Friday, July 26, 2024

Photo Captions: Feminized Friday

Sorry for the silence. This has been a trying week. Thank you all for staying with us. Kisses.

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Tuesday Tuilp: Tulip learns to protect himself.

Tulip Fancy

Its the moment of truth for Tulip time (From the POV of Tulip's Wife)

It was something I'd been thinking about for a while. Having Tulip on his knees in front of me fitting a condom to my strap-on. I thought it was a gap in his feminine education that needed to be "plugged."

 Seeing him down there with his manicured nailed fingers sliding it down the shaft would be such a turn on. I had noticed a few weeks back that when entering him there wasn't the same level of resistance from his sphincter and I was not getting the same sharp intake of breath and muffled squeal I had when I first claimed him. I thought I could either get a bigger strap on which would keep happening, or give him a rest and let him tighten up again. I did know it was important to me that he felt stretched and couldn't help but vocalize it when I drove into him. I wanted him to feel helpless on the end of my shaft. It made me feel powerful and turbo charged my own orgasm. 

      Something I was very proud of was feeling him back into me and wiggle his little tush when we were spooning at night. I'm not sure if he knew he was doing it but it was definitely an invitation in my mind and a sign he expected me to invade his body and was looking forward to it. That and extinguishing his erection instinct are my biggest accomplishments with him. Kelly's work with his style and appearance have really turned him into a little doll. When I look at him sometimes and he unconsciously does something against all masculine instincts and I think back to what I started with I can't help but feel proud and not a little moisture in my pants.

  After cleaning up the kitchen and hanging up his pinny,  he came into the lounge room and ask me to unbutton the back of his blouse and loosen his stays. He returned from upstairs with his little caddie of nail care paraphernalia, in a nighty and robe. I knew they had bought him some strappy sandals for Sunday's BBQ. Watching him sitting on the floor concentrating on painting his toe nails like it was the most natural thing in the world was turning me on more and more. Before he could start the other foot, I said to come and sit with me for a while.

 He knew it was something serious by the tone of my voice. I said I wanted to talk about his safety. He was aware of the effect he has on men which causes him a great deal of embarrassment when I point it out. I said that now he was traveling and shopping alone that I wanted him to carry protection. Not all men are gentlemen as he knows. He might find himself alone with one of these men in a situation where he can't call for help or fight back. In that case the best option is to beg them to allow you to fit them with a condom to save you from an STD. All colour had now drained from his face and I thought he was going to be ill. I had hold of both of his hands and reassured him that we would practice so he would be ready if need be. I told him to go and get my Girl Maker and the condoms from the bathroom.  

    I was pleased the rest I had given him over the last two or three weeks, really did the trick. I could feel the resistance on the way in and he was in top voice until he came like a girl. The ribbing on the condom could have helped as well. I guided him through putting it on. The smell of his processed hair gently rising to my nostrils as he knelt in front of me was nearly enough to set me off. I cautioned against damaging the condom with his nails or worst still scratching a protentional violent man. I really enjoyed it and he bought into the whole story. I said we would practice every couple of weeks and he would have to work on his begging. He agreed that he should keep a couple of condoms in his makeup purse from now on. He would see them every time he pulled out his compact and know he was safer. 

He never did get to repaint his other foot's toe nails that night....

Saturday, July 13, 2024

Its Ok....No One Judges....

Hello everyone, 

I know its been a slow week. I have new duties at my job and with the heat of summer, its wearing me out. I did add a new image to Kylie Gables The Burglars Brought Panties and I did add new Joe X stories, Nude Beach Experience  and As Nature Intended. I love his CFNM stories. Thanks again for staying with us and remember its ok......


Friday, July 5, 2024

Photo Caption: The Morning After....


 A caption I found on Deviant I love the realization that it actually happened for him. He was the woman in bed.....its ok... no one is judging. Just accept it. 

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Tuesday Tulip: Tulip has things on his mind (Short Story)

Tulip Fancy

Tulip's gets her hair done, while having some "Girl-Talk" she gets some information to reflect on concerning what happens behind the bedroom door. 

Sitting in the stands on Saturday afternoon, the wind was blowing and making the back of my scarf flap. It's frustrating trying to protect the doo I had just spent more than a couple of hours having done. Mary was sitting next to me, a girlfriend of one of the players. She looked at me with sympathy in her skinny jeans and sweater as, I tried to keep my scarf and skirts under control. 

Next to her was Marty, the husband of one of the players. He is very loud and waves his arms around a lot. Peter came by with a tray of energy cookies he had baked that the players didn't get through at half time. I took one to be polite. Only eating half. I'm very conscious of what I'm eating since changing my foundation garments. 

  I wasn't sure what to make of the gossip in the hair dressers this morning. The consensus seemed to be that men were creatures of habit. If there was a deviation from those habits, there was room for suspicion. Mary, this is a different Mary. I have a few Mary's in my life at the moment. She always sits at the sink next to me and was saying that the regularity of their lovemaking had changed. Well, she didn't say lovemaking she used another word! I still can't believe women talk like this in front of me. One woman suggested changing her perfume. Another wondered if there was a health problem. Karen asked if he was staying out or his comings and goings had changed. All agreed that there was something going on.

After my wife picked me up and we were driving to the hockey game and it suddenly dawned to me that my wife hadn't been paying me the attention she usually did!

It had been three weeks since Valentine's Day when I received a frenzy of attention. While Friday nights I do my husbandly duty, on the weekend or during the week she normally takes the opportunity to use what she has taken to calling her Girl-Maker on me. Now I'd never thought of my wife as a man, but I wondered if there might be some parallels with Mary's husband. Are women creatures of habit as well? 
While I found it extremely humiliating and a little painful to start with, I had come to realize that this is how she shows her love for me...  yet I wonder....has she stopped loving me? And what was the packet of condoms for she had me buy a couple of weeks ago? Did she want me to stop wearing my pipe ribbons? It has been well over two years since I have been stiff. Should I wear my Valentine's day stockings? She said the back seams and reinforce heels gave her a real turn on when she first saw me in them. I have thought that they would go well with my work black and whites but I don't want to attract to much attention on the bus.  

        As these things played round and around in my head. I was still struggling with the wind. I had what Kelly calls my vanity reflex nagging at me to get my compact out to check my face but with both my hands kept full keeping my skirts under control and my scarf on I had no idea if my makeup was surviving the afternoon. The game was heading for a draw and I couldn't wait to get home. The game finished and a couple of the other husbands lifted the baskets of dirty jumpers into the back of our car for me. My wife opened the car door for me and as we headed home to get ready for the evening social.... I wondered again if I should wear my Valentine stockings?