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New! House Arrest

Miss Throne

A young man, Tommy seeks an inheritance, but he must follow the contract as directed by his eccentric aunt.
(This story is inspired by the art of Fabulous Tasha and is dedicated to her.)

The taxi left Tommy at the front of his Aunt Hilda's country estate house.  Despite his 21 years he was small and slight, and had to struggle to carry his two suitcases up the steps to her front door.  To see him, you would never guess his age.  He had fine features and no sign of facial hair, and was often mistaken for a boy of 14 or so.  But really he was 21.  Honest.  Anyway, he reached up and lifted the heavy door knocker with an effort and let it fall. After repeating that exertion twice more he heard someone coming.  The young man (okay, maybe he could pass for 15) took a step back and waited.  

The heavy oak door was opened by a pert housemaid, quite young, with delicate Asian features.  She looked at him inquisitively and  he hesitated, taken by her beauty.  She had an almost flat chest and narrow hips.  Her hair was glossy black and worn in bangs, the rest swept up into a tight bun behind her lacy cap. 

 At last Tommy found his voice and said, "I'm Tommy Quayle, here to see my Aunt Hilda."  When she didn't respond he added, a bit testily, "About my inheritance."  Still she was silent.  He snapped at her, "She's the executor of my late Uncle Hubert's will."  Realizing his emotions were making him act rudely, and not wanting to distance the lovely maid, he added haltingly, trying to sound calm, "He was her brother."   To impress her he added, "I'm due to receive the bulk of hisconsiderable wealth.  I just need to learn the terms of his will."  She curtsied prettily and waved him inside.  Since she was as short as him, and a girl, he took the suitcases himself, struggling under their weight, trying not to look as weak as he felt, and followed her.

They came to a sitting room and she gestured him to a couch.  He puffed

as he set down his bags and dropped onto the antique piece of furniture.

Mentally he was toting up all the valuable items around him, imagining

happily what it would be like to own them all and be fabulously wealthy.

The maid had left the room.  Tommy envisioned a large-screen TV opposite

him and a state of the art video game system with it.  No more worrying

about every dollar for him.  His private dream was interrupted as the

maid returned with his middle-aged aunt following.  Hilda was a handsome

woman, tall and imposing, with a thrusting bosom and wide hips.  She

dressed in a somewhat old fashioned style.  As a child he had found her

overbearing and demanding but now he was ready to take control.  She

nodded curtly and said, "Hello, Tommy.  Welcome to my home."  He wanted

to remind her that soon the entire place would be his, but instead stood

and shook her hand formally, saying, "It's so nice to see you again,

Aunt Hilda.  How long has it been?"   "Too long.  I'm going to enjoy

having you here," she said as she sat in a wingback chair.  "Oh," he

told her bluntly, "I won't be staying."

"No?"  She paused and went on, "Oh, yes, you don't know the terms of my

dear brother's will."  Tommy suddenly felt cold inside.  He said,

sounding more confident than he felt, "I can get a room at a motel until

tomorrow, if that's necessary."

"Not at all, dear.  I insist that you stay here tonight.  And your uncle

Hubert insists as well."  She turned to the slender maid and said,

"Ming, please go and fetch those legal papers in the blue folder on my

desk."  When the girl simply nodded, Hilda added, "You don't need to

remain silent.  I give you permission to speak."  Ming said, "Yes,

Ma'am," her voice soft, and went to get the documents.

Tommy squared his shoulders and said, "She can only speak when you allow

it?  That's terrible.  She's not your slave, you know."  Hilda smiled

inscrutably and asked, "Isn't she?"  He didn't want to anger his aunt

but, at the same time, he felt protective toward her servant.  The woman

shouldn't treat the girl that way.  Besides, he felt attracted to Ming. 

His past failures with females made him overreact and he told his aunt,

"No, she is NOT your slave, not any more than I am, so please treat her

AND me accordingly."  He brushed his longish blond hair off his

forehead, pushed it back on the sides, where it tended to fall over the

tops of his ears.  Hilda didn't appear flustered at all by his words.

She waited patiently until Ming returned with the folder, then took and

opened it.  Hilda extracted a sheet of paper and gave it to the girl,

telling her to hand it to 'my ill-mannered nephew'.  He didn't like

being referred to that way, especially in front of Ming, but forgot all

about that as he read the first paragraph.  His eyes went wide and he

stared at his aunt, saying, "B... but, this gives you total control over

me.  I mean, it must be wrong.  Uncle Hubert..."  When his voice failed

him she completed the sentence with her own words, reminding him that

Uncle Hubert "... thought you were a brat.  He recognized you for the

immature, overemotional, misbehaved child you were and still are.

That's why he stipulated that I should control your inheritance totally

until such time as I deemed you ready to receive it."

The young man was dumbstruck.  He turned to Ming and the girl appeared

mildly amused by his predicament, though trying not to show it.  He

checked the papers again.  They were written in layman's terms so he was

sure of what they said.  As of right now, unless he wanted to forfeit

all the money and property, his Aunt Hilda owned him.  It was completely

unfair.  He set the pages down gingerly and forced himself to look at

her.  She appeared smugly satisfied as she announced, "As your uncle

wished, I am going to help you to mature and not act like a ninny.


He started to protest but saw at once that it would be useless, so he

simply replied, "Yes."  She gave him a harsh look and said, "For

starters, you can address me with more respect.  Please try again."  He

swallowed with difficulty and then said, "Yes, Ma'am," as he had heard

Ming say.  Aunt Hilda gave him a small nod of approval.  She went on,

"My main technique will be to have you dress in a manner that will

remind you not to be arrogant, that will teach you not to look down on

females.  With that in mind..."  She paused theatrically.  "...please

strip yourself naked."  He froze.  His mouth worked but no words came

out.  With numb fingers he unbuttoned the top of his expensive shirt.

Then he stopped, unable to make himself go further.  As if confronting a

minor problem his aunt said, "Oh my."  Then, to him, she offered, "Would

it help you if I put you over my lap and gave you a good hard spanking? 

It would be me taking down your pants, if that would make this easier." 

He shook his head dumbly and then had the presence of mind to say, "No,

Ma'am.  I'll do it myself."  She smiled and observed, "See, you're

learning already."

Ming stepped close to him and held out her hand as he finished getting

out of the shirt.  He gave it to her reluctantly.  She eyed his narrow

smooth chest.  Then he got out of his shoes and socks, setting them

neatly aside, afraid of angering his aunt.  She watched him closely,

confidently, as he undid his belt and unfastened his pants, then lowered

his fly.  Tommy stepped out of them and passed them to the maid.  In

only his jockey shorts, with two sets of female eyes on him, he blushed

all over.  Then he hooked his fingers under the elastic waistband, took

a deep breath, and slid the final garment down his slender legs and

stepped out of them.  As Ming took them out of his hand he could only

remain where he was, on display.  Aunt Hilda tilted her head down

fractionally as she focused on his crotch.  In a detached tone she said,

"You have almost no pubic hair, boy.  But I still want to get rid of

what little is there."  To the maid she said, "Ming, dear, please go to

the bathroom closet and get the depilatory I purchased."  As the girl

was leaving but still in earshot, Tommy's aunt told him, "Your genitals

are extremely small, aren't they?"  He bit his lower lip and then

admitted, "Yes, Ma'am."  She went on casually, "Do you think that's why

you've never been able to get a girl to have sex with you?"  Distracted

by his nudity and her level voice, without thinking he conceded, "That's

probably the reason.  Whenever I..."  Then it struck him what he had

just confessed.  Even though he was naked he felt suddenly warm.  His

aunt said, "So you're a virgin, then."  It was a statement, not a

question.  He hung his head and told her that was true.  She suggested

that he had been about to tell her that whenever he got a girl near a

bed she would see his inadequate endowment and lose interest, maybe even

laugh at him.  Shamefaced, he verified that as well.  "So," she

concluded, "you must masturbate to get relief."  Beaten down and close

to tears, he told her, "Yes, Ma'am," but she wanted more.  Aunt Hilda

wasn't happy until he recited in a slow clear voice that, "Yes, I

masturbate to get relief.  Girls aren't interested in sex with me once

they see my tiny dick.  I have to -- "  She suggested the word for him

to use.  " -- to wank myself regularly, at least three times a week."

"Well," she declared with finality, "that won't be happening under MY

roof.  No wanking for you, boy.  None at all.  Swear that you won't

abuse yourself."  He sniffled and pledged, "I will not wank my little

dick, Ma'am, while I am living here with you.  I promise."

The maid returned with a plastic bottle of hair remover.  Hilda

mentioned that it would keep hair from returning for at least a month

after one application.  With continued use it would last even longer

each time.  Then, instead of having Ming give him the container, she

ordered the girl to apply it herself, starting with his barely hirsute

armpits.  Tommy shuddered with humiliation, but also from excitement at

the thought of having those delicate hands touching him.  Wordlessly she

put a heavy dollop of cream on her fingers and set aside the bottle.

Then she indicated his underarm by pointing with her chin.  He raised

his arm and she spread the cream where it was needed, then did the same

to the other side.  It stung slightly as he had to stand there, hands in

the air, while the chemicals did their work.  At last Ming took some

tissues and wiped away the lotion and his scant underarm hair.  Next,

Tommy's aunt said, she would do the same to his crotch.  He quaked with

nervous anticipation.  She knelt in front of him and unhurriedly put

more lotion on her hand.  Ming gently rubbed it all over the area just

above his little penis, covering what hair there was.  Tommy couldn't

keep himself from getting an erection.  Ming tittered at it and Hilda

said, "It doesn't get much bigger when he's excited, does it?"

"No, Ma'am," Ming answered.  "Smallest I've ever seen."  She also

smeared some of the substance on his immature balls.  It began to sting

in both places and he stood there squirming with discomfort.  They let

him stay that way for several extra minutes, while they savored his

discomfort.  Then, at last, the cream was removed, leaving his crotch

and testicles as smooth as a baby's bottom.  He cringed mentally at how

unmanly it made him appear.

"Next," Aunt Hilda decided out loud, I want you dressed in something

that will keep you from getting any ideas about giving me trouble.

Ming, why don't you select an outfit?  After all, you did help me select

my nephew's new wardrobe."  With enthusiasm the maid declared, "I'd be

happy to, Ma'am.  In fact, I have some choices in mind already."  She

went to a wardrobe along the wall and opened its double doors.  Inside

were a variety of feminine articles, none of which Tommy wanted to wear.

He stood there shifting nervously from foot to foot.  Ming took almost

no time to select a pair of lacy pink stockings with elastic tops.  She

brought them to him and held his upper arm as he unsteadily slipped one

onto his foot and drew it up his leg, and then did the other.  His aunt

made him walk around the room, instructing him to make his gait more

girlish.  Then the maid brought him a red mini-dress with a corset

waist.  He put it over his head, got his hands out the armholes, and

worked it down.  He felt humiliated as Ming snugged the built-in corset

tighter and tighter, until it felt like it was cutting him in half.

There were puffs of see-through material at his shoulders and frills

around the hem of the snug bottom, which went only to mid-thigh.  Worse,

there was a narrow opening in the front, a slit through which Ming

deftly tugged his undersized parts.  Then she tightened laces at the top

of the opening so his genitals were forced to remain exposed.  This time

when he moved around the room he was totally embarrassed by the picture

he made.  Ming next decided that his protruding organ needed decoration,

so she tied a ribbon around his dick's base.  Then she made a bow with

the remainder of the material.  He wished his hard-on would subside but

it refused to cooperate.  After that she picked out a pair of red shoes

with stacked three-inch heels.  After he slipped his feet into them and

did the buckles himself, he had to totter around, learning to walk in

such unfamiliar footwear.

There was a wooden frame in the corner, on a wheeled stand, and Ming

turned it to reveal a full-length mirror.  Tommy gasped at the image

that confronted him, of a foolish looking he/she who was more 'she' than

'he'.  Still not done, Ming fussed with his hair and gave it a pixie-ish

style.  Then she returned to the wardrobe one last time to choose a

wide-brimmed, flat-topped hat, with a ribbon that tied under his chin,

giving him a second bow to echo the one below his pinched-in waist.  He

had to made a further circuit of the room, with the his Aunt Hilda

complimenting the fine job Ming had done of dressing him.  But then,

when Hilda ordered him to stop in front of the dresser and she opened a

drawer and began taking out cosmetics, Tommy finally rebelled.  He told 

them, "Enough.  I won't let you put make-up on me.  I'm still a guy,


"Are you?" Hilda said without losing her aplomb.  "Really?  A guy with a

tiny dick that has never been inside a girl is hardly a guy by any

definition I know.  He is a sissy, what is what you are and will

continue to be the entire time you are here."  He tried to summon up

courage to go on but now, denuded of body hair, dressed in such feminine

clothes, his underdeveloped male equipment on show, he couldn't find the

backbone to say more.  Instead he let his shoulders droop and said, "I'm

sorry, Ma'am.  I shouldn't have said anything."

"Well," she informed him sternly, "because you DID speak that way, you

must be punished.  Do you understand?"

"P... p... punished?" he said uncertainly.  She told him, "That's right,

boy.  Or should I say 'girl'.  Yes, it will be girl from now on.  And

for punishment, Ming will push that tight dress up in the back to bare

your cute bum, and I will apply the crop to it until I believe you have

had enough."

"C... c... crop?" he asked disbelievingly, unable to stop stuttering.

And then, thinking of what it might cost him if he didn't get back into

line, he said, "Yes, Ma'am.  You should do what you think is right.  I

earned a p... p... punishment."  As an afterthought he added, "Thank

you, Ma'am."

"Good girl," she congratulated.  And then he felt Ming adjusting his

dress in back.

Suddenly his backside was bare and Hilda was taking a crop from a hook

inside the wardrobe.  She gave it a few swings through the air that made

him tremble.  She had him in a hopeless situation.  He told himself that

he had to hang on for the days or even a full week that she intended to

keep him there.  But once she had her gloating triumph he would take his

money and be gone.  And with this home in his possession he could even

evict her.  Yes, that was what he would do.  Just as he was feeling a

rush of power the first slash of the crop landed across both of his

vulnerable buttocks.  He yelped and stumbled forward on the heels until

Ming steadied him.  She held on while the next trio of blows struck,

above and below the first.  He was by then wailing like a schoolgirl,

unable to stand still, clutching his hands prayerfully together in front

of him and blinking back tears.  His face got red and then his eyes

overflowed.  Weeping and wailing, he gracelessly endured a total of 24

strokes.  By the end he was sniffling and his lower lip wouldn't stop

quivering.  All thoughts of defeating his aunt had fled.  He only wanted

to avoid more punishments.  That was the state of mind she wanted him to

stay in, too afraid to object to anything she demanded.  Combined with

his new appearance, it should make it easy for her to remold him from

annoying nephew to sweet niece.  Keeping him indoors, as if he was under

house arrest, would also help.  And there was more to her plan.  Much


But for right then she let him regain some composure and allowed the

color in his face to normalize.  Then she applied his first make-up,

working on his eyes, mouth and cheeks, going a touch heavy on the bright

magenta lipstick to exaggerate his new look a bit.  This time when he

looked into the mirror he was horrified to see Tommy gone and a striking

girl in his place.  Ming sprayed perfume on him as Hilda nodded

approvingly.  The older woman announced, "You will be kept like this all

of the time.  Ming will be in charge of your make-up and hair.  If you

give her any trouble I'll take it out on your ass -- or elsewhere.

Right?"  Unable to take his gaze off that mesmerizing reflection, he

said, "Yes, Ma'am, I'll be a good girl."  Had he just referred to

himself as a girl?  He couldn't believe it.  But he had.  Tommy told

himself he would hold on to his male persona, no matter what was done to

him.  He would, he reassured himself, as he patted a stray lock of hair

back into place and noticed how well the shade on his lids brought out

his blue eyes.

To be continued....

1 comment:

  1. This is a fabulous start to what is already an incredible start. And i certainly will be reading the rest
