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Making of a Super Slut Doll

Tiffany Miller

Warning this story has themes of rape, mind control and dollification, I
know this is first new story in a while and its not connected to my
others muse has been silent recently, if anyone has a character concept
for a hero they'd like to see turned into a doll by all means give me a


Force stood atop a warehouse staring at the doors to another one.  He
was eager to prove himself as a newly trained hero and many hookers, and
homeless had been disappearing from the area.  He'd tracked movements to
this warehouse, only issue was it looked harmless.  There was nothing
outside it to indicate anything different not even a security guard
outside the non-descript door.  He'd seen one truck come by but couldn't
tell anything.  If he was going to get answers he'd have to go inside.
He jumped down and used his powers over kinetic forces to float down.
He was 20 with an athletic build standing 5'10" wearing a dark blue
spandex suit it had armor built into it as well not that he often needed
that with his powers.

He opened the door and walked in thinking no one would be in the
building.  He frowned there was an artificial plastic smell the
permeated the place along with the smell of sex.  He walked forward
carefully through the small entrance area.  Once beyond that he had to
stop.  Right in front of him stood two figures that resembled sex dolls
it was only way to describe them.  Their bodies were shiny latex both
with huge impossibly perky breasts and nipples jutting out both were
naked their faces in permanent O shapes their eyes were glossy doll like
eyes but they turned and moved towards him one holding a gun of some
kind the other a stun gun both were balled with some kind of metal cap
on their heads, one sported a huge erect cock that glistened with some
fluid the other had a perfect pussy both were taller than he was,
without the difference in sexual genitals he wouldn't be able to tell
them apart, he moved quickly to create a force field around himself as
they approached him.  The panels in the walls slid aside revealing two
more of the dolls stun guns fired but couldn't penetrate his shield.  He
tried to using his comm to call for help but got no signal, he sent a
wave of force out from him knocking the dolls over.  He could smell gas
being pumped into the area as well.  He cursed and tried to move the gas
away from him but he couldn't it was too close in make up to oxygen for
his power to work, to move it he'd have to make his shield air tight and
he hadn't thought to bring a breathing mask.  He let out a moan as the
gas started to work his cock twitching.

He shook his head trying to clear it, but with the gas and his
distraction his shield dropped.  Soon he felt a stunner hitting his suit
luckily his outfit protected him against the shock but if they got him
on his face he'd be screwed.  He stood up and sent another blast of
power, it was much weaker as he panted his cock straining the suit as he
eyed the dolls, he could feel his lust building making him want to just
fuck them all.  The sexual desire was making it impossible to focus on
anything else.  He felt one moving behind him a large bulge pressed
against his backside.  His body was reacting to it automatically he
tried to push against it and escape but arms wrapped around him.  He
tried to send a wave of power out to knock it away, but his
concentration was shot.

He heard a chuckle and looked up.  In front of him was a woman she stood
maybe half an inch taller than he was wearing a black corset that showed
off her curvy body perfectly.  Her skin was a tanned mocha.  She had
large breasts a fat ass that the skirt she was wearing didn't quite
cover and long legs that were drool worthy.  Her hair cascaded around
her face a rich red gold color, but his eyes were drawn to the thick
cock that was tenting her skirt.

"Welcome to my laboratory and production facility where I make obedient
perfectly formed living sex dolls, don't worry you'll get a very good
tour of the place as I make you into a very special doll" She said
stroking his cheek.  She laughed at his condition, at how horny and
helpless he was.  The doll behind him pushed him to his knees.  "Oh
don't worry you'll keep more of your individuality than my other ones
after all you need your brain intact to use those fantastic powers
you'll be horny and obedient but still able to think, unlike my other
toys" she said pressing her cock against his lips.

He couldn't stop himself from wrapping his lips around the cock his head
swimming with lust and confusion he barley registered her words the
scent coming from her driving him wild.  As soon as his lips wrapped
around it his lust sky rocketed even higher the desire to suck growing
stronger.  He didn't understand she was using pheromones and the taste
of her cock to start rewiring his brain.

"Such a good toy you'll be" Victoria Frankenstein said.  She was the
great granddaughter of doctor Frankenstein and had used his research and
her own perversions to create the living dolls.  She had no idea she'd
luck into a super hero that was so easily taken, her counter measures
had worked perfectly, and next time she'd have a hero slut of her own to
use.  She fucked his face hard just imagining what she'd do with him.
She stopped herself from pouring cum down his throat knowing her pre had
already done its job.  She stroked his cheek again. "Hmm ready?"  She
said smiling looking into his glazed eyes.

He whimpered as the cock was taken out of his mouth drool leaking from
his chin.  The taste of her fluids made him want more the rational
logical part of his brain temporarily shut down.  He could only stare at
the woman his previous sexual experience wasn't anything to write home
about and he was so horny and needy that he couldn't stand it. "ready?"
he said confused as he stared at the woman the dolls standing around
mindlessly one rubbing her pussy another fucking one of the other dolls.

Victoria smiled and gave a mental command to her dolls, the two that
were fucking stopped snapped to attention and grabbed her latest toy.
She lead the way deeper into the facility.  Inside was a conveyor belt
with various tanks, tubes and stations.  Victoria smiled and stroked the
new doll's cock.  "Just need to make two adjustments to the programming
then soon you'll be perfect" she said kissing him on the lips.

Force moaned as he was placed onto the conveyor belt his head barley
starting to clear and he struggled, but too late he was locked into
place a thick collar around his neck.  He tried in vain to reach his
powers but he couldn't.  He could only lay on the belt as he was moved
down the line.  The first thing that happened was two needles going into
his lips and a spray hitting his face and eyes, his whole face tingled
he could feel his lips plumping out, becoming open.  Something was
shoved into his mouth and a fluid filled his mouth making him swallow he
became hornier his cock straining.

Next he could feel something being applied to his clothes his outfit
dissolving leaving him naked on the conveyor belt.  Inside his mouth his
teeth tingled as the fluid slowly dissolved them, leaving his mouth far
more sensitive, unlike the other dolls he'd at least be able to close
his thick plump lips and talk.  The fluid didn't scar his vocal chords
like it did with the other dolls.  Mechanical arms lifted him off the
belt shoving a huge dildo up his ass he moaned and squirmed at how good
it felt.  Fluids pumped into him making his prostate more sensitive.
The fluids kept pouring into his stomach slowly changing his insides.
The fluids were filled with nannites and chemical compounds that changed
his stomach and other internal organs soon all he would need to eat and
drink would be sexual fluids.

He was placed on his feet held in place by mechanical arms into the
collar on his neck a huge needle inserted and he yelped as fluid was put
into his nervous system, his system being changed to allow Mistress to
control his movements mentally like all the others, unlike the others he
would be more capable of moving on his own however but he didn't realize
that he didn't realize anything except how warm his body was feeling and
how hard his cock was.  He was lifted up and put into a tank filled with
a fluid, the fluid coated his body and seeped into his pours.  He could
feel his skin changing becoming shinier all his blemishes being removed,
soon he would resemble all the other dolls, his cock was rock hard at
the thought for some reason his mind so foggy.  Soon his skin was shiny
latex sensitive to the touch and sensation but harder to damage.  Once
lifted out of the tank two needles entered his breasts he could feel
fluid pouring into them as mechanical hands molded the plastic into two
perfect breasts larger and larger, and as they became larger they became
even more sensitive.  He moaned as they were molded into place.

He was almost finished thick plump dick sucking lips, skin glistening
with latex his small ass raised up perfectly fuckable the dildo inside
it coating it to make it easy to take a cock.  His own cock always rock
hard and ready his breasts a sexy caricature the breasts of a doll and
toy which he resembled.  Finally he was at the last station, the collar
came off him, and on the back of his head a metal plate secured, he
could feel wires moving into his brain and he moaned and jerked in place
as thoughts were rewritten.  His desire to fight crime replaced with an
absolute obedience to his Mistress.  He knew what had happened to him he
knew he'd been altered by her, even against his will, but his mind was
changed to like that to love that.  She knew he was a toy but loved it,
her mind changed to get off on it, and she wanted to help Mistress make
more toy sluts. She was unit H-1.

Unit H-1 stepped off the conveyor and faced her Mistress for inspection.
She stood at attention breasts out mouth open, eyes forward.  She felt
the Mistress playing with her breasts but stayed still moaning as she
was played with.

"Hmm very nice one more touch" Victoria said her hands stroking the
sides of her new doll, only the hair looked awkward the metal plate
visible with the short hair.  On her other dolls she didn't mind, but
this doll was special and really that thick rich brown hair would look
cute longer.  She poured a formula in it and watched as her doll's hair
became longer down past her shoulders in waves.  "Hmm now your perfect
tell me who and what you are" She said her hand stroking her doll

"I am unit H-1 I exist to please Mistress sexually and to use my powers
to help Mistress subdue and change other heroes into toys for Mistress.
Can't wait to see others on the conveyor belt and altered" The unit said
her breath coming in pants her cock twitching at the thought of her
Mistress changing others and using her and them.  H-1 felt herself being
moved to her knees with a mental command from Mistress, her mouth
opening.  Her cock was rock hard as she was commanded.  She loved it as
Mistress shoved the cock into her mouth she loved not having control
over her body or even thoughts.  Soon she was in heaven as Mistress came
with a shout her whole plasatic body shaking her own cock leaking fluid.

Mistress Victoria the Doll Maker smiled soon she'd use her new toy to
create more toys soon she'd take over the city but for rest of the night
she'd be fucking her newest toy and her other dolls and life was good.

Force tunned into H-1 after Victoria Frankenstein's
machines turned him into a latex doll.


  1. I think this is what you are looking for -
