Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Short Story: Tulip Gets Some Job Satisfaction

Tulip Fancy

Tulips lands a job being a sales clerk, 

     I was quite enjoying working for Monsieur Rabanna he's a really nice man. I thought it was just serving in a shop when I started there. But it has turned out to be so much more. We put on a show, more of a performance than anything else. He likes the shop to have the feel of an old-fashioned department store. I wear my black and white black knee length skirt, white blouse nothing to fancy maybe a pussy bow nothing to upstage the customer. "We must always make the customers feel superior to us." he says.  I must always call the customer "Madame" and always call him "Monsieur Rabanna" when people are in the shop and he calls me Tulip. He will clap his hands when he wants me to bring him something for a customer. 

      Ladies come in months in advance of an event they are attending. They already have an outfit in mind and want him to design and make a hat to suit. He has meetings with them in what he calls his salon. I will make tea and take it into them on a silver tray. Pour it for them and return to the shop. If he wants something he will call my name and clap his hands twice. I will hurry in as fast as my heels and skirt will allow and attend to their needs. Some of the ladies have been going to him for years. He says if we were just selling hats it wouldn't work. We have to make them feel special. He also prefers appointment only for his own designs that way he can make sure the ladies don't meet. Every now and then he refuses an appointment to maintain his exclusive reputation. Sometimes he might have three or four different hats at the same event. The first time Monsieur Rabanna grabbed my butt I yelped softly like a girl, but now I have gotten used to it. I haven't told anyone. I don't know how my wife might react!

       I liked being part of this and he showed me how to dress the cheaper hat blanks he buys in bulk for the cheaper end of the market that keeps the doors open. He couldn't pay me much and I still hadn't been able to contribute to the household budget. I really feel like I was letting my wife down, but everything I make seamed to go on things I'm told I need. 

    Since Kelly had started my waist training, I have had to buy new skirts for work and a couple of extra blouses. One you could slightly see the outline of my stays through. Monsieur Rabanna was very complimentary and said it fitted the look of the shop. Every week there is something new. whether it is skin softeners for my bubble baths replacement shower hats or a new pallet or lipstick shade. Even my weekly hair dressing goes on the housekeeping card. I can't even pay for that. 

      My wife says she has never had any expectations that I would support us. Which shocked me a little. Don't all women expect that of their husband if need be. She says the work I do around the home is the most important thing. If I can keep my little part time shop job that makes her happy, if it makes me happy.

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