NEW! Prissy Sissy Curler Boy

By Priscilla Bouffant

A beautiful tale of one businesswoman’s favorite aunt, feminizing her sissy, hairstylist, housekeeping spouse. The businesswoman begins to enjoy it so much that she cuckolds her sissy...but it's just the start....

Chapter I: Glancing Back

    Was this really happening? But it wasn’t my fault at all. No. It was Miranda’s doing. My wife, Caitlin’s, Aunt Miranda. She was so very manipulative. She’d used her wealth, influence and sexual magnetism to feminize me. And now? I was preparing dinner to serve to my wife Caitlin, her Auntie Miranda, and Caitlin’s handsome, wealthy boss, Coleman Anders, who was now Caitlin’s live-in lover.

    And that wasn’t all. From time to time I was made to sit upon Coleman’s lap, kiss him, call him “Daddy,” and tell him how happy I was that Caitlin now had a “Real Man” to make love to her. And if Coleman desired anal sex, oral sex or both, I’d be expected to make myself pretty, sexy and available for him. 

    To Caitlin, her Aunt Miranda was everything. When Caitlin’s parents had perished in a horrid boating accident, Aunt Miranda was there to “Pick up the pieces” for Caitlin. She helped Caitlin sell the house and settle their affairs. She took Caitlin in and raised her. She carefully invested Caitlin’s inheritance into an amazingly profitable Trust Fund. 

    She saw to it that Caitlin completed her MBA, and she secured an excellent job for Caitlin. She refused to allow Caitlin to use her Trust Fund for a downpayment on a new, luxury home in Westchester. Instead, Miranda gave her the down payment from her own portfolio. When Miranda sold her own, stately, restored mansion, she declared it a “Family Property” and saw to it, that Caitlin received a portion of the profits.

    Miranda had come to our engagement party, our wedding and our housewarming. Though she was polite to me, she was also somewhat cool and aloof. I had the feeling that I wasn’t quite the person she wanted Caitlin to marry. I’d met Caitlin when I had done her hair as a “Walk-in,” at one of the top salons in Westchester. She’d told me how “Sweet and Cute,” I was. We had a whirlwind courtship. The sex was always wonderful.

    I enjoyed Caitlin always wanting to “Take Charge” in our personal life and our sex life. I don’t recall when the “Teasing” began when we’d get together with Aunt Miranda. It think it started when Miranda asked how often I painted Caitlin’s fingers and toes? 

    Then, after Caitlin had me cut back my hours at the salon to do more housekeeping, Miranda asked if I looked “Pretty” in an apron? I was certainly never an Adonis. I stand slightly under 5 feet 10 inches in height. I now weigh around 125 pounds, though, then, I was closer to 145. However, Caitlin is taller, far more athletic and “Model-Like.” She’s also absolutely stunning as well as brilliant.

    It was right after Aunt Miranda, sold the “Family” mansion, and gave Caitlin a handsome sum from the profits, that Miranda moved in with us. Things really began to move quickly after that. When I told Caitlin I had misgivings about Miranda moving in with us, she became nearly furious.

    “I can’t believe you are saying this Shelley? She is really all the family I actually have. And she’s only moving in with us until she can find a house nearby here in Westchester,” Caitlin added.

    Caitlin had taken to calling me “Shelly” which was a shortened form of my real name, Shelton. At one time she called me “Shel” or Shelton. But when Miranda began to call me Shelley, Caitlin had picked up on it. Just prior to Aunt Miranda moving in, Caitlin had insisted I begin keeping house full-time.

    “Shelley, with my new promotion at work, I won’t have any time at all to assist you with housekeeping or cooking. And hiring a maid, would cost more than what you earn at the Beauty Salon, working part-time. Plus, not working outside the home, would give you more time to be attentive to my beauty needs, such as touch-ups to my hair and nails, as well as massages,” Caitlin smiled. 

    “I also want you to refer to my Aunt as Aunt Miranda when she moves in with us. It’s the polite thing to do. Either Aunt Miranda or Auntie. You know? Something close to that,” Caitlin insisted.

    Right after Miranda moved in, she gave both Caitlin and I gifts. For Caitlin, she’d brought some truly beautiful and expensive Family Heirloom jewelry. As for me, she brought a cache of extremely fussy and frilled, aprons.

    “I’m so glad you enjoyed the jewels Caitlin darling. And now, for our brand-new, full-time housekeeper. I have some lovely aprons to keep his pretty clothes spotless with all the cooking and cleaning, Shelley will be doing,” Miranda said.

    She then held up a gaudy full-length apron, that looked as if I were wearing a dress when I put it on.

    “Oh Auntie Miranda I will both adore and treasure these astonishing museum pieces. And I’m certain Shelley is going to dearly love wearing his pretty aprons. Won’t you Shelley dear? Shelley honey. Thank Auntie for your new aprons sweetheart,” Caitlin ordered.

    “Oh yes. Yes Auntie Miranda. Thank you so much for theses nice gifts,” I said.

    “You are so welcome Shelley, sweetheart. And how nice. He called me Auntie Miranda,” Miranda announced.

    “Yes. Very nice. And please let me know if he doesn’t refer to you in such a sweet way,” Caitlin winked.

    One evening Caitlin came home from the office, very excited. It wasn’t until I served dinner and we’d all sat down, that Caitlin made a big announcement. 

    “I’m so very thrilled about this. I can barely contain myself. This summer I’ll be going to London for a Business Summit. All expenses will be paid by Anders Financial Services. I’ll be accompanying the Company Vice President for Sales, Coleman Anders. His father, Alton Anders is the President and Founder,” said Caitlin, excitedly.

    “Then, after a week’s vacation, I’ll be attending the Summer Semester at the London School of Economics. It’s six weeks long. Again, Anders Financial Services will be paying for everything. And I won’t be staying at the campus either. Coleman Anders and his father insisted they put me up at The Churchill, Hyatt Recency London. Isn’t that amazing?” Caitlin asked.

    “It is. Isn’t it Shelley? Aren’t you excited for your wife, and her proliferate career in business?” Aunt Miranda asked.

    “Yes, of course I am. You’ll be gone around two months? Is that correct?” I asked.

    “Yes darling, I will. You know, the best part of all this, Shelley? You and Aunt Miranda will get to know each other so much better, without me around,” Caitlin added. 

    “Yes. It will be quite a lot of fun I think. I’m enjoying that idea already,” Miranda agreed.

    In the days and weeks leading up to Caitlin’s departure, Miranda assuredly began to increase her influence over me, as well as her influence in the household. When we’d moved into the large, Westchester home, due to my skills as a cosmetologist, Caitlin had decided to remodel what was a Game Room, into a Home Beauty Room and Mini-Salon.

    Caitlin was fond of having me do her hair, nails and face on weekends, while she relaxed in her very own, Home Salon. She’d also taken great pleasure by inviting a girlfriend or two to enjoy a “Weekend Beauty Day” along with her, with me as their hairstylist, manicurist and makeup artist. 

    Caitlin would allow the girls to give me tips which I’d then put in a cookie jar. “I have Shelley use the tips to buy the special beauty products he uses in the salon,” Caitlin informed her girlfriends. 

    At this same time, it now appeared that Aunt Miranda intended to assert her own dominance over me. Miranda began to insist that I now become her very own, personal Cosmetologist, and perform these same services, including massages, upon demand. When I’d initially balked at doing massages, Caitlin had snapped at me one evening at bedtime.

    “I don’t know what the problem is, Shelley? Why should you treat my dear, Aunt Miranda any differently than you would me, or one of my girlfriends? I expect you to give her a full bodied massage no differently than you would give me or say, Natalia, the same service. And Shelley? While I am gone, I expect that you should obey Aunt Miranda as you would me,” Caitlin countered.

    “And if I ever hear from my Aunt, that you are not being a perfect, little Angel for her, I will certainly take you to task when I return home,” Caitlin threatened. 

    No sooner than we’d watched Caitlin’s flight take to the skies, and began our drive back to Westchester, Aunt Miranda set about to assert her increasing dominance over me.  Since around the time that Caitlin had begun to plan her trip to London, I’d become increasingly more compliant towards my wife Caitlin and her Aunt Miranda. 

    They had put me on this diet that consisted of three light meals per day, no snacks, no desserts, and three, large, sugar-free, diet chocolate shakes daily with each meal. It had worked to slim me down, quite a bit. Along with my becoming quite slim and slender, came my greater adherence with their wishes. Still, I was rather surprised with Aunt Miranda’s statements as we drove home to Westchester.

    “Shelley, I have plans for your future training, while my niece is in London, during these next two months of the spring and summer. It’s obvious that your marriage has taken a turn in the direction of a Female Led Relationship. The marital roles between you and Caitlin have reversed dramatically. She has taken over the traditional role of Husband, breadwinner and decision maker in the relationship,” Miranda announced.

    “And you my dearest Shelley have taken on the long-established  function of a wife.  I intend, that by the time Caitlin returns from the European continent, to have you made-over into the most perfect, little housewife that ever existed, darling,” Aunt Miranda announced.

    “Housewife? How can you say that, Auntie Miranda? I’m not a female?” I protested.

    “Oh no? You don’t think that you are very much like a submissive, subservient female? Really? You do all of the cooking, cleaning, laundry and ironing. You don’t contribute anything financially, to the household. Why Shelley, you are even closer to being a Maid, than a housewife. You do our hair, paint our fingers and toes, as well as give us massages and facials,” Miranda insisted. 

    “However we still have a lot of work to do on your appearance, especially your hair and wardrobe. Don’t fret. We’ll begin in earnest when we return to your domicile,” Aunt Miranda promised.

    She meant every word of what she’d said. “Let’s begin with removing your body hair. Then after a nice bath I’ll give you a relaxing massage. Your body needs to be smooth, hairless, sweet smelling and and soft to please Caitlin. And don’t forget what my niece said about obeying me and resisting my orders while she’s gone. It’s up to you as the traditional wife in the relationship, to please your Mistress, Shelley,” Aunt Miranda stated as she assisted me in removing my clothing and slathering my body with a substantial amount of depilatory. 

    It was around lunchtime and I was fed an extra large chocolate shake. The scented bath was indeed lovely. And the massage that Aunt Miranda gave me was very exciting.

    “We’ll need to give you one of these massages every few days. This cream I’m using, contains a chemical that has wonderful properties for your skin-tone and softness. Being pleasing to my Caitlin is now your primary goal, Shelley. Oh my, Shelley, look. You’re getting an erection. Well, we can take care of that now, can’t we sweetie?” Aunt Miranda asked.

    “Oh please Aunt Miranda? This is so very embarrassing. Oh, that feels nice. Should we be doing this though?” I asked.

    “Oh, I don’t know? With Caitlin gone, I’d imagine that you might be considering, masturbating in bed, in the evenings, anyway, Shelley? Why not have it out in the open between the two of us? Besides. Once you get used to these massages I’ll be giving you, with this very special cream, you very likely won’t be getting these ugly, nasty, boyish erections any longer,” Miranda opined.

    “And while I masturbate you, I’ll talk to you and condition your mind into an obedient way of thinking. You want to be a good housewife to Caitlin don’t you Shelley, darling? Now relax, be a good, little boy, pretty Shelley, and enjoy what Auntie is doing. There now sweetie. Everything is going to be lovely and we’re going to become the very best of friends, aren’t we, dearie?” Caitlin’s Aunt Miranda asked.

    “Oh my gracious Auntie. Please don’t let on to Caitlin that we did this? Please Aunt Miranda? I don’t know how she’d feel about it?” I begged.

    “Oh I don’t know sweetie? I don’t think Caitlin would be bothered. However, if it makes my baby boy Shelley feel better, Auntie can make this our little secret honey,” Miranda cooed.

    My cock felt so elongated in her hands. Unbeknownst to me at the time, both my cock and testicles had begun to shrink, from the female hormones, which the thrice daily, diet shakes contained. And my genitalia would be further receding from the estrogen laced creams that Miranda was now massaging me with. Fairly soon, my body would take on female characteristics as well as proportions. 

    And, my degree of acquiescence, as well as my subservient disposition, would become second nature to me. As Miranda continued to massage my genitalia, I was becoming highly aroused, though, I was also relaxing into a sleepy, nether-world. 

    “Are we ready to climax, Sissy-Girl, Shelley Nicole? I think so? Here we go. Oh gracious, look at all the pretty Sissy-Cream we are ejecting for Aunt Miranda,” Caitlin’s aunt remarked.

    “I’m not a Sissy-Girl Aunt Miranda. I’m a boy. I am not Shelley Nicole. I’m Shelton Nicholas. What are you doing to me?” I asked.

    “I’m wrapping you up in a nice warm blanket, Sissy-Baby-Girl Shelley Nicole. It’s time for your nappy-poo, Honey,” Miranda stated.

    “I don’t take naps and I am not your Sissy-Baby-Girl,” I said, alarmed. 

    “Oh yes you are. But if you are going to be a bad girl and refuse to take your nap, Auntie will have to give you something to help you sleep,” Miranda said.

    She then pulled back the warm blanket and I felt a prick in one of my butt cheeks. The last words I heard Miranda speak, prior to me coming-to, in my now, femininely appointed boudoir, were, “There now. Fortunately this massage table does have wheels and you are nice and svelte, from all the dieting you’ve been doing.”

    When I came to, I realized I was in one of the sumptuous guest-boudoir and bath suites. As we generally only had female guests at our residence, Caitlin had made certain these boudoir suites had all been done in overt, fussily, girlish decors. 

    I was also tied spread-eagle to the bed frame and had some sort of strange, ballet-boot styled shoes upon my feet. Something made of hard rubber was stuffed into my mouth. Reflexively I was sucking upon it. I began to attempt to struggle against my bindings, as well as try and scream through what turned out to be a penis-gag. 

    It was then that the smiling Madame Miranda entered the boudoir. “Goodness, just look at you Shelley Nicole. You can’t break those ropes I tied you with. And you can’t make much more than a Sissy-squeal with that rubber penis in your mouth. But don’t fret, girl. Aunt Miranda was watching you on a baby monitor,” Miranda grinned.

    “By the way honey. That penis gag also serves as a feeding tube. I have your lunch-time bottle right here. You’ll get one of these oversized baby bottles three times a day. Of course you are an oversized baby-girl. This will be your breakfast, lunch and dinner, until Auntie can break you and be certain you’ll abide by the feminization process I have carefully planned for you,” Miranda announced. 

    “This bottle contains a formula that will give you all the nutrition you need right now. It also contains enough female hormones to chemically castrate you, help you grow a bosom, and make you as physically and mentally a sweet, female as possible, at this juncture. Additionally the evening bottle will contain a diuretic and a laxative, so that you will urinate and defecate into the diaper and rubber panties I will be putting on you,” Miranda promised.

    “I’ll also put something in your evening bottle to help you sleep, darling. Now, I’m going to show you how easy it is to force feed you thru that penis-tube in your mouth. This may convince you to voluntarily decide to take your bottle without a struggle,” Auntie explained.

    Miranda connected the baby-bottle to the feeding tube. She then took an opened plastic clothes-pin and carefully clamped it over my nose. I immediately gulped in air as she squeezed the baby bottle.  The sickening sweet, Estrogen-laced baby formula began to flow into my mouth. I spluttered and began to reflexively swallow it. After several seconds of me being force fed, drooling and gasping, Madame Miranda removed the clothes-pin from my nose.

    “Now don’t you think that Baby-Girl, Shelley Nicole would prefer drinking her bottle without having her nose clamped and being force-fed?” Miranda asked.

    I nodded and Miranda added, “I thought so.”

    Once I’d finished the bottle, Miranda said, “Now I’m going to talk, and you are going to listen. When I am done, if I am in a good enough mood, I’ll take that faux-penis out of your sexy lips and let you speak. But, I must warn you. If you say any bad words or speak too loudly, I’ll shut you up with that gag, and leave it in for days,” Miranda hissed.

    “So it’s up to you girl, whether or not you stay permanently gagged. Okay? My plan is to lastingly feminize you, as much as possible, physically, mentally and emotionally. I will very likely allow your penis and testes to stay attached to your body. Though, with the large amounts of Estrogen and Premarin I plan to give you, your genitals will very likely be completely useless to you and everyone else,” Miranda said.

    “I expect that in 7 to ten days, you will be so sick of waking up with a diaper full of stinky feces as well as stale urine, that you will gladly cooperate as well as actively participate in your transformation. Your life, though unusual, will take place within the lap of luxury. You’ll be cared for just as any Trophy Wife would be doted upon,” Miranda explained.

    “I want you to be the type of 1950’s to 1960’s subservient housewife that will do anything possible to advance and support my niece Caitlin’s career. Therefore I will train you to be charming, cultured and servile. You will be so convincingly emasculated that you will be able to attend Beauty Parlors, movie’s, plays, restaurants, dinners and country clubs, and no one will ever dream you were once a boy,” Miranda pronounced. 

    Then she looked at me and said, “I’ll remove your penis gag, now. No funny stuff, girly. And no loud, nasty language. You are hardly in any position to resist me, anyway.”

    It took me a brief moment to get myself together, but I finally asked, “Why are you doing this? You won’t get away with it you know? And when she finds out, Caitlin will be furious,” I gasped, weakly. 

    “To begin with, I’m doing this on behalf of my niece. I desire that she have the best life and best partner possible. As a male spouse you are frightfully inadequate, Shelley Nicole, my dearest. However as a feminized housekeeper and an exquisitely trained, Trophy Wife, I believe you’ll be a perfectly groomed starlet,” Madame Miranda winked.

    “I’m also doing this because I can do it, and I want to do it. And believe me, I’ll get away with it and then some. As for my niece Caitlin. When she sees the results of your girly transformation, I have to expect her to enjoy what she sees very much. Anything else, Sissy? Before I gag you once again, of course?” 

    “Yes, why am I wearing those hideous boots?” I asked.

    “Oh yes, the ballet boots. How could I have forgotten? Those boots will train and mold your feet to take on an extreme arch. Before you know it you’ll find it extraordinarily difficult to wear anything but high-heels. You’ll soon be able to walk like a Princess in five-inch spikes,” Madame Miranda explained.

    “And once you are up and out of bed. When, of course, you tire of shitting and pissing in your diaper. Well then, I’ll train your rectum to easily receive an anal plug, to assist you with walking much prettier, among other things,” explained Miranda.

    “You’ll never break me Miranda,” I spat.

    “Don’t be ridiculous Sissy. Time is up. I’ll just put this clothespin on your cute nose and the plug will go back in. I should probably diaper you right now. Just in case you have to go. You’ll definitely need to go about 2 AM,” Miranda added.

    After Miranda gave me my evening bottle, I became drowsy and drifted off to sleep. She was certainly correct about me urinating and having a bowel movement though. Sometime, possibly after midnight, I awoke with my stomach cramping. The flow of feces came first, followed by a virtual flood of urination. The stench, and the discomforting feelings were awful.

    I felt absolutely helpless and shamed. To be laying there, unable to speak, with my rubber pants and wearing a plastic diaper, now full of my bodily discharges, was beyond humiliating. It was daylight, when Miranda entered. She was wearing a surgical mask.

    “Goodness. Auntie’s little Flower made a bad stinky last night, didn’t she? Oh my and she’s just soaking wet. Well I have a new diaper and some plastic pants. I also brought plenty of baby oil and scented powder. And if you are good today Princess, Auntie will feed her baby girl a jar of strained prunes for lunch,” Miranda said, joyfully.

    I wasn’t certain how long I was able to withstand this degradation, prior to begging for release? I soon lost track of time, and the days that I laid there unable to resist. Miranda did say I lasted even less than she’d predicted.

    “You are such a perfect Sissy, Shelley Nicole. I knew it from the time we’d met. That’s okay though. And you warmed my heart, the way you just begged me to turn you into a pretty girl and a perfect housewife for Caitlin. I know my niece will be pleased. Let’s get this room aired out and the sheets on the bed changed. We have work to do girl,” Miranda stated. 

Chapter II: Sissy at the Beauty Parlor 

    I stood in front of a full-length mirror in my boudoir suite. Madame Miranda smirked as she adjusted the collar of my blouse, smoothed my slacks and fluffed my teased, shoulder-length hair.

    “Are you certain you wouldn’t prefer a dress, or a skirt, with your fussy, high-collar blouse, Shelley? Those pink, Capri slacks you chose to wear, just scream out, that you are a Sissy. Goodness but your new shape and figure are simply delicious, Girlfriend. Let me see you wiggle-walk from one end of the room to the other. Back and forth. Just swish and sway honey. Oh my, that is simply, just, so very nice. Those rectal plugs do wonders girl, don’t they?” Miranda said. She was obviously very pleased with my progress. 

    It was nearly three weeks since Caitlin had flown to London. Madame Miranda and I were preparing for an outing at the Aurora Simone Salon and Spa in Chappaqua. Miranda assured me that the ladies there were “Very, Transgender Friendly.” 

    I was tightly corseted and my new, small tits were encased in an A-Cup, training bra. I’d begged to wear something “A little less feminine” to the salon. So, Madame Miranda handed me a pair of Hot-Pink, Capri slacks to wear, with dark, three-inch heels. Along with a high-collar blouse, with a fussy furbelow where the pearl buttons met with their button loops. 

    My hips wiggled delightfully as we made our way to her Lexus sedan parked in the drive. The sound of our heels “Click-Clacking” on the pavement excited me. I had come to truly love the sight of a lady’s painted toes peeking out from a pair of open-toed pumps. I now, frequently worshipped Madame Miranda’s feet.

    And the sound of high heels resounding upon Parquet or Slate floors, stimulated me. One evening, as she degraded me at bedtime, while I was tied into my bed, Miranda had masturbated me with an open-toed pump. The entire time she’d wickedly teased me about what a shamed, simpering sissy I was and how I craved humiliation. 

    My body shook and quaked as I’d climaxed that evening. I sat quietly and demurely on the drive to the Beauty Parlor. This was simply another routine step on my carefully guided journey into “Fulfilled” femininity. 

    “You should remain silent at the salon until you are carefully ensconced into Aurora’s private chambers, Shelley. I’ll do all the talking up until then,” Miranda insisted. Thankfully, Miranda held my hand as we entered the salon and we were shown by the receptionist, Carla, to Aurora’s office.

    “Madame Aurora will be with you shortly Ms. Miranda. You do look exceptionally lovely today ma’am. Is this Shelley Nicole, the new girl you are training ma’am?” Carla asked.

    “Yes, she’s my niece’s effeminate, Sissy-spouse,” Miranda smiled.

    “Oh, how very nice. Well everyone knows we simply adore Sissies here at Aurora Simone’s,” Carla chirped as she closed the doorway and exited. 

    I was surprised at how young, the very stately Aurora Simone was as she entered her chambers. She was also quite austere and haughty. Both Miranda and I stood as Aurora entered. She was tall, especially in her stiletto heels. She had thick, dark, burgundy highlighted tresses. 

    She took Miranda into her arms, hugged her and kissed her on the lips. “Miranda my darling, always lovely, aren’t you dear? Is this your newest Sissy?” Aurora asked as Miranda sat down.

    “Yes she is,” Miranda stated. 

    “Remain standing girl. What’s your name, girl?” Aurora asked.

    “Shelley Nicole, Madame,” I answered reflexively.

    “Very well. She has beautiful skin, Miranda. And her hair has lovely texture. You may sit primly, girl. So what are we doing today, Miranda?” Aurora asked.

    “I was looking thru the stylings and colorings in these books, of course. I’d love to do this style, with this shade, and these highlights. What do you think?” Miranda asked as she showed Aurora photos from the styling books she had on her coffee table.

    “What do I think? Hmm? I think your tastes are as exquisite as ever, darling,” Aurora smiled. 

    “Let’s get a smock on your new girl and get her over to the shampoo sink. Are you having anything done today Miranda?” Aurora asked.

    “Well yes. I have an appointment with Carlotta twenty minutes from now. She knows I’m with you, presently,” Miranda explained.

    “Perfect. Well, you can leave your new girl with me. I’ll take care of her and we can get better acquainted. She doesn’t appear to be anyone I won’t be able to easily handle,” teased Aurora.

    “No, she isn’t. She’s been beautifully broken,” Miranda added.

    “It’s beyond obvious Miranda dear. Girl? Shelly? Turn your back to me so that I can cape you. Very good, young lady. Miranda, go and have fun with Carlotta. Shelley. Be a good girl and seat yourself at that shampoo sink. Relax and lean your head back. You are a sweet thing, aren’t you, dear? You and I will be together for some time today honey,” Aurora remarked. 

    Aurora Simone was statuesque, nearly dispassionate, and precise. Her fingers were very strong and she nearly put me to sleep as she shampooed and conditioned my hair. Once I was seated she sectioned my hair for my haircutting. I wasn’t aware of how much shorter and stylish my hair was going to be, until Aurora began trimming. 

    When my cut was complete I already had one of the most feminine hair stylings possible and the coloring and highlights had yet to be put in. “Bobbed” hair is very, very feminine. However, an inverted bob, even a mid-length inverted bob as I was given is even more femme. Yet more girly though, was the mid-length, inverted, “Asymmetrical” bob that appeared when Aurora presented me with my final cutting.

    As she styled out my lank, wet hair she spoke to me for the first time since she’d had me sit at the shampoo sink. “I’m going to suggest that Miranda bring you back in to me in a few weeks for a body-perm. I’d like to see something that will give you more wave and fullness. But you’ll look just stunning today when I’m done with you,” Aurora added. 

    She mixed my new color first. As she painted in the hair color she told me, “Your light brown hair is about to become a shimmering, Ash-blond, Shelley darling. So tell me. Did you have any experience or desire to become a girl until Miranda got her hands on you?”

    “No ma’am, Madame Aurora,” I whispered.

    “Doesn’t surprise me. But you know? From looking at you, I can tell you were always a real Sissy. You just needed some careful prodding to clear up nature’s errors. Was Miranda very hard on you, girl?” Aurora asked.

    “No ma’am. It all just seemed to happen,” I sort of lied. 

    “Which only proves my assessment of you,” Aurora commented.

    “Now, just sit there like a prim and proper young lady and let the color process, while I prepare your Champagne highlights. That’s a proper girly. Hands folded in your lap.” Aurora ordered.

    As my color processed, Aurora Simone made a few phone calls. At one point I did hear her refer to “Miranda’s New Sissy.” Then she foil wrapped my hair as she painted in the highlights. After a conditioning rinse she began to set my hair. 

    When my newly beautified Mistress, Madame Miranda, walked into Aurora’s office Aurora explained, “I want you to see how her hair will look after being set with perm rods. I’d just love to have you bring her in to me, in a few weeks time, for a body perm. You know? Something to give her some wave and fullness?”

    “That’s an excellent suggestion Aurora. Why don’t I bring her to you about a week before my niece returns from London?” Miranda asked.

    “Why not? By the way, doesn’t Caitlin now work for that gorgeous hunk, Coleman Anders? Is there anything going on there?” Aurora asked.

    “I don’t know. I do know he gave her a recent promotion to Executive Assistant,” Mirada explained.

    With my hair up on wave rods, Aurora amused herself lavishing cosmetics upon my cheeks, lips and eyes. As she painted my mouth, Miranda added, “We need to get her in here for lip-plumping, don’t you think?” 

    “Absolutely. I adore a Sissy with fat, cocksucker lips,” Aurora laughed.

    I self consciously looked at myself in the full-length mirror of my boudoir, once we arrived home. Miranda came up behind me and put her arms around me, saying, “You are gorgeous, my child. I don’t want you to fret whatsoever. If my niece doesn’t like what she sees, we won’t need to undo anything. Auntie Miranda is looking for a new residence. Whenever I find one you can always move in with me. I could use a submissive maid and lady’s companion.”

    She then turned me to face her and forcefully kissed me upon my crimson-painted mouth. I’d only been mildly resisting my feminization verbally. On occasion, such as the trip to the Aurora Simone Salon, I might beg to be able to wear “Something a little less feminine?”

    Then I’d realize the futility of that, as my Mistress would attire me in something as fussily sissified as Pink Capri Slacks. Emotionally and mentally, on occasion, I’d attempt to deny and resist my flourishing femininity. With Madame Miranda this could be even more difficult, due to her “Carrot and Stick” approach to discipline. 

    Yes, Miranda could be a stern, strict disciplinarian, and frequently punish me, even for such minor transgressions as an “Improper Sissy Wiggle,” as I sashayed thru a mall or shopping center. However, when she was pleased with me, her flattery or honeyed words could result in an emotional uplift for me.

    On the instance of our return from the salon, I could see, in the mirror, the recent results of the feminizing beauty process. As a hairdresser I’d frequently noted the excitement in a female’s eyes as she viewed her very own recent transformation in a salon. However I know that the approval of a “Significant other” would mean even more to her.

    That is what I experienced at the moment that Miranda embraced and kissed me. Even the threat of Caitlin rejecting me had lessened when Miranda took me in her arms and kissed me. Her offer of me becoming her live-in submissive softened the perceived blow of being dismissed by my spouse. 

    I had been secretly embracing my newly established girlishness. And then, the feeling of being held in Miranda’s strong, assertive arms suddenly captivated me. I seemingly melted as she kissed me. I boldly kissed her back with my tongue, even as I passively failed to return her embrace. 

    She turned my back to my bed as she kissed my neck. Our lipsticks melding had tasted so sweet. And now the miasma of our hairsprays, the perfumed hair coloring, and the scents of our cosmetics all mixed in a pretty, mysterious, feminine blend. My resistance to my emasculation appeared to melt as I took Miranda’s embrace as a seeming approval of who and what I’d become under her aggressive guidance.

    I was soon pushed to my bed and smothered by her warm, wet kisses. “I want you in my room, Shelley-Girl. Now. Let us get undressed,” Miranda ordered as I began to strip off my Capri slacks.

    By the time we reached her bed, I was naked and my little tits were bouncing. My cock was semi-erect. That didn’t matter, because as soon as we were under Miranda’s satin sheets, she pushed my head to her pudenda. I knew instantly what to do as I’d often eaten Caitlin’s pussy.

    My licks, sucks and kisses, soon produced a sensuous moaning from Miranda’s lips. As I pleasured her clitoris, I found myself thinking of something that had never occurred to me while making love. I realized I was concerned about my hair and makeup being mussed and smudged from having my head and face planted in Miranda’s vagina. As I redoubled my efforts, Miranda’s moans and sighs turned to louder yelps and passionate gasps. 

    When I felt Miranda’s thighs squeezing my face and her fingers gripping my sprayed tresses, I knew she was very close. Her climax came and she screeched crazily as her orgasm intensified. Slowly her panting subsided and she pulled me to her.

    “So, how shall I reward you girl? I know what to do. I’ll show you another useful function of your ever present butt plug. Kneel on all fours facing the headboard, dear Shelley.  Allow me to remove your little friend? There. Now where did I put my strap-on?” Miranda idly quizzed herself.

    “There now. Let’s get you lubed-up girl. There, my baby. How does that feel? Nice and numb yet? This lubricant has an anesthetic to relieve discomfort. Of course if you use it and a real man’s prick is in your ass, he will last far longer,” Miranda explained.

    I was no virgin. Well, I was where anal sex was concerned. But I knew what a “Strap-on” was. I couldn’t help but turn around and peek. What I saw made me experience a deep intake of breath. Madame had a rather large, rubber strap-on attached to her pelvic region.

    “Now look what you’ve done you bad girl? You’ve taken a peek at Auntie’s cock, haven’t you? Turn around. It’s hardly as big as a normal male penis. Of course it might not be as large as the huge cock on that handsome stud, Coleman Anders? I’ve heard stories from a few of the ladies at the beauty parlor and that man is a giant,” Miranda said.

    “Of course it’s larger than that useless, little, wiggle-worm, that you have between your thighs. But if I increase your Estrogen intake much more, that tiny little thing won’t be much larger than my clitoris, now will it?” Miranda asked.

    As Madame slipped the hard, rubber cock into my rectum I tensed up. Madame slapped my ass and said, “Relax girl. Breathe deeply, in and out. That’s better. Much better girl. Here we go. You must get used to having sex like this Shelley. After all, you are a Sissy Girl. One of your greatest forms of pleasure will be having a dildo or a real penis in your rectum, while it contacts your prostate,” Madame explained. 

    As the rubber penis slid slowly, in and out of my anus, I began to feel some excitement. Then I let out a pleasurable sigh as Madame’s strap-on rubbed my prostate. I shivered with delight, as she laughed gutturally. I could not wait for her to do it again. I could feel my penis becoming erect. Or at least as erect as it could manage to become, then.

    My arousal began to build, exponentially. I realized at that time, that I was truly being “Fucked” as if I were Miranda’s Common Slut. But I had truly began to embrace being Miranda’s “Girl.” I’d begun to become comfortable with my true, innate, femininity. As the frequency of Miranda’s strokes continued to reach my prostate, I was ready to scream. And I did let out a sluttish screech when my testicles and penis finally emitted a stream of creamy, white sperm.

    As I collapsed onto the bed completely spent, Miranda withdrew her faux penis. “There now. Wasn’t that the nicest fucking you have ever experienced darling?” Miranda asked.

    I simpered out, “Oh yes Madame. That was truly, truly, wonderful. It was amazing. I’ve never before felt this way.”

    Madame Miranda had five weeks remaining to perfect the feminine persona which she wanted me to present to Caitlin. “I will expect you to be sashaying as would a runway model when my niece returns. Your voice should have the rich, velvety tones of a Trophy Bride. You should be able to speak as if you were a cultured debutante. I want your gestures and movements to be that of a Prissy, Finishing School Graduate,” Madame insisted.

    “Those physical things such as your figure, your soon-to-be fat lips, your hair and your complexion, we can fix with foundation garments, stronger hormone dosages, and salon beautifications. But the rest,  you must work tirelessly at perfecting. And don’t think I am not seeking perfection for my dear Caitlin,” Madame intoned.

   Twice a week, until Caitlin would eventually return, I attended Madame Aurora Simone’s salon and spa. There, I would be seated, as Madame Aurora gave me Lip Fattening Collagen injections. Madame Simone loved to tease me about the “Beautiful Set of Dick-Licker Lips” she was giving me.

    “When any normal man, sees these sort of fat lips darling, all he can possibly think of is having his cock sucked,” she smiled. 

    I was now, not only taking in Estrogen and Premarin through bodily creams, and my regular diet shakes. I was also seeing Madame Miranda’s and Caitlin’s, Gynecologist, for twice monthly, double and triple boosters of Estrogen. My bosom and hips had enlarged to the point that Madame Miranda felt that it necessitated a trip to an exclusive “Foundation Wear” shop, “Melanie’s Modiste.” 

    There I stood on a pair of tall heels, completely naked, as Ms. Melanie and her “Fitting Assistant” Laura, carefully scrutinized my body and made suggestions to Madame Miranda. Melanie held my shrunken genitalia in the palm of her right hand.

     Ms. Melanie then stated, “These tiny things, really don’t need very much to stay hidden any longer, do they, Miranda? Do they work properly at all? You know? Some of the Special Girls that come in here have their tiny balls completely removed by their Mistress’s GYN.”

    “Yes, I’m aware of testicle removal of course. And yes my GYN performs it regularly. In fat she’s a Lesbian and couldn’t be more thrilled than when she slices off a pair of tiny nuts. These belonging to Shelley, work slightly and I adore hearing her scream when she squirts,” Miranda explained.

    “Well, her hips, have rounded gorgeously, and her waist has slimmed wonderfully. And these boobs. Laura dear, measure these for me would you? They look and feel like a 36 B, to me,” Ms. Melanie said as she cupped my tits in her hands and fondled them professionally.

    Laura did as she was told and smiled. “Madame Melanie you are truly amazing. 36 B-cup exactly. You are such a connoisseur, ma’am,” Laura added obsequiously.

    “I’ve played with my share of ‘Girls,’ haven’t I Laura?” Melanie smiled as she winked at her loyal employee.

    “Her waist is a 22. Do you want to put her into a slightly smaller corset? Say twenty-inches?” Melanie asked.

    “Why not? In fact, I wouldn’t mind eventually taking her to eighteen inches,” Miranda casually spoke, as Laura had me mount a lacing pedestal, and I reflexively gripped the overhead lacing bar. 

    Once again, I was subjected to a waist-severing corset, which would redefine my hips, and lift my bosom strikingly. I was practically ready to swoon into an intense faint when Melanie pronounced me, “Nicely Done.” I was allowed to sit and collect myself prior to being fitted with a new panty girdle and brassiere. Up until my next Beauty Parlor appointment and then beyond, a Bra Fitting had to be the most feminizing experience I had undergone. 

    However, emasculating occurrences appeared to be the specialty of the women whose Feminizing Regimen I was subject to obeying. Thus, my Salon appointment for a body perm, one full week prior to Caitlin’s return, would be my next immersion into girlishness. We arrived at the salon very early.

    I was swathed in a salon smock, after my neck and throat were wrapped snugly in protective paper. Then I was given a shampoo and a revitalizing Hot Oil conditioning treatment. Madame Aurora took care to trim my spilt ends and touch up my locks. As a hairdresser I’d given numerous perms and body waves, but never received one. I was about to. 

    As Madame Aurora and Miranda chatted about “This and That,” Aurora rolled my hair onto medium-small, sized wave rods. She rolled the waving rods very tightly against my scalp. Then she took a gauzy, cotton wrapping, and pulled all the wound rods up into a very snug perm wrap. 

    Aurora Simone placed a metal trough around my neck and told me to hold it steadily. Then she snipped the end off of the bottle of body perm solution and began applying the odorous chemical evenly across the tightly wound waving rods. When she had completed that task to spoke to me.

    “Just look at yourself Sissy. You are wearing a pretty pink smock with a ruffled collar. You have a fluffy rose colored towel over your shoulders. You are wearing a heavy coat of Midnight Merlot lipstick by Runway Rogue, along with mascara and eyeshadow. Your hair is up in wave rods and glistening with fresh perm solution. You even have a nice tight gauzy perm wrap,” Aurora remarked smugly.

    “How many perms did you ever give to males when you were a beautician, Sissy?” Aurora asked.

    “Not too many, Madame,” I agreed.

    “Of course you didn’t Sissy. Real men and boys don’t run to the salon to get permed regularly. Stare into the mirror at yourself Sissy. Only Sissies and girls get perms. Your boobies are sticking out through your smock. What little vestiges of boyishness that you might have had remaining two months ago have vanished, girl. We have eliminated any of that. The girl within you is now the girl which the outside world sees, darling,” Madame Aurora pronounced.

    “You may forever give up any remaining hope you may have had about ever being a boy once again, Shelly Nicole. You belong to us now girl. You are ours my sweet. You are our girl. Do you understand, Shelley Nicole?” Madame Aurora asked.

    I looked very closely at myself in the three-sided, wraparound, salon styling station, vanity mirror. Tears began to seep from my eyes. Emotionally, Madame Aurora’s discourse had drained me, as well as startled me. It was so true. No boyishness remained at all, from the person that had married Ms. Caitlin Remington. Caitlin’s Aunt, Miranda Bascombe, and her female Coterie of Gynecologist, Corsetiere, Hairdresser, and Modistes had erased that person, emotionally, physically and mentally.

    I attempted to tell myself that the tears I was shedding were coming from the acrid, ammonia-like scent of the Permanent Waving Lotion. As I brushed those tears away, Madame Aurora removed my hands from my face.

    “Don’t wipe such as that dear. You’ll smudge your foundation and blusher. Dab, like this, darling. With a Kleenex. Here, Madame Aurora will help you. I was going to redo your makeup prior to your leaving, anyway,” Aurora added.

    Then, as I sobbed a little more liberally, Madame Miranda handed me a scented, perfumed, lace hanky. “Darling use this. You may cry openly dear. It’s good for your spirit my child. It’s liberating and cleansing for your girlish soul, also, dear. And it will put you so much further in touch with your innate, feminine self,” Miranda promised. 

    Once I calmed down I looked side to side at both Miranda and Aurora. “I was just being silly, I guess? I’m just a little nervous about Caitlin meeting the new me, I think?” I sniffled.

    Once the perm had taken, Ms. Aurora removed a few wave rods to check the intensity of the curl and added the neutralizer. After the neutralizer had set sufficiently,  Aurora gave me a scented, conditioning rinse. Then she began to pluck the wave Roda from my tresses and use a comb and hairspray to stylize my hair. 

    Once Aurora was satisfied with my stylization, she tilted back the makeup chair I was seated it. I felt as if I were a fashion model being made up prior to a show. Aurora carefully made-up my face to her satisfaction before she had me stand. Once she’d removed my smock and paper-collar she propelled me towards a full-length mirror.

    “Now remember. Don’t you dare shampoo until Tuesday evening. Then use a conditioner for permed and colored hair. Is Caitlin arriving on Saturday afternoon? Wonderful. Give yourself a roller set Friday evening. You look sensational, Shelley. Doesn’t she, Miranda? I’m certain Caitlin will be pleased,” Aurora promised.

Chapter III: From Shelley Nicole to Shailene Nicoletta 

    Though, I wasn’t aware of it, from the time that Madame Miranda had diapered me for a full week, she had first contacted Caitlin by email, to tell her that she’d been forced to domestically discipline me. Once I’d begged to be released and put into skirts and dresses around the residence, she’d let Caitlin know that she was then employing Petticoat Punishment. 

    At approximately the one-month period of Caitlin’s absence, Caitlin had emailed to her aunt, asking, “Pictures please? I’d love to see photos of her as a girl?” 

    From then on, Aunt Miranda had updated Caitlin every few days. So, as it were, Caitlin was keenly aware of what I’d become, before she ever arrived home from London. The Friday evening prior to Caitlin’s Saturday Afternoon return, I shampooed and set my hair at bedtime. 

    Hopefully, with me now having permed hair I wouldn’t have to sleep in rollers so frequently? But of course this was a special occasion. Aunt Miranda told me, “We won’t have to pick Caitlin up at the airport. Coleman Anders is sending a limo to the airport to collect her. He’s very, very fond of Caitlin. I will meet Caitlin at the front door as soon as she arrives. You will wait in your room until I text you. Caitlin and I need to talk so that I can prepare her for you.”

    “Once I send you a text, go to the kitchen and listen for me to announce you, Shelley Nicole,” Madame said. 

    I was very nervous concerning Caitlin’s arrival. What was she going to think of me? I sat in my room. I’d stylized and heavily sprayed, my permed, inverted, asymmetrical bobbed hair. My makeup was luscious, vivid and full. Earrings hung from my lobes. I wore a tiered “Ra-Ra” skirt and a sequined, midriff, tube tube with four-inch heels. 

    When the time came I went to the kitchen. Then I heard Aunt Miranda’s voice say, “You may come into the parlor Shelley Nicole. Caitlin can’t wait to see you, darling.”

    I minced to the parlor and curtsied. Caitlin smirked. “Oh my. Isn’t she the cutest thing?” Caitlin said.

    “Welcome home darling. Do you like the way I look?” I asked.

    “I’ll leave the two of you alone to become better reacquainted,” Aunt Miranda said.

    “Don’t you dare sit Sissy. I want to get a really good look at you. Remain standing,” Caitlin ordered. I was programmed to obey females and didn’t move a muscle.

    When we were finally alone, I knew exactly what to do. I was going to end this charade. I felt desperate. 

    “Well, it looks as if you enjoy dressing as a girl don’t you?” Caitlin asked.

    “No, but I don’t. Caitlin, you must help me. Your aunt has forced me to dress this way. You must put a stop to this?” I begged. 

    Caitlin began to laugh as I stood daintily in front of her in the middle of the parlor. “Oh, that’s rich. And who did your hair and makeup today darling? And is your hair permed or body-waved by any chance?” Caitlin asked.

    “Well, yes I did my hair and I applied my own cosmetics. But your Aunt Miranda has been forcing me to do those things, every day. And yes. This is a perm, Madame Aurora Simone gave me at her salon.” I answered, fluffing my waves. 

    “So my aunt forced you to do your hair and makeup perfectly, this morning? Did she force you to sleep in curlers last night? And the permanent wave darling? Did she force you to go to the beauty parlor? And did Ms. Simone, tie you up, gag you and forcibly give you a permanent?” Caitlin asked.

    The idea of being tied up and gagged, while forcibly being given a “Punishment perm”, stimulated my loins. However, I wasn’t about to admit that to Caitlin. “Well no. I guess not. But you must tell your aunt to cease to dress me as a girl, Caitlin. Please? Help me Caitlin,” I again begged.

    “Don’t be ridiculous my dear Sissy, Shelley Nicole. I rather prefer you dressed this way, as you do also. My aunt just did us both a favor by getting you started. Aunt Miranda always told me you were a Sissy and that I was marrying a Sissified Femme Boy. I didn’t believe her, but now I know she was very correct,” Caitlin stated.

    “No girl. You are staying this way. And in the meantime, I plan on enjoying it. Come with me now to my boudoir. You want to dress as some sort of Prissy Trophy Girl? Well good. You can make love to me in the same manner that a girl would make love to her Lesbian lover. Come along and suck my pussy, Shelley Nicole,” Caitlin said.

    She took me by the hand and led me to her boudoir. “Get undressed. I’ll be right with you, my pretty, new wife. I’m going to find my Auntie Miranda and borrow some lubricant and a nice, fat, strap-on dildo for your rectum,” Caitlin laughed, as I stepped out of my high-heels and my “Rah-Rah” skirt. 

    When I was at last naked, I looked into Caitlin’s vanity mirror at my thoroughly, feminized body. I truly did look just lovely. My plump, deep, wine-red lips were striking. My breasts were well-formed. My hair was thick, wavy, rich and lustrous. I had a slender waist and well-shaped, pretty legs. I certainly hadn’t convinced Caitlin that I was being “Forced” to dress femininely.

    Caitlin returned and sat the dildo and lube on her bedside table. She came up to me from behind and embraced me as she kissed my neck. “Auntie tells me you love being ‘Pegged’ with a dildo. Do you have something in your anus that you must remove to allow me to fuck you? Some sort of plug?” Caitlin asked.

    “Oh yes. I always wear a rectal dilator. May I remove it and wash it in the sink in your bath?” I asked, sweetly.

    “Yes of course. Then come to bed with me my adorable, new wife,” Caitlin bade me.

    She was establishing that I was indeed the wife in our marriage. As she kissed my neck and face, as well as fondled my breasts, I felt so aroused and helpless. However, as I expected my cock would not become fully erect. Caitlin took one hand from my bosom and fondled my penis. Then she chuckled at my inability to get a real erection as she released my smallish cock. She pushed me slowly to my knees and sat upon the edge of her bed. Slipping off her panties she pulled back her skirt. 

    “You need to put those fat, crimson lips to work along with your tongue. The next time we send you to the salon, I want Aurora to pierce your tongue and insert a little, steel ball in the tip. That will give you a cute lisp, as well as give me something additionally, which you can use to pleasure my clitoris. Don’t fret darling. It won’t be in the least bit painful to have done. She’ll use a numbing Novocaine initially,” Caitlin added as she pulled my head tightly against her pudenda.

   With each of my ears already each triple pierced, Caitlin was now speaking of a piercing in the tip of my tongue. What would be next? Would it be a belly-button piercing? Or maybe one in each of my nipples? 

    I’d always eaten Caitlin’s pussy. During her absence I’d also received plenty of practice performing oral sex upon Madame Miranda. I must admit, that I always adored the sound of Caitlin sighing as I put my tongue to her clit. She laid back on the bed and I could feel each of her thighs beginning to tremor as she pressed them against my face. 

    The feeling of her fingers, entangling in my newly permed, set and sprayed tresses, was exciting. If this was how Caitlin enjoyed me, then, so be it. Caitlin moaned and said, “Oh my, but how lovely a sexual feeling this is. And oh, by the way Princess, I simply adore the new ‘Do’ which Aurora gave you. It’s to die for, dearie. Seriously, Darling? A Chic-Chic, inverted, asymmetrical Bob, with a shaved nape and a body perm? Really? Well. Isn’t that just the height of girly-girl, Sissified Fashion?”

    She now began to grind her cunt into my face. “I simply need more. Get up upon the bed. Yes. That’s it. On your back girl. I need to set on your pretty, made-up face. You can fix it later for me. Now, suck me good, girly-girl,” Caitlin hissed as she pressed her pussy against my mouth.

    Her ass placed such a smothering effect against my face. I was licking and sucking wildly to please her. She greedily ground her pussy and thighs into my mouth and jaws. She humped madly as her passion peaked. I felt her juices dripping into my mouth. When Caitlin did climax she screamed and shouted, “Don’t stop! Do not stop! Oh, geez, that is so fucking good!” 

    She at last laid spent beside me, shaking and laughing. She pinched my tits and tousled my hair. “Auntie tells me that you simply adore being ‘Pegged’ with her strap-on? Well, I’m going to fuck you now as if you were a real girl. No more Doggie-Style for Mummy’s Sissy French Poodle. No girl. Your legs are to be wrapped around my waist,  and your tight, fat ass will be up in the air,” Caitlin pronounced.

    “Now Shelley Nicole. Get your butt to the edge of the bed while I attach this cock to my pelvis. Wouldn’t you like to have a penis this size, instead of that pitiful excuse for a prick that you have between your girly thighs? There. Lift your legs and raise your Sissy-Pussy. Let’s get you all greased up for Caitlin. Nice and gooey,” Caitlin said, as she spread the lubricant all over the inside of my rectum.

    I whimpered as she fit three fingers up my anus and moved them back and forth. I felt completely at her mercy, with my slender legs resting on her hips. Then, as she began to slide the shaft of the faux penis into my rectal canal she raised my ass up even higher, by putting my ankles and calves upon her shoulders and gripping my legs tightly with her strong hands.

    She was indeed, fucking me as if I were her submissive girly-girl. With each thrust of her faux-cock into my rectum, I would let out a little, femme, “squeal” or an “Eek,” as she screwed me. As she pounded away at my ass she spoke to me luridly concerning my feminization.

    “So, do you like being fucked as if you’re my Fancy-girl, Sissy? Wait until Aunt Miranda and I have a real man screw you. Oh yes, my lovely darling, there is a man in your future. You might as well practice sucking on one of these dildos in preparation for the real thing being in your mouth,” Caitlin teased.

    “Just wait until you feel a jet of hot semen filling up your anus. Or the salty taste of ejaculate streaming down your throat. You’re going to love being my Fancy-girl, Sissy,” Caitlin laughed.

    I closed my eyes and did my best to enjoy it. The numbing agent in the lube made being screwed tolerable. As always, when the dildo touched against my prostate, it sent tremors of pleasure through my groin. I could feel myself about ready to climax. Caitlin’s fingers squeezing my ball sac and cock, finally sent me over the edge. I screamed like a banshee, as I orgasmed. My body shook and shivered as the sperm emitted in dribbles from my penis. 

    I was nearly exhausted from eating pussy and being fucked. After a period of time, Caitlin told me, “You may go clean up and prettify yourself. My luggage needs to be unpacked, my laundry needs to be cared for, and my already clean clothing must be put up. I’ll nap in Aunt Miranda’s boudoir until you are finished in mine. Do you understand what needs to be done, Shelley Nicole?”

    “Yes ma’am, Mistress Caitlin,” I answered reflexively. 

    As I served breakfast, the following morning, I was told there would be times when I would not take my meals with Caitlin and Aunt Miranda.

    “I’ve taken a real male as a lover. He provides for me, what you never could Shelley. He’s my boss, Coleman Anders. You don’t need to know how long we’ve been lovers. That’s none of your business. However, when he’s here taking meals, you’ll eat in the kitchen as a servant, unless he gives you permission to dine with us,” Caitlin stated.

    “Take for granted that you’ll be meeting him. There are also some things I expect you to say to him. Is that understood, Shelley?” Caitlin pronounced.

    “Yes Mistress Caitlin,” I answered automatically. I felt like sobbing, as I was now truly no longer her only lover. 

    “Now don’t run off. I have more to say. The name Shelley Nicole? I’ve told Aunt Miranda that it’s certainly pretty, but not quite feminine enough for a true girly-girl such as you. From here on then, you’re to be known as Shailene Nicoletta. Do you like it? Not that I really care what you like or don’t like,” Caitlin sneered.

    “Yes Mistress. I adore it. Especially since you picked it out for me,” I said, with a curtsy.

    I wasn’t certain that the day would ever occur when I would be ready to meet the man that Caitlin had taken as a lover. However that day did finally transpire. From photos which Caitlin had shared with him of me, Coleman Anders knew I was no threat whatsoever in his relationship with Caitlin.

    In spite of that, Auntie Miranda and Caitlin insisted I appear and act as Swishy and Femme as possible upon the day on which “Master” Coleman and I would meet. They both spent hours assisting me with my dressing, hair, makeup, walk and mannerisms. I also had a prepared and rehearsed speech I was to give to Master Coleman. My, inverted, asymmetrical, permed, long bob, with a shaved nape, had been put into an upsweep. 

    I’d been taken to the salon to have the Champagne highlights in my Ash-blond hair, re-done. My tongue had been numbed with Novocaine, and then the tip had been pierced. A small Pearl ball, attached to a stainless steel shaft had been inserted. This caused me to have a slight Lisp, even when I spoke carefully, in my sweet, girlish, well-modulated voice.

    As expected, the tiny pearl stud also gave extra pleasure to both Madame Miranda and Mistress Caitlin when I pleasured their pussies. I’d been cinched, severely into a wasp-waisted corset. Then I’d been snugged into a Penis and testicle-crushing panty girdle. After putting on dark, seamless hose, I was fitted into my newest, B-Cup, bullet brassiere. 

    Four-inch, sandal style pumps, were fitted onto my feet. My nails had been French-tipped. My makeup was elegant. I was as girlishly coiffed, attired and made-up as I could possibly be. After three varying sets of earrings were placed in my pierced ears, I slithered into a “Little, black dress.” 

    A tiny maid’s cap was pinned to my upsweep, and a heart shaped apron was fastened to my waist with a pert bow above my shapely butt. I was now ready to meet Master Coleman. I awaited my “Announcing” just beyond the door to the parlor, where Madame Miranda fawned over Master Coleman. 

    I could hear Mistress Caitlin joyously describing her times in London with Coleman Anders, as Madame listened intently and commented excitedly. Then Mistress said, “Coleman I want you to meet my spouse, Shailene. Shailene Nicoletta, there is someone here you must meet, darling.”

    I minced into the living room, with my head bowed and my eyes upon the tips of my toes. My wrists were limp and languid. I stopped and curtsied to Madame Miranda. I turned and curtsied to Mistress Caitlin. 

    “Shailene darling. This is Master Coleman Anders. He is the new and only man in this domicile now. He is my very masculine, prolific lover. You may look at him, curtsey, greet him, and kneel before him. Then, I think there is something you’ve been wanting to say to him. Isn’t there, Sissy?” 

    “Yes Mistress. I am so very honored to meet you and be in your presence Master Coleman sir,” I said, as I curtsied and knelt. 

    With my head bowed subserviently, I then added, “Master Coleman. I am very pleased that Mistress Caitlin now has a real man to care for her most pressing sexual needs. I am thrilled that you can provide for her something which I have never been capable of doing. I do hope Sir that you both have a thrilling sexual life together,” I said sweetly, with my dainty lisp.

    “I vow to be at your service Master, and will provide for any and all of your needs. I am your Sissy Maidservant, Shailene Nicoletta,” I lisped.

    “Very well said, Sissy. You may rise and perform whatever services your Mistress instructs you to provide. I’m certain you’ll adequately meet my standards of serving,” Coleman chuckled.

     I was sent to the kitchen to return with a cart, and provide light food and beverages while the trio of Master, Mistress and Madame chatted. Coleman would stay that evening and share Mistresses’ bed. I would serve them breakfast in bed, while Mistress kissed his chest and fondled his massive cock. 

    He would stay many more evenings, and became Mistresses’ live-in boyfriend and lover. His second home was a guest house on the grounds of his ancestral estate. His parents lived in a nearby mansion on the estate grounds. 

    In the meantime, Madame Miranda at long last located her very own “Dream Home” nearby in Westchester. Her last reminder to me was, “Don’t forget Shailene. You may move in with Aunt Miranda anytime your Master and Mistress will allow.” 

    Until then, a more than very interesting and unusual three-way relationship, would develop between Master Coleman, Mistress Caitlin and myself, as their romance grew. 

Chapter IV: Everybody’s Favorite Girl  

    The Aurora Simone Salon and Spa, had practically become a second home to me. So I was truly, only slightly trepidatious, upon this, my very next visit, after Master Coleman and I had been introduced. I stood slightly behind and off to the side of Mistress Caitlin and Master Coleman. 

    Madame Aurora was effusively greeting Caitlin, this being the first time she’d seen her since she’d returned from London. “Caitlin, darling, you look fabulous. What are we supposed to do, to make you look any better? I don’t think that would be possible, lovey? Oh and who is this? Coleman Anders? I haven’t seen you since you and Margo spilt up. My gosh, but you are such a handsome stud, aren’t you Coleman?” Aurora continued. 

    “Caitlin, I spoke to your Aunt Miranda and she tells, me that…. Oh there you are, sweetie! I see you brought the ‘New’ Miss Shailene Nicoletta? Hello darling. So nice to see you. Well what are we doing today? Coleman are you staying?” Aurora asked.

    “No, he has a business luncheon at Frobisher's. He’s just leaving his American Express with you, Aurora,” Caitlin teased.

    “Wonderful. We take those of course. The usual 25% gratuity Coleman? Excellent. My girls will adore you for that. I’ll be doing you, Caitlin. We need to catch up. And now, where is Angelica? Angie? Here’s Shailene that I told you about. Angelica will be doing Shailene,” Aurora announced. 

    “By the way, Coleman adores seeing Shailene in Runway Rogue’s Midnight Merlot shade, and she’s out of that. You do carry that, don’t you Aurora?” Caitlin asked.

    “We carry Runway Rogue’s entire line of lipsticks. Angie will make sure to paint Shailene’s lips in a double coat of Midnight Merlot, and we’ll put several tubes in her take-home bag,” Aurora stated.

    After Angelica had me “Caped,” and my hair washed and conditioned, she set out to trim my split ends and shave my nape. “Shailene, weren’t you and Caitlin married?” Angelica asked.

    “We still are married, in a legal sense. Though we just did file for a legal separation,” I answered.

    “Well then. She and Coleman are dating? If I’m not being too nosy or gossipy?” Angelica asked.

    “Of course not Angelica. That isn’t a concern. Caitlin and Coleman are lovers. He lives with us most of the time. He’s her boyfriend. He’ll one day be her fiancé and husband. I’m basically their maid and housekeeper. Among other things, of course,” I lisped.

    “I see. I noticed he picked out your lipstick? Is that usual?” Angelica asked.

    “Well yes. For the most part. He picks out my attire. Especially when the three of us go out together. He enjoys Caitlin and I looking our very best when we are with him. He buys me lingerie, dresses and high-heels, as gifts at times. Of course he enjoys seeing me wear them and show them off for him,” I replied. 

    “Hmm? I hope you don’t mind me saying this? It’s as if you are a second girlfriend to him? Is that sort of correct?” Angelica asked, apprehensively.

    “Yes you could say that. When Caitlin isn’t in the mood for sex, and Coleman is, I’m expected to provide his sexual relief. That’s often the reason for the gifts that he buys for me,” I giggled.

    “Now once again, I hope I am not pushing the envelope. By sexual relief, do you mean a hand-job? Or do you go all-the-way with oral or anal sex?” Angelica asked as she began putting my hair up in plastic curlers and setting pomade. 

    “I have given Coleman a ‘Quickie’ hand job. But yes. I give him both oral and anal sex. To be truthful, Caitlin abhors anal sex and I am Coleman’s only outlet for that. And Caitlin isn’t all that fond of giving blow jobs. Thus, I am Coleman’s primary, ‘Go-to’ girl for having his cock sucked. Frequently, I will ‘Fluff’ him to get him ready for Caitlin,” I admitted.

    “That’s amazing Shailene. You know, maybe you could help me out here? My new boyfriend has been wanting to experiment with anal-intercourse. Truthfully? Is it painful?” Angelica asked.

    “Well it can be, but in my case I don’t think it’s any different than if I had a real vagina between my thighs? You see, I have been wearing a Vaginal Dilator in my rectum, for quite some time. Transgender girls use them to stretch their new pussies after surgery. I began wearing one to assist me in walking with a pretty ass-wiggle,” I said.

    “Also. And please don’t repeat this. But prior to me having sex with Coleman, Madame Miranda and Caitlin kept me stretched-out by pegging me with strap-on dildos. So I was already, opened-up pretty wide for Coleman’s very large penis,” I explained.

    “Additionally, there are lubricants that contain anesthetics. Those dull the discomfort. Though, they will provide for your sex-partner to last longer. However, the anal sex can be pleasurable if you stretch yourself out and use the correct lube. I simply adore the feeling of Coleman’s hot ejaculate spurting up inside of me,” I whispered.

    “Well yes, I agree. That is a very nice feeling I get in my pussy. Hmm. Interesting? I really couldn’t talk about this with one of my girlfriends. It’s easier with you Shailene. Thanks. I’ll admit I do oral to please my boyfriends, but I’m not crazy about it,” Angelica added as she sat me at a manicurist’s table.

    “I’ve really enjoyed this conversation Shailene. Why not let your roller set dry naturally, and we can chat some more as I give you your French-tipped manicure?” Angelica suggested.

    As Angelica did my nails, my mind drifted back to the earliest sex I’d had with Coleman. Aunt Miranda had just moved into her new home. She and Caitlin were out shopping for window treatments. Recently, Caitlin had suggested I take the time to “Get to know Coleman much better.” 

    I’d just brought him a Latte, and he said to me, “Why not sit on my lap, Shailene? I think we need to talk and become more intimate? Come here honey and sit on Daddy’s lap.”

    I only hesitated a moment prior to mincing over to him, curtsying and saying, “Yes, Master Daddy Coleman.”

    I sat down, a little nervously, and he added, “Put your arms around my neck, kiss me and tell Daddy you love him, sweetie.”

    I did just that. Again, I was hesitant. However, the action of a long sensuous kiss, after saying, “I love you Daddy,” was truly a wonderful, cleansing, release of pent-up emotions. At this stage, all of my emotional being, existed in a very delicate, dainty, feminine world. There wasn’t a tiny speck of maleness remaining within me. I was All-Girl.

    So, a sumptuous kiss, with a very masculine man, was quite a romantic experience. Even if this kiss was coming from my wife’s lover. In fact, Coleman being Caitlin’s sexy-man, made the kiss and the embrace, all the more exciting. The longer we kissed, the more amorous I became, and I was soon, grinding my ass-cheeks, into Coleman’s pelvic region.

    “You’re a hot-pants, little minx, aren’t you Shailene?” Coleman said.

    “Oh yes, Master Coleman. This is making me breathtakingly passionate,” I gasped.

    “Well then. Why not kneel at my feet? Then unzip my slacks and pull out my erect cock, and suck it girl?” Coleman suggested.

    “Oh yes, my Master. That would be simply wonderful,” I cooed, suggestively.

    I was on my knees and Coleman’s slacks were completely removed along with his underwear. His fabulous cock, stood straight up, majestically. I couldn’t believe the size of it? No wonder Caitlin wanted this man for sex? I couldn’t really blame her. I licked Coleman’s huge balls and the tip of his penis. 

    Then I slowly slid my fat, red lips up his cock, as I attempted to take his entire length into my greedy, wet, waiting mouth. That was nearly impossible to do with the size of penis Coleman has. But I did get much of his dick into my mouth and then I began to suck hungrily.

    I desired to give Coleman the same pleasure I gave to Caitlin when I sucked her pussy. As I gobbled up Coleman’s massive cock, I carefully fondled his large balls. I could tell from his groaning and gasping, that my efforts at oral sex were having a pronounced effect upon him. I knew when his cock began to pulse that he was very near to an explosion. 

    When he did finally ejaculate his large balls ejected gobs of semen into my waiting, eager mouth. I swallowed as much as I possibly could, though I did have some dribbling out the sides of my mouth. Coleman used a finger to distribute the left over Cum around my plump lips. With the Cum mixed with my fading, Midnight Merlot lipstick, it appeared as if I were wearing a waxy, white gloss.

    Later, that afternoon, when Caitlin had returned from shopping with her aunt, she called me into her office. As I stood demurely in her presence Caitlin commented, “I can only commend you for being so nice to Coleman today. Understand that I’m very picky about giving a blowjob.”

    “Frequently you may expect to ‘Fluff’ Master Coleman for me, to prepare him for having coital sex between us. I can also assure you that I have a complete, as well as total disregard and disdain for any manner of anal copulation. So you’ll assuredly become Master Coleman’s sexy, little ‘Cum Dump’ for any and all, anal activities. After all, it is the duty of a proper Sissy Maid to fulfill the role of ‘Cum Dump Slut’ for her Master. Don’t you agree, Shailene dear?” Mistress asked.

    “Yes ma’am Mistress Caitlin. I will faithfully serve as Master Coleman’s ‘Slutty Cum Dump’ as long as he desires for me to assume that function,” I agreed, as I curtsied.

    My reverie at the Aurora Simone Salon was then interrupted by the voice of Angelica, saying, “Shailene, honey. Your French manicure is complete. Come over to my styling station. Your pretty locks are at the perfect stage of slight dampness for proper styling. Hold your hands out like this dearie so your nails dry appropriately.”

    “Oh that’s so cute the way you hold your wrists out so limp and prissily. Sit here Angel and I will comb you out and give you a nice, final spray. What were you thinking of so intently while I manicured your nails? It was like you were off in Never-Neverland, dreaming,” Angelica commented.

    “Oh I was just thinking of how lucky I am to be the Housekeeper for such a wonderful couple as Caitlin and Coleman. I mean, how many employers treat their maid to a regular makeover and beautification at Aurora Simone’s? Plus I attend dinners with them. They also take me to their country club and the theater,” I added.

    “I simply feel as if I am a Princess, Angelica,” I cooed.

    “Yes, you are a very lucky girl, Shailene,” Angelica agreed.

    On the drive back to the Westchester residence, Caitlin turned to Coleman and said, “Honey, don’t forget. You are dropping me off at my Aunt Miranda’s. I’ll be spending the weekend with her upstate at a new vacation home she just purchased. It will give you and the very pretty, Miss Shailene Nicoletta even more time to get acquainted, sexually. Don’t you think dear?”

    Caitlin had looked back at me and winked. Coleman smiled and said, “That will be very nice, even though I’ll miss you very much darling.”

    “Don’t fret dear. I’ll be back on Tuesday. I’m certain that Shailene will take wonderful care of you,” Caitlin remarked. 

    As we dropped off Caitlin, I jumped into the front seat and laid a hand on Coleman’s right thigh. As Caitlin said, “Be nice to each other while I am away.” I agreed by saying, “Oh, I’ll take just perfect  care of Master Coleman,” as I rubbed his cock thru his pants. 

    We weren’t in the house even twenty seconds when Coleman grabbed me tightly and kissed me aggressively. “My goodness, you just femme up so gorgeously in a salon,” he said.

    “All girly-girls do that Daddy, when we go to the salon. You just send me to the salon so you can get all hot and bothered and smear my makeup and muss my hair,” I teased.

    “Just get into your bedroom and strip to the buff, girl,” Coleman ordered. I was already on my way there. I got the lubricant ready and removed my anal-plug. My Sissy-Pussy was already hot and wanting.

    Coleman wasted no time by pushing me to the bed, smothering me with kisses, and squeezing my tits. He always fucked me on my back. I found it far less, demeaning than being “Pegged” Doggy-Style as if I were some sort of Sissy-French-Poodle. I took hold of Coleman’s cock and rubbed some lubricant on it.

    “Whoa, girly. Take it slow with the lube. I don’t want to pop off until my cock is up your ass,” Coleman said.

    “This lube is desensitizing, Master Coleman. It makes you last far, far longer than even your normal, very lengthy, Marathon Fuck-Fest,” I teased. 

    Coleman placed my head comfortably upon a fluffy pillow. Then he placed a similar pillow underneath the small of my back. Afterwards,  he knelt carefully between my thighs and lifted my legs to his waist. He took two strong fingers covered in lube and slid them into my rectal passageway. He moved his fingers around my anus. 

    When he was satisfied with the results he took hold of his very hard cock and probed my anus prior to slowly pushing his penis inside of me. Then he placed my ankles up on his strong shoulders.

     What a delicious feeling that was! Coleman was a true, sexual pig, but he was an experienced sexual animal and a Master at lovemaking. He could make any Sissy or female feel as if they were the only girl in the world at the moment he was screwing them. With my legs now resting on his shoulders, Coleman was in complete control of my slender, girlish body. 

    I understood perfectly why Caitlin craved him. I also wanted him for my own, but I knew better. Caitlin and Coleman were from the same wealthy class. Caitlin was no more or no less of a slut than I was. However, she was a rich, snooty, entitled slut. I was a Slutty-Maid. There was a difference. It was fine for Caitlin to be on Coleman’s arm at the Opera.

    But I had better be trailing behind, to take Caitlin’s Wrap and bring it to the Coat-Check. I could look really good. However Caitlin looked and smelled of money and power. That was the difference between us. In bed Caitlin had a real pussy. That also separated us. As for passion. Well?

    As Coleman screwed me he talked dirty to me and I loved it. I’d watched him screw Caitlin a few times and in my presence he said very little. But when I went to my boudoir I heard noises, voices and plenty of groans and screeching coming from Caitlin’s boudoir. 

    Everything was unintelligible, however I wondered? Did he call her a “Slut” like he called me? Was she his hot, little bitch, as I was? I only knew that I wanted Coleman’s dick up my ass as frequently as he would place it there.

    “You are such a hot, slutty, sexy piece of ass, Shailene. I love fucking you girl,” Coleman grunted.

    “Oh geez, Coleman I love that you want to fuck me,” I gasped. 

    “I know you do, you hot-assed little bitch. I could tell in the car when you grabbed my cock, thru my pants. A lot of girls wouldn’t do that. But you are such a tramp, you don’t care what anyone thinks do you?” Coleman asked.

    “No, I fucking-well don’t care a bit, Coleman. I just want your cock inside of me in any way and any where you want to put it to me. I’m cock-crazed for you, Mister Stud. Oh fuck me crazy Coleman!” I gasped.

    I couldn’t take much more. I was ready to swoon. Coleman could last forever, even without desensitizing lubricant. He was a virtual fucking machine. I could feel myself dripping now. At long last I sensed Coleman’s cock expanding. In nearly perfect unison I could feel the first jet-stream of his semen enter my anal canal.

    Then I began to dribble and spurt. Our orgasms were assuredly different. Mine was far more introspective and personal. His was animalistic. However as I screamed he groaned. I saw stars. My body felt levitated as his ejaculate filled me up. His Cum was so warming. My insides felt really dreamy. I’d become such a girly, little thing. 

    I turned my head to the side with my eye closed. He kissed the side of my face. He was a forceful, aggressive partner, but a good lover. He pulled me to him and I began to sob. I felt so romantic in spite of the fact that I knew he would never be all mine. Coleman wiped my tears away with his hand.

    “Don’t ever say a word of this to anyone. I’ll deny it and they will never believe you. Sincerely, you are a much hotter and wilder fuck than Caitlin. However, you aren’t a real girl. I love fucking you, but you’ll always be second to Caitlin,” Coleman said.

    “I know Coleman. I’m your slutty Mistress and kept girl. That’s just a simple fact. But I love the gifts and the sex. Plus, I’ll always be your whore if you’ll have me,” I agreed.

    By the end of the long weekend, we were both exhausted. I wouldn’t have wanted it any other way. *******

Chapter V: Lady’s Companion

    It was a gorgeous Saturday in the spring. I’d just combed out and sprayed Madame Miranda’s hair. It looked perfect and I could tell from her smile that she loved it.

    “Why don’t you take your hair down out of those curlers and fix your face, pretty girl? Then I’ll call some of the girls from The Coterie and we’ll do lunch, baby?” Miranda asked.

    “That will be nice,” I lied. I adored Miranda, though the ladies from her group, the Cassandra Coterie, frightened me some times. The “Coterie” as they all called their clique, was a very aggressive faction of the mostly Lesbian, Feminist society, the Cassandra Sisterhood. 

    As I carefully fixed my face, I thought about the new found relationship I now had with Madame Miranda. I had been all set to remain a maid to Caitlin and Coleman, and an occasional lover to Coleman. Right after their wedding where I had been a bridesmaid and Miranda was the Matron of Honor, Coleman’s parents announced their retirement from the family business.

    The parents had “Feathered their Nest.” They had sold the family estate to the “Company” with the only condition being that Coleman and Caitlin would be living in the mansion. The parents were also to draw a retirement from the trust which was invested in the business. They’d be living in Charleston, South Carolina. Right after Caitlin and Coleman left on a lengthy honeymoon to Europe, Madame Miranda arrived at the Westchester residence.

    “I’m going to help you pack your things, Shailene honey. You’ll be moving in with me as soon as possible,” Miranda announced. 

    “You said, what Madame?” I asked, surprised.

    “Sit down dear and let Madame explain. Caitlin and Coleman are in the limelight now, as they are the sole proprietors of the business. They’ll be living at the family mansion and entertaining friends, business associates, employees, as well as Coleman’s family and parents on occasion. It would be very difficult for them, if anyone concerned, ever discovered that their housekeeper was a Sissy, as well as Caitlin’s Ex-spouse, along with being Coleman’s occasional lover. Don’t you think, honey?” Madame asked.

    “Yes I guess so,” I whispered. 

    “I knew you’d understand. Coleman and Caitlin discussed it with me prior to leaving on their honeymoon. They felt terrible and didn’t want to hurt your feelings. They asked me to talk it over with you. So get packed. It’s about time you became my girl. After all, who made you this way, Angel?” Madame asked.

    “You did Madame. You knew all along I was a Sissy,” I agreed.

    Prior to Coleman and Caitlin returning from Europe, I was packed, unpacked, and fully moved into Madame’s ultra-modern, Westchester mini-mansion. I became her maid, housekeeper, lover and Lady’s companion. I also became a reluctant member of the Sissy Auxiliary of the Cassandra Coterie. 

    Not that I disliked any of the Ladies in the club, or that I had any real problem with any of the Sissies. It was just that the Ladies were far more assertive than even Madame Miranda had ever been with me, until then. And their Sissies were far more Prissy, Fussy and Prim than even I had ever been. 

    However, I absolutely adored being known as Madame’s housekeeper, maid and Lady’s companion among her closest friends and associates. Thus, I decided to make socializing among the Coterie at least tolerable. As I did my lips and put on jewelry, Madame Miranda stopped by my boudoir.

    “Oh you look so nice and Girly, Shailene. Everyone finds you so lovely. The Ladies have decided to meet at Lindsay’s this evening at 7 PM. Do you mind making a dish and I’ll bring some vintage wine? A Saturday evening party could get really interesting. Don’t you think, darling?” Miranda asked, kissing me softly on the lips.

    “Yes it could. What would you like me to make?” I asked.

    We settled on a large dish of Cod and Roasted Potatoes, with several bottles of a local white wine we’d purchased on a weekend trip to the vineyard. Arriving at Lindsay’s we were greeted with the usual hugs and kisses always so freely given by both the female, as well as Sissy members of the Coterie. 

    As frequently occurred, we Sissies congregated together, working to serve refreshments to the Mistresses. The only time we might join the Mistresses was when one or more of them were in the process of “Showing Off” their Sissy or Sissies. At one point I looked up and I saw Madame Miranda speaking with two women, each of whom had a Sissy by their side. 

    Both Sissies were blushing as the Mistresses spoke. Mistress Miranda caught my eye and motioned for me to join the conversation. I did so, mincing over to the group. Madame took me by the arm when I got close to her, and pulled me to her, saying, “Shailene. You’ve met Mistress Gwen and Mistress Lisa. Do you know their girls, Dahlia and Rebecca?”

    “Yes ma’am, I do,” I answered as she squeezed me tighter to her.

    “Gwen and Lisa were just discussing the fact that both Dahlia and Rebecca have been neutered. Isn’t that interesting?” Madame Miranda asked.

    “Yes ma’am. It is,” I shuddered.

    “As I was saying, Miranda. My Dahlia has been an absolute Angel, ever since I had her snipped. Don’t you feel much better since you were gelded, Dahlia honey?” Gwen asked.

    “Oh yes ma’am. I just feel simply amazing. No more conflicting thought patterns or confused emotions. No longer do I have that awful, ugly Testosterone, in my bloodstream. I’m all girl now and I adore it so very much,” the fluttery, fussy, little Pansy shared, as she batted her eyes and wiggled her French Manicured fingers.

    “And what about you Rebecca? How do feel since you became a Castrato, dear?” Mistress Lisa prompted her Sissy, Rebecca.

    “It’s exactly as Dahlia just described. My mood swings still exist, but now, they’re all very feminine, girly, sentiments. Things are so much better emotionally,” Rebecca gushed, with a flip of her totally, limp wrist.

    “We had them Castrated, three months apart. So Dahlia was the Sissy Castrato Princess at our spring Equinox event, and Becky won the same award at our summer Solstice celebration,” Mistress Lisa bragged.

    “Oh how nice. Ladies, this has been a wonderful evening. However, I have an early morning planned. So we’ll be leaving now,” Madame interrupted. 

    “Well then, let me get your casserole dish. That was a wonderful Codfish and Potatoes recipe you put together, Miss Shailene,” Mistress Gwen added.

    “Oh, thank you so much, Mistress Gwen,” I smiled.

    “And here are three unopened bottles of the Eastern Shore White. Everyone brought so much to drink,” Mistress Gwen added.

    The trip home was nearly silent. Just small talk. It wasn’t until I was in Madame Miranda’s arms in her boudoir that she asked, “You didn’t seem too excited about your girlfriends losing their testicles?”

    “No I guess I wasn’t. I’m really not interested at all, in having that sort of procedure done. I hope that doesn’t perturb you, Madame?” I answered.

    “No. Not at all. I couldn’t help myself though. I wanted to see your reaction, is all,” Madame admitted. 

    “I feel that I am fully committed in my relationship to you, as a maid, housekeeper and Lady’s Companion. I am dutiful, submissive, subservient and as girlish as any Sissy, could possibly be. Is there anything more I could do to show my devotion, ultra-femininity, and love to you, Madame Miranda? Tell me and I’ll do it. Please?” I said, sweetly.

    “Yes, there is Shailene Nicoletta. You could agree to marry me and take my last name,” Madame Miranda proposed.

    I was floored. I had no clue? Had she been dropping hints? Had I missed something?

    “Marry you? I would be absolutely honored Madame. I had no earthly idea you desired that of me?” I sighed. 

    “Is that a yes or no, Shailene?” Madame asked. 

    “It’s a yes. A definite yes. Oh I’m so thrilled Madame,” I said, falling to my knees to remove one of her high heels and kiss her foot. 

    “You needn’t kiss my feet, but that was nice. We’ll look for rings tomorrow. In the meantime, come to my bed and we’ll celebrate our engagement,” Madame added as she steered me to her satin sheets. 

    We kissed as amorously as I had ever recalled us kissing. As I began to lick her pudendum, she sighed, beautifully, saying, “Oh gracious me. I am so happy that my niece and I had your tongue pierced. I love the way that pearl stud titillates my clit. Hmm? I have some interesting piercings I think I’ll have Aurora give you to spice up the wedding as well as the honeymoon.”

    As “We” planned the wedding Miranda took complete charge. When she insisted my mother and my two sisters, Bette and Lisette, be at the ceremony and reception, I was aghast. I hadn’t seen them since Caitlin and I had married.

    “Madame Miranda. They can’t see me like this. You heard them teasing me at my last wedding,” I blubbered.

    “Exactly. Because they wondered why a sexy, vital, female such as Caitlin was marrying a Sissy like you? Oh well, I may as well tell you. I became very friendly with your sisters, Bette and Lisette, along with your mother, Elaine, at the reception. We’ve all stayed in touch since,” Miranda explained.

    “We’re very likeminded. They really know just about everything honey. Oh maybe not the diapering, and some of the harsher methods which I employed. But they know I’ve transformed you. They will be very excited, to witness the results, as well as know we are going to be married. I suggest you contact your Mummy Elaine first,” Miranda said, handing me my cell phone. 

    She allowed me the privacy of my boudoir. “Hello, mother? This is Shelley,” I began.

    “Well, it’s about time you’ve called me. And please Shelley. You don’t need to skirt around the facts darling. You are no longer Shelley, are you? No, of course not. You’re Shailene Nicoletta and I can’t wait to meet my newest and youngest daughter. Nor can your sisters delay meeting their youngest and newest sister,” Mother said.

    “Surprised that we know so much girl? So what is the occasion that finally prompted you to call us?” Mother asked.

    “Miranda Bascombe and I will be getting married,” I said.

    “Oh that is just so fantastic. If there is anything that a Sissy such as you needs, it is a strong, assertive woman to guide you thru life, make your decisions for you and protect you. And I assume it was Miranda that directed you to contact us and invite us to the wedding?” Mother asked.

    “Yes Mummy. That’s true,” I answered.

    “Oh I love that. You called me Mummy. That’s just what a little girl should call her mother,” Elaine cooed.

    In the meantime, Caitlin and Coleman offered to loan us their mansion to have the wedding. Besides close family and friends, it wasn’t going to be a large affair. Nor was it going to be a “Cassandra Ceremony.”

    “I really don’t want all the pomp, performance and ritual concerned with a Cassandra wedding. We will have a Lesbian, Justice of the Peace. I’ll also invite Cassandra Coterie members. But it will be a semi-traditional marriage. Though, I’ll make some concessions with the new piercings I have planned for you and you will be spanked privately during the honeymoon,” Miranda explained. 

    With the caterer, the Minister, my wedding gown and the size and date of the wedding out of the way, my new “Piercings” and my hair color and style, were next on the list. The piercings, to be performed at Aurora’s Salon and Spa, by Aurora and a Tattooist, would take place a month prior to the wedding.

    My hair would be done two weeks prior, with a final styling the day of the wedding at the mansion. I was nervous concerning the piercings as Miranda said she was going to “Surprise” me. I entered Aurora’s salon that day and was taken to Aurora’s private office where I met, “Kelley” the Lesbian Tattooist and Professional Piercer. 

    I was seated in a “Model’s” Makeup chair, that tilted back. Aurora, handed me a cup of tea. 

    “Drink this Princess. It will relax you,” Aurora said.

    Relax me? It nearly knocked me out. Then Kelley surprisingly injected something into my upper, right arm, that put me into a twilight. 

    “There. You feel better Angel? That’s good. Let’s do her nose first. We will numb her nicely with some of this Novocaine. Just a little pinch Baby. But you likely don’t care right now do you? Not with all that Sedating Shit we just gave you,” Kelley said, casually.

    Not that I felt like moving, or could move at all anyway, but I could feel Aurora now fastening me into the chair. My wrists, ankles and my torso were now tightly strapped, prohibiting much movement. And as Kelley, pierced both sides of my nostril, as well as my Septum, Aurora held my head firmly in place for her. 

    “I love the stones that Miranda picked out for each side of her nose and her Navel. I guess she thought three piercings in each ear were already enough? I know one Lady who had her Sissy’s ears, both done a half-dozen times. “I’m surprised Miranda isn’t having her nipples pierced?” Kelley asked, questioningly. 

    “No. She didn’t say a thing about the nipples. Maybe she’s planning on her having implants and she’s saving that until then. But I am doing a singular piercing high on the left ear for the jeweled chain that will eventually connect from the septum ring to that ear,” Aurora added.

    I’d worn a tube top and a little flip skirt that day. And as truly “Out of it” that I was, I only felt a tiny nip when Kelley numbed my Navel. Miranda was having her hair done and did finally enter Aurora’s private office when the piercings were almost completed. Kelley dabbed some salve and an antiseptic around the piercing holes prior to fastening the studs to the sides of my nose and my Navel.

    Then she fixed the ring in my septum. Apparently, Aurora had already attached a small hoop to the upper portion of my left ear.

    “How is she doing? She looks chilled out. How do you feel Doll?” Miranda asked, as I smiled sillily. 

    “She should be chilled. I gave her an herbal tea, heavily laced with a muscle relaxant. Then Kelley injected her with a pre-surgical sedative. She would need to drink a pint of Bourbon to get as Fucked-Up as she is right now. You’ll practically need a wheelchair to get her out of here,” Aurora intoned.

    “Miranda, why not pull your vehicle around behind the salon? Kelley and I will help you put her in the back seat of your SUV. Then, I’ll follow you home and stay with you until she is cognizant. Priscilla can run the Salon for the rest of the day. This was my only appointment,” Aurora suggested.

    I could hear and understand all of the banter around me. However I was indeed virtually helpless. I do recall the drive home and being put to bed in only my panties and bra. Aurora and Miranda took turns bringing me glasses of water, until I could get out of bed, and view my newest piercings. I stood on tiptoes in front of a full-length mirror fastened to the back of my boudoir door. 

    I say on tiptoes, as I could no longer really walk without some sort of high heel. Aurora slipped some Satin Mules onto my feet as I viewed the “New” me. Of course the fourth piercing, a small hoop, at the top of my right ear seemed inconsequential. However the two small ruby stones in the sides of my nose and the medium sized hoop in my septum, certainly made a marked difference in my appearance.

    And the larger emerald stone placed prominently in my belly button, was very eye-catching. Miranda came up behind me smiling. She placed her hands firmly upon my slender shoulders. Then she embraced me and cupped my breasts. 

    “What do you think, Beautiful?” Miranda asked.

    “I’m still mildly groggy. However for all the piercings, I don’t feel very much discomfort. The stones are pretty. You never told me you wanted me pierced like this,” I added.

    “It’s a very small concession to the other members in the Cassandra Coterie. We are having a traditional ceremony. However, I want my bride to appear as my obvious property. You do understand that you are mine and will always be mine, don’t you? The marriage as well as the piercings, will simply cement that fact, publicly,” Miranda explained.

    “Yes. I understand that. I will wear the jewels and the piercings, proudly Madame,” I said.

    “Good girl. Now you can see why I had you fitted for that two-piece, Rachel Allen, Jersey Gown, with the exposed midriff. Can’t you, girl?” Madame Miranda asked.

    “Yes, and it’s a lovely gown, darling,” I agreed. 

    Two weeks later, I was back at Aurora’s salon for a cut, coloring, re-shaping and re-styling. 

    “You are about to go much darker, Shailene. And with this extra length you now have, Miranda desires that you wear you hair in a very Chic-Chic, stacked bob,” Aurora added.

    “Much Darker” indeed. Along with my brows and lashes being tinted, my Ash-blonde tresses with Champagne “Lights,” were then deepened to a very shiny, Off-black, interspersed with splashes of Burgundy highlighting. After the hair colors set, Aurora began my new cut. 

    The bob was to remain inverted as well as asymmetrical. However, it would now be longer, and the lack of symmetry would be increased. At its longest point, my new bob, would nearly touch my right shoulder. At the shortest point along the left side, my hair just barely reached my chin. I didn’t realize that this striking styling, as well as the new, darker color would set off my new piercings as well as the jewelry I would wear at the wedding and at future, special occasions. 

    In the back, the nape of my neck would be clean-shaven, and the hair behind my head would be “Stacked” and tapered. Along with the new hair coloring, the “Midnight Merlot” lipstick, by Runway Rogue, which I had come to adore wearing, would look yet, more striking on me. With only two weeks remaining prior to the wedding, Madame made an announcement.

    “Your Mother, Elaine, and your Sisters, Lisette and Bette, will be staying with us for a total of ten days leading up to the wedding. You are to be on your most overtly, subservient, feminine behavior. I expect you to be a model hostess as well as an efficient, little Ladies’ Maid. Besides preparing and serving all the victuals, I insist you are to diligently perform any beauty services your family desire,” Madame ordered. 

    “Of course the day of the wedding, hair stylists will be there. Your Sisters will be bridesmaids and your mother will give you away. Caitlin is to be your Matron of Honor. However, while your family is here at the residence visiting, in the days prior to the wedding, I expect you to do their nails and hair whenever we entertain or leave the residence for an outing, Shailene,” Madame insisted.

    When Mother Elaine, Bette and Lisette arrived, they all looked me over, smilingly and smirkingly, as I stood before them. They were seated in the spacious living room of Miranda’s mini-mansion. I was perched delicately upon a pair of five-inch pumps. I wore an off-the-shoulder, black, figure-hugging Brienne cocktail dress, with a tiered, fishtail hem. My sleek, shiny bob, was slightly teased.

    Miranda had me wear as much jewelry as possible, including bracelets and anklets, along with earrings of varying styles in all seven of my ear piercings. I’d been fully made up and heavily perfumed. I strode into the parlor with my hips swaying seductively, mincing ever-so-daintily on my tall heels. My mother winked at both my sisters.

    “Isn’t she just adorably stunning girls? Miranda, I can see why you picked out this Princepessa for marriage. She really always was a such a Sissy. However, you really should be very proud of what you have accomplished with her,” Mummy Elaine said.

   “I truly am very happy with the results, Elaine. Things have turned out remarkably well, where Shailene’s emasculation is concerned,” Miranda admitted.

    “Let me get a good look at you dear. I must get closer. Come to Mummy darling. Right there. You are just so delightfully, feminine. Isn’t she girls? Just so luscious. Oh these plump lips are to die for,” Mummy Elaine said, touching the side of my face, and then taking my face in her hands and kissing me firmly upon my Merlot coated lips.

    “Oh thank you Mummy. I’m so delighted you are pleased with me. I hope the girls are?” I said.

    “Oh they are sweetie. Bette, Lisette. Come now. Hug and kiss your sister, Shailene. Yes. Mummy is very pleased with you Shailene. And I insist from here on, you refer to me as Mummy. Don’t you agree, girl?” Mummy asked.

    “Oh yes Mummy. Oh Bette, and Lisette, you both look so beautiful. Oh I could just cry,” I said, letting out a few, sweet, girlish sobs.

    Later, wearing an apron over my my Brienne creation, I served beverages and canapés. Miranda, once again, took me to her boudoir, that night. Just as she had done every evening since our Engagement had become official.

    “Come to me, Precious. I was so very proud of you today. I am certain you will make the most perfect bride for me,” Miranda said.

    “Oh, but I want to be the perfect wife to you Madame Miranda. I must be, I have to be. You helped me find myself Madame. Without you I’d be a scared lonely, little boy, completely lost in society. Now, I can feel fulfilled in my femininity,” I gushed.

    “Yes, you are correct darling. Come now, Shailene. Put that pretty face between my succulent thighs, and fulfill me sexually. Oh yes. That’s it. Oh my. I hope I don’t scream too loudly and waken your mother and sisters?” Miranda cooed.

Chapter VI: Bound to Miranda

    Aurora stood me in front of a full-length mirror in the new remodeled Beauty Room of the Anders’ ancestral mansion. Aurora and her staff had done a simply wonderful job making me beautiful on our wedding day. I felt as if I looked sensational, in the royal-blue, Rachel Allen Two-piece, chiffon gown, with a bare midriff. The top was  backless, showed off my cleavage to great advantage and was done in a colorful beaded pattern.

    The emerald in my pierced navel was visible for everyone to see. The lower, skirt potion of the gown, descended into a fishtail that began at my knees and ended in a flare at mid-calf. This displayed my virginal-white, open toed pumps. I wore ankle bracelets on both of my legs and several of my toes were festooned with toe-rings. 

    My sleek, shiny, off-black, teased “Bob” had been decorated with a jeweled chain that fastened in the back. In the center of the chain, on my forehead, was a large, red-ruby on display. The ruby matched the two that were in either size of my pierced nose. On my wrists I also wore jangly bracelets. 

    Lastly, another jeweled chain had been attached between the ring in my septum. Then it was brought across the left side of my heavily, made-up face and fastened to the fourth piercing in upper portion of my left ear. I had been adorned as would a submissive, sexually promiscuous, Eastern Indian bride. 

    My appearance and attire spoke volumes, telling everyone that I desired to be ravaged by my Mistress on our wedding night. Personally I expected a “Matrimony Paddling” prior to the sex. Aurora handed me over to Caitlin, my Matron of Honor who summoned my sisters.

    “Ladies. I feel so very privileged. How many women actually get to be the Matron of Honor at the wedding of their Ex-Spouse? My current husband occasionally tells me that he still misses having anal sex with Shailene. Sometimes I actually believe he always preferred her blow-jobs to mine. Come along Shailene. My Aunt Miranda, your new Mistress, awaits you,” Caitlin smiled. 

    Caitlin walked beside me, with my two sisters behind me. Ahead of me I saw Miranda and my mother, standing beside Gretchen, the Lesbian Justice of the Peace that would be marrying us. I could also hear the snickers from the Cassandra Coterie Ladies, concerning the way that Miranda had me coiffed and attired.

    The Ladies of the Coterie knew much of the ancient cultures, and knew firsthand what my current wardrobe represented. We stopped in front of the Justice, and Caitlin handed me over to her aunt. Miranda took me by the arm. My mother positioned herself at the other side of me.

    “Ladies and gentleman, family, friends and honored guests. We are gathered here to witness the joining in matrimony of Miranda and Shailene. As this is a traditional civil ceremony, I will begin the nuptials immediately. Who gives away this beautiful, very feminine girl, Shailene?” Gretchen.

    “I, her mother, Elaine do give her away to Miranda Bascombe,” my mother answered.

    “Very well, Elaine. Thank you. Do you, Miranda Bascombe, promise to love, cherish, discipline, care for, guide and protect Shailene, as long as you are wed to her?” Gretchen asked.

    “Yes, I do,” Miranda smiled.

    “And you, Shailene Nicoletta. Do you agree to take Miranda’s last name as your own? Do you agree to love, honor obey and accept her decisions and discipline, throughout the marriage?” Gretchen asked.

    “Yes I do,” I said, noting the subtle differences in our vows and realizing this was a concession to the Cassandra Sisterhood guidelines. 

    “Well then. With the power vested in me by the laws of this state, I now pronounce you Woman and Wife. You may kiss your bride, Miranda,” Gretchen added.

    Miranda looked very lovely. She wore a carefully tailored Lady’s Tux. Her dark auburn hair with flecks of gray, shone beautifully. Her tresses were done in a tight, spirally, Updo. He face was as fully made-up as mine was. When our lips met, the familiar mixing of the tastes and scents of my Midnight Merlot Lipstick, with her Ruby Red Runway Queen Velvet Glam, sent shivers thru me.

    I could hear the clapping and cheering of the guests, interspersed with the occasional, “Hail Cassandra!” When we broke from our kiss, I could see my mother, sisters and Caitlin all smiling. As we left the makeshift “Chapel” and entered the Great Room of the mansion for the reception, we were met by Coleman Anders.

    Outside of a few males on the catering staff, Coleman was really the only real man at the wedding.

    “I’ve arranged for a Limo to take you to the airfield whenever you are ready. A business associate of mine, has graciously agreed to allow you the use of his private jet for the round trip to and from Bermuda. You’ll also be staying at the guest house of another business associate’s summer estate on the island. It is already fully stocked with food and beverages for you. Simply let me know when you are ready to depart. Caitlin has already seen to it that you luggage is in the limo,” Coleman nodded.

    The wedding had taken place at 10 AM. We’d leave the reception by 1 PM. We’d arrive in Bermuda and be in our guest cottage by 6 PM that evening. I changed from my gown into a flirty “Rah-Rah” skirt and tube top for the flight. Miranda was in a lady’s business suit. We set about looking at the cottage and unpacking some of our things. 

    By 7 PM Miranda had me in the boudoir she’d chosen for us, with a bottle of Peach Brandy, two glasses and a container of ice. 

    "Let’s get on the bed and relax. Here you are darling, drink this please?” Miranda said, handing me a full snifter of Brandy. 

    “You need to unwind,” Miranda added, rubbing my shoulders. 

    I took a long sip and then I sighed. I took a few more sips. Then Miranda had me sit my glass down and she took me in her arms and kissed me. Then she said, “I promised you a wedding night and honeymoon spanking. I think it’s about time I delivered on that vow?”

    She stood up and lifted me to my feet. Then she reached into one of her suitcases and brought out a pair of handcuffs. She really hadn’t put me in any sort of restraints or bindings, since my “Diapering” days. 

    “Turn around honey. I think that this sort of ‘Marriage Defining’ spanking needs to be given with my New Wife in bondage,” Miranda said. She twirled me around. She placed my wrists together behind my back, and snapped the handcuffs shut on me. I was just a little frightened. 

    Miranda grabbed a large, hardback hairbrush from her suit case. She then motioned for me to come to her.

    “You can still walk, can’t you Shailene? Well then, come over here and lay across my lap. I’ll pull that cute, swing skirt down. Make yourself comfy over Mummy’s lap, Precious. I’ll slide that skirt off the rest of the way. Oh, look at these sexy panties. We’ll pull those off also,” Miranda pronounced.

    “I enjoy watching a nice, tight ass go from pink to red. Incidentally, I also adore watching a Sissy kick and scream with her high heels on during a spanking. You do realize part of your spanking is for your transgressions against my niece don’t you?” Madame asked.

    “Caitlin? No. I didn’t realize that,” I said.

    “Oh yes. And of course, I’m spanking you just to show you who the boss is in this marriage. Here we go. This is for deceiving my niece into thinking you were appropriate material for a marriage,” Miranda said, as she began to strike me.

    “Whack! Whack! Whack! There now. Wasn’t that nice, you little Sissy-Slut? My niece wasted a few years of her life, thinking that one day, her Sissy-Hairdresser husband could possibly man-up and become the person of her dreams. But you weren’t anymore than a sweet, Sissy, hairstylist were you, now? Whack! Whack!” Miranda added as she struck my ass with the paddle several times. 

    “But Auntie Miranda knew a limp-wrist, Sissy Princess when she saw one, didn’t she? Whack. Whack! Oh look Shailene, your hot little ass has begun to turn pink. Whack! Whack!” Miranda said as she continued to spank me liberally.

    “I am so very sorry, that I tried to impersonate a male Madame. I know I am little more than prissy, Sissy Limp-wrist. I’m ashamed about how I wasted those years of Caitlin’s life for her, when she could have been with a real male,” I simpered.

    “Good. At least you realize what you did. Now, just a few more whacks for good measure. Whack, whack, whack, whack, whack! There Sissy. Now you know your place in our marriage. Just listen to you. You are sobbing pitifully like a little girl, aren’t you, honey?” Miranda asked.

    “Oh yes ma’am. I’m your little girl Madame. I’ll always be your obedient little girl, I whimpered. Please stop, Madame?” I begged.

    “Oh such a Sissy you are. You ass has only barely turned red. Not even bright, fiery red and you’re begging me to stop. What a prissy, delicate little flower I married,” Madame laughed.

    “I’ll remove your handcuffs and you may go to your knees darling. Mummy’s pussy is sopping, dripping wet with her sex juices. You need to care for me,” Madame said, as she released me from my handcuffs and massaged my wrists.

    “Now, on your knees girl and do your duty as a submissive bride,” Madame ordered.

    “Oh yes ma’am. Oh I love you Madame. Oh yum. Your pussy juice is such sweet nectar to me,” I mewled as I lapped at her cunt. 

    Her juices were so flavorful and she’d perfumed her twat so wonderfully. Her bush was always so beautifully salon trimmed, shaven and waxed. As I enjoyed her flavors she suddenly stopped me. 

    “You can finish me off later. Unless of course, I climax screwing you. On your back, my newly wedded, Angel. I’ll use my strap-on and fingers to send you to the moon and back,” Miranda ordered. 

    She put me on my back, the way that Coleman often screwed me. She entered me with her large strap on after she’d lubed me. As she pumped the dildo in and out of me the portion attached to her pelvic region titillated her clitoris. At the very same time her lubed fingers manipulated my tiny penis. I felt so very used.

    I was becoming very aroused so quickly. Before I knew it, semen was dribbling and then spurting from my tiny penis and testes. I screamed and Miranda laughed, as I passed out. I came to, shortly after, as she cradled me within her arms. Our marriage was certainly off to a much wilder beginning than I had imagined. 

    “When you can see straight again Shailene, you may finish me off. You’re so tiny between your thighs now darling. Tomorrow, when I take you to the beach, I think that with just some modest gaffing, we can put you in a bikini. In any event, get between my legs and continue licking my puss,” Miranda ordered.

    “Yes Mistress,” I said as I did my martial duty.

The Denouement

       I would never accuse Miranda of being a ‘Kind” Mistress, though she is a tolerant Mistress. However, she did bargain when she wanted me to increase my bust cup size from a “B” cup to a “D” cup.

    “You know, if you do get implants, we can lower your Estrogen intake, along with the Testosterone blockers, and you’d be able to have a little more fun with your disgusting penis. Mind you, I’ll never allow it inside of my vagina but I just may milk you off during sex,” Miranda scoffed.

    My tits did turn out beautifully. I loved looking at myself in the mirror prior to putting my bra on. Miranda loved them and enjoyed sucking on them and fondling them while making love. And due to the decreased Testosterone Blockers and Estrogen I was taking, I now had the added benefit of being able to become erect during sex. Though, as Miranda had promised I would never be allow to “Stick my ugly thing inside” of her. 

    I’d have to settle for her “Milking” me off, during sex, while she “Pegged” me with her strap-on. Or being masturbated at other times when she’d amuse herself by “Milking her Sissy Girl.”

    “Milking a Sissy can be enjoyable at times for a Mistress. Sometimes it can be amusing for a Mistress to Milk her Sissy in front of friends,” laughed Miranda. 

    I never knew what the occasion would be, but I did know that Miranda would make it very humiliating for me when she “Milked” me. One afternoon, we’d returned from the Beauty Parlor. My hair was still in that Off-black shade Miranda had insisted on for our wedding. Miranda had the girls at the salon put my tresses into a very fussy, coiled and curly Updo.

    I wasn’t really expecting it. When we arrived home from the salon, Miranda sent me to get her a glass of wine. When I returned I didn’t really note that Miranda had gotten a soiled pair of her panties from her clothes hamper. She also had a bottle of lube. 

    “Come over here honey. Lower your panties. Stand close to Mummy so she can milk your cock. Mummy knows that Sissy gets very hot and bothered at the beauty salon when the ladies make sissy pretty. Doesn’t she, girly-girl? Sissy loves beauty parlors doesn’t she? She loved it when she worked in a beauty parlor and made real ladies pretty. Didn’t she?” Miranda asked.

    “Yes Mummy, Sissy did,” I whimpered as she took hold of my cock in her heavily lubed fingers. 

    “Did Sissy enjoy having sex with my niece Caitlin after you painted Caitlin’s toes? Of course she did. Because even when you were married you were a Prissy Sissy weren’t you, Shailene?” Miranda teased.

    “Oh my but Sissy gets hard now when she gets a perm, doesn’t she? Oh, look how Sissy’s cock grows, when Mummy talks about getting a perm. This cock isn’t too bad as long as it never finds it’s way into Mummy’s pussy. And if Mummy ever catches Sissy playing with this cock, Mummy will have her GYN, cut Sissy’s cock and balls right off,” Miranda threatened.

    “Sissy would like that wouldn’t she though? Tell me you little Sissy-bitch. Would you like having a pussy, just like Mummy? Tell me or I’ll stop Milking you,” Miranda demanded.

    “Yes Mummy, Sissy wants a pussy. Sissy wants a pussy, just like her Mummy’s!” I squealed, as I shot my Sissy-load into a soiled pair of Miranda’s panties.

    “Very nice Sissy. I think that the next time we do that, we’ll have a few ladies watching from my Cassandra Coterie. Won’t that be fun for Sissy? Miranda snickered. 

The End.

Enjoyed this wonderful tale? Please let us know your thoughts below. 


  1. Oh Darling! How wonderful to receive a new story from you and its just so girly and gorgeous. I have been reading it at the salon while Dorothy is perming me and I have just ''cummed''
    Thank you Denise Bouffant

    1. Oh ...yes! Priscilla knows how to craft a story. This one is so silky smooth. I loved how Shelly becomes nothing a but a pure sissy girly girl!

    2. Shelley/Shailene was always destined to be a girl.

    3. Oh yes, Shelly was also destined to be a sex object. So beautiful

  2. A very good story well related by a talented writer i felt so sorry for Shelton Nichlas especially when he was restrained by Mater Miranda and compelled to surrender to her Supremacy he lasted only 4.5days now he is going to be Feminised and we are left with an interesting cliffhanger as he agrees to be gelded which we know inwardly he/ she does not really want its a classic Will She Won't She Mater Miranda insist her flower of delight Shailene loses her sexual jewells or not, delicious.
