Princess of Castile: Chapter 7

Jennifer Reed

Chapter 7: Empress’s First Strike

Elsa sat in the darkness of her private chambers wondering what foolish plot her sister had planned now. She had received news that her sister had been captured and taken to the island province of Aragon where she had been entrapped into an unwanted marriage with one of the three powerful Dukes of the rebel country. From what she heard, he had a vicious sexual appetite and had certain old-age ideas of a woman’s place in society. But she wondered why her sister Alejandra would subject herself to such things. Well, now her name was Isabella Cordoba, wife of Duke Jose Cordoba. Elsa swore that man would certainly lose his head for this. Her rage simmered. His head would be on a pike outside of her palace as a warning to all who would dare touch her beloved sister. That sickening province would feel the wrath of her army.

She owed a lot to her brilliant sister. Elsa was one of the first to accept Alejandro as her sister instead of her brother. Her parents refused to understand, and most of the people in the country would not accept their prince as a transsexual either. The people were deeply catholic. As was she, but she could accept God's will and if it was God's will that her brother was really her sister, then that was what she would accept. So she understood why Alejandra, now Isabella, was doing this. This was a way to make the people accept her as their princess. Especially if the transition was forced on her. They would accept their beloved princess and then call for revenge. It would be a revenge Elsa was all too willing to provide her people when the time came.

Isabella was so good with these kinds of plots. Arranging for her sister to be crowned as the Empress and herself named as the Princess under the Empress was all Isabella's doing. Isabella had done all of the work behind the scenes, unknown to her for so long. She had gone to the lords of the realm and arranged for them to accept and crown her sister, Elsa, as the Empress instead of her. It was Alejandro's birthright and they had long accepted only a male could ascend. Isabella hated that tradition. She had seen how Elsa was raised and it enraged her. She saw her sister's suffering under the strict catholic rules for girls. Be obedient, silent, submissive, and faithful. Obey male authority, Isabella hated it and she saw her sister's fierce will and her strength. Isabella wanted that changed and made plans.

When their father died, Isabella went into action. She arranged for Elsa to claim the crown instead of her. The day came and Elsa was bewildered when she was suddenly crowned the Empress of the Castile Empire instead of her brother. Alejandro just smiled in pride as Elsa was crowned. Her brother-sister wore a huge smile and knelt to her new empress with the most love he could muster.

It was then that she realized why her brother was so weird and harsh to her at times. It was her brother training her and preparing her for a life of leadership and being the empress. Then he arranged for Elsa to present Alejandro as the Empire's Princess Alejandra. Some lords and territories rebelled, plunging the Empire into civil war. It was due to Elsa's strict leadership that they all survived.

Except the rebels were very cruel and proceeded to try to exterminate the catholic population and they captured her sister and tried to get information and turn her. Elsa had her rescued and reclaimed all of the provinces.

There were several large areas that had a majority protestant population that took exception to a catholic regime like Elsa’s and saw their chance to strike during the rebellion. The protestants took advantage and decided to strike at the catholic population. During the conflict, her sister had been captured. The rebels attempted to get information from her and turn her into a traitor. Elsa won out and defeated the rebels and then forcibly removed many of the protestants to Aragon. Aragon was happy to receive them.

Aragon had declared independence generations ago and had a treaty with the United States. Elsa knew it was just a matter of time until the United States would turn on Aragon and abandon the country. Aragon would get theirs very soon.

It was about time for her to prepare for their rally now. This was going to be a very important event for her Empire. Aragon had made a terrible mistake and it was time to inform her people and prepare to punish the tiny rebel Province of Aragon for their misjudgment.

Elsa walked out of her dark private chambers and put on her royal robe and her crown as the Empress of Castile. The Empress went to her limo that bore the insignia of the Empire and it took her to a huge stadium where her troops were waiting. The stadium was enormous and was used for many of her rallies. The enormous concrete pillars supporting the Stadium each had an engraving of the seal of Castile and the red arrows of the Falange Party.

Elsa walked into the huge stadium that held almost half a million troops. Her people led her up to the raised podium overlooking her troops. She looked up at the blood-red flags that were the symbols of her Party. She saw the other enormous flags that had the seal of her Empire of Castile. The wind caused her blonde hair to fan about behind her like a crest as she stood there proudly examining the massive columns of her troops before her. Each of them wore the black dress uniform of her military with blood-red arrows on the arm. The arrows were the symbol of the Falange. There was a black center with a Yoke and five Arrows. She raised her arm to her people and they cheered their beloved powerful Empress. They chanted, “Elsa, Elsa, Elsa.”

She slid a microphone on to her robe before raising her arms to get their attention and spoke to them. “Let us start with the traditional rosary prayer. Reflect on the Luminous Mysteries of the Rosary.”

They all knelt and made the sign of the cross as Elsa began. “In the name of our Father, and the Son and the Holy Spirit Amen. I believe in God, the Father almighty, creator of the heaven and earth, and in Jesus Christ. He is the only son of our Lord who was conceived by the Holy Spirit. Born of the Virgin Mary, Suffered under Pontius Pilate and was sacrificed and died. And was buried. He descended into hell and rose from the dead.”

This was how all of their rallies began, by praying and the Rosary. They did the apostles creed and then the Hail Marys. Elsa led them through it all. It was a catholic empire led by a catholic empress.

Then they got into the rally itself. Elsa shouted, “This was a very special prayer for my sister and our princess, to have the strength and will to endure her suffering. She has been captured by a bunch of perverts. They are forcing the transition she had resisted for so long, for our sake and the sake of your acceptance. It is being forced on her and she is suffering for the fate of our Empire, and for our Lord. She will return to us as a woman and our princess. We must accept her then as our princess. We can no longer reject or persecute her for her femininity. But we can avenge the humiliation and suffering she is being forced through. And by the will of our Lord, we will avenge her.”

The troops shouted in agreement.

“She is being forced to transition into a woman. They are humiliating and abusing her. And we know about this sick nation, right off of our coast, and what they do to people.”

Elsa made sure this rally and her speech were being recorded and transmitted across the nation and especially to Aragon’s channels. They would see it all.

“They have followed our custom of arranged family marriages for centuries. Only, when I abolished such harsh and cruel customs, Aragon continued to follow it by claiming it was part of their culture. They had allowed women to be forced into marriages without their consent, by force, and against their will. They do that to this day. Such perverted and sick practices that are in reality, abduction and slavery that most modern nations regard it as so and have outlawed it. In the age of equality, instead of abolishing such sick customs, they have changed the law to allow men to be placed into marriages against their will to another man.”

The crowd cried out angrily at this.

“This is what they consider equality. Such sick and perverted people to have this custom and to even having expand its realm of suffering to men. Allowing a straight man to be forced into a marriage, to lose his masculinity and identity to another man to be used and sexually abused and enslaved. To crush his will and his pride by another man. To be used as a woman and as a wife. These are normal regular men like you. I can’t imagine a worse fate for a man than that. And several men have already suffered such humiliation as they are now inflicting on our beloved prince.”

The people called for blood. Then Elsa motioned and a few of her guards brought up a large wooden wheel that was propped up and elevated to the height of her hips.

A helpless man was forced onto the stage, his hands and feet tied. He was put on the large wheel and his hands and feet were tied so that he was displayed spread-eagle. She looked down at the helpless man tied to the breaking wheel.

She looked out at the enormous columns of troops standing before her. Many of them were high ranking women. Elsa shouted to them, “This man used to be a powerful Count in our empire. He has lost his titles and his wealth. His crime is that he sold his youngest daughter in a contract to a sick Baron of Aragon. His family arranged a marriage for her daughter in a marriage to a Baron in Aragon. He profited greatly from the agreement while his daughter was transported to Aragon and forced into an unwanted and unexpected marriage. This girl had just graduated from secondary school and wanted to be an air force pilot. She was ready to enter the officer's academy and go into Top Gun training when her future was stripped from her.”

Her people cried in rage at that offense. A daughter of Castile sold to a foreign state and enslaved. She was sold by her own family, a betrayal. “You all know the penalty of trafficking people and arranging unwanted marriages against the will of the bride. What is the punishment?”

The troops said one resounding word, “Death!”

One of her soldiers brought her a huge sledgehammer and she held it intimidatingly. The man cried out, knowing what was about to happen. Elsa raised the hammer and brought it down on the wheel hard enough to make the wood crack. The man screamed in terror. He had been expecting the hammer to strike his body. The wetness between his legs and the sour smell of urine signaled his loss of bladder control.

Elsa turned to her people, holding the hammer at her side. She addressed her people, "This man deserves to be tortured to death and he will be. But this is not the place for this. We are here to prepare for war against Aragon. Those of you who wish to witness his execution may join me after this rally."

Behind her, the condemned man cried in terror. He knew what awaited him and he knew that begging for his life was useless. His life was forfeit because of his actions.

Elsa said loudly, “This animal will pay for what he has done. But make no mistake my beloved citizens. There are many thousands of women suffering the same fate as his daughter and that is why we must act to protect the lives and dignity of these women. They have our own beloved princess and this demands a military response. And so I have dispatched forces to Aragon to help protect and help our Princess Alejandra and find Carla, the daughter of this man, and bring her back to Castile. There can be only one response to this insult and capturing our citizens and our beloved princess, my beloved sister. What is that response, people of Castile?"

Her troops cried out, “WAR!”

“Yes, this is an act of war. I have ordered our naval forces to seek out every vessel belonging to Aragon and destroy it. By tomorrow, every naval vessel flying the flag of Aragon will be sunk. I have also ordered our air forces to destroy the air force of Aragon. By tomorrow morning, the military forces of Aragon won't exist. And Aragon will be under a naval blockade.

Elsa shouted, “I have arranged a special test of a new weapon for you all to be witness to. Turn to watch the sea.”

Someone on a speaker counted down, "5, 4, 3, 2, 1. Fire.”

They saw a huge rocket break the surface of the water and its rocket motors ignited, sending it into the sky where it vanished.

A few minutes later, there was a brilliant blinding flash of light farther out at sea. Everyone had been provided with darkened goggles as part of the rally and the goggles protected their eyes. An amazing deafening roar sounded that shook the ground and rumbled all around them. The people saw an enormous huge blinding fireball rising fifty thousand feet into the air. A towering column of fire stood in the water where the flash of light had started and it then turned into a huge mushroom cloud.

“That was our new missile fired by the SSBN, Alejandra. It was a 20-megaton detonation. That is in case the United States does try to intervene. One of those subs is lying off the east coast of the United States right now. They are targeting many of their cities on the east coast. Washington, New York, Philadelphia. Miami. Atlanta. Another SSBN is off their west coast. I have ordered our navy to blockade Aragon and destroy their navy. Every naval vessel of Aragon will be sunk by the end of the day.”

Then they all started singing the anthem of the Empire. Facing the Sun. “Cara Al Sol”. Every soldier had their right arm raised straight out as they sang their anthem.

Then near the end, Elsa shouted, “Castile.”

The people shouted in Return, “Una.”


“Grande,” Was the response.


“Libre,” The people responded.

“Arriba Castile,”

“Arriba,” They all shouted.”

“Antonio Primo De Rivera,” Elsa shouted.

“Presente,” The people responded.

“Fransisco Franco.”

“Presenta,” they responded.

“Alejandra Primo De Rivera,” Elsa shouted.


“Arriba Castile!”


Then Else dismissed them and said, “Anyone who wishes to watch the dog who sold his own daughter into sexual slavery die, may stay and witness this man's punishment." Once the crowd had left the stadium, there were still several thousand men and women waiting.

Elsa knew that what was to come would be gruesome. She had a reputation for being a vicious, merciless ruler and it was well-earned. She did not relish meting out this kind of torture, but it was necessary to show her citizens what she was willing to do to rule over them and provide them with the way of life she promised them. By being this kind of person, her citizens did not have to be.

He had laid there unable to move and was only able to stare at the roof of the stadium. He had heard everything Elsa had said to the crowd and everything that the assembled troops had cried out in response. He knew that he was going to die, slowly. When he saw Elsa appear above, holding a large knife and smiling coldly down at him, all he could do was to begin pleading and screaming.

The screaming did not stop until Elsa had tortured him to death. It was not pretty at all. In fact, it could only be termed brutal and bloody. She conducted herself like a robot, trying to keep her brutality at arm's length, mentally speaking. When it was done, what remained barely resumed a body. Even though the number of people who had remained to witness her actions was relatively small, Elsa knew that what she had done here would be told and retold throughout the country. The rest of his family would go to a labor camp and work for the rest of their lives.

Elsa turned to the crowd, her hands and robes soaked with blood. She called out, “The animal is dead.”


The balance between the fleets of Aragon to the empire of Castile was ridiculous in the extreme. There was no comparison at all. Aragon had mostly a coastal defense fleet of coast guard cutters patrolling their shores for drug smugglers and the occasional fleeing bride. That was about it. Lately, they had tried to even the odds a bit by commissioning a class of shiny new heavy destroyers and a new class of frigates. They also commissioned an escort carrier to extend the range of their patrols further out to sea. Aragon also had several air wings of interceptors. But that was it.

By contrast, the empire of Castile had multiple classes of light to heavy destroyers, corvettes, frigates to heavy missile cruisers. Castile also had multiple classes of hunter-killer submarines and even a few heavy supercarriers. They had thousands of interceptors to fighter bombers. Castile also spent billions to commission a new heavy bomber. Castile had a navy roughly equal to the best navies of the world.

Aragon knew they stood little chance in a military conflict, which was why they had pursued a treaty with the United States, much like the treaty obligation the U. S. with Taiwan. But lately, the corruption and sickness of Aragon had caused the United States to rethink their commitment to defending Aragon. Some very troubling news had recently reached the ear of the US ambassador to Aragon.


Castile's navy targeted Aragon’s ships and the fight hardly lasted the night. Each and every naval vessel flying the orange and red flag of Aragon was targeted and showered with anti-ship missiles. Each of them ended up as a smoking hulk going to the bottom of the sea. Even their new destroyers didn’t stand much of a chance. They got a few good hits in and one of them managed to slip through the point defenses of the Castile fleet to hit the cruiser. A dozen seamen died in that hit. The response was very disproportionate and that ship went to the bottom killing every seaman on board.

That night, Aragon's entire navy went to the bottom of the ocean, thousands of seamen died that night and Castile's vengeance was not over. Castile's bombers flew over and bombed all of Aragon's harbors. Their harbors ended up as smoking ruins. No more ships would be able to dock at their facilties. Aragon was under a naval blockade. No supplies were coming in or out of the isle of Aragon.

The air battles in the skies above Aragon were just as one sided. Aragon had only a few wings of fighter aircraft. The United States had provided them a wing of F15 Eagles and another wing of F22 raptors, giving Aragon a total of over a hundred very advanced fighter aircraft. The problem was their training. They never expected to have to engage in combat. They were there to patrol the skies and that was it. If combat ever came, they fully expected the United States Carrier Air Wings to fight for them.

The United States didn't lift a finger when the black fighters from Castile with the blood red arrows on the wing flew over the skies of Aragon. It was such a shock to see hundreds of fighters from Castile invading their skies that the Aragon patrols had no clue what to do. They were quickly targeted and knocked out of the sky within seconds. More fighters rose to try to defend the skies of Aragon to no effect. They tried to return fire at Castile's fighters, but the training of the Castilian pilots was much more advanced and Aragon's return fire was easily avoided by Castile’s pilots.

Within the hour, Aragon's air force was totally destroyed. Castile had total air supremacy over the skies of Aragon. Aragon’s air force had ceased to exist. Castile had destroyed Aragon's navy and air force within hours. Aragon's military capability was destroyed. All they had left were five divisions of troops and they knew they couldn’t fight if Castile decided to land troops on the shores of Aragon. They were left wondering why the United States didn’t lift a finger during the battle.

What the government of Aragon didn’t know was that John Marks and Martin Hastings were American citizens when they were captured and married in unwanted forced marriages to other men. The United States also understood that Castile's princess was being held the same way and the United States Navy had direct orders not to return fire or defend Aragon. Aragon was alone in this fight. But Castile was also warned not to land troops or try to annex Aragon. That would go too far.


Aragon protested to the UN the next day. Their ambassador to the United Nations stood up and ranted about how it was such a violation of international law and asked why the US did not help defend their fleet. The Ambassador to the United States protested that they didn’t even know. It was such a quick action by Castile that their fleet didn’t have time to mobilize to defend Aragon.

Then Aragon turned their attention to the Ambassador to Castile and threatened to invoke sanctions on them for their violent and unprovoked act of aggression. The Ambassador to Castile simple sat there silently while the Ambassador to Aragon ranted at them.

When the Ambassador to Aragon was done ranting at the Ambassador to Castile, Castile's Ambassador calmly responded, “Your sick nation had thousands of women held captive. It has become a major hub for human trafficking. In fact, our own Princess Alejandra has recently been captured against her will and forced into a marriage in Aragon to a cruel Duke. She is being held captive against her will. Your rich people and your nobility consists of a bunch of perverts and rapists.”

“This is all coming from a fascist regime with an empress that rules with an iron fist,” said Aragon, sneering in contempt.

“Our princess is being held against her will. As are many other women in your nation who have had their freedom and their futures stripped from them just because their family signed a few papers,” responded Castile. “Is anything I said incorrect?”

“From what we have just heard,” responded Aragon, “Your princess has chosen to remain in Aragon and in her marriage to the Duke. It's all of her own free will. It is her own choice.”

Castile’s Ambassador clicked a remote and a video of Alejandra’s wedding to the Duke showed on a large screen. It showed her desperate protests and how she was silenced. How the justice of the peace responded that she had no say. It was all there and then there were some videos of the wedding preparation and the reception.

Castile’s ambassador smiled and responded, “That doesn’t look like her own free will to me. It looks like she protested, but her protests fell on deaf ears. Her refusal or consent or lack of it was irrelevant. This is forced.”

Then Aragon responded by showing a video of Isabella's speech at the reception where she announced her intention to remain with the Duke and how the Duke would help her transition. He smiled victoriously.

Castile's Ambassador nodded in acknowledgment. “Be that as it may, she was still forced and there can be no question of that. We also don’t know if she was forced to say those things, if she was threatened or coerced in any way. That statement cannot really be trusted, knowing that she is being held captive and has no rights of her own. We don’t trust that statement from her. And there are thousands of women being held against their will in unwanted marriages. Your nation is sick, perverted, and cruel well deserving what it got that night.”

There was no argument about that. And everything turned against Aragon and, instead of condemning Castile, the gathered dignitaries held a vote to condemn Aragon's laws. They tried to protest that it was part of their culture and could not be abolished. It just helped Castile’s case and a vote was held and failed. But it was a close vote. But it was clear America would not intervene in the blockade. They were very disappointed in their ally.

On the conclusion of the meeting, when they were leaving, Castile’s ambassador approached Aragon’s and said to him, “My Empress and my nation may reconsider if you consider releasing many of the women from their marriages and stop contracted marriages in the future. If not, then the blockade will remain in force.”

“We cannot change those laws” Aragon’s ambassador snapped.

Castile’s ambassador smiled, “Just remember, we gave you an opportunity to avoid what is coming. You had a chance.”

The two rival ambassadors both knew what the truth was. They knew Isabella was there of her own free will and her presence was intended this conflict. It had worked. And they all knew it was only the beginning of Aragon’s suffering.


Valentina had arrived for her meeting with the head of a family that wanted to adopt and help her recover from what she had suffered. Count Juan Julio was there with his wife Maria and his two daughters, Karime and Juana, were waiting for him as he pulled up to their place.

Maria stepped forward introducing herself, “Welcome Valentina, I am Countess Maria and this is my husband, Juan, and our two wonderful daughters, Juana and Karime." She smiled as she shook her head and continued, "But, you have met us all before. So, are you sure about this Valentina, do you seriously want to be part of our family?”

The two daughters smiled encouragingly at her. Their smiles made her feel welcome. They really wanted to care and help a younger sister so much.

“Yes, my old family sold me!” Valentina said sharply. “I would love to have a real family to help me recover. You all seem very kind and have offered me everything I need. I will be more than happy to accept your invitation.”

The two daughters cheered and ran up to hug Valentina. They led her over to Maria’s limousine. It was not a long drive to the courthouse where they had an appointment with a judge. Valentina and her future parents waited about twenty minutes until a bailiff stepped out from the judge's chambers and asked them to come in. Valentina, Maria and Julio stood up and went into the judge's chambers, which were really a very large office. They saw a middle-aged woman sitting behind an enormous desk and she came to her feet as she welcomed them.

The judge looked at Maria and said, “So, you are here to make official an adoption of an adult, Valentina De La Vega, former wife of Count De La Vega, into your family. Am I correct, Countess Maria?”

“Yes, Your Honor,”

She looked at Valentina and said, “And you approve of this, Valentina?”

He nodded, “Yes Your honor. My former family is no more, they sold me and have been arrested and serving in a labor camp. I have no need for them anymore.”

The judge nodded as she already knew what had been done to her parents. She said, “Valentina, I am granting your request to dissolve your former marriage. I saw the documents and it lacks your consent. I have dissolved that marriage and you were never married according to our country. You are free of that. I will approve your adoption into the Countess's family and you will be their son, or daughter, whichever way you choose to go, Valentina. Just sign these papers.”

Valentina signed the papers, Countess Maria and Julio signed as well. After she had also signed, the judge declared the adoption legal. “Good, you are now the youngest and only son of the Julio household. Congratulations.”

They walked out and the daughters smothered him in hugs and kisses as their youngest sister. They could not see any boy in Valentina and they were happy to have a younger sister. Maria then said, “And now we have an appointment with a doctor to examine you and give us the answers that we all need.”

They were driven to a fancy doctor's office and signed in. Maria and Valentina sat and waited. Valentina noticed the doctor's license on the wall, the letters OB-GYN were prominent on it. Maria had taken him to see a gynecologist. He didn’t protest. The reasons were very obvious. But it would be embarrassing.

They were finally let in and Valentina walked in. He had to put on a hospital robe and then sit in the seat and spread his legs in the stirrups.

The nice woman doctor examined him and asked, “You are male?”

He nodded and she examined him. She shook her head and stuck her fingers inside of Valentina’s crevice between his legs. She spread the lips of his crevice and closely examined them and mentioned, “Whoever did this to you did very good work.” Then she made an internal examination, took some x-rays, and examined Valentina’s breasts. She also took some samples of Valentina’s blood.

Valentina returned to the waiting room and they waited for about ten minutes while the lab tests were performed.

Finally, Valentina was led into the doctor's office who looked very serious.

Her expression was comforting, but a bit sad, as she knew about Valentina's case.

“You are probably wondering what exactly happened to you and if it can be undone so you can live as a male again. I can see you are male. But as extensive as the work on you was, it does not really matter that you are genetically male. Valentina, you have an uterus and a set of ovaries. You appear to have perfectly functioning female reproductive organs. Your penis is useless. It is just there but it does nothing for you. You have a vagina and everything that goes with it. That’s why you have a female monthly cycle. You are probably wondering how this all happened?”

“Well, my former owner made me have some very long operations.”

The Doctor told Valentina, “The work on you is extensive. It went all the way down to your genetic code. You have a Y chromosome. But your genetics and the Y were reprogrammed to make you female and prompt the growth of female reproductive organs. Everything was changed down to your genetic code. None of this can be undone without great danger to you, Valentina. What was done was very cruel."

Valentina asked, “But this can be undone. Women have their reproductive organs removed. Especially for female to male transitioners and for other reasons. Couldn’t this be done for me?” Valentina said hopefully

“Yes, but it would be an extensive and drastic operation. If you are sure, but many of the other effects would remain.” The Doctor said.

Valentina shuddered and said, “I went through one operation. I won’t go through another. But this is so cruel.” Valentina covered his face and began crying as his new mother held him. He would have to accept being female. There was nothing else to do.

They left the doctor's office to go to Valentina’s new home. Maria said to Valentina, “Empress Elsa wants to personally see you tomorrow. You are one of the only males who was taken from here. You are one of the only males who had such extensive feminization done to him and she really wants to see you tomorrow morning. But for now, let's go shopping and get you a new wardrobe and then we need to find out what you want to do for your future.“

“That’s easy,” Valentina said. “I want to fight. I want to be a soldier. Like your daughter, Juana, in the Shadow Corps. That’s what I want to be in so I can defend myself and fight. I want to free other women in Aragon. There are thousands of women like me that are being held there. I told the woman in charge of me I would rescue the other women. I was serious.”

Maria looked at her new daughter with a look of profound respect. “Juana can help you then. She will help you enlist in the Shadow Corps. And begin your training. Women train for up to six months before being accepted. They are the elite that do all of the dirty jobs like hostage rescue, capturing criminals, and other things. And it’s only for women.”


Isabella had seated herself by her husband across from her own mother and sister. She saw her sister with a brilliant wide smirk on her face as she was looking at Isabella’s neck. She saw the dark hickies on her neck and couldn’t stop herself from giggling. Isabella just remained calm, knowing what her sister would face very soon. That pretty much confirmed everything but things needed to be made very clear.

Her mother said, “Katherine, you wanted to be the one that confirmed the consummation so I am leaving it all up to you to confirm everything and make their marriage solid. It's up to you Katherine.”

Katherine stood up and moved to sit beside Isabella. She smiled at her adopted brother wearing the beautiful Bliss Mask and said, “I want to look at that mask you are you wearing. I just can't believe my sexist little brother here is transitioning into a woman and sitting here wearing a woman’s wedding Bliss Mask to signify her submission to her new husband. It's amazing.” Katherine sat close and ran her fingers over the hard plastic surface. She examined the jewels that were set in the mask. She ran her fingers around the eyes, cheeks, and beautiful ruby encrusted lips. “That is so beautiful I can’t believe you are wearing something like that. It makes you look like a beautiful woman.”

“I am glad you like it,” Isabella snapped sourly.

“What is it like wearing that mask,” Katherine inquired with a wide smirk.

“I fucking hate it,” Isabella said sourly. “It’s humiliating having to hide my face. This makes me so look feminine and submissive. It is hot and I can’t get it off. It is stuffy and very confining. And makes it very difficult to breathe or see. It makes me look very appealing to my husband.”

Katherine had guessed Isabella hated it. She figured Isabella hated it because she didn’t think it was how someone should be treated and it felt very demeaning to her. Katherine knew she felt humiliated as a woman wearing it. No matter how the person wearing it felt, all everyone else saw was a passionate lovely face on the mask.

Katherine knew this question would cause an outburst. Suzan was sipping her wine when Katherine looked at Isabella and asked, “Isabella, I know you sucked your husbands dick, but how was it?” She smirked.

Suzan suddenly spat out her wine in shock. She admonished, “Katherine, watch your mouth young lady. We are in public and that isn’t any of your business.”

“It is alright, I am not offended,” said the Duke. “That is an acceptable question.”

“But Mom,” Katherine protested, “Don’t you remember when she asked me about sucking my boyfriend. Her friends were around and kept asking and embarrassing me after I spent all night with my boyfriend?”

Suzan smirked and said, “Yes I do remember how much she enjoyed embarrassing you. Why don’t you tell us, Isabella?”

Katherine squealed girlishly. Dianne just sat there fuming. “Tell us about it,” Katherine demanded.

“It was disgusting, I hated it,” Isabella replied.

“No,” Katherine protested again. “Tell me what it was like. Tell me how he got you to do it for him.”

“The Duke just told me to do it on the way to the estate after the wedding,” Isabella replied. “He simply pulled my hair, and forced me to do it, I didn’t want to, but he forced it in my mouth.”

“How did it feel?” Katherine asked smirking.

“Gross, violating” Isabella replied. “It was huge and it choked me. The taste was awful when it spurt.”

“It is an awful taste,” Katherine agreed. “But you all thought it was so funny when it happened to me, and I told you he made me do it.”

“But that was different,” Thomas protested. “You are a girl and you were dating him then!”

“That makes it okay to force me then,” Katherine said, “How sexist.”

Thomas looked down and said, “Now I am a girl too!” He seemed ashamed. “I still never agreed to marry him. This was all forced on me and I hardly know this guy.”

Isabella smiled at Katherine, even though it was not visible, and said, “It is our job as women to submit to the man isn’t it, It has become my job to do it for Jose. I will make him a very happy man. Just like it was your job then.”

Katherine smirked and wanted to humiliate Isabella even more, “So, how big was his dick when it was in your mouth?”

“Jose has a massive dick,” Isabella replied. “It’s eleven inches long and around two inches in diameter. It pried my mouth open so much it hurt. It was difficult to hold it in my mouth. My jaw stretched and still aches. But I still love him and it was wonderful.” Then Isabella made a feminine moaning sound. She refused to let Katherine humiliate her anymore

“Most women hate it,” Katherine stated. “Only filthy sluts love it. How much did it ejaculate in your mouth?”

“His ejaculations are massive,” Isabella smiled as if she adored it all. “It was so difficult to swallow,” Isabella said with a loving smile and moaned again. She knew that Katherine wanted to humiliate her.

“You swallowed it,” Katherine squealed loudly. “You filthy kinky girl.”

“I had to,” Isabella said. “It was all in my mouth with more squirting. I had to swallow it or get choked by it all.”

“How much did it ejaculate,” Katherine asked again.

“I don’t know,” Isabella replied. “The loads were huge, filled my mouth completely, my cheeks expanded. I swallowed and it kept shooting out from the tip. It was too much and I tried to breathe and it went up my nasal passages and down my nose. He ejaculates just too much. It’s inhuman. His balls are huge.”

“Oh my God,” Katherine said in disbelief. Her brother was giving such blowjobs to someone who ejaculated that much. “That happens too. It’s called the dragon or something when it goes in your nose. How long did you have to suck for,” She inquired, Katherine could not keep the smile from her face.

“It was around twenty minutes. It was a wonderful experience, mmmmm,” Isabella told her.

“Men love getting blowjobs, you better get used to having your husband's dick filling your mouth and get used to the taste.” Katherine smirked.

That is when Jose spoke up, “I agree Katherine. She had better get used to sucking me because I will have her do more of it tonight.”

“What…,” Katherine said. “Seriously, what will you have her do with you.” She seemed to enjoy this.

“Her last blowjob was not very good,” Jose explained. “She tried to make it good, but it wasn’t. She needs more practice and I enjoy doing it to girls. So I will give her much more practice tonight. Oral will be the main activity. She will get to practice it most of the night for me.” Jose smirked and it sent shivers down Isabella’s back.

“How do you like to have your girls suck you?” Katherine asked.

“Mostly, the proper feminine submissive position on her knees,” Jose replied as Katherine smiled. “But I do enjoy having her lean over me in bed and do it for long hours. My favorite is straddling her face, my hips on top of her face rocking as it goes in and out of her mouth. That’s what I plan on having her do tonight.”

“That is what my boyfriend forced on me once, and Isabella thought it was so funny, and I had no right to be mad,” Katherine said in anger. “Keep her in that position tonight and show her what it feels like to be helpless.”

Jose smirked again and replied, “I will. Isabella will experience much of what those girls go through. We will see how funny and proper she thinks it is.”

“Did your husband make you his woman last night,” Katherine turned her attention to Thomas.

Isabella wanted to leave. Isabella remembered asking her if her boyfriend made her a woman after spending all night with her boyfriend. Isabella recalled being slapped. Looking back, she admitted to himself that she was being an ass. This was the consequence. Katherine got to sit there and ask her humiliating questions about her first intimate night with her husband. This was probably a lot more humiliating than hers. She wasn’t doing any three nights of consummation with her boyfriend and she willingly chose to do what she did with that boy. He was a kind compassionate boy. This man was a monster and Isabella never agreed to anything with him. Those things made a lot of difference to how it is perceived. The night was horrific and traumatizing. It was one of the worst violations a person can experience.

“I don’t know what you mean, Katherine.” Isabella pretended not to understand.

“Did your husband penetrate you as he would a woman last night and consummate the marriage between you, making you his wife?” Katherine demanded.

Isabella looked at her and replied, “Yes, you know he did. You are just trying to humiliate me. You know he had sex with me, ejaculated in my ass, and made me his wife.”

“I know,” Katherine smirked. “I just like hearing you say that he made you his woman. How long did he have sex with you last night? And we need to make sure. I have to ask.”

“Which time?” Isabella asked.

“What,” Katherine asked, not understanding.

“He had sex with me over and over again. I don’t think you understand this ritual I’m being forced into. I sat in a chair all night. I stayed at the end of his bed all night long waiting for him. He kept fucking me over and over. I think he had sex with me three times. Then again this morning and the blowjob in the car. That is five times. He fucked me four. Each time lasted for hours. My ass is so sore from how many times he did it, and Jose was brutal. He fucked me very hard, he was hurting me.” Isabella almost choked a sob. “He wouldn’t stop, He kept humping me all night. It was humiliating.” This really affected Isabella.

Katherine smiled and said, “Why was it so humiliating, isn’t he your husband?”

“Yes,” Isabella said. “But I didn’t want him to do that. He violated me.”

“You didn’t understand Debbie when she told you what her boyfriend did when they went out and she accused him,” Katherine pointed out. “You said she should accept that because she went out with him and they dated. What is the difference? He is your husband and it is his right to have sex with you.”

“The difference is,” Isabella replied sternly, “that I didn’t want to marry him at all. It was forced on me, I didn’t consent to the marriage, I didn’t want to go anywhere with him. I still want to leave. Debbie fell for her boyfriend. She dated him and went to his place. She agreed to be his girlfriend. I agreed to nothing.”

Isabella had a point there. Debbie loved that guy and went on dates with him. She went to his home and he forced himself on her. They met a few more times, but she broke it off. She did nothing about it, because of the fact she felt it was her fault, she went to his home alone. Thomas agreed to nothing and didn’t want to marry the man at all. It was all forced and he was sold to the Duke. His life was taken from his hands. More like it was ripped out of his control.

Jose smirked and said, “Isabella said she would accept this marriage and submit to my desires. She agreed to say her own vows in public. She has privately accepted me as her husband. She will prove it at the banquet. Isabella was more active in our lovemaking last night than she wants you to think. She kissed me back, moaned like a woman during our love, and moved with our sex motions. She had a wonderful time, so don’t let her deceive you and ask whatever you want Katherine. Isabella loved it and wants to have more fun tonight.”

Katherine smiled and then asked, “So how was the first time he fucked you? Tell me what it was like and what he did. How did he penetrate you, how long, how did he ejaculate inside you?”

Isabella moaned loudly and replied, “I told you, hours and he slowly penetrated my ass so I would adapt to being drilled with something so huge. He ejaculated in me. I agreed to submit to this marriage but it was still forced on me. I would refuse if I could.”

Jose looked offended and said to Isabella, “Stop lying to your family. I gave you a chance to leave and I would agree to dissolve the marriage. You refused to allow me to and insisted on remaining in this marriage with me. As of last night, this is all your free will. I am not forcing this on you anymore.”

“I was making a point to Katherine,” Isabella said with venom dripping from her voice. “And you did force this marriage on me. If I wasn’t so determined and strong, you would have continued forcing me and given me no choice in the matter. You know that’s true so stop pretending you are totally innocent. I did agree to submit to you in return for your help. I still am repulsed by the sex as any woman would be.”

“Tell her how we had sex last night, Isabella,” Jose said. “She wants to know. Be honest and tell her the details."

Isabella glared at him from behind the mask as she recounted the entire ordeal of his first fucking by his husband. She recounted how she was strapped to the end of the bed and the force and the slaps she endured at first and then how she refused to submit. Isabella refused to submit since she was tied and they came to an agreement and Jose unstrapped Isabella from the bed and she willingly submitted to her husband's sexual desires. Then how her husband slowly forcefully penetrated until the full eleven inches were buried deep inside her and then the brutal forceful fucking she endured. She told Katherine how forceful it was, how Jose’s vicious thrusts impacted her small body and shook the bed and the sounds could be heard around the room. She told Katherine how it hurt and her heels were tapping with each thrust. Katherine seemed to get aroused by Isabella’s ordeal. She continued to detail how the fucking picked up pace near the end and the final ejaculation. Isabella told her she figured the entire session lasted three hours.

Katherine smiled as Isabella finished. “Really?” she smirked. “You willingly agreed to submit to your husband's sexual desires as a submissive woman?”

“Yes, I agreed to be submissive to him in sex.” Isabella snapped. “He has his obligations to me or it will all be over,” Isabella smirked behind her mask.

Katherine then asked, “How did it feel when your husband finally came inside you?”

“It was disgusting, it ran down my legs,” Isabella replied. “Leanne cleaned me up the next morning and made me pretty.”

Then his mother spoke up, “Jose, can you and Katherine give the bride and I some privacy so I can talk with my daughter in private. I would like to give her some motherly advice.”

Isabella watched them stand up and leave the table. Katherine glanced back as she left with Dianna. Jose left with them. Isabella was left alone to face her mother. She didn’t like this at all. They had had a very rocky life together. She was never much of a mother to her and she guessed her mother was all too happy to sell her to a man. His sexism as a boy combined with his father Craig's raising and how Craig treated her all combined to really make her hate him. She wanted to see him suffer for everything. Isabella figured in her eyes he was no better than Craig.

It was far from the truth and she didn’t like Craig nor agree with him in anything he did. He loved Suzan and wanted her motherly affections so bad. She was so cold and hurtful to him as a boy that it made him lash out because of the lack of motherly affection that he needed as a child.

“I know you must hate me, Isabella,” Suzan said to Thomas. “I hope that you can forgive me and understand. Please, I never blamed you for what Craig did to me. I never held it against you. There were circumstances that prevented me from being like your mother.”

Isabella looked at her mother through her beautiful jeweled feminine mask. “I came into your family when I was sixteen. You have no idea what I went through before I came to your family. It was horrific. I wanted nothing more than a mother to love me. I never received much love from you. You just treated me with hostility as if I was some intruder in your family. You gave me cold indifference at best. Father humiliated you and treated you as a sexual plaything and punished you when you resisted. Then you took out your frustrations on me. My sister was simply cruel to me and you were indifferent. I know that you now love what is happening to me, you feel that it serves me right. Because you think I will take after him, but he is the only one who did care for me. He made sure I was taught, cared for, and received what I needed to grow. I never followed his example.”

He saw Suzan brace herself. She looked around in fear. She looked back at Thomas. “My daughter, you are so wrong on many different things,” Suzan said. “I can tell you some things that you need to know. You are wrong. I did love you. I never held what Craig did to me against you. I never blamed you for what he did to me. I saw how you were rejecting his ways of treating women. Some of them still seemed to stick despite what you did to not follow him.”

Thomas saw Suzan's eyes flash in fear and she looked around her with that fear written on her face. She seemed to relax a little and continued, “And, I do know what you suffered before you came to be in our family. I know about you, Alejandra, Princess of Castile. I do know about that. I did know as soon as you came into our family. Craig agreed to shelter and protect you from those who wanted to hurt you.”

Thomas stiffened. He looked fearful and asked, “What did you call me, Mother?”

“I know about you and where you came from, Alejandra,” She replied with a knowing smile. “I had to do what I did to keep you safe and alive. I had to pretend I didn’t know where you came from. I had to pretend I saw you as just an intrusion on my family. And I had to agree to this to keep you alive. The rebels were still looking for you and the people in your homeland were still upset with you being their princess instead of their mighty prince.”

Their talk ended as Jose and Katherine returned to the table. The waiter came and took their orders for their drinks. Isabella was not allowed to order. The bride had to fast during the ceremony. She just sat there quietly while the drinks were brought and the waiter took their orders for their meals. Then they talked among themselves but something seemed to be bothering Katherine. She looked very upset and almost betrayed.

She looked over at Isabella and commented, “I cannot believe my sexist brother looks so pretty as a girl. You are such a lovely bride and that mask is beautiful. I love how you look in that mask. You look so beautiful and so submissive. But I had always known you were really a woman inside of all of that sexism. I knew when you played with our friends and dressed as another girl to hang out with us. You looked so natural. You are a beautiful bride.”

“Thank you for accepting me, Katherine,” was all Isabella said.

“And now you are so beautiful and you have become a bride to a very powerful and wealthy man and you are his wife. It's so amazing, Sister.”

“Thanks,” Isabella said behind her mask. She added to herself, “I can’t wait to see you in my place. It will serve you right.” She smiled again.

The arrival of the waiters interrupted the rest of the conversation, but it was obvious that Katherine had more to say. Customs did not allow for the kind of conversation that Isabella knew Katherine wanted and it gave her a great deal of pleasure to know that her sister could only glare at her and pick at her food.

There were steaming hot plates of food for them all, except Isabella. She just had to sit there, hungry and silent as the others ate. She had her bliss mask on and she was unable to eat a thing. She had to fast during this time. She could only watch the others eat as she sat there hungry.

They had to hurry a bit as it was almost time to go to the clinic for Isabella's examination. Once the table had been cleared, Katherine said hotly, “Isabella, I am your sister and I can’t believe you would ever consider signing me into one of these marriages. How could you consider such a thing on me? I thought you loved me?”

Isabella laughed, but she was very angry at the fact that Leanne had spoken to her sister. She said silently, “Leanne, I can’t believe you told her. You will get yours.” Then she said out loud to Katherine, “I thought you loved me, but you gladly signed me into this marriage. Because of you, this was forced on me and I got no say in it. I only want to return the favor.”

“You vindictive bitch,” Katherine snarled. “You won’t get me! I will leave the country and my husband won’t be able to lay a finger on me.”

The Duke spoke up, “You will be prohibited from leaving the country. You will be there for your wedding. I will have you on a no-fly list and your passports will be seized. We will make sure you remain here for your wedding, Katherine. You signed your sister into a forced marriage. It's only right you get to experience one yourself,” The Duke smirked.

She turned to her mother and said desperately, “You won’t let them do this to me will you? You won't let Isabella do this?”

Her mother shook her head and said, “I won’t sign anything like that for you. But what your sister does is no longer in my hands. I can’t stop her now. But I will refuse.”

The Duke spoke up with a satisfied smile, “Fortunately, I am now a member of your family and we have enough people on my side to make this legal. We don’t need your mother to approve.”

She looked hurt and betrayed. Katherine pleaded, “Isabella, please, don’t do this. I thought you loved and respected me. You can’t do this to your own sister. Please? I have plans for a future.“ She looked very afraid now.

“You should have considered all of that before you so gladly had me sold and put in a marriage against my will. But you did, I will return the favor as soon as my husband finds a proper and very heartless, sexist, and dominant man for you. He will believe women are good for only one thing and you won’t be able to do a thing about it.” Then Isabella laughed cruelly.

“You heartless vindictive bitch!” Katherine said.

“I am very ashamed and disappointed in you, Isabella. I can’t believe you would do this,” Suzan said.

“You sold me too, Mother,” Isabella snapped. “You have no place to lecture me.”

Katherine was angry and hurt. She wanted to see Isabella pay for this somehow. An idea occurred to her and she looked back at the Duke, “Jose, we have about an hour until Isabella's appointment with the nurse. Isabella looks sexy now and I think she is horny. Aren’t you?” Isabella smirked.

The Duke stood up and approached one of the waiters. Isabella could not hear what was being said. The Duke was taken over to an older man and started speaking with him. They seemed to have an agreement and the Duke returned.

Jose smiled and reached over to squeeze one of Isabella’s breasts. Then he said, “Isabella, my sweet. You want me to help you arrange a marriage for your sister Katherine, right?” He said while rolling one of his nipples between his fingers under her top.

“Yes, my husband,“ Isabella responded. “I would love her to experience this life.”

He smiled at her. “Good, and you agreed to submit to my desires. The manager of this place was kind enough to let us use his private office. Will you join me in his office?” And Jose smiled longingly at his bride and she cringed at the thought of what he might have planned.

Isabella got a panicked look on her face under the mask she was wearing. No one could see the panicked and desperate expression on her face, but they heard her voice cracking in despair. “What, you mean now, Jose. You can’t be serious. Here, right now in a restaurant, In the office with my family here? We already confirmed you consummated the marriage last night. Please, don’t do this here now.”

“Isabella,” He warned her. “You agreed to submit to my desires, and I require you now, so please follow me into the office. I wanted you right before we left the estate, but we didn’t have enough time. We have time now and I need you.”

“As you wish,” Isabella said in resignation as she stood up. Then she turned to look at her sister and said acidly, “This is why I want to do this to you. You have been so cruel to me that I want you to experience this life that you signed me into. And this confirms my decision. I have no doubt now.” Then she turned and followed Jose into the manager's office.

They went into the manager’s private office with the older man just smirking at the couple and nodding. Jose shut the door and turned toward Isabella with a look of pure lust in his eyes.

Isabella felt like she was breaking down as the Duke approached her with that cruel look in his eyes. She had agreed to totally submit to Jose’s desires and she allowed the Duke to take control here. Not that she had any other choice right now. “Please, Jose, you can’t want to do this right here with my family just outside the door. Please, don’t humiliate me like this!”

The Duke reached out and pulled Isabella in for a tight embrace as he pulled Isabella’s top down, and pulled her bra down. Her breast forms fell out of her bra exposing Isabella’s small breasts. He started squeezing and pinching her soft sensitive breasts and Isabella was squealing in pain.

Jose said, “I have agreed to do so much for you Isabella and you agreed to submit to me in return. Don’t consider breaking your agreement.” Then he bent down and took one of Isabella’s breasts in his mouth.

Isabella endured it, while she began breaking down emotionally. The Duke was sucking, nibbling, and licking her breasts and moaning in pleasure. Isabella hated this feeling. She could never really accept this man as an intimate partner or as her husband. Isabella hated this man.

Then he pushed Isabella down on an old dirty rug on the office floor. Jose pulled out his large cock and pushed the head of his cock against Isabella’s sensitive soft breasts and began sawing his cock back and forth across her nipple. Isabella didn’t have enough breast tissue to really provide a tit fuck. She didn’t have large enough breasts to really have a cleavage yet. But it was still very arousing for the Duke as he sawed his cock back and forth against Isabella’s soft breast tissue.

Once he got hard enough, the Duke lifted Isabella off of her knees and bent her over the manager's desk. Jose lifted her dress up and pulled her thong down her legs. Then the Duke drove his cock deep into Isabella as she screamed behind her mask and he started fucking her. Her family heard her scream and the rhythmic grunts from the Duke and the humiliating sounds coming from Isabella as he violently fucked her in the office.

Isabella hated this man with a passion and swore he would soon pay for this humiliation. She could no longer hold back her tears and broke down, weeping as the Duke kept fucking her as she was held down over the desk. She just held onto the old desk and endured this violation while her sister snickered on the other side of the door. Katherine did feel this was justice and the Duke had full rights to do what he pleased.

This was the cruel life of many brides stuck in these types of marriages. That fact alone, that she wasn’t alone in this and many other women were suffering enraged Isabella even more. She was glad she got the Duke to help her rescue those women. She was suffering just like many of them were.

The Duke finished fucking Isabella and ejaculated a huge load deep inside of her. She sobbed in humiliation as she felt the warm sickening feeling of this man ejaculate deep inside her. He finished and pulled out. He wiped the head of his cock on Isabella's dress and simply left the office, leaving her bent over the desk.

She straightened her clothing and pulled up her bra. Isabella retrieved her bra inserts from the floor and filled her bra out. She straightened her top and fought to compose herself after what had just happened to her. She waited five to ten minutes before deciding to rejoin the rest of the group outside. As she was preparing herself for the humiliation she would face, the door opened and a few women entered.

Her face jerked up at the women entering the office, but she realized that these women were her personal guards. These women were members of the Shadow Corps. Kimberly came in and another woman smiling beside her came in to see her.

She stood in front of Isabella and bowed respectfully. “Príncipe Alejandro Primo De Rivera. I remember you very well, my Principe. Do you remember me and our great times together, before you started letting your sister dress you as a girl and call you the princesa?”

Isabella looked at this woman and then recognized her. “Dianna, Dianna Carlos from the house of Carlos. Their eldest daughter. Is that you Dianna?”

She smiled, “Yes, I am Dianna. We loved each other before your sister took over and humiliated you like that. We were going to marry and it hurt me so much. How could you allow this to happen? You let her take your crown and then make you into her sister.”


Juana had been worried since her family adopted this very feminine boy and her worry grew even more after Valentina's appointment with the doctor. Something was very wrong after that. Juana understood he received very bad news at his appointment. He had wanted to have hope that he could recover his sex and live as a man again. That hope was shattered. It would be an expensive, very extensive, and long operation. It would be difficult and risky and he was discouraged from it. It was his choice, but he decided against it. What was done to him was so extensive and total, going back was too much. Valentina had to accept he was now female.

It was cruel and she heard Valentina sobbing in his new bedroom for hours. Then she saw her leave her room with a fierce and determined look in his eyes and he went down the steps to the workout room and began pounding on the training bag. And he had been there for many hours. She and her sister used the training equipment often, but she was a commander in the Shadow Corps and Karime was a fighter pilot. They had to be in shape and trained often.

Juana walked down the steps to see Valentina relentlessly thrashing the hanging bag.

Juana approached Valentina from behind to stop her. “Valentina, stop. You are hitting it wrong. Let me show you how it's done.”

Valentina stepped back as Juana stood in front of the bag. She got into the fighting position and stepped in and punched the bag. It flew back from the force of her strike and she hit it with a few viciously powerful combinations of strikes and punches. She even elbowed it. She finished it off with a powerful flying kick.

“You see Valentina. Step in for power and hit the bag with the front of your fist, with your knuckles. Don’t bend the wrist when you strike. Turn your hips when you strike. Now try it again and show me.”

Valentina got into the same position as Juana and then stepped in like she had and punched the bag with her knuckles. The bag didn’t move as much as when Juana hit it. But it did move. She hit it a few more times.

“Good, Valentina. You listen well. Those strikes were very good. We will have to put you through physical training to improve your strength so you can hit harder. Then I can teach you more.”

Juana was an impressive woman. She stood there over six feet tall. Her entire body bristled with muscular power. She almost looked like a man sometimes. Almost, but she was unmistakably female. But she was extremely strong and very fierce. Valentina never wanted to piss her off. But Juana was also very caring and kind.

“What is all of this about?” Juana asked. “I know you want to be strong like we are. And you want to join the Shadow Corps. But why?”

“I don’t want anyone to hurt me again,” Valentina said. “I want to be able to fight back if someone tries to do something to me again. I want to be able to hurt them. I don’t want to be used like I was anymore. Can you understand?” Valentina asked.

“Yes,” Juana replied. “I was told what happened to you. You were sold by your family into a cruel marriage with a sadistic noble in Aragon. He forced you to marry him and he made you his bride. You were his unwilling wife and he probably raped you every night and made you do other disgusting sexual stuff that no straight man ever wanted to do with another man. You want to be strong so it can never happen to you again.”

“Yes,” Valentina said. “I don’t want anyone to touch me like that again. It was humiliating and violating. I was helpless. He hurt me every night. It was a nightmare, I was trapped. I was helpless and I never want to be like that again. I also want to go back and help the other women that are trapped like I was.”

“I can understand,” Juana shot back. “I will help you. But you weren't a wife. No one treats a wife like that. You were more like his toy to abuse. He cared nothing about your feelings. Valentina, why do you look at me like you are afraid?”

“You remind me of another woman in Aragon,” Valentina replied. “You remind me of Tabitha. She was a cruel disciplinarian that was called when I got out of line. And I got out of line a lot. I refused to obey and I fought them a lot. I talked back a lot. I refused to submit to being a wife since I was not given a say in the deal. I did not feel bound by it in any way. So they called Tabitha a lot. She was huge, like you. She was large and strong and she was vicious and sadistic.”

“I would love to meet her,” said Juana angrily. “If she thinks she is so strong, wait until she meets me. There is also something mother and me would like you to consider, now that you are part of our family.”

Valentina looked at Juana waiting for an answer.

Juana continued, “We would like you to see a therapist to help you through some of the pain. Like what Tabitha did to you. I would still love to see her.”

Valentina laughed. Tabitha might be very intimidating to helpless male brides like him. But she would be as helpless against a high-ranking commander with military style training from the Shadow Corps. Valentina quipped, “I want to teach them all a lesson. That’s why I want to be so strong. Tabitha, Leanne, and that sadistic Count.”

“Who is Leanne?” Jeanne asked.

“She was a sadistic beautician. She was primarily in charge of me. She beautified me, dressed me, did my hair and makeup. She required me to obey and had this sadistic chair with leather straps on it. She had me restrained for the Count and controlled my daily activities. She cared nothing for my feelings as she worked on me, beautifying me so the Count could have his deviant sadistic desires and abused me every night. If I fought her, she punished me. She expected me to comply and go along with her. If I didn’t, she then had me punished. She justified what she was doing by saying that the same thing happens to many women in the country.

"She thought she was just making things even for men. But it is not even and what was done to me far exceeds what the women suffer. I was forced to change my entire sex, women don’t have to do that. I want her to experience that life and see how she likes having no say in anything. Being totally controlled by others and expected to accept it or else. And then being abused nightly by some guy that just signed some forms and married her. I think she actually enjoyed hearing and arranging me to sexually service that man. I think she really liked hearing me choke as he shoved his cock down my throat. I heard her on the other side of the door giggling the first few nights. I really think she liked that.”

Juana giggled. “I agree such a woman deserves to experience it herself. And there is another part of our laws against arranged marriages. That is, if the one has been involved in trafficking before, they are exempt from the ban. That means that people like Tabitha and Leanne cannot use the law against arranged marriages to avoid one themselves,” Juana giggled. “Now, let's get some rest. I will start your formal training tomorrow, and remember, the Empress wants to see you.”

As they were walking up the steps, Juana asked, “What about the Count?”

“I want him to be turned into a girl, for the desires of another man.” Valentina smiled cruelly.

Juana returned the smile, “That would be perfect for him. I heard some Baron is experiencing that exact thing right now because he forced another man to marry him and forced that man to crossdress for his sexual desires. Now he is experiencing it himself and I heard he does not like it that much. I was the one who captured him and freed his male bride,” Juana giggled as they walked up the steps.

“Serves him right,” Valentina said with a smile. “I will get strong like you, Juana.” Valentina admired Jeanne so much.


Victor Knox sat on his overstuffed sofa watching his television this morning. He had watched this same thing multiple times already this morning, but this one event in his life solidified everything for him. He was watching his long-winded bombastic speech in front of the United States Congress describing the nation of Aragon and its cruel laws that allowed someone to be sold and bought by another person. He recounted his experience as the wife of the Duke in very intimate detail that was embarrassing, but it caused a firestorm. Many questioned him but he had enough evidence to back up everything he stated and his statements were proven and caused a huge backlash against that country. They were very sorry for what they did to him. Aragon no longer got any shipments of any materials they badly needed to keep up their defense. He warned the Duke that this would happen. The Duke ignored him and continued to abuse him night after night. He wasn’t a wife, Victor was a man, but he was used as a wife by the Duke.

One thing that Victor hated was how small he really was. He was an embarrassment to his family and they seriously doubted his ability to maintain control of such a powerful company. His name was Victor Knox, they wanted him to be large and imposing like his father Edward Knox, but he was the smallest of all of his siblings. Even his sister Elisabeth was larger than he was. He was very small, and effeminate. His larger and more masculine siblings considered him an embarrassment.

For the firstborn child of his father Edward, they gave him the name Victor expecting him to be large and imposing like his father and he was anything but that. He grew up a small, very feminine, and very emotional child. He cared greatly about things and other people’s pain affected him. He cried a lot and seemed to care a lot about women's safety and protection. He was very vocal about his opposition to how his father treated women. Victor was a very big embarrassment and many of his siblings took offense that he would run the company and conspired to take it from him. His father agreed to help remove him. It was a big shock to him when he was abducted and married to another man. He was enraged to learn it was his own family’s doing, including his father and he learned a great many things. But he eventually proved his family wrong when he escaped and returned to seek vengeance. He turned them all in and they are now serving life sentences. He is here running the company himself and has almost endless wealth. His father is dead.

He was scheduled to have lunch with someone after noon so it was about time to get ready for it and he went into his bedroom to dress.

He was always a very effeminate child with very soft girlish features. He was mistaken for a girl a lot of times. His face did not have the angles of a man at all, and his hair was very soft and blonde. His eyes were rather big for a boy and his frame was very slim. But they were nothing like he is now and he didn’t know what to do now.

He stood there with very large oversize hips, his face was even more feminine than before, his body had taken a very feminine shape because of what the Duke did to him and he had breasts. They were small breasts, just like the Duke wanted but they were breasts. These changes could be reversed, he was told when he returned to the United States. But it would require surgery and cutting into his chest to remove them. He didn’t want to have a mastectomy. He would have a big scar on his chest then so for the time being, he just lived with this very womanly body and it hardly bothered him after a while. He tried to pass himself off as a man in charge but most people still called him Ms. Knox, or Ma’am, or Lady. He simply lived with it and accepted he was the woman in charge of the company. He wondered if he should go all the way at times. The Doctors that examined him here were at a loss as how they were able to change him like this with no surgery. These changes went all the way to the genetic makeup of his body.

So he went to change for his lunch and chose a pair of women’s slacks that gave enough room in the hips to move and a pair of panties and a matching bra. He needed a bra for support and may as well wear panties too and then he chose an oversized shirt so his breasts would not show.

He styled his hair and brushed it, then a slight coat of makeup brushed on and he was ready. He cursed just before he left his place to go to lunch with the last person he ever wanted to go to lunch with.

Victor went to the restaurant they had chosen to meet at and he saw the man there waiting at a table. Victor went over to the table with a vicious look in his eyes and sat down in front of this man.

The man laughed and asked, “Are you still angry after all of this time, Vanessa. Its been over a year and you clearly won. You are on top and took everything from me, and the rest of us. What are you still upset about?”

“That you sold me Jason,” Victor responded between his teeth. “And you abused me during my captivity. You came on my face during my banquet. You had loads of fun enjoying my captivity as if I was the one that abused you instead of my father. I didn’t even know about it, But you didn’t care. And you ask why I am still angry?”

Victor glared at the man across from him, now enjoying the life of a dominant man once again. “And you have made yourself into a man. Look at what was done to me. It’s impossible for me.”

“That’s not my fault,” Jason pointed out. “And you could make yourself into a man if you wanted. I had my breasts cut off and got rid of my hips. I wasn’t as feminized as you but you could get the work done to live as a man again.”

“Yeah,” Victor said acidly. “I could have them cut off and live with two huge scars on my chest. I could go through the surgery. I don’t want that. I want to leave my body alone.”

“The thing is, you married a straight man who wanted you as feminine as possible. Your father was clearly gay but wanted to try to fool people into thinking I was womanly for him.” Jason said.

Then he asked, “Victor, have you ever really considered you were meant to be a girl?”

“Yes, but I don’t want to be forced into it. I was forced and now I don’t know what to do. Thank you for that, Jason.”

Victor had had enough and stood up to leave when Jason said, “Victor, I would be very cautious about your new friends. Empress Elsa and her sister, the Princess.”

“They had me rescued,” Victor said, “they were the only ones who cared. Bye, Jason. I have no more interest in talking to you. We are finished.” Victor stormed out of the restaurant.

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