Friday, October 14, 2022

New Banner for Rikki's Blog...thoughts?

 Hope all is well, I'm hoping those in Florida after the hurricane are doing better, I know there was a lot of damage. It's been quiet here, but new art is coming. If you are on Patreon (consider if you can) you will get some sneak peeks. 

Above is a new banner I made for Rikki. Let me know your thoughts, Above we have Rikki in a collar in the white dress holding the infamous Bliss Mask! 


  1. That's an interesting contrast between the mask-and-collar combination, and the otherwise 'gentle' feminization. It suggests what follows might also be a mix of the rough and otherwise.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I love how you include the exquisite details in your drawings. The nails, the rollers and the very large breasts are perfect. Well done. How many of your fans would love to trade places with Rikki? I know that I would!
