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New! Princess Of Castile Ch.5

Jennifer Reed

Thomas and The Duke shared an intimate night together after the wedding.

Chapter 5: The Princess Alejandra

The door opened, and Thomas saw the shadow of a massive man looming in the doorway. The man walked in with a brilliant scarlet bathrobe embroider with his family crest. The man was Thomas’s husband, the Duke. He moved in behind Thomas and embraced him from behind saying, “You look stunning tonight, my princess.” The Duke stood to Thomas's side as he carefully appraised the young bound man at the end of his bed. “You are such a beautiful woman.” The Duke moved closer to Thomas and began sensually caressing Thomas’s false breasts. Thomas felt very uncomfortable standing there in his lingerie with the Duke's hand massaging his breasts. 

He knew it was no use, Thomas knew without a doubt that the Duke had already made up his mind to go through with the marriage. He had decided to trap Thomas, consummate the marriage and humiliate and demean Thomas as much as possible. Thomas decided to try to plead one more time. There were a few things that needed to be said. The Duke needed to hear them. It was probably a waste of time. Standing there in women’s lingerie, hands, and feet bond with another horny man's hand squeezing his breasts, any waste of time was good. He turned and tried to look serious. His beautifully made up face only looked exotic and enticing. His long false eyelashes and exotic eyeshadow only made the hard look in his eyes look soft and very inviting, defeating any of his efforts to look serious. He could feel Jose’s breath on the back of his neck. Thomas silently cursed. “Duke, Jose, will you please try to listen to me tonight before we start. I have something I need to tell you.”

The Duke didn’t really stop. He did give his attention to Thomas. Standing beside him, he faced Thomas while his hand made its way underneath the breast form and was now directly squeezing and pinching Thomas's breasts. “Sure, my princess, what do you want to tell me before we begin making love?”

He wished the Duke would stop squeezing his breasts, but he knew the Duke fully intended to have sex with him. There was no way to stop it, and no way out. “I know that no matter what I say, you will have sex with me tonight and trap me in this marriage for your sick pleasure. I am unable to stop anything you will do with me tonight. Nothing I say matters to you. I just want to tell you I don’t want to be your wife. Please listen to me, Jose. I may accept that I am female, and this is the life I want. Thanks for giving it to me, but I have no desire to be trapped in an unwanted marriage with a man I barely know. If you do this, I will hate you.” Thomas yelled, he knew he had the Duke's attention even if he continued to fondle Thomas’s chest and kiss him. “Please let me go before this goes too far. If you continue along this course, and force me to be your wife. If you rape me against my will tonight, I will hate you forever. You can force me to be your wife, but never in my mind. I will hate you, and sooner or later, I will find a way to destroy everything you love. Is that what you want?”

The only response from that long-winded speech was a forcible full kiss on the mouth. The Duke very tightly gripped Thomas’s face and forced Thomas's face around and deeply kissed the young man. Thomas struggled with the Duke's tongue slithering deep in his mouth. The Duke was a forceful and repulsive man.

The Duke released Thomas's face, but continued messaging Thomas's breasts. He said, “My love Isabelle. I know this is difficult. I believe you will adapt and love me as a wife should. You have your desire to be a woman. In time you will see this is your place and I will give you everything you desire. You look so feminine and lovely. I truly love you.”

Thomas just glared at him and said, “I fear you. I said what I wanted, do what you want now. I hope you let me go.” He knew the Duke would not let him go.

The Duke kissed him again as Thomas grimaced in revulsion gagging at the man's tongue, invading his mouth. “My love, you are my wife now. Why would I want to let you go, why would you want to leave me? I love you more than anything in the world.” The Duke was pinching Thomas’s nipples like he would squeeze and fondle a woman's breast. 

“Why, so you can be a nice guy and not entrap and force a woman into an unwanted marriage. Give her dignity and freedom so you can be a nice, respectful guy.” Thomas looked at the Duke, who was still squeezing his nipple. Then he laughed, “We both know you have no intention of doing that. You don’t care how this will affect me. That’s simply the kind of man you are.”

The Duke's hand was under his bra and breast forms squeezing and playing with Thomas’s soft, underdeveloped breasts and nipples. He nuzzled Thomas's neck loving and caressing the young man's body. The Duke moaned and said, “I love you so much. You are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen!”

Thomas fumed in rage as he was being kissed by the horny vile Duke. It made him so angry at how helpless he felt, before this disgusting assault. He was bound and restrained with straps, helpless to do anything, but allow this man to continue kissing him. “I am not your woman,” Snarled Thomas. Then he got a tongue in his mouth again that made him gag. The kiss was forceful, and he knew his lips were going to be bruised from the force of the kiss. He choked and gagged in disgust. 

The Duke pulled back and said, “Yes, you are my woman Isabella. My woman forever. I love you, my sweet!” He cringed as the Duke began to squeeze and play with his breasts. “Did you receive your enema?”

“Yes,” Thomas wept. “Please don’t do this.”

“I have to show my love to you, princess. It's required. Were you lubricated by your handmaiden?”

“Yes, she did, you scum. I hate you!” Thomas hissed. “I hate you for this, and I will always hate you!” 

The Duke stood back as Thomas said that. The way he said it bothered the Duke. It wasn’t a shout of outrage. There was no white-hot rage. It was said in an icy calm manner. The Duke suspected it was all true. There was a lot that really bothered the Duke about this. Thomas seemed very calm and able to articulate his thoughts even under this sort of stress. He knew he would overcome Thomas. Thomas would become a suitable wife. It would not be easy, but the Duke has never failed. He would not start failing now. The Duke said, “You don’t hate me. In time you will love me. I will make you beautiful. You will have expensive jewels all over. The women will envy how rich and powerful your husband is. They will envy your beauty. You will see, my love. 

Thomas refused to respond anymore. He would be silent for the rest of the night, no matter what the Duke did. He would probably scream when he was penetrated and make involuntary sex noises, but that would be it. The Duke was going to know how Thomas felt about being his wife. If he had no choice except to be the bride to a man, then that man was going to know how unhappy it made him. 

The Duke squeezed Thomas's face and twisted his head to face him as he kissed the young man. His tongue slithered into his mouth again as he caressed the feminized man's body. Then the Duke bent lower and pressed his lips against Thomas's exposed neck and began sucking very hard. Thomas knew this part was coming. He was receiving another hickey to publicly signify that his husband had sex with him again. He silently accepted it as the Duke grabbed his hair tightly to lift his head up to expose his neck. Thomas felt the Duke's lips upon his neck, sucking. It was painful as he sucked and created another dark spot on his neck. Everyone who saw him would see it. It was totally humiliating. Thomas held his position allowing his husband to give him his next consummation hickey. It was gross, and he cried, “Owww” When the Duke pulled his hair too hard. 

Thomas endured the Duke's foreplay for around another hour. The Duke spent a lot of time pinching and rolling his nipple with the Duke's tongue in his mouth. He stood silently and passive as the Duke was deeply kissing him while playing and pulling his nipple. The Duke stopped and lightly slapped Thomas. That jolted Thomas, and he cried out in anger. The Duke said angrily, “Isabella. This is our wedding night. Our night of seeding. I want you to feel the  passion I have for you . Give me your womanly passion and love. When I am kissing you, kiss me back. Moan and move like an aroused woman.”

Thomas glared at the man who still had his hand moving and pinching him beneath his bra cup. He had Thomas in a tight embrace. “How can I give you any passion you slime? I can’t even move, you had your guards tie my hands and feet to your bed. Do anything you want to me, I can’t stop you, but I won’t give you any passion that I don’t have. I hate you!”

The Duke's answer to that was a more vicious slap that rocked Thomas's head to the side, and the impact resounded across the room. Thomas cried out in pain as lights flashed in his head from the impact. Awwww. Thomas sniffled. The Duke said louder and more dominant. “Yes, you will give me your feminine passion now. Tell me how much you love me and want to feel my cock inside you.”

Thomas just glared back at the Duke. “No.”

He received another slap that rocked his face. He cried out. Tears flowing from being struck so hard. “Tell me you love me and be a woman for me tonight. Tell me how you want to fill my hard cock pounding inside you.”

Tears were flowing down his face. “No, I won’t. I will never do that. I am a woman being forced into this, and I feel no love for you. All I feel is violation., I don’t want to feel you inside me. I hate you. Do what you will, but I won’t cooperate with you.”

Thomas received a series of very powerful vicious strikes. His face rocked back and forth from repeated slaps. Thomas cried out and cried out louder when the Duke reached down and gripped his scrotum in an incredible grip that felt like a vise. “Tell me you
 will give me your womanly passion tonight during our love making.”

“Never!” Owww. “I will not surrender, you scum. Do whatever you want.”

“If you do not agree to submit and give me your feminine passion as I am giving you mine, I will instruct Leanne to do her worst. She will have you given a very rough testicle massage, and a knob polishing by a dominatrix. That is, she will have a woman rub your penis head with a bristle brush while other women squeeze and grip your testicles hard.”

That sounded painful. “So?” Thomas said, still feeling the painful grip on his balls. “I have experienced far worse. Much much worse than that, and I did not break. When you progress to electrocution, beatings, broken bones, and cutting my skin off, then we can talk about my submitting. But I still never gave in to them, and they all died.” 

Thomas looked as if he thought the Duke would really do that. Thomas’s short life had already been full of pain and torture. His life had taught him to trust very few people's intentions and expect the worst. He knew what to expect here. He expected nothing but pain and suffering from this man who had proven himself a brutal monster in little less than a day. 

“Isabella, I love you, and I need to feel your desire. I love you.” The Duke said in a more pleading voice. “I would never do that to my wife. What kind of man do you think I am? I have looked into your past, and there is no such indication of any type of torture you describe. You must be lying.”

“I know what Kind of man you are,” Thomas scoffed. He lifted one of his bound hands up, showing the straps on his wrist, restraining him to the bedrails. “You are the kind of man to have someone strapped this way to your bed so they can’t resist when you have sex with them.” He knew these type of men very well. They say they will love the woman they beat every night. Those type of vicious men does not know what real love is. They never experienced it in their life. They are clueless. Their love is more like ownership and possession, and they expect their possession to be thankful for what they do, and to obey them. When their possessions rebel, or displease them, the result is pain. The men will still insist they love the woman and want her to be respectful. They don’t know what love is and don’t feel love. They feel a darker, more possessive feeling over the woman, but it isn’t love. Love is when you are willing to sacrifice your pleasure to please her. 

There was a lot that was hidden behind many classified files, in such places the Duke could not reach. The Duke's power didn’t reach that far. His power didn’t extend past the borders of his own nation, and Thomas was not from here. He seemed oblivious to that fact. So Thomas asked, “Jose, if you looked into my past. How far does it go back? Where was I born?”

He looked at Thomas, “You were born in Spain. The earliest records was when you were around sixteen, with your father, Craig. He admitted you to school in Barcelona.” 

Thomas laughed, “You know nothing of my life earlier than sixteen. Do you think I was born sixteen? Why were there no records before that? Do you not even know my birth date?”

“I don’t know,” Admitted the Duke. “It is odd, but there are many reasons. I will figure it out.”

Thomas smirked, “No, you won’t figure it out. There is a reason it is so hidden. Those records are sealed by people with a lot of power. Don’t ask me; I won’t tell you anything until you are ready to hear it. If you are going to abuse me, then you will get nothing.”

The Duke was silent for a moment. It was now clear there were powers much higher that had an interest in sealing this young man’s past. Even he couldn’t access it. Whatever it was, it was something very dark. It had inflicted a lot of pain on this young man. Much more pain than he could legally inflict on Thomas. He could inflict discipline, testicle massages, and brushing. Few other things, but if it ever came out that the Duke had inflicted outright torture on his wife. A judge and police would have a lot to say about it. If Thomas had the ability to take that much pain and still be defiant, there was little else the Duke could do. It would be fun hearing about how he would resist Leanne. The Duke didn’t like her all that much. 

Thomas decided to reveal a little to the man that was holding him. He looked up into the Duke's eyes and asked, “I will show you some of my past if you release me from these bonds. I will show you something.”

The Duke agreed, and unstrapped Thomas’s bonds and released his arms and legs and stood back. Thomas slid one of his white fingerless lace gloves off and turned his wrist up, showing the stunned Duke the last thing he ever expected to see.

On the inside of Thomas’s wrists was a tattoo catholic cross, and a series of letters and numbers. It was very clear now. This could be a trick, but the marks on his arms and body showed the evidence of torture. Things he had dismissed before as self-inflicted. Thomas had been a resident of a rebel concentration camp for catholic prisoners. He was part of the efforts to exterminate the catholic population during the civil war in Castile. The Duke was very pissed off and turned to leave the room and call one of his guards. A man came up expecting trouble when the Duke said angrily, “Find Leanne and bring her here at once!”

“Yes, your grace,” The man said and left. He returned a few minutes later with a reluctant and afraid Leanne. The Duke stormed up to her, gripped her arm and pulled her to a free Thomas. He demanded in a heated tone, gripping Thomas’s arm and showing her the signs. “You saw Thomas nude. How could you miss these numbers? And these marks on his body. Do you have any idea what this means?”

She absently shook her head. “No, I assumed they meant nothing.” Leanne was clueless.

The Duke said, “It means this was a mistake. There is no hope of us breaking Thomas. He has been threw more than we can ever guess. These numbers mean Thomas was a prisoner in a catholic extermination camp. He was tortured by them and if he endured that, what hope do we have of breaking him. You should have shown me these things, Leanne. You have failed!”

Leanne felt hurt. She had no idea what to say now. The Duke was right, but she had no idea what those marks meant. 

Thomas still had his secrets and said out loud. “You have gone through all of this effort Duke. I am your wife, and you may as well carry it out. You wanted me, after all, and promised to make me into a woman. Don’t let me down? Just be aware that force and intimidation will get you nowhere. I endured much more than you can ever imagine.”

The Duke dismissed Leanne and said they would talk tomorrow, and then he turned to Thomas and asked, “So what do you want? I am desperate and will give you anything.”

“Power,” Said Thomas. “Give me control over the household for starters. I will ask for more later. I am in charge of Leanne and make me a real woman.

The Duke seemed pleased. “I agree. After the consummation period, I will put you in charge of the entire household. You are in charge of Leanne and her feminization of you. She will follow your commands unless I have some specific request when I will inform you of. Think about this, our agreement, and what you want from me after the consummation period. As your husband, I can give you a lot. It can be a very good marriage. I will give you anything you desire. I need your desire too. I will help you heal from what you suffered.”

The thing that bothered the Duke the most was the way Thomas was looking at him. It bothered him since he first met the young woman. He didn’t see it at first, but now that look made sense. Thomas saw the Duke and his helpers in the way he saw his torturers at the camp. The Duke didn’t like that one bit.

He looked at Thomas and asked sincerely, “Do you want to remain with me? I will allow you to dissolve this marriage and leave if you seriously want to. Usually, the dowery must be paid back to the Groom if the marriage is dissolved, but I will forget everything and let you return to your life if you wish, Thomas.”

That got an even worse hateful look. Oh, now the Duke will let him go when he abused Thomas before and had no intention of letting Thomas leave. Now he finds out that Thomas had a very dark past, and now he has sympathy for Thomas and will let him leave. He wasn’t sure if he believed this man one bit. He sounded sincere, but he arranged this on Thomas and abused him. Then he abused many other women with no concern for their feelings. The Duke wasn’t really trustworthy. Anyway, he had to remain with the Duke. He had his plan and his orders. This had to happen, and Thomas said, “That's very kind of you Jose, but I have to stay with you. You agreed to help me become a woman, and I may as well remain your wife. Just treat me better and help me help the others.”

“The others,” Replied the Duke in a confused tone.

“Yes Others,” Snapped Thomas in an angry tone. “There are many other women suffering in unwanted marriages where they are forced. They have no futures. Everything they were was taken away from them. They lost all rights in the arrangements that no one asked them about. And unlike me here, their husbands never found their conscious or heart and don’t care. They need help. Help me help them. And I strongly suspect that another man will be suffering this life shortly. George Hastings, a powerful man had just came here with his friend and associate John, and he is making some sort of arrangements with the Baron Vargos. None of this sounds good for John, and we may need to help him and teach George a lesson he will never forget.”

The Duke Nodded, “Okay, I agree with you now. What's happening is an atrocity. I will help you with freeing those imprisoned women and the
 men who will be placed in marriages against their wishes.”

“The nobility of this country has become sadistic, sick, perverted, and cruel. They deserve the storm that is coming their way. They have allowed the country to become corrupt and cruel. It has now become a haven for human traffickers like George Hastings,” Thomas told him. “We need to help all of the imprisoned people on this cruel island nation. But what made you suddenly care so much after the things you have done, Jose.”

That look again. It really hurt the Duke to receive that harsh look that he knew associated him with those that had imprisoned and tortured Thomas in his past. “I love you, Thomas, and I want to be worthy of your respect even if you can’t love me. I see how I have done wrong. All of those women will be compensated very well for what happened, when I found out what happened to you and how you saw me. That hurt me very deeply. I don’t want to be associated with sadistic torturers of your past.” He knew that’s how Thomas viewed him, and the people involved. It didn't help that most of their excuses for the things they did amounted to, “I am only doing as I am ordered.” That excuse has been used by so many people in the past. Thomas saw through it and associated them with his torturers that used the same excuse. 

Thomas laughed. “You don’t, but you are, and your behavior did that. Maybe if you work hard with me, that image can change, but it will take a lot of effort on your part to change how I view you. You are doing a good job at the moment,” Thomas complimented the Duke, and they embraced each other. Thomas allowed the Duke to give him a deep kiss. He allowed the Duke's tongue to enter his mouth. It was a softer kiss. This wasn’t a kiss of brutal domination but more like the kiss of an affectionate lover. It was a nice kiss. 

“There are no longer any conditions to our marriage, Thomas. You have your full freedom, and I will grant you access to my funds. If you choose to remain in this marriage and it seems like you have. I can't imagine why.” 

Thomas just smiled in a soft feminine way and said, “Thank you. But you have discovered I am transgender. Please call me Isabella. And I want you to help me with Jessica. Do you know her, that woman that met me today?”

“Yes,” He said defensively. “We have met a number of times. She is here to help you.”

“Right!” Thomas said dryly. “I am sure she wants to just help me. I don’t buy it. Find out everything about her that you can and tell me. Remember. I am your wife. We can’t have divided loyalties. We are married, you married me. If your loyalties are divided between another woman and me, then this won’t work. Whatever agreement you have with her ends now. You and I now have a legal binding agreement, and one for life. You also vowed to protect and honor me. Remember? Do they mean a thing to you? Will you honor the Vows you gave me to, being a good husband protecting me, honoring me as your wife in marriage? Will be a dutiful, devoted faithful husband honoring me as a good husband should?”

The Duke agreed. “I accept, I will honor you as my wedded wife. I will give you anything within my power to give you. You only have to ask, and I will do everything I can to honor you as my wife. We will discuss the terms of the marriage after the consummation period and the bridal banquet.” The Duke had no idea what Thomas was going to ask for. When Thomas asked, she would get it.

Thomas replied, “Then I will fulfill my obligations as a wife. I will please you as a wife should. I will obey you as a faithful, submissive wife should. I will regard you as my husband. I will endeavor to be as womanly as I can be for you,” Thomas kissed him. “You will feel my intense passion as a good wife.” Then Thomas laughed, He knew that he now had taken his own wedding vows, and he was bound to them. He had meant it, which meant he had to carry them out. At least he would his get his husband's loyalty in return. Jose would know that he was bound to them too, and if he acted dishonorable to break those vows, it would remove Thomas from his.

Then Thomas added, “I don't really know how to conduct myself as a woman or a wife. Can you have Leanne instruct me?” 

The Duke was still caressing Thomas, and he thought for a few seconds then agreed, “You have a point, Thomas. This was a role you were never taught how to do or expect. I will hire additional help to instruct you how to conduct yourself as a woman in society. Leanne can't do that, and remember, you are in charge of her now.”

“I thought that was Leanne's area,” Thomas pointed out. 

“Oh no no,” The Duke replied. “Her area is your presentation, and discipline. She is your principal handmaiden. She controls, you sets your daily schedule, disciplines you when needed, and dresses and makes you pretty. Your conduct and feminine mannerisms to be a convincing woman are not her job. She doesn’t have the background train you to conduct yourself as a woman. That is not her area. I will find someone that specialized in feminizing men's behavior. If I do this, will you follow that woman's directions?”

“Yes,” Said Thomas. “I will expect you to fulfill your part of the agreement.” Thomas glared at the Duke in warning and said quietly, “You better fulfill your part of our bargain.”

That made the Duke fill like needles of ice were traveling down his spine. Thomas’s whisper was more threatening than any scream. It froze him for a brief second before he regained control. He said firmly, “You can trust me, Isabella. I am a man of honor and will fulfill everything.”

Thomas snorted, “Yeah I have seen your honor. Marry someone bound in handcuffs and gagged after he was forcibly abducted and prepared for you. Then having me bound to your bed. So honorable. We will see, but forgive me if I don’t trust you right now.”

The Duke replied, “I don’t blame you for mistrusting and fearing me, my princess. I will prove my honor to you. I hope in time that you will forgive me.”

“Make sure you do,” Thomas whispered, using that threatening quite tone again that sent ice shards down his spine. “Do whatever you want with me, I will submit as a woman should submit to you. I will do it, just make it worth it. You will give me what I ever I desire. You had better see that you do. You are the one I took the Vow to. I vowed to serve and submit to you, my beloved Husband.” Thomas kissed his Husband.

Thomas said, “Since I was cheated at our fake wedding. I will take my own vows during the Banquet. I will publicly proclaim my love and commitment to you. In front of everyone, I will formally declare my acceptance of you as my Husband.”

He still was not sure what to think of Thomas. He knew Thomas was very beautiful and desirable. Thomas was not what his family told him. Thomas’s mother had told him that Thomas was a sissy looking for a man, and he was fearful and very quickly submit to being feminized. It seemed he was fed a load of lies. Thomas was anything but weak, he wasn’t afraid. Thomas fought and now only agreed to give his submission in exchange for something. It seemed that Thomas was someone who took Vows and Oaths very seriously. In that case, this was going to work, and he was going to have a very beautiful and faithful wife that would obey him. The Duke knew it was going to cost him dearly. That didn’t matter. Nothing came free. He paid a lot for Thomas, but he paid Thomas's sister and his family. He was going to have to pay Thomas too, that was to be expected. Thomas was his wife, so his prime concern should be his wife's desires. That was marriage, and The Duke knew it. He was getting hornier, and said to Thomas, “Good that we now agree. There is one more thing that I need to know? I am guessing that Craig isn't your true father, and you weren't raised with them. What is your true name, Thomas.”

“Isabella Cordoba,” Thomas replied with a smirk. “But if you want the name I was raised with. Fine. I am Alejandro Primo De Rivera.”

The Duke heard the Rivera name before He could not remember where. But it seemed to mean nothing good. The name sent ice shards running down his body again, and he began to wonder if he would end up with his head detached from the rest of his body. “Let’s proceed with the first night of seeding my love. I can’t wait to experience your passion. You are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen.”

Thomas had agreed to submit and be a woman for the Duke, so he had to accept this. There was no possible reply to that now. He had to accept it, Thomas smiled seductively and said in an alluring feminine voice, “So I sit on a chair the whole night waiting for you, and I lean over the side of the bed when you are having sex with me, is that about right?”

The Duke nodded.

“Kiss me like man kisses the woman he desires. Show me your love, my Husband, Jose.”

The Duke pulled Thomas in and kissed him roughly. The Duke gripped Thomas head, grabbing handfuls of his curls. He dove in for a rough dominant kiss. Thomas endured the rough assault, and his hair hurt from being gripped so hard by the Duke. He stiffened as he felt the Duke's tongue force its way inside his mouth. Thomas tilted his head back as he saw women do when getting deep passionate kisses from their boyfriends. He sid his own tongue inside the Duke's large mouth. He tasted the Duke's mouth and swirled his tongue around. He tightened his lips around the Duke's tongue, sucking on it and kissing the Duke back. It was completely grotesque, but it was necessary. He had to kiss the Duke like a wife would accept intimacy from her Husband. Thomas said to himself, ‘I am a woman. This is what women do.’ Thomas kissed his man. It was a deep and affectionate feminine kiss. Thomas felt the sensuality as he seductively swayed his body Thomas seductively ground and moved his body against his husbands as they kissed passionately. He did his best with his hands and feet still bound. He whispered in his Husband's ear, “Take me, my husband, I am ready.” Thomas knew he was anything but ready. He wanted to do anything but this. Thomas knew if he didn’t submit, that there could be no marriage, and he would get nothing. His mission would fail. 

His Husband whispered, “Are you sure, Isabella?”

Thomas shook his head no, but said, “Yes, Make me your woman tonight.” His mind screamed, no. His words felt like a demeaning betrayal of him as a person and as a woman. It felt like he gave his man permission to use him as an object. He gave this man permission after everything he did with so little consideration to Thomas’s feelings on the matter. He had said it. He told the man he had just met today to have sex with him and make him a woman. There was no getting around that. The Duke said, “Yes. I am ready for you, my bride.”

Thomas groaned in fear and disgust at what he had just given this man permission to do. He hated it. He saw the Duke undue his robe and let his penis freely hang out. He had seen the enormous thing before. It had filled mouth, he sucked on it before. The Duke stood there with the enormous two-inch wide shaft hanging down from its own enormous weight pointing at the floor. The two balls hung freely, each one as big as his entire package. The Duke was an impressive man. Thomas felt much fear staring at the huge penis that was about to violate him. Thomas felt a tear roll down his face. He said, “I can't wait to fill that cock fill me. Make me your woman, and I will love you.” Thomas braced himself as the Duke positioned himself behind Thomas and began rubbing his body and squeezing his breasts.

Thomas stood still in his sexy bridal lingerie as the Duke tightly embraced from behind. The Duke placed his large penis against one of Thomas's thighs. His sensual feminine thigh was encased in satin floral stockings. He began sawing his penis along the inside of Thomas's thigh. He cringed in disgust. The penis was huge and limp as he was sawing it across his thigh. He hated this as he saw the penis slowly stiffen as the Duke moved the penis in and out between his thighs. The Duke positioned his penis closer to the juncture of Thomas's thighs. Along the silky bottom of Thomas's thong panties. He hated this. Thomas couldn’t help but feel fear as he watched the penis slowly grow and stiffen as it rubbed back and forth across the bottom of his crotch. He saw the head appear and disappear as it moved back and forth from between his own thighs. This felt so wrong to him, and Thomas stepped forward and turned to face the large Duke and said with a sensual smile, “Jose, my beloved Husband. Let's mix things up tonight. I know I am supposed to just lean over helpless on the bed as you do your thing

“What do you mean,” The Duke said in alarm. “This is the way the custom is done. This is your submission to my will.”

“Thomas stated, We can do it another way.” as he pulled the Duke to him and gave him a full sensual hot kiss on the mouth. They stayed in eachothers arms probing eachothers mouths for over a minute and then Thomas knelt in front of the Duke and began massaging the Duke's cock in his soft sensual hands. The Duke watched as Thomas massaged his large cock in his soft feminine, painted hands. His gleaming nail polish and glitter wrapped around his large penis was so hot. Then Thomas leaned forward and began massaging the penis with his face and tongue. The penis grew so hard under Thomas’s attention, and then he opened his mouth and began sucking it on his own until it was fully hard and ready. 

With the Duke's Penis ready for tonight. Thomas stood up, smiling, and said. I think you are ready to take me.” Then he went to the bed and pulled off his white lace thongs and leaned over and spread his arms.

“Yes, I am ready to become your woman forever, my husband.” Thomas sensually swayed his ass side to side and gave the Duke a very sensual feminine smile. The Duke groaned as Thomas turned his head and smiled. He rubbed the head of his cock against Thomas’s. Thomas groaned in fear. He cringed when he felt the massive head of Jose's penis rubbing in-between his butt cheeks. He cringed, feeling so disgusting. It was like dozens of spiders crawling on him. The penis rubbed up and down inside his butt cheeks. 

Shame overwhelmed him. There he was in sexy bridal lingerie, all made up like an alluring woman for his Husband on her wedding night. He was bent over the bed with his Husband behind him. He was in the proper position to be penetrated, his Husband's penis probing the anal opening, and it was about to happen. And he had accepted it willingly. He had made a deal with this man to be as submissive and womanly as possible. He leaned over the bed in the proper bridal custom for the Three Nights of Consummation. His arms were already spread. Thomas said, “I am ready, my Husband. Take me now and make me your wife.”

Then he whispered, “Please be gentle, I have never done this before, especially with a man as large as you.” He knew tonight was going to be painful, degrading, and he was never going to be able to feel like a man again. Not that he ever really did feel like a man. That was the point of him being transgender. He was also going to be filled with this man's semen. A man he hated. He did his best to keep his anus loose and ready to be easily penetrated. This was a very demeaning position to be in. He prepared himself for the final event as best he could. Leaning over the bed took some of the weight off the balls of his feet. The heels were painful to stand in for this long. 

It suddenly happened all at once. He felt the agonizing penetration. The head slipped just inside his anal captivity. Thomas let out a very high pitched girlish
 scream as he was penetrated by his Husband's penis. The pain shot through him, and his high pitched scream was uncontrollable. 

It was the most vile disgusting feeling. It really felt like a rape. The pain was intense. It was one of the most painful events, and the emotional pain of the penetration was even worse. He could do nothing but uncontrollably sob as he felt the head of the penis stuck just inside him. It wasn’t very deep, an inch, and that was it. Even with the extreme amount of lube Leanne had squirted inside him with the special device, his ass wasn’t ready to allow the full penetration yet. It was too tight. His Husband groaned in pleasure. Thomas was jumping up and down in pain as his body thrashed around. He knew there was no way to stop the pain. This was his introduction to anal sex. His Husband had the right to do this, and Thomas had to accept it. The Duke's hands were on the small of his back, holding him down. Thomas felt the Duke's body tense up and shove another two inches of his massive penis inside him. An involuntary very high pitched feminine cry escaped Thomas's mouth. It was a humiliating sound as he felt the Duke’s penis force it's way deeper in him. Thomas cried and sobbed as the Duke embraced him. The man's penis already three inches inside him, The Duke felt the need for further intimacy wrapped his arms around the young man. With a mighty shove, the penis forced its way another two inches in him. 

Thomas let out another involuntary feminine cry. He began to sound like a porn star with his high pitched feminine cries coming from his mouth. It filled him with deep shame. He looked across the room at the mirror on one walls, and he saw how humiliating he looked, almost like a woman with her man behind her. He saw the enormous penis stuck almost halfway in him. Thomas cried out, “Owww Please, Duke, pull out of me. Please. This hurts too much I can't take it. Please stop, and let’s do this later?”

He caressed Thomas's head in a loving odd way compared to the brutal humiliating assault he was enduring. “It will get better, my love don’t cry. I am almost halfway in you, and we must finish the initial consummation. I must make love to you tonight, consummate our marriage. It will be much easier after the first time. Easier, my beautiful princess, are you ready for me to go a little deeper. I am making it slow and gentle as I can, but we must do this tonight. It will be the first of many times. This is what it means to be my wife.”

Thomas thought about it and knew the Duke, his Husband was right. This was what it meant to be a wife. It was a woman's duty, now his duty to fulfill the duties of a woman. He forced his anal muscles to loosen up and said to his Husband, “I am ready for you to go deeper. It really feels so good, fuck me deeper my love.” He sounded so feminine that when he used that tone, he sounded like a natural woman. His voice was indistinguishable from any other woman. He winked back at his Husband. “Your wife is ready for your cock to go deeper.”

Thomas felt his husband tense, and pull him to shove his penis another 2 inches. Thomas screamed again and cried. The penis was really deep inside him how. The Duke Moaned in pleasure and said, “You feel so good Isabella. I love you.” 

“I love you too,” Thomas replied.

The Duke pulled back. Thomas felt the violating penis pull almost completely out of him. Thomas wasn’t deceived, he knew what was coming. With one brutal massive shove, the Duke's hips slammed into Thomas’s butt cheeks. The penis was forced in its entire eleven inches. Thomas screamed as loud as he could. It hurt so much. He felt like he was splitting. The violation felt even worse. Then the Duke pulled back and began brutally fucking Thomas. He was being fucked by a man, and he could do nothing about it. It was the most violating disgusting feeling. Thomas just cried in between grunts when the Duke pushed in, Thomas grunted.

The room was filled with the humiliating feminine sex sounds from Thomas. Uhh, slap, uhh, smack, uhh smack. It was a very demeaning feeling. Then Thomas remembered he had to submit to the Duke. He began shoving his own hips back, meeting the Dukes vicious thrusts. The steady rhythmic sounds of the Duke's hips against Thomas’s butt cheeks were heard around the room. “Yes, Jose, Fuck me harder, deeper. Make me feel like your woman!”

Thomas was now being fucked, and there was nothing he could do about it. He maintained the position learning over the bed. The Duke's thrusts were vicious and painful. His entire body was rocking back and forth, the bed was swaying with each thrust. It was so painful Thomas began screaming in a high pitched feminine tone. The fucking was vicious. The Duke pulled back until only his tip was in Thomas, then brutally slammed his cock in its entire length, then pulled back again. Each thrust shoved Thomas forward against the bed, the backstroke pulled him back to thrust forward again. Thomas was screaming and sobbing. It was painful and incredibly demoralizing. He just accepted and took it. It was cruel. He silently swore that everyone who had a hand in this, especially Leanne would pay. She did this to him, no matter how long it took. Leanne would never be free of him. Leanne had to pay for what she has done. He knew he had accepted it. But Leanne didn't care, and she would have forced this on him. She had forced this on another man, and he began wondering how horrible this was to a man that was really a man. A man that lived a heterosexual sexual lifestyle and was suddenly forced into this. That must be the worst, and Leanne had done this and would likely do this to other men. She did have a serious price to pay. He hated that woman with a passion.

Thomas laid over the bed for more than forty minutes. It was a vicious pace that was hurting Thomas. He could do nothing but lean over the bed and accept it. The pace slowed at times, drawing out and in at a slow, steady pace. Thomas figured it was to enjoy the feeling of his ass massaging the Duke's cock. It was a slow, steady motion at times, then quicken to a more vigorous pace that shook Thomas and forced him against the bed each thrust. At around the fifty minute mark, the pace became more intense. The Duke was slamming the small man as hard as he could drawing in and out. Thomas was slamming against the bed with such force. He cried out, but it did no good. Thomas figured the Duke was preparing for an orgasm. He wanted to tell the Duke to stop , but he knew it would do no good. He prepared himself for the final disgust. He cried out, “Fuck me, Jose. Cum in me and make me feel like a woman. Harder, I want to feel your cum in me.”

The Duke cried out in pleasure. He yelled as his rhythm became most intense. Sounds of their pleasure could be heard outside of the door and probably though the entire house. The sounds of two people connecting through anal intercourse. Then time stopped as Thomas felt The Duke’s orgasm. The Duke deposited  a  load of his warm thick semen deep inside the bowels of Thomas. The warm feeling spread within him. The Duke pulled out, allowing some of his semen to drip down  his ass cheeks and down the back of legs. He choked, trying to keep from vomiting over what had just happened. It was a truly revolting feeling. A man he had just met and that revolted him had just used him in this way The Duke pulled out of him. It was so degrading as Thomas let the Duke kiss and caress him for a long passionate few minutes. Kissing and nuzzling Thomas in the afterglow of a satisfying orgasm. Thomas took it, whimpering and sobbing. Then the Duke silently slid a chair over for Thomas to sit in. Thomas sat in it, feeling the pooling semen run out of him as the Duke slid into bed. Thomas laid his head down on the edge of the bed. The Duke gave him a pillow, and Thomas thanked him. 

Thomas laid there silently for about ten minutes. He silently sobbed and cried, trying to get a grip over himself. The horrible traumatic thing he had just experienced. He needed to talk to the Duke and discuss a few things. The Duke looked like he wanted to sleep. Thomas laughed and assured there would be no sleeping tonight. He said, “My Husband, Jose, We need to discuss about this marriage. Our place in it, what we will do, and things I expect from you. Now the deed is done, can you give me your full attention and explain some things.”

The Duke Jumped then looked at his wife. He was tired, but that was tough shit. Thomas didn’t give a damn. The Duke said, “Sure, my love, what do you want to talk about?”

Thomas looked down at his shoes. He felt sick. The semen running out of him was totally gross. “Jose, I feel used. I feel more humiliated than anyone has ever made me feel before. I know that I agreed to submit to this sickening ritual you have in this little prison island nation you have here.”

The Duke did not respond. He was relaxed in his bed, just watching his wife and waiting for a point. 

“Thank God I am not really a man, just imagine how I would feel as a man enduring this. But I am a woman, and we are stronger. You have done it, had sex and ejaculated in me. That makes this marriage real and official. I am your wife, you are my Husband, and this is what I agreed to.” Thomas looked down as a tear rolled down his face. His makeup was messy, Thomas had obviously been crying a lot. 

The Duke replied, “Isabelle, my love. You are lucky you aren't a man going through this. It would be devastating to you, and I knew that. That’s why I chose you, and I knew you were strong enough. You are no man, and you can handle this as a woman. That's why I insisted and strongly suggested that you allow me to transform you into a total woman.”

“I am a woman, and this is what women have gone through for ever,” Thomas said accusingly. “As a woman, I still don't really like you at all. I feel nothing but disgust for you. I also feel it is very wrong to force men to go through this. I can imagine it is ten times worse for a man having to change his entire identity, his sex for an other mans desire. I feel sorrow for those men. But I was never much of a man.”

“You are right,” The Duke admitted. “You are not be much of a man. I will be there to help you, my love.”

Thomas wiped a tear out of his eyes as he sniffled. “I don’t want your help on this.” He sobbed. “How can a man help me become more womanly.  I want your help with something else.” Thomas rose his voice. 

The Duke scooted to the edge of the bed and stood up. He moved around to embrace Thomas tightly to comfort him. “I know this will be a difficult transition in your life. I will be here to help you.” He kissed Thomas on the forehead while gently caressing the young man’s face. “I do love you very much. So what do you want my help with?”

A very serious look overtook Thomas as he looked right into the Duke's eyes, “It has to do with my sister Katherine. She has been so cruel, and she thinks what is happening to me is funny. She is enjoying this way too much, and I want to teach her otherwise. It just occurred to me that you, and your family has become her family now. I want your help to teach her a lesson she will never forget. She sold me afterall. She deserves this.”

The Duke had a feeling where this request was going. And he had long known that women could be much more vicious to eachother than a man could be. A woman's idea of revenge could be totally vicious. The Duke smiled sinister to himself, and he had a feeling that Katherine would regret selling her sister. He knew this from the moment she signed the papers. He also saw the totally sadistic wolfish smile from Thomas. “What exactly are you asking of me, Isabella. I have a feeling, but just tell me what you want.”

“I want you to find a suitable and very domineering husband for my sister Katherine and arrange a forcible marriage on her like what was done on me. One where she loses total control over her life and her choices, and everything is transferred into the hands of her new Husband. I want to see that happen to her, just like she watched it happen to me,” Thomas said harshly in a tone that made even the Duke afraid. 
“Sure, I will do this for you, “ replied the Duke. “But are you sure you want to do something so cruel to your own sister? You must be absolutely sure of this, Isabella. Once the contracts are signed, there is no way to stop it. It will be done, and you no longer have any say in the matter. It will be done and your sister's life will be ripped apart. You must be totally sure this is what you want to do. You can’t have second thoughts once the contracts are signed. Things will be set and will happen then.”

“There are no second thoughts on this,” Thomas replied cruelly. “She gladly watched it happen to be. I want to return the favor and watch her life be ripped apart. Make it happen for me, and I will be eternally grateful to you.”

The force that Thomas said that was surprising. Thomas could be very cruel, and he started fearing what Thomas was capable of at this point. “Okay, I will make it happen. I have a few men in mind who would be suitable. They are totally domineering and have an idea of what women are good for. I will contact them for you after the three days. Then I will contract our attorney and have the contract and funds drawn up. Just don't think of having second thoughts by that point. Really think about this, Thomas. This isn't something to go into lightly, on the spur of the moment of anger. Really consider what you want done to your sister.”

“This is better than my other thoughts," Thomas said bitterly. "I thought of having assassins hired.” 

Then the Duke looked into Isabella’s eyes longingly and asked, almost pleaded. “Do you really think you can ever really love me as a wife, Isabella. Do you think that is really possible?”

“I just don’t really think so,” Thomas replied. “After what you did, so suddenly, so cruelly. If you gave it time then possibly, but having me captured, drugged, forcibly dressed, confronting Leanne, the reception, forcing me to suck you, after having just met you and then having sex with me tonight after I just fucking met you this morning. I seriously doubt I can ever really feel any wifely affection for you as a husband, Jose. I doubt it’s possible at this point. You fucked it up. But as any other wife in such a marriage, I can pretend for you, and for the public. But know it’s all for show, and it is bullshit. In truth, I will revile you as a monster.”

The Duke looked sad, hoping, and said. “I hope that you will feel differently in time.”

“It isn’t likely,” Thomas said. “But, I want to know what will happen tomorrow. What can I expect?”

The Duke was deep in thought. His mind was slow tonight, The day had been such a rush from down. Preparations for the wedding assembling the people and guards and everything. He looked at Thomas and said, “I suspect we will have sex one last time early in the morning when we wake up. I will give you a choice to bathe with me or Leannes attendants. Then you will prepare to meet your family around noon. Oh and remember, Your face cant be seen by anyone else but me and Leanne. You will be wearing your Bliss Mask. 

“Bathing,” Thomas asked, almost pleading. “What do you really mean?”

“Yes,” The Duke said. “You are my wife. We can bathe together, or if you would rather have attendants bathing you, then that will be arranged.”

Thomas sniffled a little. “I think I would prefer you to bathe me than have other strangers bathing me. We can bathe together.”

The Duke smiled and said kindly, “That would be nice, and I will be easy on you tomorrow. I won’t make things too humiliating for you.”

“Can you explain the meeting with my family tomorrow,” asked Thomas.

The Duke said, “This will probably be very embarrassing for you. Part of the meeting is to confirm to the mother of the bride that we had sex, officially consummated the marriage. Her agreement and confirmation has a legal standing. So she will have to ask you and make it very clear, we had sex. I had anal sex with you, I ejaculated in your ass. I had sex with you and did it. That will make it legally binding that you are my wife. I am sure they will want to know more, especially your sister. She seems to have a very dirty mind. I think she is enjoying that her brother is forced to be a wife to another man. It excites her.”

Thomas whimpered, “Oh no. I have to tell all of them?”

“Yes,” The Duke Confirmed. “Now, can you tell me what what you want to know about Jessica?”

“Yes,” Said Thomas. “I want to help Jessica-“

The Duke's eyes looked up sharply. “What?” He said, startled. “Are you serious? Help Jessica? In what way?”

“I assume my father forced her to marry him, he abused her and cheated her out of everything,” Thomas said. “I want to share a lot of what I have in my trust with her. She deserves it.”

The Duke chuckled. “That’s what you think?” He said mockingly. “If you are serious, we can discuss it after the consummation, and I will approve a transfer from your trust and assets to her.”

“Of course,” Confirmed Thomas. “I know how my father treated women. It wasn’t right, and she deserves to be compensated. A man shouldn’t do that to a woman.”

The Duke was utterly confused now. He was told Thomas was a sexist asshole. He thought women deserved to be treated that way. They were made to submit. The Duke agreed. Here was Thomas, feeling bad for a woman his father badly hurt and molested. It didn’t make any sense. 

“Women are supposed to submit to the man. He is to lead her and protect her, as you will do for me. The thing is, they are to do that to a man they chose. No man should force the choice on her. That is wrong.” Thomas said to the Duke.

“I am sure you will learn a lot more about Jessica. I will see what she really is,” The Duke said. “If not, I will tell you. I think you are smart enough to see through her.”

“Jose,” Thomas asked. “What will we do after the lunch with my family? Is there anything else planned?”

“Yes, I have my appointments and duties,” The Duke Replied, looking at Thomas. “And you have a few people to meet. You are to meet Jessica again. She has agreed to help you. The rest is up to you. Remember, you are in control of your choices. Leanne has been told that, and I will inform her again tomorrow.”

The Duke laid his head down. He shut his eyes, silently shaking his head. Thomas was funny, strong, and very determined. He felt bad for whoever inspired his anger. He knew this wasn’t going to be easy, and this would cost the Duke a lot. Surely, his anger would be directed at him, and it would have a serious, painful cost. The Duke was strong and could take it. He wanted to hurt his sister, well she was a bitch and deserved it. Selling her own brother, that was despicable. The Duke has no problem helping Thomas in that. The Duke was astounded at how easily Thomas referred to himself as a woman. He has embraced his womanhood fully.”

Thomas had drifted off to an uneasy sleep dreading anything. He knew it would be a busy traumatic night. It was around two hours when he was awaken by movement across from him. He looked up to see the Duke shifting and standing up. He smiled at Thomas as he stood up. The Duke had a raging hardon. Thomas groaned and stood up, leaning over the bed in the customary position for a wife on the first night. Thomas smiled a sensual womanly smile and said in a sweet seductive voice, “I am ready for you, my husband. Make me feel like a woman.”

He watched his husband stand up and walk around the bed. He was sporting a raging huge hardon. He watched his husband rub himself until he got fully hard. His husband was ready and moved around to him. Thomas prepared for the violation, dreading it. He waited for his husband.

‘My husband,’ Thomas thought. ‘It is so humiliating that this man is my husband. To acknowledge this man as my husband. To call him, my husband is so humiliating and disgusting. He is legally and socially now my husband, I may as well admit it to myself.’ Thomas wondered how many women were in the same situation he was in now with an unwanted husband forced upon them. Thomas was leaning over the end of the bed, waiting.

His husband positioned himself behind Thomas. Thomas prepared, keeping himself loose for his husband. It came quickly, and with one brutal thrust, the Duke thrust the entire length of his penis deep into Thomas with a single motion. It slid smoothly into Thomas. It wasn’t like the first time when it took time. This time was easier. 

The Duke said, “That was much easier, Isabelle. You are doing much better now.” Said the Duke softly. He let out a very satisfied groan. He was enjoying the sensation of his cock was receiving from Thomas’s unwilling rectal muscles. A pleasurable moan escaped the Duke's mouth as he began slowly fucking Thomas. 

Thomas was moaning and moving his hips in response to the Duke's rhythm, trying to help stimulate his husband's cock. He moved his hips back to meet his husband’s forward thrusts. Thomas moaned like a woman and cried out, “Yes, my husband, fuck me and make me feel like a woman. I love your cock. Go deeper in me, my love. Make it harder, Yes oh Yes, show me how fertile you are.” Thomas was trying to get himself in the feminine mindframe where he may be able to emotionally accept sexual contact from this man. He was moving his hips with his husband's rhythm and shouting cries of passion and love as a woman. It wasn’t working. Thomas still felt the intense violation and disgust at the sexual contact with this man. It still made him feel gross and disgusting as he was being fucked by his husband. Jose may be his husband in name. He would never be accepted as Thomas’s husband in spirit. It was irrelevant. Legally, and in every way that was important, Jose was his husband and had the legal rights of a husband over Thomas. That was what was relevant. Thomas belonged to Jose, and he could do nothing about it, but lean across the bed in the submissive feminine posture and accept his husband's cock making cries of feminine passion as his body rocked back and forth from his husband’s thrusts. “Yes! Fuck me harder, Jose. I am your woman!”

The thrusts were very slow and deep at first. Jose was not going for another orgasm. He was enjoying the stimulation of penetration in Thomas’s anus. The Duke pulled almost all the way out of Thomas and thrust back in very slowly. It was slow and very methodical, enjoying the sensation and sex with Thomas. Thomas cried out, but hated every minute of it. He listened to his husband's praises, telling him how good he was, and his moans of pleasure. The Duke was thrusting in and out, rocking Thomas with the motion. The thrusts grew more violent as time slowly passed. Time passed, and the Duke was still fucking Thomas. Thomas’s sore body was still rocking back and forth from the Dukes slow thrusts. The Dukes thrusts became more violent after an hour until they were at a frantic vicious pace. The Duke’s pelvis was violently slapping Thomas’s butt cheeks with each thrust. The Duke's cock violently impaled Thomas each time. Thomas’s sore body was thrust violently against the bedrails each time. The Impact forced Thomas up on the toes of the Stilettos he was wearing with each violent thrust. The duke thrust back, pulling Thomas’s body back, making a distinctive clicking sound when his spike heels went down on the hardwood floor. The thrust forced the entire bed against the wall. The violent sex sounds must have been heard through the entire manor. Thomas kept crying enduring words of love as his husband quicken his pace even more.

It had been going on for two hours when suddenly, the Duke gripped Thomas tightly, pressed his body into Thomas’s. He let out a passionate cry as he ejaculated a massive load of semen deep into Thomas. Thomas slumped over the bed, totally disgusted. He must have accepted five full loads into him. The duke pulled his cock out of Thomas, and another load shot onto the surface of his ass cheek and ran down his leg into his shoe. The Duke pulled Thomas up into a passionate embrace. Furiously kissing and caressing Thomas. He lifted Thomas’s chin up and began to suck hard on the young man's neck. Thomas arched back more, offering himself to the Duke the way he saw women learning their heads back for their boyfriend's satisfaction. He felt another dark spot form on his neck. He now had three hickies to show. He shut his eyes in humiliation. Leanne would really get a kick out of it next morning. His husband deeply kissed him and went to lay back down. Thomas kept that position a few minutes more feeling the semen run down the back of his thighs. It went down one leg and ran into his shoes. His feet were wet with his husband's semen. He laid his head on the pillow and began sobbing.

His husband woke up another time for a long, intense session of sex. That was even longer, about Three hours and a half of intense vicious pounding. Thomas did his best to get into it, moving his hips like a woman, to meet his husband's thrusts. He cried out in passion, encouraging his husband to fuck him harder. It was degrading and felt like a violation of his womanhood. He endured the relentless pounding of his husband's cock that slammed into him like a piston pounding him. His heels were clicking with every backstroke. The bed was rocking and hitting the wall with every thrust. Thomas’s feminine cries filled the room. “Make me a woman!”

They were both exhausted by the time his husband ejaculated and they spent another ten minutes necking and kissing each other. Thomas received his fourth hickey. 

The sun rose filling the room with his orange glow of morning. The Duke rose to fuck him one last time. It was quicker this time as his husband worked at a furious pace working up to having a quick ejaculation in Thomas before the day. Thomas knew it was a quicky. He had done it to women at times before he left. Thomas was fucked for about twenty minutes. Thomas accepted the two shots of semen that spilled down his ass and legs. Thomas accepted the Hickey that signified it. He began crying as his husband kissed him. 

“My love,” The Duke said. “I have to leave to meet some people and prepare for our day with your family. Do you want to bathe with me?”

“Yes,” Thomas said silently. 

To be Continued.....


  1. Great chapter, I loved the sex scenes and the direction of the story.

  2. Ah yes, one of the things I loved to see was Thomas sucking and preparing the big dick that would deflower him

  3. Amazing chapter hope Thomas will accept the Duke and cum from being penetrated by the Duke

  4. I am glad you all like it. Thank you

  5. Each chapter gets better,Jennifer. Isabelle needs to become a total woman, reluctant or willingly. Love
