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Monday, March 18, 2024

Priscilla's Photo Caption Picks of the Week (March 18. 2024)

Source: Priscilla Gay Bouffant

Source: Priscilla Gay Bouffant

Source: Priscilla Gay Bouffant

Source: Priscilla Gay Bouffant

Source: Priscilla Gay Bouffant



  1. My top pick is number 6. Making the Sissy apologize to "Her" old girlfriend for faking that he was actually a boy all those years.

    1. It was like a part of a twelve step program. She was on her apology tour. She had already apologized to her parents who were disappointed that she would not sire a child to carry on the family name. She had apologized to her former employer who had hired her as a executive go getter only to find out that she, while still depending to be male, failed to assert herself in the business community. But these apologies was nothing like acknowledging to her old girlfriend that she knew that been unable to satisfy her. Then giving the new guy a kiss on the cheek and thanking him for providing in bed what she could not.

    2. It really is the best thing for him. Clearing all the lies and deceptions from his life. Each apology is an admittance to himself as well. It sounds like someone else has helped him with this process and should benefit from his new honesty. Being able to give and receive love as his partner requires.

    3. Perhaps the former girlfriend will insist that the sissy come back and visit again. Her new boyfriend vigorously agrees.

    4. If it's that same Sissy in the Pic, you can bet the new boyfriend wants "Her" coming back.

    5. It is up to her ex to decide what she needs to do to make amends. If she wants the sissy to perform regular made service, that is what she should do. If she wants the sissy to demonstrate her commitment to her new identity by dating her ex's boyfriend's buddy, sobeit. If her ex is going to wait for the guys report, she had better demonstrate her feminine wiles.

    6. Thank you, Pris and Mary. Glad we see this situation in similar terms. I can imagine the old GF and her current guy letting the sissy and the buddy use the apartment. "You two need some private time, to get to know each other. We're going out for dinner and a movie. See you around midnight. Have fun!"

    7. Very likely whoever it is that "Turned" the Sissy and is making him go see "Her" Ex, is in on the entire facade. Sometimes Sissies just need an Extra "Push" towards the lifestyle they avoided when they attempted to "Pretend" they were males.

    8. I have a new story posted on Fiction Mania, titled FROM PRESTON TO PRISSY. It was inspired by the captioned image we're discussing. I gave a credit to this blog at the end (and managed to misspell the blog's name). Hope you'll all check it out. Feel free to leave comments on FM.

    9. Yes. I just read it. Very nicely done. I've done similarly with Captioned Photos. Mainly gotten ideas for scenes within stories.

  2. Number 9 is a testament to "Thorough" Emasculation. After 3 years of Estrogen, Feminization, Cuckolding, and Humiliation, the Sissy is very comfortable taking "Madame's" new boyfriend to bed and making love while getting "Railed" for two hours, with Mistress is stuck on the train, and is late getting home.

    1. Oh yes, Deanna may have created her own worst rival....

  3. I'll always love reading a Cap like Number 1. It's so refreshing to see a woman who was "Dumped" in a divorce, send her "Ex" a photo of his "Son" looking his very, feminine best, after Mummy has been in charge for a few years.

    1. You did a fantastic job finding the captions/ photos for this week. Thanks to both of you for taking the time to put this blog together. You make a great team.
      I hope that the Ex-Wife sends out an invitation to all of her former Husband's friends, business associates and relatives to attend the grand opening of her new Salon. The invitation will probably include a photo of her "Daughter" who is the receptionist at the Salon. I would love to listen to the Ex-Husband explain to everyone how his only son has transitioned and is attending Beauty School. His female relatives will gossip about how they always knew that the boy was "queer".
      Based on the photo, those yentas are just jealous of how hot she is.

    2. And the poor little thing is only upset over the fact, that "Her" father's new girlfriend might make a fuss about "Missy" having a photoshoot done with her hair up in curlers. Poor thing. She works so very hard to look her very best. She'll make a fabulous stylist with that sort of beauty ethic.

    3. Her Father's new girlfriend ( who is the same age as Missy) will change her mind after she visits the Salon. The girls go out to lunch, and decide that they have a lot in common. Missy laughs that they both have been "screwed" by her Father. How upset will Daddy be when he learns that his new daughter and his girlfriend are now besties. He will be humiliated to find out that his "son" is living with a man his Father's age. They are now engaged to be married. Obviously Missy has Daddy issues. Wait until the wedding invitation arrives. Will Daddy refuse to walk his little girl down the aisle?

  4. This could very well be a meaningless observation on my part. However, it does not appear that "Girly" in picture number 11, is properly enthused with "Entertaining" guests in her Boudoir for the evening. In fact, she may want to put a little smile on her face or the guests might not feel they are getting their money's worth.

  5. I think it's wonderfully that Danni's grandmother and mother have recognised his interest in possibly having a feminine future. He is young enough to develop properly and probably hasn't been contaminated with too many "marcho" attitudes. With granny and mummy providing a safe space and mentorship he will develop into a beautiful person.

    1. The look in Danni's eyes tells me that, while she trust her mummy and granny, she is more than a little unsure of where this is going. Sure, she wrote in her diary , the one that mummy found, how she fantasized about being a girl. Not just a girl, but a pretty little thing that could avoid all that career stuff that boys had to think about. The idea of attracting a macho man who would provide for her in return for taking care of the house and providing bedroom services seemed so exciting as a fantasy. Now she is more than a little nervous. Still, granny's look is so comforting. She could never say no to granny.

    2. Perhaps the diary was a helping hand from his sister. She had watched him struggle academically. Noticed him always picked last for the team games. Imagining a different future for him she created the diary. A future where an on older boy offered to carry his books. Switched to less demanding subjects and enjoyed the drama club.

    3. It would be lovely if the little sissy had a big sister to protect her. A naive little gurl as pretty as this one could easily fall prey to the wrong guy. Her sister could help her find a nice guy to date. In the long run, if she is to marry and settle down, she will need to protect her reputation.

    4. I totally agree. I am sure his sister will relish the roll of chaperon. It's within school hours I worry about. The leading man taking advantage of the leading "lady" in the prop store. The art teacher trying to book him for still life sessions. If he can find a nice local boy to walk him home that will be a start. Big sister will have to keep a vigil. Reputation is important if he is to marry well.

  6. I think the cuckold in picture 7 has presented very well. The skirt will have to be hitched up a bit if he is to get to his knees. The frilly front blouse is perfect. If he does do his job to well and some of the new mans passion leaks out he could hide the spillage by shuffling the frills and not bring shame on his wife in front of her other guests. He does look good and I'm sure she will be pleased with him. It shows he's taking it in the right spirit.

  7. I not sure if the sissy picture 12 was asking to be unlocked or asking how long he would be locked up for. Either way it wasn't the answer he wanted. It's time for him to reassess what sex means to him now it's obvious that his penis will play no part in it. Will he just be managing his cage leaks. Making sure he sleeps with a heavy pad in his panties. Or, will there be other opportunities that ultimately bring stimulation. One thing is for certain. That anything good will only come if His Lady is pleased with and contented with the services he provides.

  8. How good must the sissy in the third picture feel. A real coming of age storey. His first grown up heels. Being guided and encouraged by the assistant. I wonder how long he has been dreaming of this moment. His mother says he has been 12 going on 16 for the last four years. Ever since she put him in his first training bra at 13 he has taken every opportunity to parade around in her over sized shoes. Now with his sweet sixteen coming up she has finally said yes.

  9. Always a pleasure to visit. I do wait a day or two to read the comments. Thank you for all the work you must put in. Greatly appreciated. There is something about a sissy in curlers, getting ready as best as he can with time running out, but I have a fascination for #10. Such a lovely little priss applying for the Secretary position to be closer to both her Mistress and Master. He should fin in nicely.

  10. Yes. Number 10 put a lot of effort into that outfit and should get the job.

  11. In number 5, it sounds as if Saffron and her little Sissy friend were going to Disrespect their mothers' wishes and refuse to cooperate with the carefully planned Sissy Sleepover that their Mummy's had put together. It appears they didn't take into consideration the effects that the fragrant girly scents of setting lotion, lipstick, and other perfumed cosmetics would have on their sensual receptors. From the looks of things, Saffron will soon be asking Mum-Mum, "When can Alexis and I have another sleepover Mummy?
