Friday, June 28, 2024

"The Blushing Bride" (An Alternate World Caption)


Glad to be back everyone, loved Morelia, Mexico. Saludos a todos mi gente! While I was there, they had lovely bridal shops, and I started thinking..... 

This image was waiting for me on Deviant Art, with the permission of the artist and the use of the comments I put this together. 


  1. The sissy looks very concerned, just like any bride who knows that she will be expected to perform her wifely duties tonight. We were all virgins once. Anal intercourse is a big step for a sissy. He probably never thought that his wedding day would look like this.

  2. I believe both Mummy and Grandma trained "Her" well. I wonder how large a payment the wealthy busnessman made for the pleasure?

    1. I was wondering how large the plug is that the boi bride is wearing under that dress. Both his Mother and Grandmother have heard that Charles is very well endowed. I wish that I could have been there when they gave her " The Talk"

    2. First, Shelley the maid inserted a rectal plug after a cleansing enema. Then Mummy and Grandma explained the various ways that "Monique" (nee Matthew) would need to use to service her Husband and Master properly. Simply to assist with "Widening" the passage, Shelley returned several days later, wearing a Strap-on, and buggered Monique nightly for a fortnight.

    3. I would love to see a follow up caption on Monique's one year wedding anniversary. Do you think that she will eventually settle in ? Transitioning from a skinny nerd who loved playing video games to a retro ,busty housewife is a major adjustment. I hope that Mummy and Grandma allowed to help Monique become as girly as possible. After all, I doubt that her Husband would take his boi bride bra shopping. He is way too macho to spend his time that way.

  3. Charles will soon be on the hook for the price of a set of implants.

    1. I heard that Charles has big plans for his new bride. He is a big fan of the hit cable series "Mad Men". His favorite character is Joan ( Christina Hendricks). Looks like Mathew will soon be a ginger.

  4. So beautifully, I can't resist such a happy occasion. He is just going to melt when that vail is lifted. Welcome back. I hope you had a lovely time. I have been traveling in your part of the world lately and also and am really enjoying it.

  5. What a perfect dress for a boi with not too much on top and a nice feminine waist. His Mom must have had fun helping her pick it out.

  6. I hope he takes his time undressing for his Master/Husband. More likely it will end up as rags strewn about the Bridal chamber.
