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Super Slut Dolls part 4

Tiffanny Miller

Foresight knew she'd made a mistake the minute she'd said the words.
"What am I doing here why am I surrendering?" She said trying to
understand why she'd done what she did.  She could see the futures but the
ones where she surrendered were not any better, but no she was a drone and
had to obey.  Her eyes went wide remembering she'd gotten too involved in
the vision she'd cast herself too far forward and seen herself as a drone
to this woman, and somehow that image had stuck, and subconsciously she'd
made it happen.  It was too late to go back she'd realized things too late
as several drones came out of the door leveling weapons at her, soon she'd
be like them and part of her was looking forward to it.  She cursed her
gift because she could see her future and it only lead one way now.  She
walked behind the dolls and was lead to where a full-figured woman was
standing next to a very large doll one she did not even recognize but knew
was the former hero Amazonia, and part of her got wet looking at her.
"yes my main power is seeing visions I can predict exactly what any enemy
I am fighting is going to do and see how to counter it, and I can even see
what events are going to happen in the future, at least some of the
possible futures.  I saw visions of you fighting hero corps not clearly
but I did, and in one of those possible visions I saw myself becoming your
drone it somehow stuck with me.  It clouded every vision I had and now I
don't see any other possible option.  I know exactly what you are going to
do to me, and how, and what it will do to me, but I have to" She said
shaking knowing it was a mistake but no matter what all her visions would
have lead her here because of that kernel of programming that somehow got
stuck inside her, another telepath helping her would have just been
infected by it, and sadly herocorp didn't use much mind tech, anyone with
a talent for that kind of tech was considered to be too dangerous, any
specialized skill with technology that could be considered above average
the person would was sterilized and a neural inhibitor put on them, it
didn't matter how good they scored on the tests or psych eval hero corp
would never trust a technopath at all, which meant there was no way for
her to avoid her fate.

Victoria Frankenstein just laughed she'd never thought her tech would work
like that, oh the models she'd ran showed there was a small chance of
something like that, the same tech she used to trap the telepath worked as
a preventive measure, in theory against people with foresight as well, but
there was no way to really test that ahead of time.  She grinned at the
short woman in front of her.  "Well if you know what's going to happen
then you know exactly what you have to do right now my new toy"  She said
grinning stroking the cock of H-4 as she stared at the woman who she
already though of us a drone and H-5.

Foresight sighed as she looked to the future of what would happen.  She
shivered as she started to strip herself naked, reality and the vision
becoming one.  She tried to keep the lust she was feeling from the kernel
of the programming from showing, but failed as she moaned in pleasure at
standing naked before her owner.  She came back out of the trance once she
was stripped, her wrist com turned off as well as her tracker for hero
corp.  She knew what was going to happen next she knew her owner would put
a collar on her and lead her to a testing facility.

"Well that's very nice" Victoria said taking a moment to admire the woman.
She was on the short side, but with well-toned and developed muscles.  Her
hair was cut short but styled in a way to look sexy with one side shaved
off and the rest hanging down.  Her breasts were on the small side but her
nipples stuck out very nicely, and well size of her breasts and ass was
going to change very very soon.  "Now I wish I could trust you, I need
some actual human lietunants and commanders, but have some ideas on using
your abilities to help me find ones that won't betray me."  She said
leering at the woman in front of her.  She used the chip in her skull to
order one of her drones to bring her a collar, soon one of the pink latex
drones indistinguishable from the others except for the number came to her
holding the collar.  She could feel her new drones eyes on it.  "Don't
worry drone this will be temporary till I can figure out just how your
brain waves work and to come up with an exact unit for you, see if all I
want is to completely overpower and reprogram a person it's fucking easy,
but to keep some of that core personality, and mental abilities especially
extra sensory ones like yours well that takes a lot longer to figure out.
But while I'm figuring that out, you and H-3 can help me lure Rune into a
trap."  She said walking to one of the side labs.  The other hero dolls
were either fucking with the regular dolls or in guard mode around the
complex.  This lab wasn't empty two dolls stood at attention, both pink
with O shape mouths stood like furniture barley even breathing.  Silently
they started to move about as Victoria entered the lab starting to get
things ready.

Foresight just shivered very aware of how naked she was.  With the
visions, she'd seen she knew exactly what to do.  She went to the chair
near the wall and sat, spreading her legs wide and leaning her head back
so her Mistress and owner could put a helmet like device onto her head.
She could feel it analyzing her brain and thoughts.  She jerked when the
helmet's signal connected with the kernel of programing in her mind.

"Yes these are good readings I can work with this, you'll be a very good
doll wont you unit H-5?"  She said adjusting some things expanding that
small kernel, in fact using her machines and the kernel she was able to
isolate the brain waves that created and guided her toys visions, she
could even see ways such could be improved, but for now what she did was
she used the kernel's wave length and matched it to the visions wave
lengths and locked the seer into visions of her slavery and drone hood.

Forseight could only jerk in the chair and moan.  She could feel the
programming she could see it happening vision after vision of her as an
obedient willing toy took its toll on her and she started to pant hard her
pussy starting to get wet.  There was nothing she could do but stare at
the visions of her latex body serving her Mistress and others, and what
was worse was she experienced that doll’s thoughts as well, she
experienced that version of her self’s pleasure at service repeatedly.

Victoria left her new toy there while she went back to her rooms to
finally use her amazon drone.  She lead the mindless toy to her bed.  “Lay
down on your back” She said looking the tall metallic toy.  “dam I did
good work on you” She said stroking those massive breasts as she mounted
her toy.  She impaled herself and had the doll fuck her hard using the
doll’s greater strength to really pound herself.  She wound up passing

She woke up deliciously relaxed with muscles sore in all the right places.
She stretched out, threw on a lab coat and walked over to the lab keeping
her new drone.  She didn’t even say anything, just started looking at the
read outs on her brain activity. “Excellent” She said noticing how well
the hypnosis was doing on her.  One of her drones brought her a cup of
coffee and she sipped it as she made adjustments to the programming for
her newest drone.  She walked to one of the enginerring rooms and had to
custom make the skull piece for her.  The programming and building were
delicate.  She needed a device that would monitor her new drone, help
further destroy her free will and identity as a person, but keep her
ability to see, and record visions intact.

To forsight the hours she spent in the machine felt like years, years of
experiencing herself being an obedient drone and fuck toy.  There was no
defense in her mind for it she was forced to go deep into the visions,
deep into the version of herself that was a drone.  One moment she was
shiny latex on her knees servicing her Mistress and several men, she felt
the cock in her mouth, and the cum splattering her shiny skin.  The next
moment she was being woken up and pulled out of the vision.  She was
panting, her pussy wet as she stared at the woman she already saw as her
owner standing there.  She said the only thing she could think of, the
only thing the visions would allow.  “H-5 ready for assignment” She said
licking her lips and panting hard.  She stared at her owner already
feeling herself as a drone, she just wasn’t connected to her owner like a
proper drone, nor did she have the shiny skin that she needed, and now

Victoria just chuckled.  “Such a good drone, now then stand up back facing
me.” She ordered her drone holding the plate that would go onto the back
of her new doll’s head.  She couldn’t help but squeeze the woman’s ass.
Two drones walked up to her one holding a razor the other her new drone’s
communicator.  She shaved the back of her drone’s head then quickly placed
the curved metal plate against the back of the woman’s skull.  The plate
started to vibrate, tiny drills going into the heroes head.  She watched
as her latest victim jerked and moaned.  Soon the specialized equipment
was through delicate wires turning about inside the woman’s head.

Forsight jerked and moaned as she felt the wires moving inside her.  She
could feel them starting to take control, could feel the unit bonding to
her nervous system.  With the way the Mistress’s tech worked there was no
way she or any of the others would ever be able to be freed, and as she
felt it happening she couldn’t help but moan her thoughts already adjusted
to craving her Mistress’s control over her.  Unlike most other drones she
was allowed to retain many of her memories, but the name she was born
with, and even the name hero corp had given her were utterly erased from
her mind as the wires sent electrical signals to certain parts of her
brain.  Her whole body jerked, and her nipples became erect as she grew
more and more turned on as her Mistress gained more and more control over

Victoria smiled as she used the connection in her own head to her doll to
monitor the progress of the conversion, her cock was tenting her lab coat.
She loved the feeling of power and control she had.  Once the nervous
system of her new toy was all connected she used her input to make the
woman dance like a whore.  She smiled as she made the former hero twerk.
After watching that for a few minutes she gripped the woman’s hips and
slid her cock into the heroes ass.  “I can’t doll you completely yet you
are going to use those visions to help me find a way to lure Rune, and one
of their tactical teams away from the base, so that we can ambush them.”
She said as she slowly started to fuck her new doll in the ass hard.  It
took sheer will power to not cum right away, the doll’s ass was nice and

H-5 could only moan as she was used properly her brain short circuiting
focusing only on the sensation of being fucked, nothing in her previous
life had ever felt as good as being used like a fuck toy did to her, she
was well aware that most of that was her new programming, but she didn’t
care all she cared about was being used and helping Mistress.  Soon she
felt her owner Cumming inside her and her own pussy gushed.

Sometime later H-5 was sitting in a chair sending her thoughts into the
future, trying to sift through possible actions that would help her
Mistress capture one of the last heroes in Detroit.  There were only two
full heroes, and two swat teams made of those whose abilities were only
barley above normal left in the entire city.  She found a future where
Rune was isolated.  “Mistress you can have H-3 report that his operation
has found a major hide out for the Blazing Dragon gang as well as a cache
of illegal weapons in this district four building down its an abandoned
building and the gang does use it as a base.  When he and the tactical
team hit the building, your drones can be ready to go in lead by H-4 with
the rest of us backing her up.”  She said coming out of the vision,
looking up at her Mistress for approval.

“Hmm yes that sounds good we can use the confusion to our advantage, and
even take a number of the gang members and turn them into drones too, with
those plus, every other hero in the city we can overwhelm the Hero corp
complex and Angelicus before reinforcements arrive, and if I can get the
mayor to agree to use the Cincinnati protocols it will limit what hero
corp can do in response.”  Victoria said grinning.

“Those proticols have not been used in over seventy years, but hero corp
would seem to honor them at least in the short term.  In the long term
they would try to undermine the mayor, and government then use a pretext
to come in.”  The former hero said seeing the visions playing out inside
her mind of exactly how it would happen.

“Yes but it would buy time to gather more forces, and gain control of the
city, hero corp doesn’t have any technopaths so they are starting at a
disadvantage, and well near to here is where they keep some of those they
deem a threat, once I have the mayor on board and more drones we can send
a strike team to that prison, use your visions and mind breaker to assess
which ones will join me willingly because I will need human lieutenants,
and could separate them out and turn some into dolls, the rest well send
them to other cities to mess with hero corp and spread them thinner.”
Victoria said her mind already racing with plans.  She grinned and
summoned H-3.  She didn’t like that this doll still looked male, but soon
she’d be able to doll both H-3 and H-5.  She didn’t bother physically
explaining the situation she simply downloaded what she wanted done
directly into his brain.

H-5 shuddered his mind already working the details and probabilities of
the plan.  Soon he was clothed and making the call to headquarters.  The
call went straight to Rune who answered the call with his own comm  “Quick
thought how goes the situation with Force?”  He said concerned about the
younger heroes.

“Situation is complicated Force got into more than he could handle and we
need you and one of the tactical teams.  The Blazing dragons have a major
facility here including heavy weapons.”  He said even uploading a picture
of the warehouse to the unit for the more experienced hero.  “There are
three entrances the main loading door is how you and the tac team should
come in we will come in one of the side doors, at least that seems best
plan to me”  He said suggesting the course of action to the other man
knowing he’d see the sense of it.

Rune didn’t feel anything was out of place.  Quick Thought was a young
hero but was good at coming up with plans and strategies.  He called the
lieutenant of the assault squad and readied himself.  He was a tall man 6
foot 2 wearing what looked like a chain hauberk that was engraved with
various runes of protection.  His weapon was a long sword with more runes
inscribed on it.  His eyes were pale blue.  He walked with purpose getting
the raid ready.

A few hours later Victoria was in the warehouse watching on monitors as
her dolled heroes and ten regular doll units wielding gas guns were ready
from above the other warehouse, even H-4 was up there and well hidden from
easy view thanks again to more of her tech.  She laughed as she used
remotes to watch Rune and his squad barge into the warehouse, she laughed
more as heavy weapons fire forced the 10-person squad back.  God Hero corp
was idiotic, they hadn’t even tried to confirm her toy’s recon of the
building at all, yet another example of their arrogance.

She chuckled as she watched the gang bangers, and the tactical team
shooting at each other.  She gave the signal for her team of dolls to
start to move.  She watched with amusement as H-1 floated down, and H-4
crashed into the middle of the fight her large bulk making the room shake.
H-2 dropped off of H-4, in the chaos no one noticed her at all.  She
started working on the minds of the others in the room.  She inserted
herself into the brains of the criminals first, two of them dropped
weapons and stood against the wall as she assaulted them with the need to
obey and surrender.  Rune was confused at first, he tried to communicate
with headquarters but something was jamming the signal so he just kept
fighting, he lit the runes of his sword and it started to glow and burn as
he made his way forward, the squad around him was shooting even as pink
gas started to fill the room.  Even worse he saw four doll like figures
moving in front of him shooting some sort of weird goo at him, the goo
clung to his armor as it hardened and made it harder for him to move.

Tiffany Miller 

Inside her room watching everything Victoria was getting a nose bleed,
trying to control all the dolls in the factory and the battle at once was
too much effort, but her forces were making short work of both groups of
soldiers, H-2 had most of the gang members against a wall staring blankly
into space, H-1 and H-4 were playing havoc with the team with Rune and
thanks to some of her inventions and efforts Rune was neutralized.  She
gave the dolls basic instructions and took a break, of course right then
was when H-5 had to have a vision and walk in.  “Mistress I know of your
problem and can help solve it, the lieutenant in charge of the tactical
team being beaten would make a good officer for you.  She is disillusioned
with Hero corp and if you offer her right incentive she could be major
asset, and prevent this from happening again Mistress” She then went quiet
unless telling her Mistress about a vision she had to be quiet like a good

Victoria nodded and massaged her head.  “They should be all back soon,
breaking rune will take some time, I want you to try and use your visions
to help me figure how to break him quickly.”  She said sending just enough
awareness to the battle to know how it was going, and yes it was over.  H-
4s harder metallic body combined with her powers made her almost
unstoppable, with H-1 using her powers to shield H-4, and H-2 messing with
the minds of all involved it was over quickly.  Rune was struggling but
the liquid goo that hardened made him totally impotent, he couldn’t move
an inch with all the extra weight, and the substance filled in the etched
rune s on his armor, making them nonfunctional.  She broke concentration
and began preparing to receive prisoners.  It was easy enough with force
and the others to use the transports conveniently provided by hero corp.
Of course, the tracking would have to be disabled she put H-3 onto that.
She didn’t have much time she’d have to move quickly, get the tactical
team and rune processed in just an hour or two she’d have to be moving on
hero cop headquarters any longer and reinforcements would be called in and
her entire plan would be almost impossible to pull off.

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