Monday, September 23, 2024

Priscilla's Photo Captions Picks of the Week (9/23/24)


  1. The cute blond in number 10 seems to be struggling with his blindfold and gag. Maybe the lady who is binding him should explain he'll soon be the neutered wife of a wealthy Arabic businessman? Possibly then, he'd breathe a sigh of relief and relax, accepting his fate?

    1. Once the sissy is fitted for her niqab and burqa, only her eyes will be visible. She might be fitted with the ball gag full time until she settles down. I wonder what other surgeries are planned for this waif like creature?

    2. I suspect there will be multiple piercings for the full time wearing of jangling jewelry. It's customary for Harem Girls to wear plenty of Jewelry as a sign of their promiscuity.

  2. Little Billy in number 6 should be very happy his auntie has put his boys-bits on public display, so prettily wrapped up in ribbons and bows for everyone to view.

  3. Those two dolled-up Pampered Princesses in number 9 are certainly enjoying their lives since the Fall Auction at Bellefaire. They really are very fortunate that the Psychotherapists at the Academy were able to break through their twisted Male Facades, and convince them that living as Pampered, Simpering, Kept, Well-behaved, Trophy Wives was better than anything they could have possibly dreamt-up on their own.

  4. Hmm? I am not fully convinced that the two Sissies in number two are truly accepting of the glamourous attire and the elegant lifestyle which their Auntie Emily has planned-out for them. They seemed to have questioning looks on their faces.

  5. The sissy in caption #3 has an appointment at an upscale lingerie store for her first professional bra fitting today. Her Mother scheduled the fitting for Saturday Afternoon, a very busy time at shop. A couple of the girls sissy attends High School with work there part time. How will the femboy cope with the humiliation ?
    Donna Young

    1. It appears to me that the fitting will be for a "Training" Brassiere. The girls from school should have plenty of fun with that.

  6. Perhaps one of the assistant fitters might suggest some silicone "cutlets" to fill the sissy out to a B cup. Her tops will fit better, and will surely attract the attention of the boys. The Home Coming Dance is only a few weeks away, and sissy still does not have a date. Mother hopes that with her improved figure, sissy will attract a male suitor.
    Donna Young

  7. Might I ask if you have had #7 for some time? That looks in the style of a captioner who used a number of names, one after the other, running a site, then closing it, then opening another... I kept up with her a while, but eventually lost her. If she is captioning again, I would love to find her.

    1. Saw it at Pinterest. Don't know who the captioner is.

    2. Thank you, Miss Priscilla. looks in the style of someone who had to have 20 blogs minimum opening and being deleted.
