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New! House Arrest Ch.4

Miss Throne

The story of Catnip (Tommy) comes to an end in this shocking climax! Will he acquire his uncle's inheritance or will his current sexualized feminized submissive role continue? 

Over the next week Tommy stayed in a state of mild shock, induced by the revelation that Ming wasn't a female.  Over that same period, he also had her cock in his mouth several times a day, usually just to stimulate her, but at least once every 24 hours to make her cum.  Tommy wasn't permitted to rinse his mouth or even to eat or drink anything for several hours after taking a load of her salty spunk, so he had the taste of it on his tongue much of the time.  His Aunt Hilda, with a sneer in her voice, referred to him as 'cocksucker Catnip'.  At the end of the week she even dressed him in a new maid's outfit, one that showed off his slender figure, with that name stitched across the bib front.  There was also a pair of red, cupid bow lips on the apron below.  He felt humiliated every moment he had it on. Ming was very free with her hands, patting his bottom and tweaking his ears playfully.  She would nibble his neck and squeeze his crotch.  All of that kept him at a fever pitch of need.

Worse, it made his little dick get an erection any time he was servicing her penis.  Ming insisted that this was further proof that his natural orientation was toward sex with guys, in the submissive role.  It got more and  more difficult for Tommy to tell himself that she wasn't right.

His only consolation was to think about Uncle Hubert's will.  That alone

kept him hoping as he dusted shelves and polished silver.  Sometimes his

maid's outfits would be supplemented by ankle hobbles or mittens on his

hands, all to make his work more difficult.  Aunt Hilda would critique

his efforts, always with a cane or other instrument of punishment in her

hand.  Often she made Tommy lower his pretty panties and bend over to

receive strokes across his pale pink bottom.  She would take plenty of

time between blows, lecturing him on his appearance, deportment, and

housecleaning.  He could never escape her displeasure for long.  The

threat of the next punishment was perpetually hovering over him.  Ming

would be assigned to help with the work but she only pointed out spots he

had missed or suggested to Hilda additional chores for him to do.  The

pretty Asian girl seemed exempt from criticism.  Her status had risen as

Tommy's had fallen.  She would tell him things like, "I'm so sorry I cost

you those six swats with the narrow paddle.  It must have hurt your poor

fanny SO much.  Here, let me rub some nice cool cream over your buns."

Yet he wondered more and more if his suffering didn't excite her.  There

seemed to be a pattern of Tommy's punishments being followed by him

servicing Ming's constantly ready dick.  When he wanted to let the pain

in his buttocks subside, she was putting him on his knees to make use of

his always-available mouth.

One morning, still early, he had already given Ming a thorough licking,

bringing her to the edge or orgasm several times.  He had to lick her

balls, which he found especially demeaning.  Then his Aunt Hilda walked

in and enjoyed the scene for a few minutes.  She eventually said to Ming,

"Dear, I noticed that Catnip fell behind on her work yesterday.  Is there

any acceptable reason for that?"  Tommy wanted to point out that she had

made him squeeze both legs into a tight rubber sheath and wear it all

day, so that he could barely get himself from spot to spot an inch at a

time.  But Ming spoke up and said, "I'm sorry, Ma'am, but I guess she

just wasn't trying hard enough.  I hope you won't have to smack her

pretty little bum.  Or the backs of her thighs."  "The backs of...?"

Hilda smiled and said, "That's EXACTLY what I'll have to do.  I can't

believe I've been neglecting that sensitive area of her smooth pink

anatomy."  She chuckled nastily.  Ming glanced at Tommy, smiled

consolingly, and made an elaborate shrug.  She whispered, "Sorry,

Catnip."  All Tommy could think was that Ming shouldn't have said

anything about a new target for Hilda's canes and crops and such.  How

could his fellow maid have been so unthinking?

Hilda made her nephew drop his panties, put his hands on the back of the

couch, and thrust out his bare sitter.  She moved behind him with a

doubled-over leather belt in her hand, muttering something about the old

ways being the best.  He tensed involuntarily as she swished her striking

tool through the air.  The cold-hearted woman was in no hurry to let him

get his suffering over with.  She tapped his backside lightly, making him

flinch, waited a minute and then trailed the leather across the small of

his back.  At last, when he was quivering with frightened anticipation,

she drew back her arm and slashed the belt across both his buttocks,

hitting hard, over and over.  He wailed and quaked but knew better than

to move away or say anything.  Hilda worked on his buns until they were

red all over, before she proceeded to the tender backs of this thighs.

He screeched as she punished that area even worse than the other, leaving

him with his face pressed to the top of the couch, tears running freely. 

He had to remain where he was, on display, for the next half hour.  Then

she made him switch to tight panties that were cut high in the back, so

that they pressed into his sore flesh as he resumed his housework.  Ming

got herself a cup of tea and sipped it while he sniffled and did the

chores that formerly had been for both of them.

That evening, after the other's had eaten and neglected to give him

anything, Tommy had a chilling premonition that something bad was about

to happen.  At the table they had referred to his 'procedure'.  Then

there was a phone call which Ming answered, afterward saying that 'the

specialists' would arrive very soon.  The young man's sense of being

trapped, of being under 'house arrest', became stronger than ever.  He

was in a maid's uniform with a skirt so tiny that his panties showed, yet

another pair which were almost transparent, so that his undersized dick

was clearly visible.  He went to the door with paralyzing trepidation.

His hand, clad in a fingerless lace glove, touched the knob numbly.  He

turned it and opened the door to find himself confronted by a tall man

and woman.  Both were dressed primarily in black and sported high boots. 

The man had a neatly trimmed, dark goatee and his companion wore her

thick jet hair long, with severe bangs.  As Tommy curtseyed and they

swept past him as if he wasn't there, he noticed that the man's vest and

the woman's short cape were both leather.  And that they carried what

looked like medical bags.  In a nervous daze he followed everyone through

the house and down to the basement, where he had never been before.  In

one corner there was a stainless steel table with a clean white sheet

draped over it.  His aunt commanded him to strip naked and get onto the

table.  Tommy was barely able to undress himself, he was trembling so

violently.  On a long table that ran along the wall, the two newcomers

were unpacking items from their bags onto metal trays.  Tommy saw

hypodermic needles, bottles of fluids, and what appeared to be tools for

piercing, as well as other piece of equipment, the purposes of which he

couldn't even guess at.

The imposing man began to fill the chamber of one of the hypos as Tommy

got onto the table and laid back.  The woman swabbed the patient's

hairless crotch and made a joke about not having to shave him.  There was

a wave of mild laughter and then the needle went in alongside the base of

Tommy's penis.  The female swabbed his small organ all over.  He stared

at the panels of the hung ceiling and hoped desperately that the pair

weren't going to do something horrible and irreversible.  Then the man

put something from a larger bottle onto a big square of gauze and held it

over Tommy's lower face.  In a small voice Ming said, "Goodnight,

Catnip."  Tommy sank into a dreamless sleep.  The next thing he was aware

of was the darkness being replaced once more by light.  He lay there

taking mental inventory of himself.  Nothing felt different.  Except.

There was... a... stinging sensation between his legs.  The man's hand

went behind his head and lifted him into a semi-sitting position.  The

room spun briefly and then steadied.  Tommy was looking down at his naked

midsection and saw, with a jarring shock, that the head of his immature

penis had been neatly pierced and a fat gold ring had been passed through

the opening.  The one who had done it was saying to Aunt Hilda that

healing would be quick and simple.  He added with a smile that "She can

go right back to doing her chores in the morning."  Hilda answered his

smile with one of her own, tinged with wickedness.  She said, "How nice. 

I would hate for the girl to have to miss her house duties.  They're so

important to her."  The pair in black assisted Tommy in getting off the

table and made sure he could walk.  They even helped him into his

clothes, being very free with their hands on his body.

The next day Tommy had to perform his tasks in a few pieces of fabric

that suggested a maid's uniform without actually being one.  His pierced

organ hung free and Ming attached a small golden bell that tinkled every

time he moved.  He was absolutely shamed to be so exposed and made to

look so foolish.  Hilda kept showing up and making comments about

'belling the pussy boy' and 'now we'll know if you try to play with your

little bitty wiener'.  It took nearly a week for Tommy to simply accept

that they had done that to him.  Learning to ignore it, however, would be

impossible.  The ring and the bell, or whatever else they chose to attach

to it, would be a constant reminder of his helpless state.  Sometimes he

was tethered to a piece of furniture by the ring and a short length of

leather.  But then his aunt mentioned that they would be discussing his

inheritance -- and settling that matter -- in just two more weeks.  That

sounded like forever but at least it gave him something to look forward

to.  In his mind he made plans to take over the household, reverse his

position, and exact some revenge.  It wasn't easy to think dominant

thoughts while he was on his knees giving Ming satisfaction, or bent over

having his sitter lashed by Aunt Hilda, but he did his best.  The days

passed slowly.

At last it was time to discuss Uncle Hubert's will.  Tommy was dressed in

an outfit that would be appropriate for a very young girl.  There was a

blouse with short puffed sleeves, a dress with a bib front and tiny

skirt, knee socks, and slip-on shoes with square toes, block heels, and

large ornamental buckles.  To that they added a clunky plastic necklace

and bracelets.  His hair was put into twin ponytails on either side of

his head.  They gave him big cartoonish lips and drawn-on, exaggerated

eyelashes.  He had been denied panties and a tube had been locked around

his scrotum to act as a ball stretcher.  From that hung a heavy lead

weight, which banged against the pair of bells that were strung from his

cock ring.  Those objects were at the level of his knees where everyone

could see them, which added to his humiliating appearance.  Tommy was

told to stand in the center of the room while his Aunt Hilda sat

comfortably in a wing chair.  She had some impressive looking documents

on her lap that she fingered through while he remained where he was,

silent and ignored, for five minutes.  Then Ming appeared and put on some

soft music.  She stood behind and slightly to one side of him.  His aunt

cleared her throat and Tommy focused all of his attention on her.  She

said, "Is there anything you would like to say, Catnip, before I discuss

your Uncle Hubert's estate?"  Not used to being allowed to speak, he

hesitated but then found his voice.  Unfortunately it was his girly

voice, which he didn't seem able to stop using.  He told her, "I just

want you to know that, once I get my money and property, I'm going to

take over and it will be you who has to clean up around here.  I'll dress

like a guy and talk whenever I please.  And I'll... I'll... never be

punished by you again.  Or have to -- do things -- for Ming."  She nodded

and said, "That's very interesting.  I'll remember all of that and remind

you of it often."

He didn't understand.  Why would she have to bring up those plans after

he had his fortune?  Once he was running everything?  That was when he

felt a heavy hand settle on his shoulder.  It gave him a squeeze that was

almost painful.  Then another hand clutched one of his bottom cheeks to

caress it.  Tommy squirmed and tried to look back over his shoulder but

couldn't quite see who was touching him.  He squealed, "Hey, let go of

me.  Stop that."  His bells were ringing steadily.  An arm went around

his throat and whoever was there licked the side of his face, slowly

running their tongue from his smooth jawline to his arched eyebrow.  At

last the unknown person stepped around him, into his line of view.  Tommy

squeaked, "Uncle Hubert.  But I thought you were..."  "Deceased?

Hardly," said the tall dignified man.  He went on, "My sister never

actually said I had expired, now did she?  Hilda simply summoned you here

to discuss my considerable wealth and allowed you to assume I had

departed.  But I was in the Far East enjoying some of the special

pleasures available there.  Still, what I've always craved the most was

having a straight young man like you, Catnip, who has been forced into a

sissy life and taught to give a proper blowjob, as my total live-in

slave.  Which is now exactly what I've got."  Round-eyed, Tommy could

only stammer, "N... n... nooooo," in his wispy feminine voice.  To which

his uncle responded, "Yes," before kissing him full on the lips, shoving

his tongue deep into his nephew's mouth.  Tommy squirmed in an

unbreakable grip and suddenly felt very weak.  Hubert was pressing down

on his shoulders and the sissy knew what that meant.  He sank to his

knees and opened his mouth, even as tears formed in his pretty eyes.

With the others watching, Uncle Hubert enjoyed a long satisfying BJ.  He

told Tommy that in the future he would also expect him to lick balls and

'whatever else I tell you to get your tongue on'.  The captive remembered

those prison pictures and shuddered.  After fifteen minutes the older man

shot a huge load that was difficult to swallow, but Tommy did it.  In a

daze he was helped to his feet, slime on his chin.  They attached his

ball lead to the crosspiece at the bottom of one of the kitchen chairs,

so he had to kneel there while the three others enjoyed coffee and cake. 

They chatted happily, Hilda saying that she had scheduled the artist

Sasha to return and do more art, bringing her friend who would pose as

the cellmate while Catnip would portray a sissy in prison.  Hubert said

he looked forward to it and might take the roll of a lustful, corrupt

guard or even the warden.  They all laughed at that while Tommy could

only whimper.  His situation had gone from temporary to permanent, from

difficult to impossible.  They had him utterly trapped, penniless, and

trained so well that his new persona might be irreversible.  Hubert

assured Ming that Catnip would always be available to him as well.  And

that they would never speak his former male name again.  There would be

endless costumes, bondage, punishment, maid duties, and sexual servitude.

"And speaking of sex," Hubert said, "I'm horny again already.  You know

me.  I want it several times every day."  Catnip flinched at that

revelation.  "So I'm taking my plaything to the bedroom.  Are the sheets

all turned back, Ming?"  The servant nodded and Hubert smiled, saying,

"From now on, naturally, Catnip will handle everything in my bedroom.

And I do mean everything.  You got the bed changing job this time, Ming,

to preserve my surprise."

He freed Catnip's leash from the chair and gave the leather strands a

yank.  The prisoner yelped and sprang to his feet.  Hubert strolled away

and Catnip followed, using his best wiggle-walk, already thinking in

terms of pleasing his new Master to earn whatever mercy he might grant.

In the bedroom his uncle gave him several more passionate kisses, running

his hands freely all over Catnip's body, making him tremble with

revulsion.  Then he snapped at him to kneel on the bed 'with your buns

up'.  Trying not to cry, Catnip did as told.  Hubert took a cane from the

dresser and gave him a dozen hard cracks across both cheeks, until Catnip

was weeping.  "That's perfect," his uncle declared.  "Got me all ready to

take your virginity.  You might want to bite the pillow, pansy."  Catnip

took his advice and felt the man spit between his upturned cheeks for

lubrication.  Then Hubert took off his pants and got behind his cross-

dressed slave. 

He penetrated him slowly, as if to emphasize that he had

limitless time to enjoy him, whenever and however he pleased.  Next he

set up a steady rhythm, grunting and muttering.  Catnip could only stay

still and take it.  And imagine what his life was going to be like from

then on, serving both Ming AND his Uncle Hubert, spending long hours

cleaning house under his aunt's watchful and unforgiving eye, and posing

for Sasha.  There would be day-and-night punishments and sex sessions.

And frequent reminders from his tormentors about how he had been duped

and what he had said when he thought his situation was about to be

reversed.  Poor Catnip.  Now he really was under 'house arrest', with no

chance of reprieve.



  1. Thanks so much for adding that excellent illustration. It certainly conveys Catnip's feelings as he is about to lose his virginity. That freshly reddened bottom adds so much to the image.

    1. Thank you Throne! Poor Catnip, he fell into a well laid out plan. At least he will now be living in that huge mansion.

  2. Oh my goodness! She is simply, fabulously gorgeous!

    1. Throne is the best when it comes forced fem. The details are what makes an amazing illustration come (cum ) to life. Very erotic!
