapped.  He was completely naked, completely vulnerable, his face bright red.

“Tournez” said the masseuse slapping his bottom – indicating that he should turn face up.

I could see the horror on his face as he realised that he was going to have to turn over and show me his penis. I was going to see his penis, live, in the flesh, close up and there was nothing he could do about it. I had manipulated the situation again, and I was going to get a grandstand view. Reluctantly and as nonchalantly as he could manage he turned over. He looked at his cock. The masseuse looked at his cock. I looked at his cock. He flushed bright red; it was big and it was fully erect.

The masseuse looked at me and smiled. I knew just what the masseuse was thinking – nice big, powerful cock, lucky girl! And as for the poor naked victim, he looked as if the floor would open up and swallow him he was so embarrassed. I just gaped. This was it. I'd done it! I had the boss lying stark naked in front of me showing me his cock. I looked at his cock again. It was lovely, just the right size, and showing off his balls. Rather flushed I could feel the moisture between my legs suddenly intensify, the urge to see to myself grew uncontrollable, and with a sudden, “Excuse me!” I rushed out. Now that I had seen it for real I knew I had to have that cock.


Oh no!  Molly had seen my penis.  And in that state!  She'd been so embarrassed she'd run away.  How would I ever live it down! I regained my robe and crept out. I looked round. She was nowhere to be seen. I was so embarrassed at the possibility of seeing her again that I tried to think of somewhere to hide. In the sauna! That was it. It was compulsory to be naked in the sauna and I somehow knew that Molly had no intention of getting naked.

I crept through to the sauna suite. There was a shower room at the entrance to the sauna to shower the oil off before going in. I slipped off his robe and jumped under the shower. The shower was open, just a shower head on the wall - no cubicles or anything. I turned the water on. It was freezing cold and I let out a little shriek of surprise.


A little less flushed after my time on my own, I had been looking for him without success, but when I heard the little shriek I knew who it was at once. I went into the shower room and caught him showering naked, and this time I did get to watch. I had caught him in the process of soaping his his naughty bits just as I came in. There was nothing he could do about it, I was watching him showering naked and he just had to get on with it, rubbing the soap carefully into his penis. At least I think that's what he was doing. The sight so affected me that I felt the urge for a further moment of privacy and dashed out again.


Things had just got even worse.  She'd caught me playing with my willy in the shower. What was I doing? She'd run off again. Taking advantage of her absence I dashed into the sauna.

I sat down in the sauna, it was hot, and I'd forgotten to bring my towel so the wooden slats of the seats felt hot on my bottom. I breathed deeply. I was safe for the moment. I waited five or ten minutes and then a man and a woman came in, flung down their towels and sat opposite me.  The woman seemed to want to get the hot air flowing over her private parts as she opened her legs nice and wide. The seat at the other side was higher up than at my side so that my eyes were on a level with, well with everything. I didn’t quite know where to look. It seemed to be rude to look straight ahead, but on the other hand it seemed a bit obvious to look everywhere except straight ahead. In the end the only option seemed to be to go and leave them alone. I had a sneaking suspicion that had been the object of the exercise in the first place.

I went back into the shower room to reclaim my robe. It wasn’t there. There wasn’t any robe or towel there; the other couple must have come through just wearing their towels. Had somebody taken it by mistake or had Molly taken it not by mistake. I rather suspected the latter. There was nothing for it in any case but to try to sneak back to the changing room and grab another one. I looked carefully out the door and started to pad softly through the empty Salle de Repose, I was half way across when I heard voices, including Molly’s coming from the opposite direction. At the end of the salle de repose there was a large cold plunge pool, mounted on some stone steps. It seemed to me to be a place of safety in my current naked state and I ran up the steps and leapt into the pool. I let out a little shriek.  It was freezing!  But I'd got in just in time, for Molly came striding into the room carrying my robe followed by the muscular masseuse carrying the urn of peppermint tea. Molly waved to me. I waved sheepishly back. She wasn’t going to come and bring me my robe, and somehow I didn’t like to ask her for it. What was I to do? I was already getting cold in the plunge pool but more people were coming into the room to partake of the tea and I was embarrassed at the idea of suddenly emerging Venus like stark naked from the pool. But there was nothing for it. It was that or freeze to death. I decided to make a dash for it. I leapt out of the bath and on to the top stone step. Somewhere during the evening I had forgotten the warning about the rubber flip-flops and the slippery floor. Wherever my flip-flops were, they weren’t on my feet now. As soon as I put my foot on the ground it went sliding from under me and I felt my bare balls bouncing on each step in turn as I descended the steps to the bottom.

The masseuse rushed over and helped me to my feet.


The poor boy had tried to make a dash for it down the steps from the plunge pool and literally gone arse over tip.  I saw his swinging balls smack against the steps.  Oh dear!  The Masseuse rushed over.

“Lie down on the bed”, she ordered while she took the opportunity to look him over. His balls had whacked against the hard stone and I was sure they’d be black and blue. I looked round. The people in the room had gathered round to witness the examination of his balls. But when we looked down there what we saw made it difficult to keep a straight face. He had been in the cold water for fifteen minutes. His balls had gone all wrinkly and his lovely big cock had shrivelled to a rather unimpressive size.

He looked up at us.

“Well the water was cold”, was all he managed to say.

“Never mind I got a great picture," I said, holding up the my mobile phone.  I’ll make sure that I explain to the girls that you shrunk in the wash."

The masseuse started to chastise him for not wearing his sandals, and his cock seemed to shrink even further under her withering diatribe.

As I looked down at him lying naked in front of me I felt myself naked under my robe, and as I looked at his cock I felt my nipples harden again and rub against the rough towelling cloth, I felt the moisture between my legs. Oh My God! I would have to go and get relief.

I left him lying there, the masseuse firmly massaging his bruised balls wondering where I had dashed off to again. I was sitting in a cubicle, legs apart, seeing to myself with 'intense satisfaction. I wondered why it was so intensely arousing, seeing the boss naked. Then I realised, it wasn’t just that I had seen him naked, though that was arousing enough, it was that I had made him do it. He really, really hadn’t wanted to do it, and I had made him. It was this sense of power that was so aphrodisiacal, the knowledge that I could make him do what I wanted. I gasped with satisfaction. That was good, and there was more still to be had. I still had the pictures and I now I had the power.  Now I had to have his cock.  His big, broad, powerful cock.  I could put his cock to whatever use I wanted.  My cunt throbbed.  I knew exactly what use I was going to put it to.

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