New! Karen's Knickers

Joe X

A British sales employee attempts to steal the boss lady's knickers leading to embarrassing but amusing consequences!

A trip to the sales conference.  I went every year, but this year was going to be different.  Karen was going to take me with her.  Karen, my gorgeous new boss, red hair, green eyes - and a spirit to match.  This was going to be a special trip.  This was my chance to get hold of Karen's knickers.  I'd prepared the ground well.  Manly charm, subtle hints, those little compliments a boss like Karen likes to hear.

I could tell she liked those little compliments.

"Behave yourself," she'd say, after I'd complimented her, "Behave yourself.  Naughty boys get a smacked bottom!"

That was Karen all the way.  Just the sort of remark she would make.  Getting my bottom smacked by Karen!  I had to put the thought out my mind.  It was too stimulating.

But now was the chance to get alone with her, get her knickers, and, well have some fun doing it.  But planning would be necessary.  Subtle planning.

I'm a methodical sort of person, so I planned methodically.  Using a spreadsheet of course.  Each step of the plan laid out, with alternative courses of action as events dictated.  The first thing to get organised was where to stay.  Not in the hotel where the conference was being held, no chance of getting at her knickers there.  No, I had a much better idea.

"Miss," I said, "you know I'm organising our accommodation for the sales conference this year."

"Of course," she said, "that's your job isn't it?"

"I'm afraid the budget won't run to the Superior rooms in The Grand this year.  Company economy drive on expenses.  There's self catering accommodation near the hotel - an apartment.  The two of us can share that.  That'll save some money."

"Well done," she said, "I can keep an eye on you then."

"Thank you."

"Thank you Miss!" said Karen.  It was her little rule that I was to call her 'Miss'.  She liked to keep an air of authority.  Not that I was in any way subservient you understand, she just liked me to call her 'Miss'.

"Thank you Miss," I corrected myself.

"You'll have to behave yourself though.  Remember, naughty boys get a smacked bottom."

It was, you will have realised, a favourite saying of Karen.  Her way of reminding me who was in charge.

"Yes Miss, of course Miss," I replied, though, of course I had no intention of behaving myself.  Once I got her alone I'd have her knickers in no time.  You might wonder at my obsession with ladies panties.  It was just a little hobby of mine.  That's why I got the job working as personal assistant to the boss of a ladies lingerie company.  A chance to try on, I mean admire, some of the sexiest knickers on the market.

Ever since I'd joined the company I'd had this notion of getting Karen's knickers and wearing them, I mean keep them, as a souvenir.  And I had a plan.  I would wait until Karen was in the shower or the bath, then sneak into her room and pinch her knickers.  She'd miss them of course, she would know I had them, but that was part of the fun.  She'd know I was wearing her knickers, but she'd not be able to do anything about it.  She could hardly accuse the me of stealing them, could she?  She'd know I had her knickers on, know I'd be gloating over them, and not be able to do anything about it.

I must say, it was a very nice holiday apartment in near hotel, right next to the main building in the hotel's extensive grounds.  It wasn't actually any cheaper than two superior rooms, but Karen needn't know that.  There were two bedrooms, a living room, and a bathroom.  I'd arrived first, to explore the rooms, work out where Karen would put her knickers, it was all meticulously planned.  That is until things started to go wrong.  That is until Karen arrived.  I'd picked up the keys from the reception so my pulse was racing a bit when I heard her knock on the door.  I opened it, and there was Karen, and with her Donna from Training.

Karen saw the look of surprise on my face.

"Donna's been asked to attend the conference as well," she said, "she's giving the talk on modelling our lingerie, and since there were no rooms left in the hotel, I said she could share with us."

Oh heck!  This needed quick thinking.  Donna had the reputation of being a bit uppity, one of those bossy girls who think women are superior to men.  I'd need to show her that she wouldn't be bossing me around.

"I'm sorry, Donna," I said, "but there's only two bedrooms."

"That's all right," said Donna, "we can share."

Gosh!   She was a bit forward!

"Well...  I'd love to but...  That wouldn't be...."

"Not you and Donna stupid," said Karen, "Me and Donna."

"Oh yes...  Of course..."  Karen raised her eyebrows. " Miss.  Of course Miss."

"Well apologise to Miss Donna."

"Sorry err..."

"Miss Donna..." prompted Karen.

"Yes... Er... Miss Donna.  I didn't mean Miss Donna..."

My stupid mistake had put me on the back foot.  There was no way I could get out of it now.  But, difficult though this would make things, there was perhaps a new challenge here, I might be able to get two pairs of knickers!

We were only there one night so the plan would have to be put in place before the evening session of the conference.  I had of course made sure there was only one bathroom, the plan being to acquire the knickers while Karen was in the shower.  A new contingency however had arisen.  I had to get Donna out and then two pairs of knickers became a distinct possibility.

"I'm having a shower first," announced Karen in that slightly peremptory fashion of hers.  I had no problem with that.  She disappeared into her bedroom and reappeared a few minutes later with a towel wrapped round her.  I must have blushed scarlet.

"Don't look so embarrassed," she said, "the water will splash all over the place in that bathroom, so I'm not leaving my clothes in there to get wet.  It's all right.  I'm quite respectable, even if I'm only wearing a towel.  And no naughty ideas!  Naughty boys get a smacked bottom!"

She closed the bathroom door and ostentatiously locked it.  Of course naughty ideas was just exactly what I was thinking of.  Now to get rid of Donna.

"Donna," I said, "could you nip over to the main hotel please, and fetch the programme for this evening.

It was Donna's turn to raise her eyebrows.

"I mean Miss Donna..."

"Well, I suppose..." she said, "if you ask nicely."  She pointed at her feet and kicked her shoes off.  She didn't expect me to kiss her feet did she.  She did.  But I had no choice if I was to get her out the room.

I knelt down and licked her bare feet.

"Please Miss Donna.  Please Miss Donna."

"Well, as you seem to know your place and I need to go over to the hotel anyway."

With Donna out the way and the sound of water splashing in the shower I crept into Karen's bedroom.  Her knickers would probably be in one of the dressing table drawers.  I pulled open the top one, and there they were, neatly folded.  Brief, pink, silky.  I held them up and looked at them.  My heart gave a little jump as I imagined Karen in those knickers.  Karen wearing pink, silk knickers and nothing else.  Her plump breasts....

"Fancy wearing them yourself do you?"

My reverie was interrupted by a voice from the door.  I spun round, and there were Karen and Donna standing in the doorway.  Karen's hair was wet and she had her towel wrapped round her.

I was caught!  Caught holding up Karen's knickers and admiring them.

"I er...  I er..." I stammered.

"Perhaps you were just looking for some papers for the conference?" said Karen, eyebrows arched.

"Yes Miss... That's it Miss... Papers for the conference Miss..."

"And you thought I might have popped them in my dressing table drawer?"

"Yes Miss...  Er..  Dressing table drawer..  That's right Miss..."

"And you saw my knickers were all crumpled up?"

"Exactly...  All crumpled up Miss..."

"So you thought you'd just take them out and fold them neatly?"

"Yes Miss ...  Of course Miss... I was about to fold them up neatly Miss..."

"Well go in then."

"Go on what..."  I was so nervous and shaking at being caught admiring Karen's knickers that I hardly knew what to say.

"Take my knickers out and fold them up neatly."

"Yes Miss.  Of course Miss..."

And as the girls stood there, barely able to contain their laughter I started to fold up Karen's knickers.

"Oh, I think he's rather enjoying this," said Donna.

"A little too much I think," said Karen, "a little bit too much."


I hadn't been that surprised when I found what was in that spreadsheet on his computer.  Of course I  always thoroughly search their computers for incriminating material. You never know when it will come in handy. The poor mugs don't know the meaning of the words 'secure password', and even if it is difficult to guess (which it usually isn't) a quick peek over the shoulder usually suffices to get it.  I've found some fascinating stuff over the years, but this chump had something totally new.  It was 'hidden' in a spreadsheet that he had given the somewhat uninspired name of 'Important'.  Of course I as going to look at a spreadsheet called 'Important'.  And there it was.  A whole history of his attempts to build up a collection of girls' knickers.  And there was a whole page laying out his plan to get his hands on mine!  Well it wouldn't be enough just to stop him, he had to be caught in the act and punished.  And I had just the appropriate punishment in mind.


Well, I'd been caught with Karen's knickers, but I'd been able to talk my way out of it, rather smartly I thought.  The girls had been amused at my tidying up the panty drawer, but they hadn't suspected my real motive, right under their noses I'd secreted the sexiest, sleekest pair of knickers, and now I was in my room admiring myself wearing them.  I was wearing knickers that Karen had worn!  Translucent pink knickers!  Soft, silky, sleek and adorned with lace, they were tight fitting and contoured round my bottom.  I wrapped the towel round myself to make my way to the bathroom.  I'd walk past Karen and Donna wearing the knickers and they wouldn't suspect a thing!  Not yet anyway.

"What are you wearing under that towel," said Karen cheekily.

I must have blushed scarlet, "I er..."  Had she guessed that I had her panties on!

"It's just that the water does splash everywhere."

"Yes yes...  I remembered you saying.  No, I've nothing on under the towel."

"Oooh! That's a bit naughty," said Donna grinning, shall we pinch the towel Karen and check?"

The girls doubled up with laughter as I made my way to the shower room.


Of course we knew he'd acquired my pink silk panties, but we'd made out that we'd never guessed, and we knew he'd be wearing them under that towel as he made his way to the shower room. And we teased him unmercifully about what he might or might not be wearing.  But that was only the start, much more fun was to come!


There seemed to be much amused laughter coming from the living room as I stood in the shower room admiring myself in my new panties and the bathroom mirror.  Karen had worn those knickers and now I was wearing them and she didn't know - yet!  I wrapped the towel back round and set off to walk back through the lounge to my bedroom.  I'd walk past Karen in her panties and she still didn't know!  More laughter as I opened the door, girls' voices, they must have put the television on.  They hadn't!  As I stepped into the room I found half a dozen girls, the girls from the sales department, sitting round the room.  I stopped, unsure what to do.  I could feel my face starting to burn.

"Here he is," announced Donna grabbing me by the wrist, "our star for the evening."

"I er..." I stammered blushing furiously.

"Don't be embarrassed," said Donna, "Karen suggested I get the sales girls here for a demonstration on how to show off the company's products.  I've been explaining to them that to make a real impression you have to do something which makes an impact, something that is perhaps at the same time both rather rude and rather funny...  Like this..."

And with that she whipped away the towel leaving me standing there in nothing but a pair of sheer pink silk panties.


"I...  I.... Er...."  I stood there, frozen to the spot with embarrassment, my face scarlet.

"Girls," announced Karen, taking over presentation duties, "can I present to you our latest lingerie model."

The girls roared with laughter.

"However did you persuade him to do it?" asked Debbie, a petite salesgirl from Sheffield.

"Oh, it was your idea," said Karen looking at me, "wasn't it?  It's not like you stole my knickers and thought you'd like to parade round in them is it?"

"No Miss.. Er no...  Of course not Miss... It was my idea Miss... Something funny and a bit rude.  That's what I thought Miss."

Well," said Karen, "you succeeded there.  You've got howls of laughter and as for rude, well I'm afraid those knickers you've chosen are rather sheer, not to say transparent.  Let's say they don't leave much to the imagination.  Nothing in fact.  Your bottom looks really cute in them," I felt her hand on my panty clad bottom, the silk of the panties stretched tight across the curve of the right cheek.  "Doesn't it girls?" 

And she smacked it lightly, right cheek (slap), then left cheek (slap).  "Doesn’t it girls?"

"Yes," they all answered, "Yes it does!"

And the cheeks of my face turned as red as the cheeks of my bottom.

"Thank you Miss."

"Well, let's see you model them then."

"Very nice Miss," I said as she held them out, "but I have to...."

"Come on put them on, the girls want to see you model them all..."

"But Miss..."

"Oh!  You're not shy are you!  Girls, he's shy.  Well I never!  A shy model!  Well, walk up an down a bit. The girls want to see you modelling them.  That's what you said you wanted to do.  Model them.  That's right isn't it?"

"Er...  Yes..."

"Yes what?"

"Er...  Yes Miss..."

What else could I say.  I started to walk round the room.  Soon the girls were howling with laughter.

"Come on, model them properly.  You're on the catwalk!  Hand on hip.  Swing your bottom.  The girls want a good laugh."

And laugh they did, as I paraded up and down in Karen's knickers.

At last the laughter died down.

"Stand here," ordered Karen.

"Yes Miss."

"I stood in the middle of the room."

"Donna," she said, "do you recognize those knickers."

"Yes, Karen, I do."

"Whose knickers are they?"

"Those are my knickers Karen"

Karen looked at me.

"Can you explain to Miss Donna why you are wearing her knickers."

I'd stolen Donna's knickers, not Karen's, still...

"Please Miss.  I don't know Miss."

"I think you stole Miss Donna's knickers didn't you.  We caught you stealing them didn't we?"

"Yes Miss."

"I think you need to apologise to Miss Donna."

"Please Miss Donna, sorry Miss Donna."

"Apologise properly."

"Yes Miss."

Donna had kicked off her shoes.  I knelt down and licked her feet.

"Properly this time!"

"Yes Miss Donna.

And I licked and licked and licked.

"And now for your punishment," said Karen

"Please, please..." I blubbed, "I won't to it again.  Please Miss."

"What won't you do again?"

"Steal Miss Donna's knickers so I can wear them Miss."

"Promise you won't steal any knickers so you can wear them."

"I promise I won't steal any knickers. I promise.  I promise Miss."

"Good.  Well give the knickers back to Miss Donna."

"But Miss.  I'm not wearing anything else Miss."

"Well, you can't be allowed to keep Miss Donna's knickers can you?"

"No Miss."

"Very well," said Karen, "give them to Miss Donna then."

I didn’t have a choice.  I'd been caught stealing knickers and I was going to be punished.  I pulled the panties sharply down to the ground, and stood there in the nude with a pair of knickers round my ankles.  Paralysed with shame.  Nude in front of the girls, with knickers round my ankles.

"Well give them to Miss Donna."

"Yes Miss.". I took them off and handed them over.

"What have you been?" asked Karen standing with her hands on her hips.  I knew what she meant.

"A naughty boy Miss," I said.

"That's right.  And what do you deserve?"

"To be punished Miss."

"What punishment do you think would be suitable?"

"A smacked bottom Miss."

"Well you'd better bend over then."

"Yes Miss."

"How many, girls?"

"Ten," shouted Debbie.

"Is ten enough?" Karen asked.

"No Miss.  Thank you Miss."

"How many then?"

"Twenty Miss.  At least Miss.  And..."


"Hard Miss, please Miss."

I'd become totally subservient to Karen. Standing there with no clothes on, humiliated in front of all the girls I knew what I deserved.  I bent over to present my bottom for spanking.

"Ow!   Thank you Miss.  Harder Miss."

And I knew that I had to thank my mistress.

"Ow!  Thank you Miss..."

The spanks landed. The girls cheered.  And...  Well...  Being spanked naked by Karen in front of all the girls.  Well...  To put it mildly my penis put on a fine display...

There was a sudden knock on the door.

"OOOOOOW! Thank you Miss," the last spank landed.

"That'll be the pizzas I ordered," said Karen, "Answer the door then..."

"Yes Miss," I said.  I did as I was told.  Of course I did.  A girl stood there holding a pile of pizzas.  Her eyes opened wide.

"Very nice," she said ostentatiously dropping the bill on the floor, "better pick that up..."

"Yes Miss," I bent over to retrieve the bill.

"Nice bum," she said, "very cute.  And very pink.  What did you do to deserve that?"

"Wearing girl's knickers Miss."

"Well bet you enjoyed wearing those."

She was right.  I did enjoy wearing Donna's knickers.

"Yes Miss," I said, "I did"

"Excellent," said Karen.

I blushed scarlet.

"Thank you Miss."

"You won't mind wearing knickers tomorrow then, will you?"

Karen was going to let me wear the knickers!  I could wear them all the time!

"Yes Miss.  I mean no Miss.  I mean I'd love to wear them tomorrow."

"That's settled then!  You agree girls?  He'll be the star of the show."

A big cheer went up.

"Star of the show Miss?  What show?"

"The lingerie show of course.  You just agreed to model a pair of knickers at the lingerie show."

"But...  But..."

"But what?  You just agreed.  You didn't think you were just going to wander round in Donna's panties did you?"

"Well I er..." I couldn't admit to that, although it was true, "of course not.  Of course I agreed to model the knickers but..."

"But nothing.  The girls will choose the best pair.  Won't you girls."

A big cheer went up again.


A big cheer went up again.  I was walking down the catwalk in a pair of the company's sexiest knickers.  And nothing else.  It was the end of the show.  I’d watched the models wearing the lingerie, then Donna had announced a special item.  Something that would give them all a laugh.  It did.  I walked down the catwalk in a pair of sheer pink panties and the girls roared and laughed.

"Well, I bet you weren’t expecting that," said Donna, "and now we have an even more special item.  We are going to auction these lovely knickers for charity, and if we get more than fifty pounds our lovely model will take them off right now and present them to you...  then..." she paused for effect... "then walk up and down the catwalk in his birthday suit.  A round of applause for our lovely model for agreeing to show his all for a good cause."

A hundred and fifty was raised in no time.  I had no choice. The successful bidder climbed up onto the catwalk handed over the money and held out her hand for the knickers. It was the petite brunette from Sheffield. A slow handclap started. What could I do. A chant off "Off, off, off.." Miss from Sheffield took hold of the knickers and pulled them slowly down as I stood there frozen with embarrassment. I stepped out of them, and suddenly I was unfrozen. I walked down the catwalk completely nude with growing confidence, I put my hand on my hip, I swung my bottom, my penis waved from side to side as I walked.

You’d have liked to see that, wouldn’t you girls? I know you girls read these adventures and you’d have liked to see me walking up and down in my birthday suit, bottom swaying, penis swinging. The girls at the conference certainly did. My phone didn’t stop ringing for weeks.

The End

1 comment:

  1. I would wear her knickers anytime! Especially when she asks me too. I adore being her sweet little lingerie model. I always feel so lady-like and cute!
