Friday, October 25, 2024

Short Story: John Peters is worried about his future.

Dear Mistress Judith,

       I'm writing to you in despair. Having been given an opportunity by my new Mistress and Mr Wilcox I let them down badly. The first gathering of Mistresses friends I had served at and I got dizzy and dropped a tray of cucumber sandwiches. After helping her friends off with their hats, coats and stoles at the door I showed them into the drawing room. Each coat I removed revealed another beautiful blouse or dress made of some exotic or expensive fabric. I know cotton uniforms and dresses are the most I can hope for but I do dream of assisting you into such lovely garments when I return to the Manor as your maid. The sound of their skirts as they walked and mingled, The blended smell of all their perfumes. Their elaborate hair styles and confident aristocratic manner all combined to make me come over with a dizzy spell, drop the sandwiches and lose consciousness for a moment. I woke with my head cradled in the satin skirts of one fine lady as three more peered down at me. One had a fan and was blowing air on me. I struggled to my feet and apologized as I adjusted my skirts, re-fixed my head band and tried to clean up my mess. I was so ashamed as I heard My Mistress say that Wilcox had warned her. The other lady said she thought it very modern, having a "De-Maled" Nancy Boy as a Parlour Maid. When I returned to my room, I had to change my bloomers as I had also suffered a semen surge as I was passing out.

      Things had been going well. Mr Jenkins has been helping me with my control by buggering me slowly. He is encouraging me to practice my clench and roll. He says my goal should be to bring him to a finish without him having to move. While my old master concentrated on purging me of the silly notions, I used to have of maleness by aggressively filling me with his seed and explaining the difference between me and a man. Mr Jenkins is teaching me to please a man. My new master has already used me and said I had greatly improved. I glowed with pride when he said that.

     The shooting weekend went well as you know. I managed to sneak a peek at you through the upstairs banisters. You were holding Sir Charles's arm and I could almost feel your admiration for him as he led you into the ball room on the Saturday night. He looked so strong and handsome in his regimental uniform and your gown was so beautiful. I just wished it had been me that had dressed you for him. On the Sunday afternoon I had to give the beaters their incentive to show up early for the next shoot. Mr Granger was very nice and laid a blanket out in one of the stables to keep my uniform clean. He also put down a jug of water and glass for me. He led the first villager in. I was not quite prepared for the smell. Tramping around in the woods all day has its side effects. I must say that none of the villagers were as large and virile as the men on the estate. The larger ones did take a bit more work but I was happy to receive the reward. One fellow finished before I got him out of his pants and a couple were so small I wondered if perhaps like me they had been misled about their true sex. Mr Granger stopped it at ten and told the rest of the lineup it was only the earliest ten that received my favours. Mr Granger said I did very well and there would be no shortage of beaters for the next shoot.

     So, after feeling like I was making progress and I would be ready when you asked me to come back to the Manor and be your maid, I lose control of my sensibilities and embarrassed my Mistress. Mr Wilcox wants to see me first thing in the morning. If you do find some kind words for me, I hope they find me still here after the meeting.

You're ever loving but ashamed and embarrassed husband,


(Written by Tulips Love you lots.)

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