Monday, February 3, 2025

Priscilla's Photo Caption Pick of the Week 2/3/25

I apologize for the lateness of this week's post, we had some technical difficulties... Apologizes to Priscilla


  1. There are title boxes, but they will not display. Probably on my end.

    1. Than it is also on my end. Priscilla.

  2. I knew Anna would fix it. I love #15 of the maid, practically begging to be Milked.

  3. Or what about the pitiful "Husband" acting as the Nanny, for the children his wife has with the Bull. My guess when the wife is Mensurating that "Sissy" provides pleasure for the Bull.

  4. Your photos, memes, cartoons, AI, artwork, whatever variations that are posted, are always just stunningly good and impressive.

    1. I attempt to work with Annabelle to ensure that the message of the posts encapsulates the helplessness of the Beta Sissy and her subservience towards both the Alpha Male and the Alpha Mistress.

    2. We both thank you for your compliments, Ms. Vanessa.

    3. I should add that a number of these are from the Bellefaire Institute Tumblr. Other's I find at Pinterest as they send me links in line with my "Interests." Some are un-captioned, however I'll really like the photo, so I'll write a Caption for it and the very artistic Annabelle fits the caption to the photo.
      Annabelle really does most of the work. She's so very diligent.

  5. Thanks to both of you. I always look forward to your posts.

    1. You are such a very sweet girl Tulip.

    2. Excuse me while change my pad. Blushing deeply.

  6. The selection of captions this week is fantastic. Thank both of you for your efforts!
    I love the expression on Calista's face ( caption #2). Perhaps the sissy has just been told that her much older gentleman caller has just arrived. Will the sissy soon lose her virginity?

    1. It does appear she is in a state of mystery as to what is really happening. Little does she know mother has had her Sissified to be auctioned off to a very select group of wealthy bidders.

  7. Candace, in Number 17 is very nicely "Put Together." I'm certain that much of that is so that during her Ex-Wife's pregnancy and afterward, when "Madame" is unavailable to her "Bull" sexually, the Bull will certainly find Candace attractive e enough to seek to sate his sexual needs.
    Even as the two children grow, there will be times when Madame just isn't in the mood. And let's face it, Modern Women just don't care to use their mouths or rear-ends to make their men happy. In those cases, Candace will need to make herself readily available to pleasure the "Real" man of the home.
