Thursday, May 30, 2024

Thursday Tulips: Tulips Painful Memory.

Tulip Fancy

Our favorite emasculated housewife recalls a moment when she got a pair of earrings  and lost a bit of her masculinity..

    I took my new earrings out of the little white paper bag. It was the first time I had bought something for myself without Kelly or my wife's approval. I had walked past the stall in the square near my shop every day. I did stop and look a couple of times but never got up the courage to buy anything until today. 

    They were little red and green glass hanging earrings. I wasn't sure if they would go with anything I owned, but I was attracted to them for some reason. I had very little jewelry, costume or real and noticed through my dealings in the shop that women had a variety and rarely wore the same ones every day.

    I took the sleepers out of my ears and slowly started to blush as the memories of the first time I had been made to wear them came flooding back. It was a day when I had greatly angered my wife. I was supposed to play golf that day. When I went to dress after breakfast, I found what I now knew to be my sports bra had been replaced with a very feminine women's bra. I called down to my wife and she said, 'I no longer needed that level of posture support and a normal bra would do.' I was shocked, but put it on noticing it had the same enhancements and weight as my old one but with the lace cups and feminine touches. I did not want to look in the mirror for fear of what I would see. I went to the bed and stepped into the girdle and held my pipe between my legs with the pad that had been added to my daily underwear over the last few weeks to give the front of my pants a cleaner line. 

    It too was more feminine than my usual plain white one and probably matched the bra. I picked up the yellow shorts which I hadn't seen before and stepped into them. They were a bit bright. With a really short fly and an odd looking button on the waist band. The front was really tight and the back seemed to lift my padded bottom. Just then my wife came in and laughed at my struggles with the shorts. Then it dawned on me. These were woman's shorts and buttoned high on my waist making the fly useless for my anatomy. She reminded me it was useless any way with a pantie girdle. That's when I embarrassed myself, said a lot of things I later regretted after I felt the full force of nature that is my wife. I have never forgotten the sense of shame and pain that receiving that level of correction gave me that morning. Needless to say, I didn't play golf that morning. She held me in her lap, petting me and soothing my emotions until I calmed myself and apologized for my behavior. Then redressed in my new shorts and the salmon collared tee shirt that did nothing to hide the high waist band of the tight yellow shorts, or the lines of my new bra straps. 

    She walked me out to her car and opened the door and seated me painfully and buckle me in. We didn't speak much as she drove. She kept her hand on my bare thigh and gave it a possessive squeeze every now and then. I had no idea where we were going. We stopped outside a row of shops and went into the chemist. She asked if they did ear sleeper piercing. They did. I sat down gingerly in a chair and the lady commented on my red puffy eyes. My wife explained that I had been begging her for piercings and we fought about it. "Looks like she won," the lady said giggling using the feminine pronoun. Which made me turn scarlet and within five minutes, I had been what I thought at the time was marked for life! She held my hand as we walked back to the car. I somehow found the courage to accuse her of just wanting me to be a girl

    My wife stopped, put her arms around me and said, "You will never be a real girl. But you will be my girl." She then pushed her face next to mine and forced her mouth on mine. Pushing my head back and forcing me to except her tongue! I felt all strength leaving me as I surrender to her probing my mouth deep and accepted the support of her strong arms. I felt a bit of my masculinity shrink that day as she squeezed my bum with her free hand. 

    Now as I put my new earrings in and look in the mirror, I can see that I would look odd without them.

Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Priscilla's Photo Captions Pick of the Week May 29, 2024


Source: Bellafaire Institute 

 Source: Sissy Feeme-Boi Tumblr

Source: Bellafaire Institute 

Source: Bellafaire Institute 

 Source: Sissy Feeme-Boi Tumblr

Source: Maid Gail

Saturday, May 25, 2024

Sunday, May 19, 2024

New! Erotica Author's Corner Interview: Carolyne Sweet (Digital Artist)

Digital Artist Carolyn Sweet's interview is now available to read. Her subjects are crossdressers and transvestites set in the workplace office where they are in roles of submissiveness and are the subject of attention. 

I have to admit this was a deeper interview than I anticipated.

Of course we cover Carolyne's art and subjects, but we go deeper into how the city life, office culture, her own French background both culturally and professionally inform and inspire her artwork. 

We also cover more sensitive topics such as labels, we cover the controversy of AI Art and so much more! This is a deep dive into the flirty erotic art of Carolyne Sweet. 


The diversity of scenarios: I draw a lot of inspiration from my own experience for the situations in which my transvestites find themselves. Despite their efforts to be decent, my heroines are nonetheless desirable. Their elegance triggers desire in those around them, and as a result they are completely overwhelmed by events and experience strong emotions.

My transvestites are often excited by their cross-dressing, but surprised by the desire they arouse in men. They had never imagined such reactions, and even less a sexual relationship. But they're going to have to cope with it! In French we say “passer à la casserole!”

Others have taken the plunge and are living with a partner. In this case, they have to deal with completely new and emotionally charged relationship problems, with their new family, parents-in-law, children, and also deal with the practical problems of being a wife, cooking, cleaning, daily life, etc.

Good Morning Sissies (5/19/24)


Saturday, May 18, 2024

Carolyne Sweet Interview Coming

Hello Friends, Readers and Kinksters, tomorrow we have an interview with artist Carolyne Sweet. She is a French digital artist with an emphasis on office culture and fashion. 

Her images are informed on experiences of working in the fashion industry. Those experiences informs her crossdressers in distress as they navigate the intersection of gender norms and new possibilities. 

We hope you will join us.  

Friday, May 17, 2024

Bobbi Mare's new book: Cleanup Cuckold for the Black World Order

Bobbi Mare has a new book available in her New Black World Order series, dealing with a world where a new system and hierarchy is established to subjugate and emasculate males. her books look into attitudes toward gender, sexuality, and relationships. 

From Bobbi Mare:

The stigmas and prejudices of the past have been largely erased, making natural white submission and bisexual cuckoldry easier for all genders to accept — except when the older generation fights stubbornly against it.

And that’s where our story begins, with a mature cuckold chafing against the new reality, hating that any black man walking the street has a higher claim on his wife than him, and fed up with not being a man or a woman, but a whiteboi, treated not like a woman, but like a lower class of woman.

Until his wife’s Master catches him in an embarrassing position and demands a choice – suffer life as a reluctant, humiliated whore, or enjoy it as an aspiring black-owned cuckold in training.


“Okay, see you later, Ken!” Genny’s keys jangled loudly in the otherwise silent kitchen as she called to me from across the house. “After dinner, I am going to entertain some of Carl’s yummy, black, well-hung friends, so don’t wait up!”

Inwardly, I cringed, but I forced myself to sound sincere when I cried back, “Have fun!”

Have fun. Seriously? Why didn’t I just fucking man up and tell her how much I hated it that any black man walking the street had a higher claim on my wife than I did? Why couldn’t I tell her how much it angered me to know what kind of debauchery she was getting up to, and how disgusted it made me feel when she came home stinking of other men’s cum?

How infuriated I felt to be standing in my own house, dressed in a skirt and blouse, still with fucking heels on my feet because my wife insisted I needed to build up my arches. How much I hated the eyeshadow, eyeliner, lipstick, and blush I had to wear every day. How fed up I was with not being a man or a woman, but a whiteboi, some new gender of the Black New World Order, leaving me stuck somewhere in between.

I heard the door slam shut behind her and cursed myself for wasting yet another chance to let her know how I really felt. The truth was, I was afraid of what she might say if I were to confront her. The rise of the BNWO had invalidated white marriages, so she didn’t owe me anything. I was a white male, the lowest of the low, without even the legal protections of blacked property. One word from her and I’d be out on my ass, free for any black man to claim, and powerless to resist.

“Forget about it,” I told myself with a sigh. “The house is yours for the night, and you know what that means.” I hummed softly to myself as I made a slow, leisurely circuit of the main floor, locking the doors, drawing the blinds, and strategically nudging a few pieces of furniture into the way of anybody coming in. As eager as I was to get started, Genny could be pretty scatter-brained at times, and I didn’t want her coming back for something and stumbling across my dirty little secret.

I hated that it had to be such a secret.

Still counting the minutes inside my head, I strolled casually down the hall to the bathroom. Genny had a bad habit of piling dirty clothes behind the door, trusting me to pick them up and drop them into the wash. The more she’d fallen under the sway of her black boyfriends, the more time she spent out of the house, the more I’d been stuck with housework, humiliated into ‘proper’ whiteboi domestication.

I didn’t mind things like dishes or vacuuming, and aside from feeling the weight of judging eyes on me from black shoppers, I liked getting out to do groceries. Laundry, though, was the one thing I loathed above all others. Every item of Genny’s clothing that I picked up just reminded me of how much she’d changed since our state voted to join the BNWO. Gone was the classy, professional woman I’d married, replaced by a scantily clad slut who dressed to arouse. Everything she wore smelled of black men’s cologne, their sweat, their cum, and sometimes even their piss.

And yet, at the same time, there was a small part of me that looked forward to the desperate hunt for laundry treasures. She entertained her black friends in our bedroom on a regular basis, and it was their clothing, discarded and forgotten, that I so craved. In a world where white men like myself were forced into panties, stockings, women’s slacks, and women’s blouses, there was an undeniable thrill in slipping into even something as simple as a forbidden pair of briefs and socks.

If she ever found out about what had become my secret fetish, I was pretty sure I’d have two ex-wives on my hands, but what did she expect me to do? I’d been emasculated, stripped of my dignity, and she hadn’t touched me sexually in over a year. I was so fucking horny, but it was damned near impossible to get a hardon when you’re dressed like some 1950s housewife.

It was no wonder I resorted to such drastic measures.

❤️ Bobbi

Author of nasty, trashy, taboo erotica


Cleanup Cuckold for the Black World Order

Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Priscilla's Photo Captions Pick of the Week May 15, 2024

 A little late this week due to some troubles. Apologies to Pris Pris and others for putting these up late. Sweet Kisses. 

Source: Sissy Dani

Source: Sissy Francine

Sunday, May 12, 2024

Happy Mother's Day 2024

Happy Mother's Day everyone, wow where does the time go? We already are in May! I have some captions coming out tomorrow from Pris, I'm still getting that interview together from Carolyn, so I will keep you posted. I have some new stories from Joe X coming this week, so my apologies on the CFNM front. 

Going over some stories from Priscilla and Karen Jensen as well as Silvy Richards, I realized they have some good stories with a mother's involvement in them, playing a role in the transformation of their naughty sons or son-in-laws. Do you have a favorite? 

Priscilla's La Chic Sissy exemplifies the theme of the sins of the father while also serving a larger cause: 

“Your father finally responded by text, to the Holiday card we sent him. He’ll be calling me very soon, from Hawaii to discuss things. You don’t have to be here for the call if you don’t want to be, Honey. And I’ll refuse to give him your cell number. I absolutely will not permit him to speak to you either, Kassima.”

    When the phone rang, mother answered, “Hello Roderick. No Roderick, I did nothing to our son. Because Kassima is no longer a boy, Roderick. She is a girl, and she is our daughter now.”

A feminized "Darla" being encouraged by his Mother-in-Law
    “That’s correct. In June she is to marry her very strong, manly, assertive, masculine Arabian Husband, who is the perfect man for her. He is perfect because she needs someone who is very assertive and strong to guide her in life. She is the very typical subservient, obedient, Trophy female,” Mother explained.

Karen Jensen's Darla is a story about a college student meeting the girl of his dreams, it just so happens that the girl's mother instilled a Female Led Relationship lifestyle in her:

My father died when I was an infant. Mother raised me from the beginning to be strong willed and independent. I took music, and dance lessons. My mother also enrolled me in speech and debate classes at my private school. She said it would serve me well by giving me confidence and increase my powers of persuasion. She also had me take martial arts lessons at an early age. The first self-defense discipline I took was Taekwondo. After excelling in that, I moved unto Jujitsu, and finally Karate. I hold a black belt in each, so I am well able to take care of myself. Mother wanted her little girl to be able to take on the world and be a success, just like her.

As I grew older I slowly realized that Mother was a strong believer in feminizing males and as a result, my brother spent more time in skirts growing up then he did in pants. My mother even had him in frilly panties growing up.

Silvy Richards's Initiation Nightmare has a Disney Channel original movie like theme with a young college freshman going through a fraternity initiation that his parent's went through years ago.....except things have changed a bit...

 "I haven't been accepted into the Alpha Omega Alpha's yet mom..." Paul
said feeling the weight of the world on his shoulders, "... I might not
make it in you know." he admitted waiting to see her response.

"Oh, you'll make it in," she tried to comfort him, "I have no doubt in my
mind. Look, you've already been accepted into the diving team, thanks to
the recommendation your old coach gave. All you have to do now is get
through the initiation process and after that it'll all be smooth
sailing." she stated rather matter-a-factly. "Sure, some of the hazing
might be a bit embarrassing... but if your father was man enough to go
through with it, I know for sure you'll be able to bite the bullet and
get the job done."

Do you have a favorite story with a mom involved/indirectly in the plot? Let us know as we celebrate and remember the women in our life.


Saturday, May 11, 2024

The Art of Dov Sherman

Our little sissy French poodle Lilly Charlotte recently introduced me to the art of Dov Sherman. I wonder is this is how Dov is also treated? dressed as a little bitch dog and paraded around like Lilly. I can't understand a word Lilly says, its not her accent, its the gag that stays in her her slutty little mouth. Maybe we should let her out of the cage today?