Thursday, July 4, 2024

Priscilla's Photo Captions Pick of the Week (July 1, 2024)

We missed last week, We have some good ones this week, my favorite is the last one...

Source: Nan Gilbert


  1. Rumor has it that the Mother and Grandmother of the sissy in caption #5 have decided to marry her off to the widower who lives down the street. Mr. Thomas ( Daddy) is not the most handsome older gentleman, but he seems to be smitten with the sissy boy. They have been dating for several months, and are currently in Provincetown for a long 4th of July weekend. I wonder how sissy will respond if Daddy proposes marriage during their romantic getaway weekend ?

  2. Nurture or nature? was he a sissy for his very beginning, and fortunate to have a forceful Wife find his stash as in #6? He will get to be so comfortable in pink as he is led along from pansy to Bff. Hopefully a long journey learning his lessons well. Until #11, when he is let out to meet his new Boyfriend. Maybe a double date.

    1. I do try to hint a possible link between many of the photos so it has some "connection"

  3. My attention was grabbed by the situation in #8. Having the lover of the wife (or former GF) make those decisions is especially disturbing. Who knows how far he might go? And I doubt the sissy would dare to object to him.

    1. I just re-read your story, " The Right Image" on Fictionmania. No other author writes forced fem stories like you do. The details are so erotic. It should be rated 5 tissues!
      Deviant Art made a huge mistake when they removed your content.

    2. Ms. Throne,
      I just re-read your story, "The Right Image" on FM. It is fantastic!

    3. You really should check it out. It contains the type of detailed forced fem that your fans crave.

    4. Hello, Donna. Thanks for your generous thoughts about my story on FM. I hope to have something new on there before long. ENJOY.
