New! Nude Beach Story Experience

Joe X 
(Femdom/CFNM Master Author)

On a hot summer trip in Spain,  Joe decides to pull over at a nearby beach. He does not have a bathing suit luckily it is a nudist beach and decides to take a dip to cool off..... But he is in for a humiliating surprise!

*Based on a true story 

It must have been the first or second time I went in the south of Spain on holiday. I had a hire car and with a day to waste after the meeting I set off to explore the coast. It was a baking hot June day and I spotted a small road leading down to a secluded beach. There was a small car park at the bottom of the road, and I got out the car to have a look round.

I walked along a coastal path into a clump of pine trees. And what was the first thing I saw – two naked female sunbathers lying face down among the Mediterranean pines that backed onto the beach. A pleasing and not unusual sight in those relaxed southern climbs on a secluded beach. You come across unofficial nude beaches all over the place in Spain. They’re not sort of fenced off with big signs or anything. And I remembered somebody saying there was one along the coast here.

I went and stretched out further along under the shade of the pine trees. It was nice and relaxing there, but it was very hot dressed in a shirt and trousers.

As the perspiration poured off me suddenly I was struck by the thought of how nice it would be to have a swim. But I didn't have a costume. But then of course why did I need a costume. This was a nude beach. I could just take all my clothes off and bathe naked in the sea. This was not a thing I had ever done before and well...  I’m rather shy about such things.  But I’d always heard that once you’d taken your clothes off you didn’t feel the least embarrassed, and indeed it was the people who had retained theirs who felt out of place.

So, embarrassed as I was at the notion, I dared myself to do it. At least I could start undressing. I could always stop at my underpants if I got too embarrassed. Many of you are probably thinking 'what a twerp'. You are no doubt all veterans of naturist beaches. But as I said, I was very shy and this would be the first time,

I took off my shirt and my shoes and socks, but when it came to removing the remaining articles I felt a strange reluctance to do so.

I dare you, I said to myself. I dare you.

So I said to myself “Right. No more hesitation. Count to ten and then they’re coming straight off, you’re going to strip naked and you’re going to work straight down that beach and into the sea. This is a naturist beach; nobody will even give you a second glance. There’s nothing they’ll not have seen a million times. NOBODY WILL NOTICE YOU!”

So I did. I counted to ten. Eight, nine, ten… I whipped off my remaining clothes in one go and set off down the beach stark, as they say, bollock naked.

But they were wrong, the embarrassment didn’t go off. Oh my gosh!  I was in the nude, nude in the open air, nude in public in the open air, completely nude in public in the open air and I had never felt so embarrassed in all my life. I said to myself as I felt the wind whistle round my whatsits, “Everyone is the same, NOBODY WILL NOTICE YOU!”

I didn’t dare look at anyone. I kept my eyes fixed straight ahead and just walked straight across the beach. It was a funny sensation to be out in the open air with nothing on.

I could feel everybody’s eyes burning into me, staring at me, dying of embarrassment I felt very very nude.

At last I reached the sea and plunged in and turned to look at the beach I had just walked down. I was right, everybody was looking at me, and the reason was immediately obvious. Half the people on the beach were topless, but they were the male half.  They were all normally dressed in respectable bathing costumes.

Whatever beach I was on it wasn’t a naturist beach at all. Just a couple of people sunbathing au naturel in a secluded area of pines behind the beach. And I’d walked right down the beach past everybody stark naked. This had caused somewhat of a stir, and not a few people were looking at me expectantly.

The reason why they were looking expectant suddenly struck me. I had walked down the beach. Now I was going to have to walk back up the beach, in the nude, past everyone. Of course on a beach people face the sea, so in my parade down the beach I had not had to face them, and they had only had a rear view of me. Going back up I would be looking at them and they would be looking at me - and they would be getting the more interesting view! Furthermore, as everybody had seen me go into the water, they would now all be waiting for me to come out and walk past them.  In the nude.

A dilemma faced me. Should I swim down the beach and so come out where no-one knew I was naked, in which case I would have further to come back, or should I take the shortest route back through the expectant throng.

I swam around some more down the beach. I was getting cold and my willy was starting to shrink and go all wrinkly.  I didn’t want to go back with nothing but a shrinking willy to display.  How vain can you get!  You’re going to say. But it was embarrassing enough that people would be looking at my willy.  I didn’t want them laughing at it as well.  I so I had to get out quickly. Keeping my eyes straight ahead, and not daring to look at anyone I walked straight back up the beach towards my clothes, rather self-consciously and unsuccessfully trying to hide my cock with my hands.  The trouble was I could feel everyone’s eyes looking at me and I just couldn’t stop myself looking round. It was as I feared – everybody’s eyes were indeed fixed on my cock, and it was shrunken and wrinkled, and I still had twenty yards to walk. It seemed an interminable twenty yards. It was not as if anybody said anything. I was walking past them completely nude and nobody said a word. Yet.

Finally I reached the pines at the back of the beach and - there was no sign of my clothes. I’d obviously swum along the beach and come out at a different place. It was a long beach and I didn’t even know whether to turn right or left to find my clothes.

I had to go back on to the beach and walk along it. I was lost on a public beach in the nude with everyone looking at my little willy.

There was nothing for it but to try one direction until I saw somewhere that I thought I recognised.

Then I saw something I recognised away in the distance. It looked like a shirt blowing down the beaching afar off carried by the stiff sea breeze.

How had it got there! Any minute it was going to be carried out to sea, there was nothing for it but to run back down the beach chasing it stark naked. I don’t know if you’ve ever noticed but as soon as you catch up with something the wind is blowing, it blows away a bit further. So I had to run after it. I don’t know if you have ever seen a man run along a beach stark naked, dangly bits unsupported; on the reasonable assumption that you haven’t let me describe it so that you can visualise my predicament. Taking those labouring leaps one needs to use on hot sand with my arms outstretched to pick up the shirt.  There was no chance of hiding anything now.  My balls bounced up and down and my cock flapped up and down and everyone got a grand view of the bouncy bits bouncing up and down and floppy bit flapping about.

And the sand was so hot I kept having to stop and sit down to let the soles of my feet cool off. When I finally got to it, it wasn't even my shirt, but it was something, but in the sea and it was away. I plunged after it but it was away. I'd lost my shirt. I was still in the nude. I was back in the sea. And I still hadn't found my clothes.  I waded back out and looked around in desperation.

And, oh no, the sea had stimulated the floppy.  It wasn’t so floppy any more.  In fact it was going...  oh heck!  I couldn’t be seen with a vertical cock!  I lay on the sand face down to hide my embarrassment.

I was lost on a beach, lying on my front, completely nude, unable to move because my cock was rigid.  Whatever was I to do.  That was when the girls walked past.  Laughing. And I couldn’t move.  And my bare balls was burning in the hot sand.  And my cock was about to explode.  And they were laughing. 

My cock started throbbing until I couldn't control it any longer, my balls started to contract and... and there in front of everyone stark naked I orgasmed, ejaculating into the hot sand.  Had people noticed?  It’s difficult to have an orgasm nude in public without somebody noticing something.  My face was burning with embarrassment.  My cock and balls were burning in the hot sand.  What was I to do?

The sea was only a few yards off.  I couldn’t lie there any more with my balls getting burned, in fact I would have to run into the cold sea to cool them off.  Laughing girls or not, naked humiliation was inevitable. I stood up and ran naked into the sea.

Well I did rather shamefacedly find my clothes eventually and then...maybe I'll save it for another story.


  1. This was an interesting story. You were guided by your balls. But not as a grown man. There is a little boy in your brain that remembered the times of being let naked by your mommy so that you could enjoy the freedom of being nude. However, doing that as a grown man is not acceptable in polite society.

    1. I think thats the turn on for many in the CFNM scene. Good observation.
