New/Updated Erotic Stories on the Blog

Feminization Stories

Ms. Throne's Stories

Amanda Stern Stories

Joe's Stories

BIC's Poems

Ashley's Journal

Tiffanny Miller's Doll Stories

Becoming a Rubberdoll Series

Zenna Swallows Stories

Silvy's Stories

Miss Annie's Stories

Karen Jensen's Stories

Mommy's Little Sissy

Brenda's Mommy's Sissy

Priscilla Gay Bouffant Stories

Makeover at the Mansion

Subjegated Step Sissy Series

Princes of Castile Saga

Man Dating Series

Erotica Author's Corner


Friday, July 29, 2016

Story Pick of the Week 7/25/16

Its been a little while since I have done a Story Pick of the Week, I used to think I could do an illustration and a review, but now a days I have two jobs, a blog to moderate and of course feminization art to work on for stories and avatars.

This week, I found a neat story that is taking on the ambitious task of exhibiting different fetishes in one single story. Chloe Latex 69'Becoming a Rubberdoll. Cody Jackson is recent college grad who applies for a job in Femco a massive corporation that specializes in research for medical and military purposes.

Jackson interviews for the job and is later surprised the scope at the job positions at the corporations. At orientation he along with the other male job applicants are told that that Femco trains potential employees to be maids, secretaries, babies, servants among other jobs... for the the company.

"Welcome everyone to Femco Genetic Institution! We are very glad that
all of you could join us today for orientation. Before we begin we want
you to introduce yourself to your fellow co-workers. If you could tell
us your name, place of residence, college you attended, course of study,
and why you are excited to work for Femco that would be appreciative.
The person who gets shocked will be the person that introduces
themselves. Keep in mind that we do have all of your private and
personal information on hand so I advice you not to lie or suffer the
consequences." As soon as the intercom goes silent one of the men
started screaming.

The author tells the story from the first person perspective and does a great job of capturing the uncertainty of the job orientation as a new potential employee. Great story so far, its ongoing, its free and its on Fictionmania.

Link Here: Becoming a Rubberdoll

Monday, July 25, 2016

Saturday, July 23, 2016

5 new stories added and avatars added

Hi Everyone,

From Brenda's story, Sissy Steve and Me
If you looked to the right this week I added author avatar images for Silvy Richards and Miss Annie's stories section.

I also added 5 new stories this week:

Brenda Gova -Mommy's Little Sissy Ch. 14 (illustrated)
Karen Jensen - I Was a Boy Bridesmaid (sweet and sentimental bridesmaid story)
Priscilla Gay Bouffant - Nancy House Rules
Silvy Richards - Britney's Bunny
Valerie - Frankie Ch. 9 (bondage in
this one and most erotic yet)

Thursday, July 14, 2016

New Sketches Added to Sketches Folder

I recently updated the sketch folder to include notes and roughs of a Valerie's Perils of Paul and concept sketches for the two main characters of Kylie Gable's The Jaguar.

New Priscilla and Karen stories now available on the Classic Feminization Stories section

I just updated the section to feature one more for each author, Priscilla's Saucy Sissy Suzette and Karen's Step-Sissy (unrelated to Priscilla's Subjegated Step Sissy) on the Classic Feminization Stories section. I will be adding more of the two authors stories in the coming days. Hope you enjoy and please leave a comment or two.

A new chapter in the Mommy's Little Sissy from Brenda and Frankie from Valerie will be coming tomorrow!

Thank you- From Brenda

Brenda wanted to give a "BIG THANK YOU" to everyone that has enjoyed her Mommy's Little Sissy story on the blog.

She appreciates everyone's comments and appreciation of her work.

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Sneak Peek of blog's contributors author avatar project

Some of you may be aware already, but I plan on creating or in the process of creating avatar images for the contributing authors on my blog.

I feel they have contributed so much with their creative story content that they need something to help set them apart from one another visually.

To the left is an in progress image of Silvy Richards' (Initiation Nightmare) avatar. I have Miss Annie on the way, Priscilla and Caroline have already discussed how they want to be represented. Karen Jensen also discussed how she would like to be represented. Brenda and Valerie fans rest assure your favorite authors will also get avatars.

Thanks again for everyone's comments and support.

Monday, July 11, 2016

The Jaguar: The City of Fire and Rage Illustrated is finally out!

The Jaguar in pursuit of a local thug  
Well it's finally out! The Jaguar: The City of Fire and Rage written by Kylie Gable and Claudia Acosta with illustrations by your favorite underground feminization artist (Annabelle B.) has officially hit Amazon!  

It was a joy to work on the illustrations with Kylie. Some of you remember her from my review of her Calendar Girl story and The Alpha Theta Nu series.

The cover for second Jaguar book.
A little about The Jaguar, the story is in the tradition of pulp classics like The Shadow, Doc Savage and The Spider. Sheila Wentworth is a masked vigilante by night named The Jaguar who along with her mysterious and beautiful partner Katsumi, fight foes that oppress and torment the innocent and the vulnerable using a mix of intelligence, martial arts and feminization as well as tools, gadgets and toys to inflict their unique brand of "justice."

This is the second Jaguar ebook by Gable and Acosta, but the book beautifully introduces the main characters and their world to new readers. In this book, the sexy ladies uncover a plot by a sinister enemy to push outcitizens of the LGBTQ community using fear and violence! The action is good and the story is well written. Fans of forced feminization will not be disappointed. The book contains two of my most erotic illustrations I have ever done to help bring the story to life.

As a fan of the genre and comic books I enjoyed reading this story. I'm very proud to be a part of it. I strongly encourage my friends and fans purchase and download a copy. It is available at $2.99 on Amazon (that's a practically the cost of a cup of coffee at your local Starbucks). It is a bargain for great story content, entertainment and of course some great art. I cannot stress this enough, please take a look into The Jaguar and let me know what you think.

Click here for Kylie Gable's free newsletter: Kylie's Musings featuring some of her other projects and updates on future releases. 

Sunday, July 10, 2016

Valerie's Frankie and Karen Jensen's Abbey, Jeremy and Katie now available

I just added two new stories dealing with girlfriends who lead their boyfriends into femininity. Enjoy!

Thursday, July 7, 2016

Four new stories added!

I just added three new Mommy's Little Sissy stories as well as part 7 to Jean. I also added Billie's Story to the classic story section.

Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Valerie's new series, "Jean" added to the blog

I just added Valerie's newest creative series, Jean. Its a story about a professional young man who slowly falls into a powerful woman's plot in feminizing her subjects for profit. All of her completed chapters are now available here. Hope you enjoy!

Sunday, July 3, 2016

New Mommy's Little Sissy chapters added

Hi Everyone,

I have been away for a little while. I started a new job. I'm working two jobs now. I'm sorry for not replying back in time.

I recently added new Mommy's Little Sissy and will be adding the Jean series to the blog from Valerie pretty soon.

Again I'm sorry for the disappearing again while I try to adjust to my new job. I appreciate everyone staying with me.