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New! Princess of Castile: Ch.11

By Jennifer Reed


Valentina got in one of her family limos and was driven to a new home she

purchased in Aragon's vast countryside.  They were in a small town named

after their first president Manuel.  It was so named after their

independence from Castile.  Her new estate was just outside of the town.

She had it furnished for her needs and was presently examining her new

bedroom.  Her guards were always present because she could never really

feel safe here no matter how much power she wielded.  She was outside of

the occupied area.  The area she was in now, was under the formal control

of the nation of Aragon and its corrupt laws and legislature.

She had the Manor changed so many of the locks could only be operated by

her and her guards.  Then she looked at the gate and the stone walls

outside of the Manor and Valentina smiled.  There would be no escape from

this place unless she wished it.

Her aide approached and said, "Madam, the Sterling Family will be

expecting us later today.  We should get going.  It's still a long ride

to the Sterling place."

Valentina nodded and went to the gatehouse and got in her black limo and

they pulled out.  Valentina was smiling as they left.  She really didn't

expect a warm welcome from the Sterling family, Leanne's parents and

relatives, but she did expect that, eventually, they would see things her

way and agree to sign the forms.  They would have little choice.

The ride to Leanne's family's house was long and would take part of the

day to get there.  Valentina occupied herself by planning on how to

handle the negotiations with them and their questions.  How would she

handle their resistance to selling their eldest daughter to her in

marriage.  Her mind was thinking of these things and planning on how to

handle all of them.

A man beside them, an attorney she hired from the capital, leaned over

and said gently, "Relax, Valentina.  We have handled everything.  It's

all set up and we made plans for everything.  The negotiations will go

smoothly.  You know what to do and how we will handle any questions or

objections they may have.  It will go smoothly.  They will have no choice

after what you have already done.  They will have to agree with you.  The

Sterlings will have no choice in the matter.  So just relax, Valentina.

It's another hour."

There was another very slight problem they would have to deal with and

that was her present husband, the Count De La Vega.  Living in Castile,

that marriage was void and had no effect on her.  But she was in Aragon

planning another marriage which couldn't take place until the first one

was legally over.  She escaped, but the marriage was still there.  Of

course, Valentina figured a gun to his head, work him over some, and they

would have his consent for a divorce.  Or she would become a widow and

planning for her late husband's funeral.  Either way, that marriage was

going to be over today.

Valentina made it to the Sterling household and they pulled up to the

house.  It was a large two-story house.  It seemed like the income Leanne

made, as well as Albert's and Elizabeth's, was able to provide for a

moderately large comfortable home for their family.  It was nowhere near

the size of the Baron Vargos' estate, or the Count's, or even the massive

Hastings Estate they purchased in the country.  But it was comfortable

enough for their family.

Valentina got out of her car with her attorney and her guards and went up

to the front door of the Sterling home.

They were let in by a nicely dressed older woman who she assumed was

Elizabeth, Leanne's mother, and there was Albert, her father, and the

rest of the family waiting there.

Elizabeth looked a lot like Leanne.  There was a strong resemblance.  Her

face was so much like Leanne's, just a bit older.  Their eyes and their

facial features were very similar.  There was also that supreme arrogance

and need to maintain control.  The idea that she was in charge and

everything needed to go according to plan or else.  It was an attitude

that Valentina would have fun destroying today.

Elizabeth started off the discussion, "This is just a giant waste of our

time, Valentina.  There is no way you will ever convince me to sign any

forms for a marriage with my daughter Leanne.  You will never convince me

to do that to her.  You may as well go and spare yourself from wasting

any more time.  I won't ever agree to such a thing."

Elizabeth and Leanne were about to meet their match.  Valentina's eyes

narrowed and there was a fierce look in her eyes and a knowing smirk.

"Oh, I think we can come to an agreement, Elizabeth.  I know you will

agree or we will have trouble."

"You can't threaten us, Valentina."  She glanced toward the black-suited

guards behind her.  "Threats won't get you anywhere and I won't agree to

threats.  This is all over as far as I am concerned.  It's a waste of


"Do you know what your daughter does for a living?" Valentina asked


"Yes," Elizabeth replied firmly.  "Absolutely and it has provided well

for our family.  I know what she does with males placed in arranged

marriages.  So what of it?  I am not ashamed."

Some of her brothers didn't really approve and looked disgusted.

Especially Miles, her second brother and Jason, her youngest.

"Her fetish for feminizing males may be why Miles has had such a

difficult time.  I guess she dressed him when he was younger.  Of course,

I don't expect you to care about that, Elizabeth.  I know what kind of

person you are."

"And I know about you, Valentina.  You were feminized by her and I half

expected some of her former clients to come here with such an outrageous

request.  You are still wasting our time and should leave."

"I have no intention of leaving until we can come to an agreement.  I

know about you too.  And, I know you have been having serious trouble

with the insurance for Jason's treatments, aren't you?" Valentina asked

with a dark smirk.

"How did you know about that?" Elizabeth asked in surprise.  "Wait, that

was you, wasn't it, you got them to drop Jason's coverage didn't you, you


"I won't confirm or deny anything," Valentina replied confidently.

"You bitch," Elizabeth hissed.  "This is no joke.  Jason will die without

his treatments."

Valentina just smiled.  "So you can plan for a funeral.  Or I could cover

his treatments.  And a dowry of five million dollars would go a long way,

wouldn't it, but you wouldn't have to use that for Jason.  I would agree

to cover his medical treatments out of my own pocket.  Or you can plan

for a funeral.  The decision is yours."

Elizabeth's face turned dark red with rage but she knew she had little

option here as she looked into Valentina's ruthless eyes.  "Fine, I will

agree to your demand, Valentina.  I will sign the forms for

sadistic bitch."

"I knew we could come to an agreement," Valentina said confidently.  "My

signature is already on the forms as you can see.  Now all we need is

yours.  I am happy to see you have the five required family members to

make it legal."

Then Valentina watched Elizabeth very reluctantly sign her name on the

form.  Elizabeth Sterling.  Then her husband, Leanne's father, Albert.

18-year-old Miles signed next.  Elizabeth's sister, Melinda, signed and

then her mother, Chelsie, signed last.  They had the five required

signatures to determine Leanne's fate.

Then they all had to sign legal affidavits assuring that they all signed

of their own free will and agreed to the legal status of Leanne.

Valentina signed a five million dollar check and handed it to Elizabeth,

"And here is the dowry for Leanne."

They gladly left the home and now she had to face her husband and sign

for the divorce or plan his funeral.  Either way, this marriage would be

over today so they could legally file the marriage certificates and

affidavits with the court to approve Leanne's marriage with Valentina.


Valentina and her guards made their way to Count Diego De la Vega's vast

estate and forced their way through the guarded gatehouse and pulled in

front of the door.  If he wasn't there now, they could wait for him.  Her

guards were highly trained members of the Shadow Corps.

They forced their way through the door at gunpoint and held up the main

guards and Valentina demanded, "Where is Diego now?  Is he in the


The guard shook his head, "No, he is doing his duty," he said in a voice

full of fear for his life.

Valentina then said, "We can wait for him.  Search for the other guards

and have them detained and tied up.  We now run this household."

Valentina's other guards gathered up the other estate guards and secured

them in another room, with their hands and feet tied together and face

down on the floor.  Valentina just waited until nearly nightfall when the

Count finally arrived.

He turned into the drawing room and saw his wife there with her armed

guards.  All of the blood seemed to leave his face as he saw them.

Valentina approached the frightened Count saying, "Now, my beloved

husband.  We have some things to discuss right now.  Especially,

divorcing me.  I have the forms here for you to sign."

He shook his head, "What makes you think I would ever agree to that?" he

said as one of the women drew their gun and pointed it at the Count's


"This is what makes me think you will agree," Valentina said quietly.

"You want to stay alive, don't you?  Or I can be a widow and plan your

funeral.  I don't care either way, I simply want to be a free woman here

and live my life as I please.  Are you going to make this difficult or


He looked at her armed guards and their faces and knew they were going to

really hurt him if he made this difficult.  The Count nodded helplessly,

"Fine, I will sign the forms setting you free."

The Count signed the divorce forms as he was totally defeated.  Valentina

hoped he would make this more difficult so they could beat him and maybe

break some bones.  But the Count was a coward.

Valentina turned to leave, and said, "Oh, Diego, you better get with your

attorney and file these forms with the court.  Or I will be back and make

it a lot more painful for you.  I would rather not have to return here,

but I will if I have to."

Then the women walked out of the door and left the estate.


The BDSM community is small, but a tight knit one.  Everyone knows each

other, finding the Domme you want is not hard.  It is a business after

all, they want to be found.

Locating a tall strong dominatrix blonde woman with Norse features was

easy but locating the specific one would be harder.  Fortunately, the

name "Tabitha" helped narrow it down.

Finding the woman formerly named Tabitha ended in an old club that was

once a gothic night club during the start of the decade.  A few questions

and a little tip would gain you trust and entrance to the underground

BDSM club that was the true money maker under the club.

Natalia walked down the hallway, walking past women only wearing corsets

that exposed their bare breasts, with nothing to cover their lower

pelvis.  Guests were treated to the beauty of their vaginas.  Only an eye

mask gave them some sense of privacy.


The sound of hard vicious swats was heard from outside of the door and

then the sound of a muffled man crying in pain was heard as he entered

the building alone.  Natalia stood there listening to the sound of a

helpless man being spanked.  She guessed that was exactly what the man

wanted and came here for that express purpose.  Some men liked that, but

she hated it and she was here for an expressly different reason.

Most businesses were closed but this woman refused to shut down.  This

was behind enemy lines for Aragon's citizens.  This was the occupied zone

and Aragon's government had no say here anymore.  This was occupied

territory, the citizens were living behind enemy lines.  As such, the

Princess, her people, and that included Natalia, were the people in

charge now.  She was about to take advantage of his new-found power over

the people.

The door to the back flew open and a large muscular woman standing over

six feet tall, with broad shoulders and biceps came out.  Her black hair

was tied into a bun in the back.  Her stern Norse features were very

visible now.  She was wearing a tight-fitting, intimidating leather

corset with spikes on the shoulders and a pair of high heeled black

leather boots that went up to her thighs.  She stood towering over

Natalia.  But Natalia showed no fear at the larger woman.

Natalia stood there before the larger woman wearing a solid black

military-style uniform with the distinctive symbol of the Shadows Corps

on one of the collars and the Falangist pin on the other with its black

background and bright red arrows crossing each other.  She stood there

totally fearless.

Tabitha should have been afraid but she simply laughed.  "I was wondering

when I was going to get a visit from the fearsome Major Natalia.  Don't

think that I don't know who you are, Marcia or Martin.  I know you have

been settling scores with people involved in your marriage for years.

Almost the entire Baron's family massacred, the judge who ordered your

SRS, the justice of the peace who married you to him, and Lisa, that poor

woman who had no idea what she was getting involved with and thought it

was all so funny.  She will never recover after a night with you.  I have

been expecting that you would dare visit me and here you are, Martin."

The large woman looked down at Natalia with a sinister smile.  "Don't

think that uniform intimidates me at all.  I know who you really are.

Even if you appear totally feminine.  I am just surprised that Leanne

didn't recognize you.  But I do."

"Isn't this appearance what you all wanted, you wanted me to live as a

female?" Natalia asked sarcastically.

"Well yes," Tabitha admitted.  "But you do it so well now that many

people can't even tell you are really male under that uniform.  You are

so naturally female now.  Only those like me who has dressed and trained

men before can tell.  Leanne should have known.  We spoke about you

before.  I never expected you to pull this off so well."

Natalia shrugged.  "I have to appear female for my military career.  It's

required.  Only women are allowed.  I was allowed if I was willing to do


Suddenly, Tabitha looked afraid.  Natalia saw fear flash in her eyes.

"You mean your uniform and rank is real.  I thought it was just dress up

to intimidate your victims.  You mean this is real, you are really a

ranking member of the elite Shadow Corps?" Tabitha said with disbelief.

"Yes, The Empress herself helped with my admission into the Shadow Corps.

The princess herself helped promote me to this rank.  That is also why I

am no longer Martin, but Natalia.  I could no longer call myself Martin

because I am no longer male."  Her eyes flashed with cold anger as she

looked up at Tabitha.

Natalia saw the fear in her eyes now that she knew this was no joke.  She

still tried to appear dominant and asked, "So what did you come here for?

Do you want discipline too?  You will need to wait your turn sissy."

"No thank you, Tabitha," Natalia replied laughing at her weak attempt to

appear dominant.  "I had enough spankings and torture on my testicles

with that black spoon to last a lifetime thank you very much.  I am here

for another reason."  She glared into her eyes.

Tabitha flinched.  She looked into Natalia's eyes and saw the swirling

darkness and cruelty that had taken control of Martin.  The hard glare

and malice radiated off of Natalia.  Tabitha knew what was driving

Natalia now.  "So now you are here for revenge, like you did all of the

rest.  I know what you did."

Natalia replied without a hint of fear in her voice.  "It occurs to me

that you are very skilled at tormenting and abusing a man who is unable

to defend himself.  Someone who is helpless and controlled for you.  You

are much like those abusive men who love to beat and abuse their helpless

wives.  Much like the men you love working with who relentlessly torment

and abuse their wives and you help them subjugate their wives."

Tabitha looked down at Natalia and said, "I told you before, um, Natalia.

I have no problem administering punishment when it's needed so you could

learn your place.  It wasn't torment or abuse."

"That's how those abusive husbands who beat their wives see it," Natalia

pointed out.  "But the wives often see it much differently.  So I really

wonder how you would do against a woman who can defend herself and is

very capable and trained.  I suspect like those abusive men, you wouldn't

do so well if the woman is highly trained to fight back."

This was very odd to Tabitha.  Martin was here dressed as a woman and

referring to himself as one of those abused women and then saying he

could defend himself.  The dark look in his eye and the way he was

handing himself now spoke of some high level training and a lot of

repressed rage.  "And I guess you think you are one of those women,

Natalia," Tabitha laughed.  Tabitha was still thinking of Natalia as

being the man, Martin.

"I am the only man ever to have been accepted into the elite ranks of the

Shadow Corps.  I trained with them for months preparing, I passed the

trials and was accepted.  I went on missions with them rescuing hostages

and women captive in this hellhole, much like I was and I am thankful for

being able to rescue those women from the hell they were in.  And now I

am here for you, Tabitha."

Her smile faltered.

"I am not helpless like before.  None of you could handle me now.  I have

learned so much," Natalia said evenly.  "The Shadow Corps trains

relentlessly.  They often encounter larger and stronger male opponents

because much of the world's militaries are almost exclusively men.  So we

train to disable and kill them and I learned it's quite easy to kill a

man.  No matter how large he is.  There are many sensitive and fragile

parts to the human body.  Killing is easy."

Tabitha knew that this woman was no joke now.  Natalia was deadly

serious.  If what she said was true about her being a member of the

Shadow Corps, then Tabitha didn't stand a chance against her.  Natalia

saw the fear in Tabitha's eyes.

Tabitha had to try.  She could not helplessly let this weaker man who had

been so afraid of her before, dominate her now just because he was

dressed as a fearsome woman.  She approached Natalia and grabbed her arm

to teach her a lesson and that was about as far as she got before she

cried out in pain and collapsed by something Natalia did.  Tabitha didn't

know what she did but it was so quick she collapsed in agonizing pain

starting in her arm and running up to her chest.  She found herself on

the ground groaning.  Natalia was standing above her.

"That was a mistake Tabitha and I warned you.  Your lesson starts now."

Then Natalia did something else and Tabitha cried out in pain.

"So what?" Tabitha asked frightened for the first time in her life.  "Are

you here to kill me?"

"No," Natalia said, "that would be too easy.  I am here to punish you for

what you did to me.  You won't hurt another person after this."

She knew without a doubt that Natalia's hubris was more than just talk

now.  The way Natalia took her down spoke of some very high level and

intensive training.  Natalia was indeed a member of the Shadow Corps.

Tabitha did not know what Natalia did to her to make her go down so

quickly.  Whatever she did was quicker than her eye could see, it was

totally unexpected.

This was not the Martin she had encountered years ago.  He was so

passive, so easily intimidated into compliance.  Most of his resistance

collapsed within days of the marriage.  He still required the occasional

discipline to get him to cooperate and become the feminized wife the

Baron wanted.  That took a little longer to do.  That passive gentle

Martin was gone.  This was Natalia.  Natalia glared down into her eyes

and what she was terrifying.

Natalia was totally merciless and there was an intense anger and cruelty

in her.  There was an intense look of darkness that swirled in her eyes.

The gentle, confused man was totally gone.  Tabitha knew there was no

talking to this woman, there was no way anything she said now would have

any impact.  Tabitha knew she was helpless before this anger and her

level of training.  She would like to know how the women accepted Natalia

in the Shadow Corps.  but from his manner of dress and how she carried

himself as a woman, that seemed to be the answer.  It would be funny and

very ironic if this were not so frightening.  Of course, a woman's anger

can be worse than a man's at times and women can be far more cruel.

But she wasn't about to show weakness or submit out of fear to this man.

She had had this man in terror before her before, willing to humiliate

himself in the most demeaning ways just to avoid her punishments.  How

could she submit to him out of fear now?  She had to try, even if she

knew it was useless and would just invite his anger.

Tabitha stood up to her full height, towering above the feminized man

trying to regain her control over him.  Hoping it would work, she snarled

in her domme voice, "Nice move," Tabitha said, spitting out a bit of

blood from her mouth.  "Looks like you learned so-"

Natalia took the small window of opportunity while blood dripped down

Tabitha's forehead and down her eye to land her palm into Tabitha's jaw.

A vicious series of strikes to Tabitha's body brought her down to allow

her to land the side of her fist into Tabitha's windpipe, effectively

leaving her choking helplessly.  Another in her stomach and then her ribs

and the final blow was right into her temple and her vision was blacking

out.  Stars were floating in her vision as she fought to regain her

breath after being struck in the throat.

"I was a man only attracted to women," Natalia said coldly.  "I shouldn't

have had to accept a man as my husband.  I shouldn't have had to be a

wife for him.  What you did to me was very wrong.  What you did to John

and Victor was wrong.  You abused people and now you will pay the price.

You will never hurt another person as long as you live."

"So what," Tabitha challenged gasping for hair, struggling to talk, "you

going to kill me?"

Natalia shook her head in a cruel sneer.  "Death is too good for you.

You need to experience what we all experience under you.  And watch

helplessly as your future and life as you know it is taken away from you,

all hope is gone as you are enslaved."

Natalia smiled and went to a side door and opened it.  She said cruelly,

"You may come in now, Madam Wonbozi.  Your new servant is ready."

A large imposing woman walked in, wearing some sort of military uniform

from her own nation.  She was clearly of African descent and her servants

actually seemed afraid of her.  She looked like she had a vicious temper.

Madam Wonbozi spoke in a very heavy African accent.  "Is this the bitch?"

she asked, looking at the woman collapsed on the floor.  Two smaller male

servants followed her wearing military style fatigues.  They looked at

Tabitha.  Madam Wonbozi said, "She will do just fine."  She looked at her

servants and said, "I accept her.  Take her."

Tabitha asked in a defeated shaky voice, "Who are these people you are

giving me too?"

"This is Madam General Wonbozi and they serve their queen.  They are

struggling to build a matriarchy in their central African nation much

like Castile is.  After centuries of male dominated oppression, the women

are fighting back and have had much success."

Tabitha glared up at the General and demanded, "If you want female

empowerment, why do you have a problem with what I did to these men?"

The Madam General replied harshly, "Because you subjugated those men for

other men.  Not for women.  You worked for brutal men and just helped

reinforce the male power structure over women.  You betrayed our sex.

Silence the bitch!"

The General looked at Natalia and said, "Thank you.  We will train this

bitch well.  My friend is ready to meet the other bitch you want to

disappear.  Valentina has agreed to change her contract for the bitch.

My friend is Madam Amber, a personal representative to the queen.

Valentina likes her and has agreed with Amber.  Valentina thinks this is

greater justice to that woman who hurt her."

Her servants taped Tabitha's mouth shut and carried her out of the door.

She was tied up and on a plane headed for central Africa within the hour.

Walking away from the underground bondage club undetected was easy as all

the clients wore large coats and black sunglasses and, most importantly,

they all looked away.  Natalia had no trouble getting into the passenger

side of the black Mercedes that conveniently pulled up as soon as she

stepped out on the sidewalk.

"Did you take care of what you needed to?" asked the driver wearing a

solid black military uniform.

"Yes, I took care of what I needed to do," responded Natalia as she

flipped through her phone's various photos of a nude Tabitha tied up with

a pink dildo securely tied to her mouth.

Natalia left Tabitha's place very satisfied and went to Leanne's place a

little later.

She entered the darkened house and waited for Leanne's arrival.  She

heard Leanne pull in and enter about an hour later.  Natalia turned on

the living room light and smiled.  "Welcome, Leanne.  I have been waiting

for you."

Leanne jumped and looked over to see a woman dressed in black, smiling at

her cruelly.  Leanne knew this woman could do anything she wanted to her

with the powerful allies he had now.  Leanne recognized this woman from

the banquet.  This was Natalia, formerly known as Martin Hastings.  But

there wasn't much of the gentle, naive man left.  Natalia was a cruel and

merciless spirit of vengeance coming for her.  Leanne was frightened.

"Because of you, I suffered continuous rape, derogation and my entire

life was destroyed by you and your friend the Baron Vargos," said Natalia

darkly as she stood there facing Leanne.  "And you said I should accept

it, because somehow the Baron became my husband whether I liked it or

not.  I had my obligations to him and he had his rights.  You said."

Natalia continued to approach her slowly.

Leanne backed away in fear.  "He was your husband, he had a husband's

rights over you, um, Natalia.  None of you can understand how our culture

sees this.  He was your husband and had a husband's right.  You don't

have that right over me.  I am not your wife."

"I never accepted him as my husband," Natalia said quietly.  "I never

consented to the wedding, I never accepted it, signed anything and no one

even asked me or told me of it.  It just happened and I was expected to

accept it, or else.  And even if I did sign my consent to it, no husband

should ever have that kind of power over his wife.  Such a thing is a

violation of a person's human rights.  That's why Castile abolished such


Leanne laughed bitterly and said, "Actually, Natalia, in your new nation,

the wife holds all of the power over the husband's life.  Men have almost

no control over their lives.  It's ironic that a man like you could work

for and actively support such a nation."

Natalia violently grabbed Leanne's arm and shoved her down to the floor.

She stood over Leanne with a horrifying evil smile.  "I have the rights

over you all as a commander in the Shadow Corps.  Commander of the

occupying forces.  And I have a victim's right to extract vengeance for a

life that was destroyed.  For all I suffered because of you.  I do have

the right."

Then Natalia pulled her hand back and viciously slapped Leanne across the

face, causing her to cry out in pain.

Leanne was frightened and it was so odd.  She knew this was the man named

Martin.  But there was little left of the man she encountered many years

ago.  This was a man with little masculinity left.  He was totally

dressed as a woman, he moved like a woman and he seemed like a very

vengeful woman standing over her.  Leanne understood why the women of the

Shadow Corps accepted Natalia so well.  This was a vengeful woman on a


Natalia pulled her up to her feet and glared into her eyes with an evil

smirk.  "Tonight, Leanne, you will begin to experience what I experienced

every night for over a year.  Tonight will be a small taste of what I

endured because of you."  Natalia flashed an evil grin and said, "And it

will only be the beginning."

Leanne trembled, guessing that Natalia was going to sexually assault her

in the way the Baron had done to Natalia.  Leanne was confused when

Natalia headed for the front door and opened it.  Leanne despaired when

she saw a large imposing woman walk in followed by other women who

appeared to be servants.  The large imposing woman looked very accustomed

to great power.  The woman was clearly of African lineage.  The woman's

body was rippling with powerful lean muscular power.  There was an evil,

cruel look in her eyes as she glared at Leanne and smirked.

"Is this the package?" the woman asked Natalia.  Not even regarding

Leanne as human.  She was a package.

Natalia nodded.  "Yes.  This is Leanne Sterling.  Leanne, this woman is

Amber, she is a high-level dignitary to the African queen.  She wants a

personal sexual servant and we negotiated for that person to be you and

your family agreed.  They will never have to worry about money again.

Your younger brother will have no problem getting the expensive medical

treatments he needs to survive.  The Queen agreed to pay for it."

Amber asked, "Can we try it out for a night, before I take it to our


Natalia nodded her agreement and Amber dragged Leanne into her bedroom

with the other women and slammed the door.  Natalia didn't know what was

going on in Leanne's bedroom, but she often heard Leanne crying and

screaming no.  She could hear Leanne's muffled pleading and begging and

Natalia could only guess Leanne's face was being smothered by Amber's

vagina.  The thought was very pleasing for Natalia.  Leanne was beginning

to experience the helplessness she often imposed on the men.

Everything was quiet by the next morning.  Amber walked out of the

bedroom with a shaking and very tightly bound Leanne following behind.

It was evident that she had been used all night.  Her hair was a tangled

mess, her face was slick covered in a layer of pungent thick female

ejaculate.  Her face was bruised from being pounded by Amber's vagina

most of the night.  The haunted look in Leanne's eyes spoke of much

trauma and it was only the beginning for her.  Natalia knew that feeling

well, having experienced it herself many nights.  She looked about like

that after the second night with the Baron.  Leanne had thought nothing

of it.

Amber said confidently, "She will make a good servant after some


Leanne begged, "Please, Martin, I mean Natalia, don't let them take me!


Natalia laughed cruelly, enjoying Leanne's pleading.  "I remember begging

you during the preparations for my marriage.  You said I had to do it

because someone agreed to do this to me.  Don't expect any help from me

after what you did to me."

"But that was a marriage your family agreed with," Leanne protested.

"This is something totally different."

"Your family agreed with this.  I saw the signatures," Natalia said with

a smirk.  "They will never have to worry about your brother's treatments

again.  As for the marriage, what I was in was no marriage.  I was simply

his slave.  He never loved me, and I hated him.  We all know the Baron

simply wanted to hurt me.  It was no marriage.  It's actually offensive

to call such a thing a marriage.  He just abused me for a year.  So now,

enjoy your life with Amber.  And don't worry, I know you are straight.

Amber will provide men for you.  You will get lots of big cocks shoved

down your throat so you won't have to worry about that."

Natalia wore a huge smile of triumph, contemplating Leanne's future.

As Leanne was being taken out of the door by her new owner, Leanne tried

one time to save herself.  "Natalia, your friends, the Princess, Elsa,

those people are very brutal.  You have allowed your rage to cloud

everything and you have no idea what those monsters are planning for this

country.  Just because of what happened to you, you are helping them

subjugate the entire country and you think you will be rescuing people.

They will enslave us all."

"They all deserve it," Natalia replied.  "Especially you."

"Natalia," Leanne said darkly.  "You are a monster."

"Thanks to you.  You created me," Natalia replied and walked out of

Leanne's house.

Natalia still wanted to personally see Jessica Kendall but she lived

outside of the occupied zone.  Aragon's government still controlled a

vast portion of the country but that problem was about to be solved very

soon and Castile was mobilizing hundreds of thousands of troops for this

upcoming operation.


Vivian had recovered and was ready to be released from the hospital.

There was a knock on the door and Natalia let herself into the room.  She

was smiling happily at seeing Vivian.

Vivian returned Natalia's smile as they held each other.  "Natalia,"

Vivian said with a smile, "That uniform looks really good on you."

Natalia was wearing the black uniform of the Shadow Corps with their

insignia on her collar.  Natalia quipped embarrassingly, "Thanks.  It

doesn't really fit.  It's a woman's uniform."

"I can tell it's designed to fit a woman's form," Vivian responded.  "But

you are the only man in the entire branch.  That is still very impressive

and you are a Major and in the elite division.  The uniform still looks

good though.  You shouldn't be embarrassed that you are wearing a woman's

uniform.  And it does fit your form nicely."

"I don't have the hips for these women's pants.  I don't have the narrow

waist to fit in the top very well.  I do have the bust for the extra room

on top.  I also have to wear a dress skirt at times," Natalia said as she

looked down in shame.  "But still, I wouldn't give this up for anything.

I really feel like I belong and I have done much good in the Shadow

Corps.  I do love it."

Natalia had done a lot of good things in the service.  But Vivian was

sure wearing the officer's dress uniform was embarrassing to Natalia as a


"I am told I will have to wear the official dress uniform for this

mission too.  It's just the standard dress uniform for a Shadow Corps

Officer," Natalia said to Vivian.

Vivian figured it was embarrassing for Natalia and might bring up some

bad memories of being forced to crossdress.  Natalia seemed reluctant

even to speak about wearing the uniform, but unlike before, this brought

her pride and respect.  Natalia seemed to be proud of her achievement of

being accepted and being a ranking member of a military unit only open to


"Princess Alejandra is still in recovery," Vivian said.  "Her procedure

was very successful.  I heard she is as pleased as I am."

"I must say you also look very good, Vivian," Natalia complimented her

and she glowed with joy.  "You are even more beautiful now."

Vivian hefted her enlarged bust in both hands and said, "The women of my

family are really stacked on top.  Now I look much more like the woman I

was meant to be.  They really didn't have to change my genetic codes to

get enlarged breasts.  They were already there and simply needed to be

activated to grow to a double D cup.  My aunt has an E cup, my mother has

a double D cup.  They both have trouble finding bras in their size or

clothes to fit on top."

Vivian struck a proud, sexy pose.  Natalia could see that Vivian was very

happy with her transformation and so was he.  Then Natalia remembered how

close she came to having this done to her.

Natalia asked, "Can we go see the Princess?"

"Not right now, her sister is in there with her at the moment.  But she

will want to see us soon.  I am sure she is interested in my results."

While they waited to be able to see the Princess, Vivian signed her

release forms.  Then they sat with the many other guests also waiting to

see the Princess.

During Natalia's time there, she started thinking about the mission to

the United States and she realized she would have to remember English.

She had been here in Castile and Aragon for so long now, that speaking

Castilian was second nature by now.  She spoke Castilian Spanish full

time.  She remembered English, but it would be a little difficult to

speak again.

One of the crimson-uniformed imperial guards to the Empress walked into

the waiting room and said, "The Empress is now allowing visitors.  You

may all enter and visit Princess Alejandra but be mindful that she is in


They all stood and followed each other into the Princess's large recovery

room.  Her sister, Elsa stood beside her with her personal imperial

guards nearby.

The Princess looked helpless at the moment, which was deceptive.  She was

little more than twenty years old but had accomplished so much.  She

personally changed the entire empire almost on her own to get her sister

crowned Empress.  She personally led the forces during the Civil War at

sixteen.  Natalia wondered how a sixteen-year-old girl could ever lead a

nation's military forces and how they could respect a teenager enough to

follow her orders.  Alejandra managed to do it though.

Alejandra must have an iron will, be extremely intelligent, and an expert

at military tactics.  She also performed enemy interrogations on her own

and always got the information she wanted.  All of this at sixteen.

Natalia wanted to laugh, some dumbass Duke thought he was strong enough

to make the princess submit to his desire.  What a laugh that was,

Natalia wished she could have been there to see it.  Unknown to the Duke

he was giving Alejandra exactly what she wanted.  Natalia had broken

within days.

The Empress announced to all of the guests, "Welcome Archduchess Knox,

Valentina, Baron Hastings, Rose, Carol, and Jeanne.  I am so glad so many

are concerned with my sister's recovery.  I am proud to announce that

news of my sister's transformation at the orders of the Duke has gone out

to all of the Empire.  All of the nobles from Castile, Leon, Galicia,

Toledo, Granada, Valencia, and Barcelona are all in mourning for their

lost Prince Alejandro.  But every noble is willing to proclaim their

loyalty and acceptance of their Royal Princess Alejandra.  Alejandra is

doing very well and she announces she will be released tomorrow and that

you will all depart on your mission to the United States."

Then the Empress narrowed her eyes at Natalia and said, "Baron Hastings.

You should have worn your officer's dress uniform for a personal audience

with the royal princess."

Natalia admitted she should have and bowed her head.  "My apologies, your

Majesty.  I should have worn my dress uniform to see the Princess.  I

will wear it for the mission to America.  I know we must make a good


Elsa smirked, knowing full well how embarrassing it would be for Natalia

to wear the formal dress uniform.  The military officer's uniform was

designed for women, officer's positions were only open to women,

especially in the Shadow Corps.  Natalia, being biologically male despite

living as a woman, and being an officer in the Shadow Corps, was unique.

And would have to wear a woman's uniform.  The Shadow Corps only had

uniforms for women and they had no intention of designing another uniform

for men.

Natalia would have to accept wearing a woman's dress uniform or leave the

military service.  She had no intention of leaving at all.  She loved

serving in their military.  It gave Natalia the respect and ability she

wanted and she did very good things.  The women in the Shadow Corps

admired her ability in wearing the dresses and blending in with them with

no problem at all.  She would wear the dress uniform, style her hair, do

her nails, and keep her body hair to a minimum just like the other women

did to blend in as best as she could.  The women admired the effort

Natalia went through for their respect and acceptance.

Alejandra motioned for Natalia to approach her bedside.  Natalia did and

knelt in her presence.

The Princess said softly, "Natalia, I know this is a difficult life for

you.  I understand you are a man and find it very difficult and

humiliating to dress as a woman for us.  I am impressed by your total

willingness to do so and I doubted you would be able to do it at first.

I also know what we are asking will be the most difficult of all.

Dressing for your own country and in the presence of those who persecuted

you.  But if you do this, it will solve many of our problems and I think

they will listen to you more than us.  So Natalia, if you do this for us,

I will promote you to the rank of lieutenant colonel in the Shadow


Natalia wondered about her rapid progress through the ranks, quicker than

anyone else.  She was made a first Lieutenant immediately upon joining

the Shadow Corps.  She went through the standard training of six months

before being accepted and she entered as a commissioned officer, first

Lieutenant.  Then after a few very high-risk rescue missions in Aragon,

she had been promoted to captain.  Natalia had gone from a civilian to

being a captain in less than a year.

She had then entered the elite division of the Shadow Corps and their

lengthy and grueling training that rivals training for the Seals in the

United States.  Upon passing the training and the trials, she was made a

Major.  And now she was being offered a promotion to Lieutenant Colonel.

And she had been in the service for only about three years.  It typically

took around two decades to reach that rank.

"Natalia, you are totally exceptional.  You have gone so far beyond

anything we could have ever hoped for.  You went out of your way and put

yourself at extreme risk to rescue women being held hostage in Aragon.

You earned the near fanatical respect of the squad you are leading when

we though they would hate being led by a male.  You go through a lot of

effort to present yourself as female for your squad's acceptance.  You

formed a sisterhood of support and respect with the women you lead.  Add

to that your accomplishments in the United States.  Standing in front of

Congress recounting all that happened to you in detail and standing up to

those who tried to demean you.  Fighting for your company and punishing

those who had sent you away.  You earned all of our respect and have

exceeded our expectations.  That's why we promoted you so fast.  That's

why you were made Baron.  You earned that.  You earned each and every

rank and medal."

Natalia bowed her head.  "Thank you, your Royal Highness.  I won't

disappoint you.  I just think John will probably laugh when he sees me."

"I highly doubt John will laugh when he sees you in your officer's dress

uniform.  I don't think he will laugh at all," Alejandra said seriously.

Yeah, Natalia had to admit to herself.  Wearing the dress uniform with

the badges, the insignia, and the rolls of ribbons on her chest.  John

may initially think it is humorous for Martin allowing himself to be so

feminized into Natalia, but the uniform and her status will be no

laughing matter.  This was really no joke.  And John would probably kick

himself because he was one of the people who made all of this possible.

The feminization in the first place allowed Martin to merge with women so

well.  He related to them on a level that few men could ever do or want

to.  Martin, now Natalia, did it effortlessly and it endeared her squad

to her, gaining also their loyalty in ways that few female commanders

could ever hope to have with theirs.

The Princess suspected that Natalia's suffering and lessons as a woman

she had endured under his imposed husband had a lot to do with it.  She

dismissed Natalia and asked Vivian to step forward.  Vivian stood by

Alejandra's bedside with a glowing smile.

Alejandra smiled, "You look better than ever, Vivian, and I am highly

impressed with what you are willing to do.  I can see you asked for extra

large breasts.  Those are very impressive and I am sure it will attract a

lot of male attention."

Vivian nodded her acknowledgement.  "I was told that the doctors didn't

have to change much to grow my large breasts.  The women of my family all

have large breasts.  The doctors merely had to activate the genetic codes

to cause them to grow.  I now look like a woman and I have no male parts

anymore.  I am what I was always meant to be.  And you look beautiful

too, Princess.  But you always looked beautiful."

The beautiful Princess laid there recovering, now having a real female

form.  Not that she didn't already from the years of taking underground

and unapproved hormones to achieve a female form.  But it was now for

real and forever.  And, while the small breasts the Princess had before

were barely noticeable, the ones she had now were very noticeable.  They

weren't as large as Vivian's double D cups, but they were there and very

respectable.  She was unmistakably a woman.

Alejandra said with a slight girlish giggle, "Yes, thank you Vivian.  And

now the doctor says we will have to concern ourselves with a woman's

monthly cycle.  Something we never had to worry about before.  So as

women, we better prepare for it or we will be very sorry.  It will come

whether or not we are prepared for it."

Elsa standing in the back laughed out loud at that.  She had lived as a

woman all her life and knew those frustrations since puberty.  "Yes

indeed, you will need to prepare for 'THAT'.  Oh, what fun.  You think it

will be so delightful, you have serious pains, cramps and it can get

messy.  And frustration waiting for you."  Elsa laughed.  These new women

didn't have a clue what they had signed up for.  She was glad she was

there to help guide them through it all and she would make sure her

sister was prepared for it.

Then Elsa approached Valentina.  She also had had some work done, but she

had the least done.  Most of making her a woman was already done.  There

was one little useless thing to remove from her body to make the

transformation complete.  "How do you feel, Valentina?"

"The final part of my masculinity was finally removed.  Not that I had

much left anyway, so it was no great loss.  My masculinity was taken from

me years ago and this is my life now.  But still."

"I know," Elsa said comfortingly.  "Everything is set up to repay those

who did this to you.  You can personally thank them for this.  You have

shown yourself to be a very strong woman and I hear you already received

praises as a new cadet in the Shadow Corps.  I am impressed.  And you

have two older sisters to help you whenever you need it."

"They are on assignment," Valentina replied.  "But I am thankful for


Then Elsa said loudly to all in the room.  "And now, the Princess needs

to rest and recover.  Go home, relax, and prepare.  Tomorrow, you depart

for the United States."


At the Capital of Aragon, President Manuel Perez sat at the head of a

large conference table.  He looked around the table at Count Martinez,

who was the new Minister of Defense after the Duke had vanished, Baron

Diaz, Perez's aide and adviser, Count Hernandez, the Minister of the

Interior, and Count Rodriguez, the leading general of the armed forces.

The looks they returned showed that they were concerned about what was

happening in their country.

The president began the meeting, "We are here to decide what steps we can

take now.  The fascist empire of Castile has landed an occupation force

on the eastern tip of our island and it's clear they are not finished

yet.  We know they plan to expand their zone of control to all of our

island.  We need to plan and decide what we can do to fight this and what

our capabilities are now.  Martinez, can you tell us about our present

strategic options now and our situation with your forces?"

Martinez replied, "Our options are extremely limited at this point.  Our

entire navy was destroyed in a single night in what was like the battle

of the Philippines' sea.  It was like shooting fish in a barrel.  Our air

force was destroyed also.  It was like the great Marianas turkey shoot.

Our pilots were untrained for combat even though they were flying the

most advanced fighters on the planet.  All we have left now is our five

army divisions totaling about 20,000 men that are to defend their section

of our nation.  The sixth division that was stationed on the eastern tip

was destroyed during Castile's invasion.  The remaining divisions won't

be able to fight Castile's army when it comes.  They are ill equipped and

ill trained and, since we have lost air superiority, they can be bombed

from the air.  Our air defenses are all knocked out.  I am open to any

suggestion but I don't see any way now."

General Rodriguez spoke up, "The army divisions we have left on the

island can easily be overwhelmed and defeated on their own.  And they

can't really fight Castile's divisions of equal numbers as we saw, our

sixth division was totally destroyed with hardly a fight.  We don't have

many options left, thanks to that stupid Baron Vargos and his idiocy.  We

never expected to have to defend ourselves, with the American Fifth fleet

stationed right off our shores with two carriers.

"Because of that Hastings guy and the idiot Vargos family, the Americans

were pissed and their fleet simply sat there and watched as Castile

destroyed a majority of our military assets.  So now we have only a few

options left and nothing can really change the eventual outcome of total

defeat.  Our first option is to disband our divisions and order them to

do insurgent strikes like guerrilla tactics.  Hit and fade attacks and

stay hidden to harass the enemy forces and make things difficult for

them.  That's one option, and our second option is to call our divisions

all here to fortify the capital.  Castile will come here sooner or later.

Fortify the capital and make it very difficult for them.  They won't be

able to take the capital without a serious fight.  Those are the only

options I see."

The President's Adviser, Baron Diaz, spoke up in a very sad tone trying

to get these people to understand the scale of the threat they were now

facing.  "The problem is that because of some aspects of our culture and

laws, that Castile barely even sees us as human.  Some of you were there

when their Empress visited us.  She regarded us as dogs, subhumans.

That's what we are in their eyes.  And they have rescued men and women

from our nation and those victims taint how they see us.  They rescued a

man who was being forced to be a woman in a marriage about two years ago.

That man is full of rage and has an army behind him and he swore to

return.  He actually has returned and he plans on wrecking his vengeance

on our people.  They will not distinguish between the innocent and the

guilty and neither will Marcia after what he suffered in our country."

The General still thought of Marcia as a joke after what he saw in the

headlines and the gossip paper about him which just angered the adviser

even more.

"Marcia is no joke now.  She has renamed herself Natalia and pretty much

lives full-time as a woman.  She is indistinguishable from a genetic

woman.  Natalia is a woman full of rage on a mission of revenge.  She's a

highly skilled assassin and special forces soldier now.  On one of her

first missions here, she invaded the Vargos estate by herself, and killed

each and every guard in the manor, very slowly.  Natalia took her time

hacking pieces of flesh off of their bodies one at a time, until they

died.  It was very bloody and gory when the police examined the scene.

The Baron was already dead, but Natalia found the Baron's sister and her

family.  She executed the sister's two children in front of her eyes and

then killed her and her husband.  Natalia left the Baron's parent's alive

to suffer, knowing there would be no more legacy for the Vargos family.

They would have no heirs, no family legacy.  They were finished.

"There's no way to prevent what is coming," the Adviser kept talking.

"Those are both very poor options, but it is all we have left, thanks to

our own stupidity.  Both of those options will invite savage reprisals

against our people.  Fortifying the capital with 20,000 troops seems

good.  But we will still be defeated, and won't stop Castile from

mercilessly shelling and  bombing the capital into a smoking ruin much

like Berlin was after the war.  Tens to hundreds of thousands of

civilians will die in that battle.

"The only sensible option now is to give up and save what we can.

Nothing can change the outcome now.  We will be defeated, there's no way

we can fight them and, perhaps, we deserve it all," Baron Diaz said

sternly.  "We were given countless chances to change our cruel laws that

allowed people to be bought as property and enslaved to another's will.

That court case years ago, we should have abolished those laws, but you

all refused.  Then Hastings was taken, followed by Knox.  That hurt our

alliance with the United States and made them totally unwilling to defend

us.  Can't blame them after abducting their citizens.

"Then that idiot Duke took Castile's Princess, the Empress' sister.  How

stupid can you all be?  We deserve this, we can fight it, but it will

only invite more harsh reprisals against our civilian population.  Not

that any of you care about that little thing."

The General spoke up again, "That is part of our culture and how we live.

We saw what happened to Castile when their empress abolished the laws and

changed their society.  Their Empress plunged her nation into a full

scale civil war that cost the lives of millions of civilians.

"She was allowed to change those laws only by executing a number of

prominent nobles in what they often call the second night of long knives,

and elevating women to those positions and previous victims gave her the

power to abolish those laws and change society.  And it cost them so much

that some areas of Leon and Granada still haven't fully recovered from

the war.  We don't want to go through that."

The adviser retorted, "Only because many of you would violently oppose

such changes.  It wouldn't be like that if you wanted to do what was

right and abolish slavery here."

"It's not slavery, they are arranged marriages," the Minister of Interior


The General said, "And we saw what they did.  We don't want that society

where all men do is obey and are barred from most positions of power.  We

don't want that here and we will resist with all we have left."

"Men can have power there," the adviser stated.  "We have seen what

Hastings has become.  He has become a full officer in their elite

military divisions with hundreds of soldiers following him.  If a man

shows he's loyal and worthy, he can lead."

The General laughed bitterly.  "Yeah, he only obtained that power by

allowing himself to be dressed as a woman for them and merging with the

female leadership as one of their own.  Huh.  And he can do that because

of the late Baron Vargos here and given him extensive experience in being

a woman.  That's the only reason."

"Maybe," The Adviser responded.  "And now he is here with his soldiers to

thank us for it all, personally.  And Castile's officials have a long

list of names of people to round up when the time comes.  And we see they

are building enormous concentration camps in the area they now occupy and

are ready to expand.  They have mobilized more than a hundred thousand

more troops on the mainland of Castile."

Their president said, "Okay.  Our options are very limited.  We will

gather what forces we have left and fortify the capital.  We will be

defeated, the forces will be overrun but not without a fight.  We can

make it very costly to them."

The adviser said sadly, "No it won't.  They won't even have to use their

soldiers to overrun ours.  They will simply bomb the capital into



The doctors felt that Princess Alejandra Primo De Rivera had reached the

point in her recovery that she could be released.  Since her husband was

nowhere to be found and she had her own people escorting her, she was

finally released from the hospital on her own and went out to meet her

sister and her personal imperial guards.

The Empress made it a point to meet the doctor personally and inform her

that she was finished as a doctor.  The doctor did good work, but she was

very unethical, so her license was revoked and her credentials as a

doctor were removed.  She wasn't happy about it, but she wasn't about to

argue the point with the Empress herself.  Especially not after being

threatened to be arrested and taken to a Castile labor camp for the rest

of her life.  But being a Doctor was all she knew how to do, she had

studied nearly a decade to get the education required.  What was she

supposed to do now?

The Empress and the Princess didn't care.  They simply informed her that

her behavior as a doctor led to this point.  She was finished.

The princess walked out of the hospital with her sister.  They met up

with Natalia and her new girlfriend Vivian and Valentina was there with

Carol.  They were all kneeling in respect for their Empress and for their


She noticed that Natalia was wearing her officer's dress uniform that

included a women's dress skirt and black heels.  Her surgically augmented

bust stood out more predominantly, and she had on some makeup that

feminized her appearance even more.  Natalia's hair extensions that were

done in some elaborate updo style and her fingernails were polished.

Alejandra often went all out when it was required and so did Natalia.

The Princess still saw the confusion in Natalia's eyes that said she was

unhappy having to become a woman for her career, but the Princess also

saw a look of pride hidden behind it all.  Unlike when she was required

to crossdress and appear as a woman before, this was the life Natalia

chose of her own free will.  Natalia insisted and chose to join an all-

female military unit.  She knew it would require her to present as a

woman and she did it.

When Alejandra first accepted Martin as part of the Shadow Corps,

Alejandra had little hope it would work out.  Alejandra was only going to

promote him as far as needed to achieve her political goals.  Martin was

a victim of Aragon and accepting him in an elite military corps would

send a good message in that they were giving him a chance.

From what she had heard of Martin, Alejandra had little hope it would

really work.  She expected the women under his command to resent him and

disrespect him.  She expected him to not really cooperate with the

requirements and do only as much as needed to pass, but nothing more than


Alejandra found that she was one hundred percent wrong.  Martin's sexist

and slightly misogynistic attitude was totally gone.  He respected the

women he commanded.  And to her utter shock, they came to respect him and

he had a leadership style that really endeared the women to him in ways

she never thought possible.  He fully became a woman named Natalia and

even had his name legally changed in Castile to reflect that.  The women

gravitated to Natalia and helped her.  Natalia went beyond what was

required in order to merge with the female command structure of the

Shadow Corps.  Natalia totally presented as female and went through a lot

of effort as many women do to beautify themselves.

Natalia also never failed a mission.  Natalia put herself at risk to

protect the women under her command.  She put herself at risk to rescue

women she was sent to save and all of that endeared Natalia to the women

she commanded even more and she did everything possible to help them.

It all bewildered Alejandra.  Where was this sexist misogynist that

didn't give a damn about women's suffering at all, and only cared for

himself?  Where was that man she heard so much about?  Where was Martin?

But this was one time she was happy to be wrong.  Accepting and vouching

for Martin had not been a mistake.

She told the group to rise and looked at Natalia and complemented her,

"You have never let me down.  You look good, Ms. Hastings.  Now let's

prepare for our mission.  Our flight to New York is waiting."

They all filed into an over-sized limo with the princess's personal seal

of a solid black eagle holding the seal of the Castile Empire and the red

crossed arrows on the door.  They were taken back to the airbase that

Natalia had helped capture during their initial paratrooper assault.

They all saw a private 767 waiting for them to board.  It was the

Princess' private state aircraft she used on official duty like

diplomatic visits and missions.

The princess led them on-board and the door shut.  She gave orders to

take off and the aircraft sped down the runway and took off into the sky

heading to LaGuardia airport in New York.

They settled into their seats and prepared for the nearly six-hour flight

to New York.  Many of them lay back in their seats to sleep.  Valentina

didn't and neither did Natalia.  Sleep tended to bring up traumatic

nightmares of what happened to them.  Natalia wondered about her

girlfriend Vivian.  Vivian suffered longer than Natalia did in her

marriage and was more extensively feminized.  Vivian was feminized to the

point that it was impossible to live as a man.  Natalia could live as a

man if she chose to, but she wanted a military career in the Shadow

Corps.  Unlike Natalia, Vivian desired the feminization and made the best

of it while it was a humiliating and demoralizing nightmare for Natalia

during her marriage.  Maybe that made the difference, but Vivian was

still abused relentlessly.  However, Vivian laid her head on a pillow and

went to a peaceful sleep for the next six hours.

Valentina stayed awake also.  She had not wanted the feminization and

reacted to it much like Natalia did, but unlike Natalia, she wasn't

spared the most radical forms of feminization.  Valentina suffered the

worst and the longest.  Her marriage went on for five long years.  And

her body was totally transformed into a woman during that time.

Natalia wondered about that.  That fate had been planned for her as well.

Her husband, the Baron Vargos, had intended to totally transform her into

a woman in the end to let her go.  The laws stated that a sex change

invalidated the marriage contract, if it was to be a same sex marriage.

Transforming her into a woman would invalidate the marriage, so Natalia

would be released and would not have to be divorced.  Of course, that

meant no alimony or anything, which is exactly what the Baron intended

all along.  But Valentina's sex change was done near the beginning of

their marriage and they had remained married.  That confused Natalia.

But Valentina still kept her penis even if it was totally non-

functioning.  Natalia was not aware of that.

Natalia did know all of the passengers on the plane had suffered

enslavement and there were roughly an equal number of women to men

onboard.  Even if women suffered this far more than men.  That was

something that really bothered Natalia now, when it didn't bother her

before when she lived as a man.  And she devoted her life to rescuing

women and that's why she wanted to join the Shadow Corps.

Natalia knew why she was chosen to suffer and she knew why the women in

her life totally reveled in her humiliation as a man.  She knew she had

become a total misogynistic asshole in her previous life, that the women

including her ex-wife loved seeing her demeaned.  But it still wasn't

right.  She didn't deserve to be treated like that.  But she still

understood and she resolved to correct that attitude and make a change.

Perhaps she went too far in changing, she thought sardonically to

herself.  Totally transforming herself into a woman like this, for the

acceptance and support of the other women.  It worked and these women

would never let anyone harm her.  But was this too far?

Then she thought, 'no it wasn't too far'.  While the old Martin would

have found this totally demeaning and humiliating, Natalia didn't think

it was demeaning to her at all to dress and act as a woman in these

instances.  She wasn't doing this for the sexual desires of another man,

she wasn't being made to be submissive to anyone else's sexual desires.

This empowered her far beyond anything she was capable of in her former

life.  This was being done so she could help free people.

No, this is not demeaning in any way.  This was a gift and a great honor

that had been bestowed on her by her sovereign empress, that the Empress

wouldn't think of bestowing on any other man.  Natalia was in a place

where men were forbidden.  She had turned her suffering and humiliation

into something empowering.  Natalia was so grateful for this honor that

if it required her to dress herself as a woman, then she would do it.

She knew that her willingness to go this far in this new life was

shocking and surprising to the Princess who never expected this.  The

other honor was being named the Baron of the Vargos Barony.  Only women

could hold noble titles in Castile.  But the Empress had bestowed this

title on her, they only had to land and claim it for her and now she was

in charge of the Vargos Barony and its people.  Most of the Vargos family

had been wiped out.  Their fortunes were gone, now in Natalia's hands.

Alejandra also stayed awake.  She remained in contact with her sister and

her advisers and was making plans for the upcoming meeting with Richard

Stone.  He was expecting them at his corporate headquarters and was

honored to be having a personal meeting with a foreign princess.  He was

told that this meeting was vital for the future of his company.  He was

expecting them in Washington.  They were only landing in New York to meet

another man with personal experience in these types of marriages.

She also kept her eye on Natalia and wondered about her.  Natalia seemed

accepting of the lifestyle that they were imposing on her.  She was much

more accepting of this than the feminine lifestyle the sadistic Baron

Vargos wanted to impose on her.  Alejandra saw the burning hate in

Natalia's eyes that never left her.  There was immense seething and

pulsing dark hatred in Natalia's eyes.  It was a cruel darkness.  That

seething hatred allowed her to excel in her missions and her squad were

very devoted to her.

But Alejandra worried about putting Natalia in this mission and Alejandra

knew she would have to keep  a close  eye on Natalia.  Alejandra knew

about Natalia's history with the other man, John.  Alejandra thought it

was possible that Natalia might turn violent and attack John.  They had a

very unpleasant history together.  Natalia hated that man and with good

reason.  Stripping John of his assets and blackmailing John to turn over

his inheritance to Natalia might not be enough payback for her.

Alejandra considered John also vital to this mission, if John was willing

to help them with Richard.  So far, he seemed willing.

The Princess saw that both Natalia and Vivian held a very deep hatred

that burnt in their eyes.  While the rest of the victims on the flight

held anger at specific people who abused them, Natalia and Vivian held a

hatred for the entire country and the system that allowed them to be

trapped in a relationship they never agreed to.

Natalia and Vivian had tried to get help, they tried to run away only to

be recaptured by the police and returned.  Both of them were told by

police and attorneys there that they could not get help, they had no

right to leave and none of the police or anyone showed the slightest bit

of sympathy for what they were suffering.

Natalia spoke of a bitch at the police station named Sarah Thomson, some

attorney who had fun mocking and belittling her at the police station

when she tried to escape and showed her no understanding or sympathy

whatsoever.  Natalia and Vivian both harbored a hatred at the entire

system that ran very deep to their core.

The passengers started awakening when the plane began descending toward

New York.  The landing was completely uneventful.  They waited until they

felt the plane screech to a landing on the runway and stop near the end.

Once the door opened, they made their way out of the exit.

They stepped out of the large plane to see a pretty young man standing

near the bottom of the stairs.  The princess could see the hatred flair

up in Natalia's eyes when she saw the young man in a men's business suit

waiting for them.

The man looked like a man again and Natalia saw he was living as a

dominant man now.  The feminization John suffered in Aragon was gone.

There were no more breasts, no makeup, or dresses.  John was a man again.

Standing before them was a stocky, well-built masculine young man, but

Natalia still saw the pain in John's eyes.  She also saw the feminine

features on the man's face that attracted her father to John in the first


John looked with an expression close to an arrogant, hateful sneer and

almost laughed.  Natalia saw the instant recognition in his eyes when he

laid eyes on Natalia.  Even though Natalia lived a totally female

lifestyle, day by day, many people who saw her would never guess she was

a man under it all.  A few people like John who had experienced it or

knew what to look for saw through it.  John also knew Martin before and

recognized Natalia.

John said, "I can't believe this.  What I heard is true.  I refused to

believe it, Martin.  You still live your life as a woman.  You continue

to dress as a woman and I think you have real breasts.  Those don't look

like enhancers.  After fighting so hard to retain your masculinity, I

didn't believe you would allow this to happen to you.  But, here you are

in a woman's business uniform."

"Yes indeed," Natalia replied holding John's gaze without flinching or

shame.  "But this is for a vastly different reason than before.  I am

proud of this."  Natalia replied in Castilian Spanish.  "And my name is

Natalia now, not Martin."

John gave Natalia a foggy look of misunderstanding and said, "What?  I

don't understand you.  What did you say."

Vivian nudged Natalia and whispered in English, "We are in the United

States now, he does not understand Castilian Spanish, Natalia."

"John," Natalia said in English.  Struggling to remember after spending

three years learning and speaking only in Spanish, "I can't believe you.

You lived in Aragon for over three long years.  Two years of your

marriage to my father trapped there, and another year to torment me in my

marriage and you never bothered to learn Spanish.  I said, 'Yes, indeed I

have continued dressing and living a woman's life, and I feel no shame in

doing so.'  I love the life I have built for myself.  This life, and this

uniform gives me pride.  I love being Major Natalia.  I am proud of the

bond I have formed with the women in the command structure and those

under my own command."

John flinched as he examined the uniform Natalia was wearing.  The solid

black uniform with the rank badges on the shoulders and the rolls of

ribbons on her chest, and the symbol of the Castilian military and the

other insignia of the Shadow Corps. on the collar.  This was no laughing

matter.  "Martin, I mean Natalia, you have become a fascist."

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