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The Intruders Part 2

Zenna Swallows

The story continues for "Brandi" as his night continues during a home invasion while at his mistress' home. 

“Hold still please Brandi”, instructed Kristina, as she worked to repair my makeup.

“Don’t call me that”, I muttered, though I did my best to comply. I knew just as well as she did how much trouble we would be in if I didn’t look as “glamorous” as possible for the two dangerous criminals who had invaded her apartment and threatened us both

“Well that’s your name right now, isn’t it?” retorted my girlfriend, restoring my lips to the state they’d been in before I’d been forced to kiss Ken, the older of the two men, and then use my mouth to clean up the cum he and his accomplice had deposited in Kristina’s pussy and asshole. “It’s not as if we have a choice. If I go back to calling you Brandon, god knows how they might react.”

“That’s right”, I answered bitterly. “Just like you didn’t have a choice when you came all those times, right? Ow!”

“I was acting, you idiot”, Kristina hissed. She had just rapped me over the head with a hairbrush, but now resumed work on the unfamiliar and strangely tinted curls she had introduced to my usually straight brown hair.

I was as sure as I could be that she wasn’t telling the truth. I had felt for myself how excited she had been after being used by the two intruders. I was just about to point that out, but she hadn’t finished.

“Besides”, she said, gesturing towards my groin, “you can hardly talk!” I followed her gaze and for the umpteenth time that evening blushed with shame at the obvious bulge made by my erect organ, then yet again went through the process of resisting the urge to grab it and bring the release I so desperately craved.

I simply had no explanation for my state of excitement. Being threatened with knives, dressed and made up as a girl, fondled and kissed by my tormentors, then forced to watch while they relentlessly fucked my girlfriend- all that should have been humiliating, enfeebling, terrifying. And it was all of those, and more.

Yet my cock, so pathetically small in comparison to those of the two intruders that they had taken to calling it a clitoris, had remained hard throughout. What did that say about me?

But any time for further reflection on that depressing topic was cut short when Kristina told me she was finished and stood up from the dressing table. After feeding me another couple of pills to help keep me calm - or as calm as I could be in the circumstances - she led me back out to what I was certain was going to be the worst experience of my life.

The younger of the two invaders, Dave, was the first to see me as I walked back into the living room, tottering slightly on the unfamiliar heels of the ill-fitting shoes I was wearing. At Kristina’s suggestion I had put on a largely translucent black, floral-patterned blouse on top of the lacy pink and black bra and panties I was already wearing and paired it with a tight mini skirt which I could just about zip up. It barely concealed the tops of my stay up black stockings. Its bright red fabric also matched the bold colour on both my lips and fingernails. (I would have had the same on my toenails as well, had Kristina not decided we were running short of time.)

Dave, who was still naked and comfortably reclined in an armchair, whistled appreciatively. “It gets better and better Ken, doesn’t it?” The older man looked round from the sound system that he had been examining, grinned his agreement and turned a knob. Loud techno music filled the apartment. “Dance for us Brandi”, he instructed. He too wore no clothes, his thick uncut cock hanging obscenely between his legs.

I looked at him aghast and then started moving to the beat as best I could, though I kept stumbling each time I tried to move my feet. There were hoots of derision from the two men, until Kristina unexpectedly spoke up. “Be fair! He - I mean she’s not used to those heels!”

“Why don’t you show her how it’s done then?” suggested Dave. So Kristina moved alongside me and began gyrating sensuously to the music. I tried as best I could to copy some of her moves and was just starting to feel more comfortable when there was a pounding on the front door of the apartment. Both Kristina and I stopped dancing and swung round to look at Ken.

“Go and see who that is Brandi”, he ordered with a lazy grin. “What, me?” I replied, astounded. “Yep”, he confirmed. “We trust you, don’t we Dave?”. His accomplice laughed. “Course we do!” His hand moved from the armrest of the chair, rested briefly on the hilt of the evil-looking knife he had left on an adjacent small table, and then returned to its original position. He arched his eyebrows meaningfully. Sighing, I crossed to the top of the stairs that led down to the front door and shuffled down as carefully as I could.

When I reached the door I opened it as narrowly as I could and peered out. There was an older woman in the hallway who I recognised as one of Kristina’s neighbours. She pushed the door further open, saying angrily “I’m sorry dear, but could you please turn that racket -” She stopped abruptly, staring me at in disbelief. “Wait, aren’t you ...?”

“I’m so sorry, I’ll let Kristina know, okay?” I gabbled, then slammed the door shut, forcing her to jump backwards. I waited anxiously for the knocking to resume, then when it didn’t come, slowly trudged back up the stairs. I was cursing myself for not putting on a higher voice - and more importantly, for not trying to get some kind of message out. But even if I had, what were the chances of being rescued without getting hurt?

When I got back to the living room, Ken had already turned down the music. So they must have been listening in to my conversation at the door. But all my attention was on Dave, who was waving a hand to indicate that I should kneel in front of him. Oh god, I thought, a chill running through me. The moment I’d been dreading since I’d first understood their intent to feminise me had finally arrived.

Dave could see the fear on my face. But he wasn’t going to make this simple. He could have forced me, but that would be too straightforward. Horrible, yes, but too easy for me to excuse afterwards. No, he was going to pile on the humiliation, I could just tell. And his next words confirmed it.

“Is there something you want Brandi? Don’t be shy now ...”

He wanted me to beg for it. He could see that I was a coward, that even just the suggestion of violence would be enough to get me to cooperate. That he could get me to behave exactly as he wanted, without even threatening me. For about a micro-second I thought about telling him where to go. But it was no use. He had read me perfectly.

Closing my eyes and forcing the words past the sudden spasm of fear that constricted my throat, I croaked the supplication he plainly wanted to hear. “C-can I p-please suck your cock? Please s-sir, I mean.”

Ken let out an explosive laugh. “Are you sure Brandi? Didn’t sound very convincing to me ...”

“Yeah”, added Dave, idly stroking the enormous length of man meat that coiled obscenely between his legs. “She can do better, I think.”

And just like that, I found my courage. Not to resist them - that wasn’t the kind I had in me. But the courage to play the part they wanted me to play. One way or another, they were going to have me. And it would be disgusting. But if I was going to be violated and humiliated, better to get it over with than prolong the agony.

“I want to suck your great big cock, sir”, I announced in a much firmer voice. “Please let me suck it?”

The two men exchanged amused glances. “Wow Brandi, you’re a real slut, you know that?” said Dave. “Go on then, see how much you learned from your girlfriend ...”

Ah well, in for a penny ... Leaning forward and trying to ignore the jolt of nausea in my stomach, I reached out and lifted up the end of Dave’s resting organ, marvelling at its weight. Slowly, I brought the bulbous end to my lips. Trying to emulate what I had seen Kristina doing earlier, not to mention any number of porn actresses, I kissed the tip and started running my tongue around it. Then, suppressing the urge to gag, I put the whole helmet into my mouth.

I was honestly not sure what I was expecting. If truth be told, I’d been trying to think about it as little as possible. But just as I was telling myself that it was no different to putting a sausage in my mouth, two things struck me. One was the strange taste - a mixture of Kristina’s juices and what was left of the spunk he had blasted inside her, plus an overlay of something less agreeable, rancid almost. But the other was the way the object I was trying to ingest pulsed and grew. This wasn’t a piece of meat at all, it was living flesh - and it wanted to expand.

As Dave’s huge cock gradually stiffened, I was forced to lift my head up and open my jaws wider to accommodate it. For a moment it was all I could do to hold it in my mouth. But then, recollecting what was expected of me, I began to suck it properly. It was awkward at first, especially since I was terrified of catching it with my teeth - and of the punishment that would undoubtedly ensue if I did. But I gradually got the hang of it, holding my lips in the shape I needed and driving my head up and down to slide over the purple head. I was rewarded with an appreciative moan and felt a gigantic hand rest on top of my head, gently stroking it as I delivered my first ever blowjob.

After a few minutes of this, and more noises of satisfaction from Dave, I heard Ken’s voice, as if from a distance. “Are you enjoying yourself, Brandi?”

My head swam as I lifted it off the now fully erect shaft, wondering how to answer. And then I thought about what someone like Tori Black would say, and I had my answer. “I fucking love it”, I said. “I love having a real man’s big fucking cock in my mouth!” As I said this, I used my right hand to keep slowly pumping the giant shaft - just like Tori would have done.

Once again, this prompted a burst of laughter, this time with an edge that somehow hadn’t been there before. “Really?” chortled Ken. As my vision cleared and he came properly into focus, I realised to my horror that he was filming me, using what looked like my own phone. And there, her head in his lap and her mouth occupied with his equally rampant phallus, was Kristina, her wide eyes fixed on me.

I nearly faltered then. But my resolution came back to me: Get it over with. So I forced some kind of smile onto my face, ignored the pain in my stomach, the heat that still inexplicably bloomed in my groin and the watching camera, and looked up at Dave. “I want your big cock. Feed that beautiful big cock into my slutty mouth.”

His response was to push my head down onto his pole, and for the first time I felt my mouth truly filled by his flesh. I was powerless to resist as the engorged head reached the back and started sliding down my throat. And then I was gagging helplessly, every instinct willing me to expel the intruder in my gullet, but unable to do so as Dave’s huge paw held me in place.

Finally, he released me, chuckling as I helplessly coughed up saliva. But I was totally committed now, and as soon as I could I flung myself back into the task of fellating him. Make him come, I thought. Make him come as soon as possible ...

But before I could get anywhere near that goal, Ken insisted that Kristina and I swap. Now I had the new challenge of coping with the older man’s shorter but much thicker cock. It was much more of a struggle to fit into my mouth and I found it harder to get any type of rhythm or suction. So I settled instead for trying to wank him with my hand, while still licking the head or rubbing it against my lips. From time to time, I would make lewd remarks about how much I enjoyed pleasing him, and that seemed to keep him happy.

I tried to keep my mind as blank as possible, pushing the shame and disgust at what I was doing off into a corner of my brain, and striving too to ignore the growing ache in my jaw as I held my mouth open - as well as the pressure of my own relentlessly erect organ.

But just when I thought I might be able to get away with cocksucking alone, I felt Dave’s arms lifting me up and effortlessly carrying me to the middle of the floor, where he deposited me on all fours. “You got some lube?” I heard him ask, then Kristina’s voice as she replied in the affirmative. As she went to get it, I tried to prepare myself for what I knew was about to happen. But I was shaking like a leaf now and when Dave instructed me to remove my panties, I had a lot of trouble getting them off, and over the high heeled shoes I was still wearing.

Such was the state of my nerves now that I almost leapt in the air when I felt my skirt being lifted up and a cool, viscous gel being applied to my newly hairless asshole. I was rewarded for my reaction with a ringing slap across my buttocks, which prompted a yelp from me, then another hard slap. This time I managed to choke down any exclamation and was rewarded with a caress rather than a smack. “That’s more like it Brandi”, commented Dave approvingly. “Just relax, okay? Stick that cute tush of yours in the air and try and keep everything as loose as possible.”

Without any further warning, I felt something warm and fleshy push inside my tight rectum. Again, I bit back a cry, and did my best to comply with my violator’s instruction. As I eased off the tension in my butt, the intruder slid further inside.

This was actually much easier than I would have thought. But my relief was momentary. As the object inside me started to wiggle, I realised to my dismay that it was only a finger. When a second one joined it, the discomfort increased significantly, and grew larger still as a third finger was applied. I couldn’t help but whimpering as the three digits were twisted inside me, partly because of how stretched and unnatural my asshole felt, but perhaps more so because I knew I was being opened up for something much bigger.

“Was there something you wanted to say Brandi?” Ken’s tone was malicious and I swivelled my head to see that he was comfortably seated on the couch, with Kristina riding his fleshy pole and unashamedly fingering her clit. He was once again filming me. I quailed at the sight, but I was too far gone now down the path that both these criminal invaders and I myself had chosen.

“Fuck me!” I enunciated in as pleading a tone as I could manufacture. “Fuck me please with your big cock! I want your cock inside me so badly ... Oh!”

This last was prompted by the fingers being abruptly withdrawn from my butt, to be replaced by something much larger that pressed against my ring. I couldn’t help giving a series of little grunts as the pressure increased. Above and behind me, I could hear Dave reiterating the need to relax.

All my instincts told me to try and expel the intruder, not let it in. But I did what I could to override my defences and surrender my feminised ass to the man who’d already plundered my mouth - not to mention every orifice my girlfriend had.

The pressure on my tortured rectum was getting simply intolerable. But just when I was certain it was going to tear, it finally stretched far enough to admit the engorged head of Dave’s enormous weapon. And with that, he was pushing inside of me.

I couldn’t help it. I howled. The pain was intense and I thought I was being split in half. It felt almost as bad again as he retracted it, although I gasped with relief when it finally cane free. But my relief was short lived. I felt more lubricant being applied, and then the monster was once again pressed hard against my now gaping anus.

I so badly wanted to pull away, to escape the pain and the pressure - not to mention the profound sense of violation that I was experiencing. But I had made my decision - and so I didn’t just brace myself this time but pushed back against the intruder. It went in a little more easily this time, though the pain was still terrific. It took several more goes before Dave was able to push even a small part of his length inside me. But gradually my abused rear passage stretched far enough that the agony subsided, and he was able to start fucking me properly.

He had only delivered a few jolting thrusts before something happened - and it was the last thing I would have expected. I came - and came and came and came. To my utter astonishment, great gouts of spunk were jetting from my puny cock, almost but not quite in time with the hammer blows from behind as Dave penetrated my ass. I shrieked as what may have been the most intense orgasm of my life tore through me. And one small corner of my brain processed the information the rest of it had been ignoring - that while distracted by the tremendous sense of pressure and pain in my butt, a different kind of pressure had been building up even deeper inside me.

But even as I cried out, I also knew this was not a climax I could enjoy. I had been hard for what felt like hours, and the release I was experiencing was powerful and real. But with the possible exception of my earliest wet dreams, it was the first orgasm over which I had no sense of control. I didn’t even know how it had happened, just that it had been done to me, not by me. That feeling multiplied my sense of dislocation and despair, regardless of what the moans wrung out of me might suggest.

And the moans of course betrayed me in a different way as well. “Holy fuck Brandi”, jeered Ken, “are you coming? You are, aren’t you?”

I glanced sideways at him. but it was Kristina’s eye I caught, as she stared at me from her position on the older man’s lap, his fat cock still buried inside her. Her expression was intense but unreadable. But before I could try and figure out what she could possibly be thinking, the pounding from behind me ceased and I heard Dave’s sardonic voice.

“And here was I thinking your girlfriend was the only bitch in heat here ...” Still holding himself inside me, while the last tremors from my climax pulsed through my abdomen, he reached a gigantic hand underneath me and squeezed the end of my aching organ. Ignoring my squawk of surprise, he held up his gooey fingers in front of me.

“Whatcha reckon Brandi, wanna taste your own pussy juices?” Without waiting for an answer he stuffed his digits into my painted mouth, and for a second time that terrible evening I was forced to clean cum off them. The fact that it was my own this time gave me no sense of comfort. When I had done that, he resumed fucking me - and I started squealing again, as he kept hitting whatever sensitive spot it was inside me that had triggered my unexpected orgasm.

He was picking up the pace now, as my passage stretched further to accommodate him, though I had the sense he wasn’t going anywhere like as far into me as he might have done. I could only pray he wouldn’t try ...

My own cock was also still hard, to my shame. Surely I couldn’t really be turned on by being feminised and fucked? But at least, I thought, the two men had stopped trying to get me to express that false sense of arousal and pretend to be wanting their unwelcome attentions.

Yet again, however, it seemed that as soon as I began to feel even vaguely safe about something, that (relative) security was denied me. Ken, who had been keenly watching Dave fuck me while idly fingering Kristina to what sounded like yet another orgasm, suggested to his accomplice that it might be time to “let Brandi get a better view of the action”.

What this meant, I quickly discovered, was being carried to the bedroom like a rag doll and deposited on the bed, where I was forced to lay on my back with my knees opened up and then pulled back towards my shoulders. From that position, Dave lay on top of me and once again fed part of his gigantic organ into my sore, abused ass.

Mercifully, the solidly built young man kept his full weight off me, propping himself up on his muscular forearms. But instead of being an unseen presence behind me, I could now see every savage grin, animalistic snarl or grimace of concentration that twisted his face as he drove himself into me. And as I looked down, beneath his legs, I could watch him penetrate me and gaze in despair at my own hard, twitching little organ.

“Come on Brandi”, breathed Ken, “tell Dave what you want ...” He was kneeling on the bed right beside my head, his big cock wrapped in his fist, slowly pumping it. With a thrill, I realised that I couldn’t see Kristina. Perhaps they’d forgotten about her. Maybe she could go and get help?

Desperate to distract him, I did what I was asked. “Come on Dave”, I almost yelled, my breath coming in short bursts. “Fuck me”, I panted. “Fuck me harder! I want your fucking cum, inside me, all the way inside me ...”

The young man responded with a snarl and increased his efforts. To help distract his older companion, I reached up and grabbed his manhood, taking over the job of stroking it and periodically bringing it to my lips to kiss and lick. Anything was better than the thought of its huge girth being crammed into my ass, regardless of much Dave may have widened my passage.

The next few minutes passed in a blur of action and intense sensations, which even afterwards I struggled to piece together. I knew that at some point Dave must have shot his load, simply from the noises he made and by the extra depths that he somehow managed to plumb in my poor ass. But I couldn’t feel his ejaculation, and nor could I see much, because by this stage Ken was either coming or had already come all over my face.

There seemed to be spunk everywhere - on my ruby red lips, over my tinted hair, and in my heavily made up eyes, where it mixed with the mascara in my lashes and gummed them shut. And I also felt it on my belly - because I too had come for a second time, my balls aching as the semen was squeezed out of them in some way that I still couldn’t understand, though I couldn’t say when exactly this had happened ...

I must have fainted for a few seconds, because the next thing I knew I was sitting up in bed, released from any weight on top of me, and desperately trying to clear the semen from my eyes. My vision finally cleared enough to reveal the two intruders kneeling on either side of me, their big cocks dripping and feral grins on their faces.

I didn’t need any instruction, but simply sighed and began the task of licking them clean. Even as I completed the loathsome task, however, swallowing every drop of cum that I could harvest, I could feel a faint surge of hope. There was still no sign of Kristina, and the two men’s attention still seemed to be focused completely on me. Maybe, just maybe ...

“You seem to be getting quite the taste for it, Brandi! We’ll have to see about getting you some more ...”

I glanced at he two men in turn, but then realised the voice had come from the doorway. Blinking, I made out the figure of my girlfriend. Still naked, except for her stockings and suspenders, she was busy buckling a harness around her waist. Sticking out from it was a huge black dildo, the biggest I had ever seen.

As she manoeuvred it into position, my horrified gaze lifted to her face, which wore an expression of savage glee that I had never seen on her before. She saw the look and gave a mocking laugh as she advanced towards me. “What, you thought I was going to let my friends here have all the fun?”

(To be continued)


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