A boy gets punished for wearing his mother's clothes, but gets an unexpected surprise from a magical being!
Mom had caught me playing in her lingerie drawer and as ‘punishment’ she dressed me in one of her mini-dresses.
“There my little sissy, you like my clothes so much you’ll wear my dress till your father gets home.” “Now go to your room!” Mom always ‘punished’ me this way and she knew I liked to play ‘dress-up’. Mom & dad had been buying me Barbie dolls ever since they had found out I wanted to be a girl. I had lots of dolls to play with but I didn’t have a dress of my own. Mom always made me wear hers. I loved my Barbie dolls and all their fashion dresses. I imagined that I was playing dress-up with them as I changed their clothes and fixed their hair. I longed to have nice ‘perky’ tits like my Barbie dolls and wished that I could have a wardrobe like them. I would put on all their nice dresses and skirts. I would really be a pretty little girl for daddy I thought to myself.

“Would you really like to try on a ‘Barbie’ dress” a voice asked. That’s when I looked up and saw a fairy sitting on my doll house. It was ‘Tinglebelle’ my fairy god brother. In amazement I answered ‘Oh yes! It would be so much fun to dress like Barbie’.

When I opened my eyes I was wearing a beautiful bridal gown. Barbie’s gown fit me perfectly. My little tits had actually grown to fit the cups of the gown. I danced around my room fluffing the gowns hem up and the stiff crinolines rubbing my legs where giving me a hard on. Oh Tinglebelle “Thank you, I love this gown. I feel so ‘girly’ in it!’ I exclaimed! I could wear this gown forever I thought. “You can wear that dress as long as you hold the doll” Tinglebelle said. Then I asked “What happens if I put the doll down?” “Then you go back to your old ‘sissy’ self”. Then can I pick another doll? ‘Sure, just hold it and wish.’
Putting the Barbie Bridal Doll back on the shelf I chose a Barbie with a ruby red formal gown. Holding it close to my breasts I closed my eyes and wished to be in that dress. ‘POOF’ Oh I was in that tight fitting gown! The gown hugged my hips and legs so tight I could barely walk. I felt like a real ‘China Doll’. I could be a ‘Sexy Bitch’ in this. Then I thought “I only have one wish left I had better make it a good one. Tinglebelle, I only have one wish left, what if ask for all Barbie’s dresses? If that’s what you want then I’ll have to give them to you. Just close your eyes, click your ruby shoes together, and make your wish.

Closing my eyes I clicked my ruby shoes together and made my wish. I wished I could wear all of Barbie’s clothes. “POOF” There I was standing naked in front of a closet filled with Barbie dresses. I didn’t realize then what a mistake I had made. “All you have to do is reach out and touch one of the dresses and Barbie will come and help you dress.” I reached out and touched a beige 50’s skirt and “POOF”
WOW! Immediately I was transformed from a naked bitch to a young lady in a stiff petticoat and long line bra. And just as Tinglebelle had promised there was Barbie standing next to me. I was surprised when she spoke “Looks like you could use some help getting dressed Bobbie”. She even knew my name! “Put your arms up and I’ll slip the skirt over your head”. I did as she directed and when the skirt was covering my face I heard her ‘giggle’.

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