Tulip Fancy
Tulip feels sorry for Peter as he does his walk of shame.... she tries to console him
Struggling to keep up with my wife in my heels as she held my hand walking across the car park to the club house. She continued to stress the importance of me being a friend to Peter. She went over again what we had talked about before. We parted as she went into the changing rooms and handed me our present for Peter. I went up into the stands to sit with the others. Mary was there and complimented me on my hair and dress. I felt over dressed as usual. I was back in curls at my wife's insistence and the sides were held back by barrettes that matched my dress and put my earrings on display. She never seemed satisfied unless I was spending at least an hour or two a day on my hair.
Sitting in the stands with the prettily wrapped present sitting beside my handbag I wondered how I was going to start this conversation with Peter. I was hoping that he wouldn't be here today. But I knew he was. I had seen Angela pull up and Peter getting his trays of cookies out of the car. When his half time duties were done, he came up and sat beside me. I knew It was still difficult for him to speak after having his vocal cords tightened. The sound that came out of his mouth when he spoke was a high-pitched squeaky voice that would never allow him to be taken seriously as a man again. He said with a look of panic and distress on his face that he met Ron last night.
He and Angela had dinner with him. Angela was insisting that he spend Friday nights with him from now on. I knew what was happening and felt sorry for him. Angela was determined to have him what she called "bitched" and had found an older fella called Ron to do it. It didn't feel right but I had been given my instructions and could not go against my wife. Embarrassing as it was, I took his hands in mine and reassured him that it will be fine. I then had to recount to this man on the edge of a breakdown how I had helped a friend. I didn't want to break confidences by naming Derek but talked up the experience and told him this had resulted in my first "Girlgasm."
I said I knew he wouldn't be able to do the same thing yet because of his resent throat surgery but Ron by all accounts is an experienced guy and will take his pleasure in other ways. That is when I handed over our gift. He undid the ribbon and looked in the box. There were some condoms. A little tube of lube, a small penis shaped applicator and some Tampons. I had also included a friendship bracelet with my name on it. I explained to him about the condoms. I had been practicing with my wife for a few weeks now and could do it easily now even with long nails. He tried to tell me that he had no sexual attraction to men and that he loved Angela and wanted her to allow his penis to go rock hard as it used to. He wanted her to find pleasure in him making love to her with his stiff penis. And maybe one day become a father. I could tell that his words were sincere but said in his new voice and with a rose chiffon scarf tied in a bow under his chin I had to tell him I didn't think Angela see him like that. So, I tried a different tack. I asked him if he still had that thing locked on his penis and was discharging at night. He said, he was and getting punished for it which wasn't fair as he couldn't help it. I told him that I hadn't discharged in the night since my wife started using her girlmaker on me. I said, Ron could do the same for you. It was a very uncomfortable conversation for two men to have. I'm not sure my reassurance's helped. He still looked very pale when we parted but he still kissed me on the check as he always does lately.
The following week Ron and Peter drove into the car park in Ron's big four-wheel drive. Angela met them as they got out of the car. Peter looked a little disheveled and had egg and tomato catchup on his top and looked very pale.
Ron met Angela and they shook hands and laughed as they exchanged pleasantries. Ron looked at Peter and pointed to his cheek. Peter got on his tippy toes and kissed it. Ron slapped him on the bottom and told him to get his cookies out the back of the car. Peter did as he was told and Ron drove off saying he would see him same time next week. I could not help but feel sorry for Peter. He looked like he had just come off a gay parade float. He was wearing little white shorts. I am sure I could see a string hanging down the back of one leg. He had glitter on his cheeks and was wearing mascara, a lot of it. His neck and throat were red with love bits. His walk was obviously affected by his encounter with Ron and Angela seemed to have no sympathy and was even overjoyed to show him off to team mates and friends.
When everyone's attention turned to the game, I managed to get a cool sponge and cooled his neck. I cleaned off most of the mascara and glitter and put concealer on his neck. I could tell he was shaken by the experience. I asked him how it went and he just said Ron was an animal and began to weep. I could only wrap him in my arms and hold him.
He was made to sit on Rons lap all evening while he had his neck mauled and his nipples bruised. He said Ron refused to use the condoms and had used him twice during the night. The first time was excruciating and he just wanted it over. The second time only slightly better. He had to make him breakfast in the morning. Before Ron pushed him over the breakfast table and used him again with no lube. He had to use the Tampon to stop it all leaking through his shorts. I wasn't surprised that Ron refused to use the condoms. My wife said that is what men are like sometimes.