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Tuesday, July 12, 2022

Priscilla's Photo Caption Pick of the Week (July 11, 2022)

Sissy Francine, The Hair Fetish Sissy

The Hair Fetish Sissy.


  1. I would love to know how the sissy in photo #1 ended up in the chair. She looks like she spent the afternoon at Miss Bouffants salon. Look at her hair and make-up! How many of us on this site would love to apply for her job? She really needs a tip jar next to her work station. She looks like a high maintenance kind of gal.

  2. Yes, she is quite gorgeous and appears to be looking forward to her Cum-Filled evening of sucking cocks.

  3. The prissy little sissy boy with his Auntie seems to be well-adjusted to having a small penis and knows women will be amused by it's tiny size.

    1. Miss Bouffant, Have you ever given a perm to a reluctant sissy (#2) who was brought to your salon by his Mother, Aunt, Boyfriend or Husband?

    2. Never a sissy brought in by Mummy, Auntie or a female spouse or lover. But yes, I've had a few older (Forty-Something) men, that know my partner, William, bring in their cute boy-toys to be prettied up. I generally do the initial transformation at our home, then have them brought into the salon. They are in general, mildly reluctant, but usually their Sugar-Daddies are well-off and the little tramps don't want to risk being dumped and have to make it on the street.
      Right now, William and I are considering taking on this gorgeous, petite Asian boy as a housekeeper. He will assuredly femme-up beautifully.

    3. The idea of a housekeeper sounds amazing. What name will give her? Will she be given breast augmentation, or will you start her on HRT therapy. ? How about a uniform? I bet you could change that poor little man into a "China Doll"

    4. "She" is hardly a man and barely a boy. I mean she's of age of course. We ran an ad in a "Trade" paper and settled on her. I want to name her Jade or Jasmine. Possibly a combination of the two. "Nellie" or "Nancy" might also work? I'd like to go really Androgynous with her to begin, and have her do Shampoos at the salon, part time early on. She'll need plenty of time to keep up with her house cleaning. Of course, William is looking forward to being serviced by her and I welcome it. It will give me a break from the tedious duty of sex object.

    5. I like that you will start her out as an androgynous shampoo girl in your salon. It will give her time to grow out her hair, get used to wearing a minimum of makeup and perhaps leggings with a smock. I would love to see the look on her Mother's face if she became a client at your salon, and Nellie shampooed her hair! How humiliating for both Mother and former son ( now daughter). Asians have very high expectations for their children. To become a Doctor, Architect or Engineer is the norm. Realizing that your former son is now a lowly shampoo / cleaning girl in a salon would be devastating.

  4. I know just how the girl bent over in front of the glass doorway feels.

    1. What goes thru your mind as you feel the lube and semen drip down your legs? It must be difficult to have any male thoughts or feelings after being taken that way. Are you wearing heels while receiving anal intercourse ?


    2. Oh my. Well, in this particular case when my strong, masculine, determined lover bent me over and told me to brace myself against the glass door, yes, I had heels on. In my mind there was always the question of our neighbors seeing me take it up the ass. And yes, when he did finally lube me up, fuck me and climax inside of me, I felt so wonderfully girlish and submissive, well no, there wasn't even the hint of a boyish thought in my silly head.

    3. Thank you for that lovely image you painted for us my darling Pris Pris!

  5. The sissy in the chair will feel especially shamed when the guys from her day job appear, recognize her, and take advantage of her availability.
