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New! A Real Beauty

A wife tires of her Sissy Spouse "Mimi's" private dressing, dissatisfied in the marriage, She brings a real man into her life. He’s amused by the Sissy. He and the wife decide on having some real fun with “Mimi.”

Chapter I: Mimi Girl

    Could I possibly have blamed Phyllis for her disdain for my innate Sissiness? I just didn’t understand why she had to bring such a much younger man into our relationship? Devon Kilburn was barely out of college and the scion of a very well-off Texas family. 

    He’d stayed in our region after receiving his MBA and landing a fantastic job. Of course his father had helped him get the position. That didn’t matter to Devon. What really mattered to him was that Phyllis, at 32 years old and 9 years his senior adored him. 

    Plus Phyllis, was hot looking, worked where Devon was now employed, and was amazingly horny for sex. And why shouldn’t she be? Her Sissy-Spouse, which was me, couldn’t keep her satisfied. Most Sissies can’t keep a woman happy, sexually. Our cocks aren’t large enough, our techniques are just so cloying and feminine, and oral sex only does so much for a real female.

    By the time Phyllis and Devon met, I was keeping house full-time, and dressing as a female mostly all of the time. When I did dress “Butch” I looked like a limp-wrist Fag. I resented Devon’s presence and told Phyllis as much. She slapped my face. 

    Then she added, “The next time you bitch about Devon, I’ll have his manly, muscular body, work your Sissy-ass over, for real, girl.”

    It was Devon that came up with “Mimi” as a name for me. He just began calling me that. It was Phyllis that added, “Marie” for my middle name. Mostly I was just “Mimi” but Phyllis loved calling me “Mimi Marie” when she was perturbed with me. 

    It was also Devon that came up with the idea of taking me to the same Beauty Salon where I had once worked, for a full and complete makeover. By that time, he was practically Phyllis’s live-in boyfriend and lover. They slept in the same bed frequently. He’d often spend the entire weekend, where “Maid Mimi Marie” would wait on him hand and foot. Phyllis would even insist I give Devon a bath and towel him dry. 

    Devon, of course enjoyed it. Phyllis had already told him which types of sex she didn’t care for. She’d also informed him that I was to be his only outlet for those same types of sexual play. Devon was really only waiting for the lease on his condo to run out, prior to becoming a full-time resident and “Master of the House,” where we lived.

    “I really think Mimi needs to come out, Phyllis. The public in general needs to meet the real Mimi Marie. We need to begin with a trip to Jasmine’s where Mimi once worked, and get her a complete, full and total makeover. It’s what a girl in transition really wants and needs,” Devon opined.

    “Oh my gosh Devon, you are just so brilliant. And you’re so caring and attuned to the needs of others. That’s why I adore you honey. That and your massive cock,” Phyllis giggled.

    I could not believe it. Phyllis was a Senior Account Manager and Vice President of Client Investments where she and Devon were employed. She made huge financial decisions everyday. And she was calling one of her Junior Associates, brilliant? For real.

    “No, I am not like that. I dress up for fun around the house. I never go outside of the house as a female. Stop this. I don’t need or want a makeover, especially at Jasmine’s. And I am not in Transition,” I protested.

    “You need to stop denying your innermost femininity Mimi. For goodness sakes. How long have you been keeping your body smooth and hairless? You are having this makeover. Your appointment will be at Jasmine’s, and you are transitioning. And if you give me any more shit about it, I’ll paddle your ass red raw and I’ll have Devon beat the crap out of you, you Sissy faggot,” Phyllis, spat fiercely.

    “I’ll set things up at Jasmine’s right now,” Phyllis said emphatically as she speed-dialed her cell phone.

    The day we were to go to Jasmine’s for my makeover, I was so upset. I begged them to allow me to wear something “Less Feminine” than the flared mini-dress, stockings, padded bra and three-inch high heels that Phyllis had set out for me to dress in. 

    “Don’t give me any trouble Mimi. Devon, she’s practically hysterical. Please take her over your knee and spank her ass? I’m not putting up with this. If she is going to continue as our maid and housekeeper she will look the part. If not, her sorry, sissy ass is going to be out on the street, pronto,” Phyllis fumed.

    “Trust me I’d love to redden up her hot little ass. However, I’m willing to compromise on her apparel just as long as she goes thru with the makeover,” Devon said.

    “Devon, you are amazing. You are such a diplomat. Just another reason for me to be ‘Crazy Over the Moon’ for you, darling. Okay, let’s see what she has that is less feminine than that pretty outfit which she’d look just lovely in,” Phyllis shrugged.

    The ensemble Phyllis came up with just might qualify as less feminine when compared to a minidress? I was to still wear panties. In place of the padded brassiere, I wore a girl’s training bra with tiny “falsies.” My “Top” was a very fluffy and elegant, white, Cashmere, pullover sweater, with silver beading at the neckline. 

    The bright red, calf-length, Capri slacks, were set off by white, ruffled, ankle socks and black kitten heeled pumps with a bow on the toe. I was handed a pink, clutch purse, which contained “My” lipstick, compact and mascara. Phyllis told me how she expected me to walk.

    “Hold the clutch-purse up like this. That’s it. Show that you’re very proud of your femininity. Now wiggle your hips side to side and take tiny, baby steps. If it makes you feel more secure, you may wear this pair of round, dark, sunglasses. After all it is a bright spring day. Perfect for s girl’s coming out. Don’t you think?” Phyllis smirked.

    “If you screw this up, you cannot imagine the beating I will have Devon give you, Mimi?” Phyllis threatened.

    I sashayed into the salon, hoping no one recognized me. Of course they did recognize Phyllis. After all she had been a regular client when I’d begun working there. Jasmine’s was a “Top Shelf” “Foo-Foo” salon with wealthy, snobbish, primarily female clientele. Jasmine, the owner of the salon, aware of what was going on, met us in the lobby/waiting area. 

    “Phyllis darling. It’s just been far too long Angel. And is this that handsome, new man in your life? Oh my. Where is Milo? Oh dear. Is that you, Milo? Oh my. I always thought you were a little bit femme, but this is amazing. Let’s go in my private office and we can discuss what we want done today,” Jasmine suggested.

    “It’s no longer Milo by the way. It’s Mimi. Mimi Marie to be exact. Mimi Marie the Sissy Maid,” Phyllis announced as she, Jasmine and Devon seated themselves. I had been told to remain standing so that Jasmine could take in the “Complete Picture.” 

    “Then Mimi it is. Mimi, take off your sunglasses please?  I’d like to see the entire, New You, darling? Thank you. Place your glasses on my desk and pose for me, Pumpkin. Very nice. How long has she been in transition? She’s really only marginally, rough around the edges, you know? A makeover here is an excellent idea,” the lovely Jasmine remarked.

    Jasmine was a stunning half-Black, half-Asian female, with thick, very dark, jet black tresses, cut into a shoulder-length Page-Bob. She was very meticulous about her appearance as well as her customers and employees as well. If she was giving me my makeover I was going to look Ultra-Fussy as well as Ultra-Femme.

    “Excuse me for saying so Ms. Jasmine, but I am not Transitioning. They are making all of this up. And the makeover is their idea,” I whimpered.

    “Oh my, little girl. Did you just screw-up. You are in for a real disciplinary session with a paddle, when we get home. Isn’t she Devon, darling?” Phyllis threatened. 

    “Oh yes she is and she’s going over my knees for sure. That last outburst was intolerable,” Devon agreed. 

    “Mimi. You always were extra emotional when you worked here. We all used to discuss it among ourselves. And right now you are bordering on hysteria, honey. Sit down and let me order all of us a nice cup of Chamomile tea. Hello, Dawn, honey? Yes, it’s me. Ms. Jasmine. You recall me mentioning the possibility of four cups of Chamomile for my guests and me? Could you fill that order, Dawn darling? Thank you so much honey,” Jasmine said.

    Before I could protest my future extensive and advanced feminization any further, Dawn brought in the tea. It wasn’t lost on me that the cup she handed me was pink. Just another attempt to humiliate me as an effeminate Sissy. I noted that Jasmine and Phyllis had their tea served in red cups and naturally, Devon’s cup was dark blue.

    Unthinkingly, I began to sip my tea, not even considering it just might be spiked. Indeed it was spiked, but it was difficult for me to discern. The tea only truly relaxed me enough to chill me out, where I wasn’t, as Jasmine had described, “Hysterical.” I was still somewhat whiny and recalcitrant, but hardly argumentative and rebellious. 

    “Now let’s discuss what we will be doing today? Phyllis? Hair, nails and face I would think?” Jasmine asked.

    “Oh yes. I definitively want her hair darkened. How dark, I’ll leave up to you, Jasmine? Surprise me? A manicure would be nice. Without a doubt, I want her in full makeup. I’d also enjoy it if you’d give her a second set of piercing holes. What do you think, Devon?” Phyllis asked.

    “Her lips. I’d like to see her with nice fat lips like some of those actresses and models. Don’t they inject something in a woman’s lips to do that?” Devon asked.

    “Yes. Those are called Collagen injections. We can do that,” Jasmine agreed.

    “No. No way. I’m not having big fat lips. Stop this?” I pleaded.

    “Do you mean Cocksucker lips, Mimi?” Phyllis teased.

    “No. I am not a cocksucker. I’ve never don’t that,” I simpered.

    “No. You haven’t sucked a cock just yet, honey,” Phyllis smirked.

    “Mimi. You need to get control of yourself. If you don’t I’ll have you sedated and placed in restraints. I’ve had to do that with other misbehaving sissies and I won’t hesitate to do that with you,” Jasmine threatened. 

    “Will you and Devon be staying, Phyllis?” Jasmine asked.

    “No I don’t think so. How long will she be here with you?” Phyllis asked.

    “At least three hours for coloring, highlights, manicure, cut, set, stylization and makeup. I can text you when she’s about 30 minutes from being ready for you,” Jasmine agreed.

    “Perfect. Then Devon and I can return to the house and screw. Behave Mimi. Take her into your office and spank her ass if you need to Jasmine,” Phyllis said as she took Devon by the hand, kissed him amorously and retreated out the office door.

    “Come along Mimi. We are going to the main portion of the salon and we’ll start you out with a relaxing shampoo and condition. You’re not going to give us trouble are you girl? The less conspicuous you act, the less people will realize that you are a sissy undergoing transformation. So be a good girl,” Jasmine said as she stood me up, put her hand on the small of my back and propelled me into the salon proper. 

    Jasmine’s styling vanity was practically in the geometric center of the salon. That way she was accessible to all of her clients and employees. To me it was as if I were on display. I knew how unbelievably Sissified I must have looked as I minced to the shampoo sink. I was wearing a pink, midriff-length smock that did little or nothing to hide the fact that I was in a pair of bright-red Capri slacks and a white, fluffy Cashmere sweater. 

    I was surprised to see that Jasmine was doing my shampoo instead of a shampoo girl. Once Jasmine seated me at her styling station, she began to finger in some styling gel, into my hair. Then she began my haircut. I’d been keeping my hair shoulder length. It was about to become shorter. 

    Looking into the mirror, I could see a hot looking girl named Tina walking towards Jasmine. Tina and I used to flirt quite a bit when I worked at Jasmine’s. Tina came up behind Jasmine and spoke softly.

    “Ms. Jasmine. I just overheard some of the girls talking. They were gossiping about Milo, who used to work here. They said his wife Phyllis, and her new boyfriend, brought Milo here for you to perform a girly makeover on him. Oh my goodness. Milo? Is that you?” Tina gasped.

    “Tina, this person no longer calls herself Milo. Her name is now Mimi. Mimi Marie, actually. Yes. She’s here for a very, girly makeover. She’s in the process of Gender Transition right now. And could you possibly blame her wife for having a new boyfriend? Wouldn’t you, if you found out you were married to a Sissy?” Jasmine asked.

     “The thing is Tina. Her wife Phyllis, and the wife’s new boyfriend Devon, are very supportive of Mimi’s lifestyle choices and want her to get the best possible beauty services available. She’s going to work as their housekeeper and maid. So they want to present her to their friends and guests in the best possible light,” Jasmine explained.

    “Then it is true. Wow, was I ever fooled. I used to flirt with Milo. I guess I used to flirt with a Sissy named Mimi, then? Oh well. Ms. Jasmine. Some of the other girls and a number of the customers have heard the same rumor and they may be stopping by to take a look,” Tina explained. 

    “Oh that’s perfectly fine Tina. The more exposure Mimi gets the better it is for her Gender Transitioning process,” Jasmine added.

    I had to speak up and said, “Tina, none of this is true. I don’t want to become a girl and I’m being forced into all of this.”

    “Oh really? It doesn’t look like that to me? You aren’t tied up or anything. You’re just sitting there quietly while Ms. Jasmine tapers your hair into an inverted bob. It also appears that Ms. Jasmine is ready to mix up your new hair color? Sounds to me as if you are in denial about this Mimi,” Tina said as she turned and walked away.

    While Jasmine colored my hair, Jet-Black, a few of the stylists and several customers in varying stages of beauty treatments dropped by to witness my transformation. A few of them snickered. Others commented.

    “Jasmine, you are really very open-minded to not only allow Sissies to come into your shop, but to help them with their Girly Transitioning.  It really does look like this Sissy is perfect for turning into a girl. From what I can see from the Capris she is wearing, she had really nice legs. And her facial features are very girlish,” one of the female customers opined. 

    I’d really begun to feel shamed, but I felt helpless to do anything. Just to think that I was seated passively in a beauty parlor while my wife was home having hot sex with the new, real man in her life? After Jasmine had dyed my hair, she decided to put Purple Highlights into my Jet-Black tresses. 

    While she added the highlights one of her girls stopped by to pierce my ears and give me a manicure with Midnight Merlot nail polish by Revlon. She made me hold my wrists really limp, with my fingers spread, while the polish dried. She also placed Pearl studs in my new set of piercing holes. 

    “Let’s allow those highlights to take Mimi. Then I can set and stylize  your new ‘Do’ and begin your makeup. While I’m painting your face, I can text Phyllis to tell her you are almost ready. You never know, though? She just might be having such great sex with Devon that they could be a little late?” Jasmine teased.

    “It won’t matter, as I can have some fun parading you around the salon and showing you off. You’ll be similar to an advertisement. If I can make a Sissy look this good, just imagine what I can do with a real female?” Jasmine laughed. 

    Jasmine decided to roll-up my hair with a setting gel and mid-sized brush curlers. As she did so, she began to ask some very personal questions about my sex life as well as well as Phyllis’s and Devon’s.

    “So I would guess you and Phyllis haven’t really had any sex at all since Devon came into the picture? Even then, you mostly gave her oral pleasure, didn’t you?” Jasmine inquired.

    “Well yes. It has been months since I had any sort of sexual contact with her. And you are correct. It had come to the point where she only allowed me to pleasure her orally,” I admitted.

    “So have they ever made you watch them having sex?” Jasmine asked.

    “No. Of course not. Why would they?” I gasped, girlishly.

    “Because honey, you are what is commonly referred to as a Cuckold. And frequently the Cuckold is made to watch while his wife has sexual intercourse with her new man, or men. How about fluffing? Have you ever had to ‘Fluff’ Devon for Phyllis?” Jasmine inquired.

    “What do you mean by that? What is Fluffing?” I asked.

    “Oh you are a Prissy Sissy virgin aren’t you? Fluffing would be sucking Devon’s penis to get him ready for sex with Phyllis. Cuckolds often are told to do that,” Jasmine explained.

    “That’s awful. I’d never suck any man’s penis. I’d refuse to do that,” I insisted.

    “You may refuse but you just might also go over Devon’s lap for an ass-whipping too, girl. You’d better behave around the house, Girly-Girl. The new man around the home is a big strong guy that you are no match for. You probably aren’t much of match for Phyllis, for that matter?” Jasmine added, insultingly. 

    When Jasmine had completed the setting of my hair, she set up to do my makeup, saying, “You know. I want to give Phyllis and Devon plenty of time for a healthy, exciting, afternoon of screwing. So I’ll let your hair dry without heat and just maybe touch it up with a warm blow dryer prior to your comb out and final spray.”

    “Your skin is so smooth and soft. Do you ever get facials? You have such pretty skin. Let’s begin with a nice moisturizer. Then I’ll use a matte foundation. You are going to be so very pretty Mimi. Devon won’t be able to keep his hands off of you,” Jasmine smirked. 

    She continued to paint my face. I was so glad she hadn’t given me any Collagen injections. I didn’t realize of course that a “Lip Preparation” she’d put on my mouth contained Collagen, and that all the lipsticks I’d soon be using were Collagen infused. 

    With my face now fully painted, my makeup lush and vivid, and my lipstick a striking crimson, Jasmine gave me a look at myself in the vanity mirror of her styling station. I appeared so very femme. With the curlers still in my hair, my makeup done, and wearing the pink salon cape, I looked like a girl getting ready for a date, or a fashion model being prepped for a sashay along the catwalk.

    Jasmine now plucked the curlers from my tresses and began to comb, brush, shape and spray, my new Do. She fashioned my long, inverted bob, into a curly, Updo-twist. She removed my cape and took a photo of me with one hand on my hip and the other hand holding my Sissy-Clutch purse. She texted the photo to both Phyllis and Devon.

    “I told them you were ready to be picked up. Now darling. It’s time for a sashay around my salon where I will display you to all the ladies. Let us go and see Tina first,” Jasmine suggested. 

    I minced along behind Jasmine, not wanting to upset her. The last thing I wanted her to tell Devon and Phyllis was that I had misbehaved. I stood behind Jasmine as she said to Tina, “Well what do you think? Didn’t Mimi turn out nicely?”

    “Oh my! Mimi you are just simply adorable. I can see why you so badly want to be girl. You look so much better than you ever looked as a boy. Carla, this is that Sissy I told you about that was in for a makeover. Mimi once worked her. Isn’t she a doll?” Tina asked the client sitting in front of her having her hair colored.

    “Hmm? Oh gracious me! You must be kidding right? This sweet thing couldn’t have possibly ever been a boy? Honey, are you going to have a sex change? You should, baby. The boys will go crazy over you. You do need some tits, though girl, if you really want to excite the men,” Carla added. 

    “Carla, you are very perceptive. You know, Sissies like Mimi Marie are pretty much, effeminate, limp-wrist, fags until they truly get in touch with that sweet girl inside of themselves and come out as Transgender Females. A nice set of ‘Girls’ on Mimi’s chest would be a really good start in that direction,” Jasmine agreed. 

    “Sooner or later, Mimi will find the right man for her, or possibly a dominant Butch Lesbian to take care of her,” Jasmine opined.

    After a “Tour” of Jasmine’s salon, where I received pretty much the same reactions from all the ladies, Jasmine took me to the lobby/reception area to wait for Devon and Phyllis. Just outside the lobby doorway she had me rehearse a little speech she wanted me to give to both Phyllis and Devon.

    “And you had better say every word and convince them that you just loved being here. If you don’t, I’ll tell them that you were an insufferable, little bitch and that they should discipline you once they get you home. Understood, Girly?” Jasmine hissed.

    “Yes ma’am Ms. Jasmine. I understand. I’ll do just as you say,” I dithered. I wasn’t just afraid of Master Devon, either. I was just as frightened of Ms. Jasmine, as well as Mistress Phyllis.

    At only Five Feet nine inches in height and weighing a slender 135 pounds I was dwarfed by Devon and both shorter and lighter than the statuesque Ms. Jasmine and the buxom Mistress Phyllis. 

    When Devon and Phyllis arrived, Phyllis walked all around me smiling and asked, “Well. Did you have a fun time, Miss Mimi Marie?” 

    “Oh yes ma’am, Mistress Phyllis. It was just simply lovely. I adored being here. And Ms. Jasmine and I became just the best of friends. I can’t wait to come back and get my lips plumped up with some Collagen treatments. And I hope I can get a full makeover here every month,” I gushed. 

    “Is that true Jasmine? Was Mimi a good little girl? Phyllis asked.

    “Yes she was. And as her Master and Mistress you and Devon should be very proud of how well you have trained her,” Jasmine agreed.

    On the way to the house Phyllis really made a scene about how she adored having sex with Devon. Plus we were in Phyllis’s luxury Lexus SUV and Devon was driving. I could not recall Phyllis ever allowing anyone to drive her vehicle?

    “Oh my gosh Devon. You are such an amazing stud. I thought I was going to pass out that last time that you fucked me? Your cock is just a masterpiece. What a monster. And don’t worry about the anal. We’ll soon be training someone to provide that for you, honey,” Phyllis promised.

    It wasn’t until we arrived home that I realized the person that was going to be trained to provide anal sex for Devon was me. I was shown to my “New Girl’s” room. It was a very, femininely appointed guest room. All of my femme clothes as well as what Phyllis called my “Gay Butch” clothes were to be moved into there.

    “We got you a new vanity for all your makeup and hair care products, as well as a pretty canopied, four-poster bed. And I’m having your old room redecorated really masculinely for Devon’s Man-Cave,” Phyllis Explained.

    “Now honey we can do this the easy way or the hard way. We want you to lay on your bed and we’ll prop up your torso so you don’t muss your new pretty hairdo and sexy makeup. We’re also going to take down your Capris and panties so we can insert a butt-plug in your rectum. We need to enlarge your anus so you can accept Devon’s massive penis for anal sex,” Phyllis said frankly.

    “No ma’am. There is just no way, I’m going to become Devon’s Fuck-toy. Never. You can forget that,” I said rather weakly. 

    “Okay. We do it the hard way. Devon honey, proceed with Plan B,” Phyllis instructed.

    Devon quickly had me turned around, with my left arm behind me in a hammerlock. I was grimacing.

    “Oh please Master Devon? Oh please? Don’t break my arm? Please don’t break it? I’ll behave. I’ll be good,” I pleaded.

    “I don’t want to break your arm Sissy. So do you promise to be a good girl for me? And do you promise to be Daddy’s sexy, hot Fuck-Toy? Then say it,” Devon demanded.

    “Yes Daddy. I promise to be your good little girl and your sexy, hot Fuck-toy,” I gasped.

    “That’s better. Then lay down here with your torso on this pillow. Good. That will keep your hair and makeup nice and pretty for Mummy and Daddy. Do you want to pull her Girly slacks and her panties off Phyllis?” Devon asked.

    “Sure. First I’ll need to remove these cute, kitten heels. Spread your legs honey. Good girl. Let me lube up this rubber glove. There now. Okay this jelly might feel a little sticky and cool. Hand me that smallest size. The GYN said we need to do this gradual. She should be ready for you in a couple of weeks if we increase the plug size, every few days,” Phyllis explained.

    “Okay girl, you are nice and lubed. Now take some nice deep breaths in and out and one and two and three, and here we go. That’s it honey, breathe in and out, and there we are. Nice tight fit, isn’t it? Trust me you’ll appreciate these plugs that we’re going to use the very first time Devon screws you,” Phyllis said, as I laid on my tummy in abject shame and humiliation. 

     “Now get into a pretty skirt, some pantyhose and three-inch heels. I checked, and it appears you have some ironing to do sweetie,” Phyllis added. 

Chapter II: Maid for Pleasure 

    I stood near Phyllis’s bed in her boudoir. She and Devon were in her bath laughing and toweling off. I was perched on a pair of three-inch high, Pink, satin mules. I wore a matching pink baby doll, nightie. My hair was teased, feathered and heavily sprayed. I was carefully perfumed and delightfully made-up.

    My pointy, D-Cup, surgically implanted breasts looked as if they might pop right out of my nightie. My Collagen infused lips were ripe, plump and wet with Merlot, Revlon, lipstick. My French-Manicured nails were long and glam. I was the perfect, little tart, about to be ravaged. 

    Devon and Phyllis came out of her bath. Both were naked. They plopped down on the bed. Phyllis laid back on a pillow. Devon sat on the side of the bed. Phyllis crooked her finger and motioned for me to approach the bed.

    “Kneel in front of Devon, and sincerely thank him for what he’s done for me, girl,” Phyllis ordered.

    “Master Devon. Thank you so very much for being such a manly, masterful, satisfying lover for Mistress Phyllis. You have provided her with something I could never give her. Sexual satisfaction,” I shamefully admitted.

    “And now, you shall ask him for permission to Fluff, Mimi,” Phyllis ordered.

    “Please Master Devon, would you grant me permission to Fluff you and prepare to have sex with Mistress Phyllis?” I begged in humiliation.

    “Sure sweet lips. Suck away honey,” Devon grinned.

    I then wrapped my plump, Collagen fattened lips, around the cock of the man that would soon be fucking the woman I was once married to. The very woman I could never satisfy. I took his cock in my mouth and began to lick and suck. I licked all around his balls. 

    I sucked hungrily on his cock. At least I knew he wouldn’t be shooting his wad into my mouth, though I could taste his pre-cum. As I sucked, he sucked upon one of Phyllis’s tits. Phyllis played with her own puss as she watched me suck him off. Then when they were both ready to fuck, Phyllis spoke.

    “Please fuck me you handsome beast. And you girl, you can watch and see how a real man fucks a woman,” Phyllis moaned. 

    Devon mounted her and they began to screw wildly. It all ended with Phyllis screaming out in wild pleasure like I’d never heard her scream before. As she lay prone and sated she gasped out, “Get the little whore up on the bed Devon, and give the little bitch a ride.” 

    “Get up here Sissy Mimi. I’ll get out of the way and you two can play. It’s a nice big King bed. I can watch the slut get fucked. Get in whatever position he tells you, Mimi girl,” Phyllis instructed.

    Devon had me lay on my back. He rested my ass on a pillow. He lifted my legs to his shoulders and he splayed me with his monster cock. Once he entered me I began to blubber, but then as he tapped my prostate, I started to mewl. It was so good.

    “Oh thank you Devon. Oh what a fabulous lover you are,” I squealed.

    He was ready to pop as he’d been screwing Phyllis. And when he finally did, I screamed like a banshee as I went off also. My cock pumped sperm into the air as he pumped his hot ejaculate into my rectum. Phyllis was still playing with her puss when I collapsed on the bed in ecstasy. 

    I now knew why Devon was the husband and I was the Sissy Maid

The End


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