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New! The Allure

By Transient Wordsmith

A guy gets dragged into "bed" with a violent mob boss, he is made over into his "girl", but gets mixed up with the underworld or organized crime.

A consistent theme in life is being uncomfortable. With the hole I've dug, let's call it luck that the dirt isn't being dusted on top of me.

The local ‘Mob' recruited me as the unfortunate sap that needed debts paid. I barely had enough for the bus to my shit job, being hounded by two hospitals for medical stays from identity theft, and having everything but a mattress and mini fridge taken by 'repo' men. When they'd found me, I said I'd do whatever they asked. Wished I hadn't said that.

After selling some shoddy products, I caught the eye of one of the head bosses, one that loved boys young and eager to please a sugar daddy. If it had less of a chance of me getting shot, I took it. Then I met him, and he was essentially a toad. Not much taller than me, stress wrinkles, sores, yellow teeth... and he was so round in the belly that he looked six months pregnant. I was only allowed to call him Mr. Gable.

I had to parade around in whatever he asked, wherever he needed me to be. That meant from his apartment, bathhouse, club, and certain meetings. He at least had the courtesy of clothing me and being professional in front of bosses at meetings, but anywhere else meant silk undies in pinks, purples, reds, and blues. Sometimes a thong, sometimes a chastity or apron, but more often than not, naked with a full face of make up.

I won't lie... the make up made my knees weak...

Until this point, I hadn't let myself feel good about who called out to me inside. Dressing up was something I wanted to do privately... Before my life went downhill and I was sold to a toad that made me push the thoughts of being pretty away... Though with the money Mr. Gable had given me, the people and places I owed were less things to worry about. That was unless I refuse something he wanted to do.

Mr. Gable promised he would listen to what I liked or didn't, promising my body was still mine.

He was a particular man. While I was his eye candy and main focus when in his presence, he never acted on those fun urges I was subjected to behind closed doors. In public, where everyone could see, women were brought to him and they did everything for the show. That meant watching women ride him while others watched, sucking him off under the table, or fucking during phone calls. All I was seeing confused me... strangely arousing and disgusting me.

After showing how much of a man he was, he would take me home, slip in bed next to me, and make me lie still... I felt secondhand... Disposable... but it was better than being shot at for delivering bad products. But no matter how much I scrubbed myself, there was still a way Mr. Gable kept a leash on me.

Though... six months went by and he crept over the line of what he wanted, way past what we'd talked about. He held my balls in a vice, threatening to cut my throat and keep my limp body as a sex toy. One thing I hated was cuckolding... For Mr. Gable, that meant me fucking someone he chose, normally a woman, or a live threesome with more boys he kept around.

When I refused at his bathhouse, he stood up, looked back at his associates as he held up a finger, then smacked the fuck out of me with his ham of a fist. Not a second later, he tore off the apron I'd had on, took a handful of my hair, and asked me to repeat myself. I did, my answer not changing. I heard the air of his arm reeling back but not for the swing at me. Only a voice that addressed him sternly.

“Hit him again and I'll show you what happens."

“You stay out of this." Mr. Gable grumbled at the mystery man. “This territory is mine, as is this useless toy. I own her and do as I please."

“Your business is just that. In my presence, we do things in a civil manner. Not like animals. Because upstairs would have a lot to say."

When mystery man said that, Mr. Gable let go of my hair and sent me home for the night. I was used to what he'd do by that point... but someone stopping it was a shock to me. Who was the guy that stopped him? And would I feel the backlash of it when I was called to him again?


I found out later that night when Mr. Gable messaged me to come to his apartment. Entering, there were three men in the lobby, carefully directing me to a private elevator. On the way up, I was escorted by an armed guard to Mr. Gable's door, then let in by one of the higher ups I'd seen before. He smiled warmly, and it was... weird. These guys never smiled. Ever. Rounding the corner, more ranked members stood posted, another man in front of a draped chair.

He was in a red suit, black shirt, and white tie, trimmed grey beard and hair. When he started talking, a knot tied itself in my stomach when I realized it was the mystery man. Though it was the wrong time to acknowledge this, he was hot as fuck...

“Hi there dear. We haven't officially met but I wanted to do this in person. The man you were charged to has been relieved of that task. Consider it a gift..." He said with a gentle grin.

“But... why?" I finally said, mouth dry and body shaking.

Keeping his subtle smile, the man stepped forward. “Mr. Gable's been a problem for some time under our operations. He let some of the details on how you can into his ownership slip. Being the man I am, you seem better suited for myself and not a ‘toad', I think his subordinates called him."

I bit my lip to not laugh. Even Mr. Gable's loyal crew thought he was a slimy toad. And that was an insult to toads. The sheet covering the chair wriggled around, making one of the posted higher ups smack what was moving, saying to shut the fuck up. Lifting a hand, mystery man took the sheet and pulled to reveal Mr. Gable, dressed in a little of everything he forced me to wear. Even the make up didn't make him look better.

Ripping the tape off of his mouth, mystery man addressed him.

“Got something to say Mr. Gable?"

“Fuck you and that pixie whore. He'll bend the knee to escape how good I was to him. With you, he'll be worse than dead."

Raising an eyebrow, mystery man reached a thumb under Mr. Gable's tongue, hooking the jaw and yanking forward. “Tsk tsk. And I thought you'd keep your mouth shut."

The mystery man started snapping his fingers, someone pulling out a gun and walking over to me. I flinched, thinking I would get shot. But I turned to see mystery man holding out a pair of silk gloves, pink and stitched with revenge on the palms. Frozen, he slipped them on my hands, his eyes seemed to glitter, showing hints of green though they were solid brown. Feeling the perfect fit of the gloves, I also could tell they were lined... As the gun was put in my hand, mystery man's smile made me shiver.

“Show him what he's worth."

“But Mister..." I said shyly.

“Shh. No more of that." He spoke reassuringly. “We'll sort things as you clean your past."

As he said that, it hit me. I was being given a chance to fuck with the pig that hurt me for almost eight months... And be taken in by a handsome stranger... But was there any truth to what Mr. Gable said about this guy? If he was dangerous. No matter how clouded my mind ended up, I was given a choice for the first time in what turned out to be forever. Killing meant I would be bound to whoever mystery man was... Yet even for a while, it was better than a lifetime with Mr. Gable.

Taking firm hold of the gun, mystery man stepped aside, letting me see Mr. Gable in his full toad pig glory. He went to say something but I didn't hear it over the sound of my first shot at his wrinkly pig dick. Following it up, his stomach bled and leaked, then it was the last to the head. Had I ever killed before? No. But this was a dream come true.

Lowering the gun, one of the men nearby took it from my hand and sealed it in a case, mystery man saying to melt the metal down. Another associate took the gloves off of me and mystery man put his jacket over my shoulders. Looking up at him, he kissed my forehead, making my trick knee tremble a bit.

“Ready to go home?" He whispered.

“Yes..." I whispered back while leaning into him.

Cradling my head, we walked out of the apartment and down the hall to another elevator. Leading me out the back way, we sat in a car, having him get me in first then himself. Being held in his arms during the ride, it felt natural to cuddle up to him. Partially due to how comforting I found him and how excited I was from what happened. Traumatic, slightly. But overall, my heart was running laps. Listening to his heart, my body relaxed and his hand petting my head set the calm in deeper.

Hearing the dividing window close between us and the driver, mystery man spoke freely.

“Now that you've had a bit to cool off, ready to introduce yourself?"

Clearing my throat, I stared up at him. “My name's Yuris... Yuris Kirkland."

“Beautiful name." He expressed in a low voice.

“Can... I know your name?" I dared to ask.

Smiling, he laughed, kind of a deep bubbling laugh. Dragging his fingertips along my cheek, his head nodded. “I don't usually. But to earn your trust, I'll tell you. It's Unik. Unik Terrence."

Reaching carefully, I brushed his beard with my fingers. How soft it was... “I can get used to that over Mr. Gable."

His arms wrapped around me, petting my head as he held me. “Good... Because you're home now Yuris."

Lulled by the warmth of freedom, I kept quiet and didn't deny his touch. Half asleep, we reached where we needed to be. Not wanting me to wake up, Unik carried me from the car and inside, the driver opening the door for him and leaving the keys. In the welcoming dark, he ascended the stairs and took me to his room. Blushing, I felt somewhat like a mob bride, my groom killing for me to be sure no one could have me but him.

Laying me down, I squirmed, smiling sleepily up at him and biting my lip. Horniness and sleepiness fought in my head when anyone else might have screamed at the chaos or dropped into a PTSD fit after killing someone. This was bliss... and I wanted an eternal night with Unik. Sitting beside me, his large hand rested on my stomach, rubbing like I was a kitten.

“Comfortable dear?" He asked.

“Yes." I replied simply.

“Heh glad to hear. It's rather late now. I have some work that still needs doing. So you get acquainted with the house, freshen up, fill that belly of yours."



“You gonna take me everywhere?"

Shaking his head, his free hand traced my face. “No no. You'll be free to do as you like. Whether finding work, being entertained, maybe enjoying a lavish taste of what's available."

“Are... there rules?" I asked nervously.

Tilting his head a bit, he leaned down, lips hovering close to mine. “Only a few. Will you be a good pet and listen?"

Nodding automatically, he spoke low against my lips but enough for me to hear.

“One, your loyalty is to me. No stepping out on me. Unless you want a ticket to hell, along with whoever. Two, matters of my business stay in this house. What I share with you is no one else's. Three, we're partners. No secrets."

“And four?"

With a soft peck to my lips, his hand wandered from my stomach down to between the legs. Rubbing lightly, I felt drippy and wet. “Just be my sweet sissy... And I'll be your older stud. Got me?"

“I got you." I managed weakly.

Moving my arms, they wrapped around his neck and shoulders, begging for another kiss. Obliging, his lips parted with mine, tongue swirling slightly as we gripped and kissed more. If my panties weren't wet before, they were drenched at how tender Unik had been to me. I wanted more, craved it even. Feeling him pull away, I whimpered for him to come in for another kiss.

“Now now Yuris. Let's not overexcite you."

“I want everything... right now... give it to me... please."

“Shh shh. I told you there's business I need to attend to. I'll be back soon."

“Such a tease daddy..."

Smirking, he gave me one more kiss, rubbing my belly again. “Just a touch. Now, do as I ordered."

“Yes daddy."

Releasing my grip, I gently cupped his cheek and chin, his soft grey feeling a bit scruffy despite being neat. A kiss to my hand and he stood up, winking as he slipped his jacket away from me and fit it onto his body and left out the front door. As my body stopped tingling long enough, I pulled my clothes off bit by bit, leaving just the black lace panties. Moving from my back, I leaned beside the bed, imagining Unik behind me, and moved the string covering my asshole aside.

Slipping one finger in, I easily came, leaving a splatter of cum on the rosewood floor. Not stopping, I paced faster until I came again, more so than the first time. The thought of him... pulling me in so quickly... I wondered what was up in my head. Then again, whether it was lust, love, or survival, I wondered what else Unik could do to me.


Not wanting to start off on the wrong foot, I cleaned up the mess I made first, wiped off any excess mess that was left from my overeager cock, and put the towels in the hamper. Washing my hands in the huge bathroom, which was black marble with gold and green adornments, I dressed again and snooped around. I wished there was a drawer for me picked out already... then I could get prim and ready for Unik when he gets back.

Leaving that for the moment, I browsed the house. The living room was bigger than my old apartment, dining room looked like a restaurant, and the kitchen was a restaurant... with a cook in it? Waving at her, she waved back, saying that Unik requested I was given a little bit of everything. There was a vegetarian quiche, a steak salad, and a chicken entree with a dessert... Christ, if I wasn't gonna die from gunshots, I'd die of high blood pressure. Pulling up a chair for me, she said everything was taken care of and to enjoy the meal.

Remembering my phone, I popped it out, screen cracked, but watched YouTube as I tried to dig into the mountain of food. The first bite... my body smacked me with dopamine. Since he liked me readily available for his needs, I hadn't done much eating with the toad or in general for the last seven months now. Real food I was obligated to try and eat... I was starting to question if I died and this was a twisted heaven.

Having my fill of food and wine, given courtesy of the meal, I started boxing everything up and put it in the fridge. That's when I noticed not much was in there. Guess having a small stomach meant my new beau had a lot to eat. Strolling through some of the halls, everything was decorated with the best, making this sissy feel like they were in a castle. Rounding back toward the stairs, I saw a box tied in a bow. Nosy me pulled it open, and I almost dropped it realizing what was inside. An outfit for me.

Before digging through, I rushed back upstairs, placing the open box on the bed and started to run a bath. Trying to be patient, I said I'd only take out one thing. Feeling a bottle, I took it out to examine: rose oil for a bath. Magic... Pouring enough in, the scent tickled me a shade of pink and gave me butterflies. Say what you want, but I was a happy captive.

Taking off my shirt and pants, my hands ran over the lace panties I was wearing. It made excited again, the material stretching and making my cock almost too big for it. I had to calm down if I wanted to be a good boy for Unik's arrival. Shimmying out of my panties, my hardness sprung loose, burning a bit just in the steamy air while waiting for the tub. Getting the temperature right, I dipped my toes in and eased into the sweet rose oil water.

Laying there, the bath pink and milky, I bit my lip and washed myself slowly, all the while trying not to get too excited. Being diligent, I got every crease, line, fold, and private place, content that I'd be rewarded for my femininity. And for once, I embraced that soft, frilly side without stopping. Feeling I cleaned off everywhere, I took a towel and pat myself dry. The tiles were heated... but not too much. Going to the sink, I flossed, brushed my teeth, rinsed, then flossed again. A good sissy has a clean mouth after all.

Taking a robe off the wall, I inhaled, smelling Unik's musk left behind. Holding it tighter, I finally dug through the box to see what else would be there waiting for me. Feeling like a cloud, I pulled out a red nightgown. Running my hand over, it was satin with silk. Curious of what else was there, I pulled out a bra of the same material, accented with black, with panties that were red and black. A smile tried not to surface but did anyhow.

Digging more, there was also a jockstrap, silk boxers, perfume, cologne, a razor and shaving cream. Shaking my head slightly, I thought of what was in the box. Unik wasn't sure what I liked but left anything he could think of for me. It was oddly sweet, especially for just meeting me in passing for so long. I wasn't sure what he liked, but decided to go full girly.

Thankfully, it was an electric razor and safe to put everywhere. Going back to the tub, I stood inside, and flipped the switch on. First went the stubble, then went the legs, armpits, around the cock and balls, ass, and other spots. With a happy rinse, I was entirely smooth... The feeling of my own skin gave me goosebumps, between feeling sexy and looking presentable as the lady I let come out. Slipping on the silk satin undies and bra, the feeling of them without body hair made me excited, the robe hoping to hide that.

I peeked in the box one more time, finding the perfume and... holy goddamn there's make up in here. Here's hoping I don't cut my eye or mess up my lip. The only thing I couldn't fix was my hair... I hope it doesn't frizz up. I couldn't linger on that thought for too long before looking at the mirror and seeing Unik staring back at me.

Either it was his smile, or that I was all pretty at the right time. But I clenched my legs together nervously, wondering what was on his mind.


“You look amazing..." He said warmly as he walked up behind me.

Blushing, I looked down, still clenching my thighs. “I... wasn't sure if this is what you like... Or a cute boy in a jockstrap."

His energy radiated behind me, making my stomach squeeze. Looking over, his strong hand was beside mine, while the other tilted my chin up to make me look at myself in the mirror.

“This... is you. Who you want to be is what I'll like."

“Daddy?" I asked with an inflection, my hand slipping over his.

“Yes dear?"

“I want... another name."

“A girl name."

“Not just a girl. Your girl."

Turning my head, Unik stared me down, making my panties stretch to hold the burning erection I had in place. Leaning down, he kissed my lips, saying a name without another thought. “Natalia."

“Someone you lost?"

Shaking his head, he kissed me again then answered. “The woman of my dreams."

Letting go, I turned and jumped onto Unik, being caught and walked to the room. As much as I wanted words, neither of us had any to say. His hands laid me against the mattress, opening my robe and showing what he picked out. Our lips parted as hands explored, mine unzipping his belt and fishing for his cock, and mine easily popping from under stretched panties. Though I couldn't see, Unik's cock pulsed as I wrapped my fingers round, a decent length and even better thickness...

A mix of sweat and precum made the skin of his shaft slippery, making him growl with my light touches. In return, his hands were firm while grabbing at me, hand and fingers stroking quickly. I couldn't help moaning into his mouth, not being able to take this long tease. I got bold and pulled his tie hard, our bodies shifting closer. So much that the head of him teased my shaved asshole.

“Does my girl want to be fucked?" He panted, hand wrapped gently around my throat.

“Until I scream to stop." I blurted out.

Getting my wish, I was put on my stomach, ass toward Unik, panties being yanked off my legs and robe covering around me. Laying with his belly on my back not on his full weight, his arm gripped my waist, the other holding my torso. Secure in his hold, his cock head pushed in, legs twitching as felt him inching balls deep. With half of his length inside, he slammed the rest in to fill me, making me grip his tie again. Squeezed tight to him, mind blanking as Unik was pounding inside me, asshole tensing and relaxing as he took me, bodies clapping, rubbing and gushing wet sounds.

Our hips were aligned just right, letting him thrust hard and fast as I bounced to keep his pace. Unik grunted and growled, being possessive as I tried to lay on my back to look at him yet he gripped tighter. When he did ease up, I held his legs where they were, sure that he wouldn't stop ruining me. With a sort of sucking noise, his cock left me, turning me to the position I wanted, shoving himself in again, arms cradling me as I ground and bumped on him.

I clawed at his shirt, moaning louder the quicker he slapped my g spot. I came on my stomach a bit before I was turned and ached for another release when Unik filled me with cum. Despite the roughness of how he fucked me, I felt... his love... Leaning in more, he kissed and bit my chest, then my neck, the knot of his cock inside me eking higher. With what voice I had left, I whined in his ear.

“Fill your girl with babies daddy... Every drop to make my belly big."

“You don't have to beg Natalia..." He said airily. “I'll claim you..."

“And I accept..." I groaned.

“Say it."

“I belong to you..."


“I belong to you."

“Good girl..."

Our brief exchange and my exclamations of belonging to Unik sent me over the edge, and I came again all over my stomach and onto Unik's clothes. Not long after, he grabbed my hair, keeping eye contact, as a burning feeling flooded inside my ass and stomach, leaking out just as hot. Despite being done, he pumped into me again, muttering mine and never breaking eye contact.


Biting my lip, I traced along his jaw, tilting his chin up playfully. “Your loyal house girl."

“Mmm. It'll be a welcome change."

“You're not ashamed of... Where I was or who I was under?"

Smirking, he thrust in as much as he could, keeping still and forehead rested on mine. “It matters now who's taking care of you. Not before. No one says differently."

“Mob boys talk a lot of shit." I joked.

“They'll be missing tongues if I hear anything out of turn about you."

Clenching around him, I groaned quietly. “Are you busy today?"

Growling low near my ear, he shook his head. “I shouldn't be. But work is never done. We'll get better acquainted."

With quiet between us, Unik pulled out of me, holding out a hand for me as he stood up. My eyes stared down, stealing a look at his cock, covered in cum and highlighted by stains on his black pants. On my feet, glance toward him, a warm dribble came from my ass, feeling flush as it went down my leg. Walking me to the bathroom, Unik pat my ass, telling me not to worry about any mess. Knowing we had to bathe, I soaked in his aftercare attention, somewhat annoyed I couldn't take another pounding from daddy.


Before bed, I sat on his lap, cowgirl position, and looked him over.

His chest was hairy but not too hairy. Hairs were grey and a soft brown.

Both arms had sleeve tattoos, none on the legs. Some lined his back from what I saw in the shower.

The bulk was from excessive workouts and stress. He teased that I would be a nice break from those.

Even with him sat up, he was taller than me from his lap...

He took the time to 'inspect' me with his hands.

My ass had a supple roundness, perfect for him.

I wasn't bulky like my daddy but tone enough. Unik didn't mind. He seemed to adore it, especially my chest.

Tummy was a little round... even before it was full of cum.

Moving me from his lap, I was spooned and swaddled. Cuddling close, my butt rested nicely on his soft cock. With one last smile, his hand laid on my stomach, whispering it'd be a busy day that I'd love.

Dozing off, it was an exciting first night.


Six Months Later

Last year, my life was a mess. A nobody that sold his soul to a gross bastard in order to pay debt that stopped them going anywhere. Someone better came along and poached me from worst, changing more of what I knew. Now, I blossomed into someone else entirely.

Natalia Kirkland.

A savvy mob wife that's openly adored by her handsome boss, Unik, or Mr. Benson was his name on the outside. In private, I was his pretty ladyboy, 'forced' in some ways but not turning from it.

The first night, I was broken in the best way possible. Stripped of my guy side, and keeping what I liked while I turned into a lady. Excitement was the understatement of the past six months. Wonderful could describe it too. Unik took me to buy any clothes I wanted, more make up, earrings and other jewels, a tattoo. The boutiques I picked were rented out for as long as I decided to browse, usually under his watchful eyes. Seeing me in nice clothes sometimes got a bit close for comfort and we'd fuck slow and sweet, dressed in what we liked.

The tattoo was my choice and without Unik's knowledge. It was a surprise to mark three months after he rescued me. The day I decided to do that, we made slow love, both of us just awake as I slipped his morning wood in my tightness. That drowsy grunt from him still gives me chills just thinking about it. I stood in his arms, my back against his chest, hips moving steady as we tried to keep quiet. Though we didn't have to but he loved squeaks I made.

Horny as we were, the soft pats of my ass against his pelvis made me shoot on the clean sheets, and he lasted a bit longer, leaving a love bite on my shoulder. Peeking back at him, I was met with a morning kiss, and a groggy good morning. Once we'd had breakfast, he said goodbye, kissing my hand and winking as he went to his car.

Once he'd gone, I decided on what to get. At the parlor and spur of the moment, I got a snake, fierce like the ones on his arms.

Anyone who doesn't take me seriously only has to see that to know not to fuck with Benson's wife. It was... empowering. Someone was behind me to protect me and I had the spine to hold my own. All while dressed flawlessly.

Despite Unik’s influence, I had a business that had zero to do with his dealings. He insisted I follow a passion, which was tailoring. I didn’t have to work, but loved running something that was my own and loved being visited by my handsome man. Even with our ups and downs, we were always tangled.


After a long day, I came home to a dimly lit house. On guard, I crept around noticing candles lit everywhere I went. Going into the dining room, the table was set, platters hot, my favorite wine, and a string duet softly playing. Looking around, my eyes found Unik’s, which had a twinkle in them as he smiled ear to ear. I smelled him from where I stood, meaning it might have been a long day for him as well dealing with ‘clients’. Nodding to the string duet, they bowed and made their exit. Pulling out a chair, he told me to sit down.

Squirming as I walked up to him, I turned and sat down as he pushed the chair in.

“Mmm. I feel more like a princess than usual.” I giggled.

“As you should dear.” Unik assured me. “Behind every man is a beautiful woman.”

Clenching my thighs, I reached and touched his beard. “Even women with cocks?”

Crouching a bit, I shook before he could run his fingers along my tensed thigh. “Remind me who you are.”

“Natalia Kirkland.”

“Who else?”

“The Viper.”

“To who?”

“Mr. Benson, The Copperhead.”

He tilted my head up, leaning in so much I could take his breath. “Cock or not, you’re my lady. I fuck you all the same, and love you every time.”

Shaking inside, I thumbed his bottom lip. “Daddy... you’re making me hard...”

“Aww. Seeing you has the same effect on me too. But I wouldn’t want to spoil the occasion.”

Blushing, I kept thumbing his lip, my free hand touching his chest. Unik rarely got nervous... but I felt his heart thumping. “You didn’t have to get me anything.”

“This isn’t something I could ignore. Especially with how much you mean to me Natalia...”

“Unik... what are you saying?”

“I want... need... you.” He stammered. “Let’s not play house anymore. Let’s make a home.”

“I’m 27... And I might change a lot after 40.”

“I’m 48 and see no problem. You’ll mature in to the seductive old viper I crave. And I’ll stay your grey copperhead.”

Anxious of the writing on the wall, I kissed Unik softly. “Ask me...”

“Be mine forever Natalia... Be Mrs.Terrence. Marry me.”

When his hand cupped burning cock under my dress, I grabbed his hard on through his pressed pants, which struggled to hold him back. “Yes... I... I want your name.”

“It was a courtesy. Because you’re mine always. I wanted to make this matter.”

We shared a smile and some laughs, gentle teasing with fingers, before Unik put a ring on my finger. Gold with a sapphire and jade... us colliding. It was difficult to sit through dinner calmly, since we were distracted by wanting to consummate right then and there. Every few minutes, he kissed my hand while I kissed his thumb with a wink. Eventually, my mind spoke for his patience as he pulled my seat to him, placing me onto his lap.

Feeling his cock press against me, I burned red all over, showing him as it showed down to my neck. His fingers probed there, my chest tingling more as they trailed the center. Shrugging the straps of my dress, Unik licked his lips seeing my nipples hard. Bending to me, the wet warmth of his tongue dragged hungrily, sucking lightly as I held his head there. The panties I wore concealed how excited I was, but not how sopping wet I was getting.

His hands explored further, dress being inched higher until my stomach felt air, the black mesh of my panties a dripping clue for him to find. Gingerly, he lifted his head, subtle smile toward me as I felt his embrace tighten and we stood up. Walking with purpose, we hid in a private room near his office, which had a bed big enough. In the dim light, our bodies started talking. As I was set on the bed, my anxiety bubbled, mixing with the lust I held for Unik everyday, as I yanked at his pants.

Hearing the button pop, he gave a gruff laugh, letting them get fall off him and kicking off his house loafers. Though he kept up the tease by leaving his tight briefs on his bulging hard on. Kneeling down, dress draped around my waist, I glanced up at him, sucking the wet patch he had for me. Cupping the back of my head, he groaned and watched me savor his taste, head bobbing happily. Reaching down, his big hand easily found my budding nipple, pinching and circling as my body surrendered.

But with a simple snap, our shared enjoyment ended, and I stood slowly. Shuddering as his hand hovered and traced my face, my heart thumped in anticipation, sensing his protectiveness and ache to show me how much.

“Is that nervousness I'm seeing?" I pressed, a smile on my lips.

“No." He sighed. “Just a man enjoying what's good."

“His house sissy?"

Tapping my mouth, I became slightly stunned. “Do we have to do this again?"

“No daddy." I said while shaking my head.

“You're my good girl. Anyone else can think you're a sissy. But I know you. Just like you know me."

“I doubt myself... and if I'm really enough."

“Natalia, I wouldn't have asked you to marry me if I chose the wrong woman."

“You sure it's not how much you like the sex Unik?"

“No. Because I could have let you go. But wanted to keep you."

I wondered what made my mind do this... Push away and want him. “Forever?"

With a smile, he came in close for a kiss. “Forever."

Falling silent again, Unik kissed me harder, both hands holding my face, mine clenching his shirt. Fumbling, I undid them easily and flung his shirt off and my dress slipping off entirely. Wiggling away, I sat in front of him on the bed, panties coming down my ankles to show glistening precum all over my shaft, bush, and tip. Resting back on my elbows, my legs slowly spread and showed daddy what was his. Reveling in the view, his briefs came down, hand stroking himself as he knelt and laid over me.

Gently poking at my hole, I saw a toothy smile as he smeared precum to lube me up. Moving my hips against him, he poked in slightly, whispering harshly.

“Say it."

Pressing down, Unik's length sank deeper. “I belong to you."

“Louder." He said, pushing in as I wrapped my legs around.

“I... belong... to you..." I moaned weakly, feeling him rub my good spot.

Latching onto him, he nuzzled me, his beard tickling me as he bit at my neck.

“You'll be the death of me... And I accept that."

For a few minutes, Unik moved slow, different from our rhythm of rough, fast, and passionate. The gentleness was odd... but couldn't help savoring him... Rocking my hips with his, I turned my head to untuck his face from my neck, finding his lips to kiss greedily. The longer we kissed, the more his pace picked up, balls smacking against my ass. I kissed until I thought I'd turn blue, scratching at his back, frenzied with how he rubbed me inside.

Grabbing at his back cheeks, I finally came up for air, moaning Unik's name, seeing the glints of sweat and feeling my skin damp. His eyes glazed, leaving me with a glow as his cream spilled inside me. Barely simmering, his lips trailed lower, cock slurping out with some cum on me and the sheets as he did. Before I could say anything, my girly cock was in his mouth, and he was sucking me down as if I were in charge.

Acting on impulse, I grabbed his head, thick grey hair between my fingers and fucked his mouth. The stimulation sent me over a long time ago and I had to resist so much to enjoy the chance I'd rarely have again. Hands slipped up my stomach and chest, ebbing my mind away, making my hands grip so hard Unik grumbled loudly, drinking every drop me.

You'd think the toughest man I know wouldn't indulge in something that makes him seem weak... Yet he looked me in the eye while licking my cock clean of cum, smile a mile wide as his chin gleaned. Sitting up, I held his face in my hands, returning his smile.

“I think I can get used to this new you daddy..." I murmured.

“You do more than you realize Natalia." He hummed. “Let me cherish you on the off chance I don't get to or you forget."

“Hard to forget. You've done everything to make me remember why I'm someone... Where I started to now? It's an addiction..."

“And I plan to do it again. There's nothing you can do to convince me otherwise, so long as you remember the rules."


Again, we were quiet. Glowing from the high of each other, so much to say yet not having to say them. Picking up his shirt, Unik cleaned off my stomach, my softened cock, and what trickled out of my ass. Taking the shirt from him, I cleaned him off, feeling him get hard. For an older man, he definitely hadn't lost libido... and I had no complaints, seeing that we had some of the best sex. Simmering, I gently led him to the fenced off pool to cool off further.

Taking my place, between him and head on his chest, we found comfort in the still night, each other's company, and chilled water. The thoughts of marrying him made me fuzzy all over... The sooner to better.


One Month Later

Unik and I had planned the wedding in summer since the cherry trees in Japan would be in full bloom. But we were too stirred and rushed to elope. We got a certificate, booked a flight in first class, make love in our private room on the plane, and landed to talk to the venue about moving things up. The owner of the business was rather upset but found someone willing to switch dates in the spring for summer. It did interest the owner that Unik was half Japanese, making it less uncomfortable of him being American ‘Yakuza'.

With the ceremony in the morning, we picked up the traditional attire that was already made and were strangely able to find a beautician on short notice. In a stir, we settled into a family run hotel with an old grandma that was excited to see us. I was dressed down, not in full make up, looking more boyish than usual. Unik was shameless in showing affection toward me, holding my hand, kissing my cheek, taking my hand as we walked to our room.

Before she left, she took my hand, bowed and said congratulations. Feeling a little flushed, I thanked her, bowing respectfully then going into the small room with my husband to be. Looking at each other, I jumped onto him and he let everything else fall to catch me. He twirled around, smiling and kissing me while being held close to his strong chest.

“I can't believe it's really happening." I squeaked gleefully.

“I'm still pinching myself too Talia." Unik smiled back. “Worried I wouldn't settle down. Then I found you and decided not to let go."

“You gonna consummate me tonight and tomorrow?" I joked.

Squeezing my asscheek, he joked back, kissing me sweetly. “As many times as we can. We get so excited together and need to express it."

Pressing my lips, I touched my nose to his. “Want to try something with me?"


“Aww. Don't you trust me daddy?"

“Look at where we are. Of course I trust you Talia."

“Okay then. No penetration tonight... Just... Want to save it for tomorrow."

With a slight nod, Unik agreed. The boss of me agreeing didn't happen at all, much less about not getting what he wanted.

“I'll spare one night to make my wife to be happy. While having a good time together is important, being tense is special too."

Tracing his chin, the stubble poked at my fingers. “Still can't get over you cutting the beard but leaving the mustache."

“A beard would have looked out of place. Besides, I wanted to change it for you. I know it cuts sometimes."

“The mustache is sexy... But I'll still miss the beard."

“Hehe fucking rascal."

Nosing my cheek and shoulder, he let me down. Hanging things up and opening our bags, I kept looking over to him. I had seen him do the same things for a while but couldn't help swooning. The feeling of his eyes on me when I focused on something else told me he marveled over me too. After a while, one of us would go over to the other then holding them. With that thought in my head, his shadow cast over me as he kneeled and held me...

Feeling as if... he was going to lose me.

Whatever was in him infected me as I held his arms to me, a scorched sensation in me.

“What's wrong Unik?"

“I don't do emotions. But you have me overwhelmed. Wanna give you the world... Sometimes I can't. Should apologize but can't find what to say."

“Oh you softie... Scared of being vulnerable. You don't have to be. That's why we're together."

“It's a mix of what I rarely think about. Scary, exciting, happiness... my body wanting everything to do with you."

“Tomorrow morning, it'll be official. I'll be Mrs. Terrence to you. Mr. Terrence on paper."

Turning to look at him, there was that curved lip smile. Instead of kissing, we hung there, enjoying the moment. Though we had sore knees after a few minutes and had to stand up, I insisted running a steam bath, seeing as we needed to wash up from the long flight... and the mile high club experience. Once the temperature felt right, I undressed and peeked into the room to tell Unik the bath would be ready soon. He was on the bed, naked and taking up most of the space.

Compared to when he first rescued me, his stomach was a touch rounder, even so still bulky and strong. With a rounder belly, his ass looked more shapely and his dick... just as appetizing. Perking up and seeing me stare, he sat up, full attention on me.

“Everything okay in there?"

“Yes daddy. Just came to tell you the water is ready and stopped to take in the view."

“Not bad for 49?"

“You look better than most men in their 20s. Well, the average 'hottie' everyone says."

Getting on his feet, he made his way to me, lovingly running his fingers through my hair. “Better my health, longer we stay together."

Giggling, I took his hand and led him to the warm bath to settle in. Moving on my heel, he took my hand first, telling me to stay and that the door is fine. Feeling a bit red, I listened to him and went to step into the bath. Just as I stepped in, I was in front of him and his hand reached to fondle me. Shivering, I couldn't keep my eyes off his hand and how he touched me. Reacting, my hands felt along my stomach and chest, pinching at my sensitive buds. Gingerly, he pulled me by the hips closer to him, lips kissing the tip of my cock.

With feather pecks along the skin, my toes curled as I moaned thank you and incoherently at the same time. When the licks started, my knees stopped holding me up and almost fell before Unik caught me. Against his chest, he sat down, rubbing my legs and knees.

“Hope you're still okay." He said.

“Fine... Just feels good." I purred, eyes closed as I listened to his heart.

“I'll live to drive you crazy too." He joked.

Adjusting me in his arms, Unik carefully washed me, teasing but keeping his promise of not poking. Whatever hair on my body stood up, taking in us. We were in the bath a good hour, me being washed until I came by Unik's hand. When it was his turn and my fingers went to their place, his cock was more than ready. So I took my time, coaxing, provoking, respecting and worshiping his body because now, I'd have the same from him.

Satisfied, we dried off and laid in bed. Snuggling in clean robes, open to each other, anticipating tomorrow and the rest of our lives together. While life started uncomfortably, it turned around as I buried who I was to who I am.

A mob sissy wife and eager pleaser. Someone... Something. Grounded and pulled toward him.

The End


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