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Mommy's Little Sissy Ch.7

Chapter 07:  The Boutique
Brenda  Gova

The next morning I awoke thinking about a problem I had.  That was do I take Patty and Stephaney to the little girl boutique or should I go alone and check it out.  It was a real problem, but since I had never been in there (although, as a boy I had looked through the window) and didn’t know what to expect, so I elected to go the first time alone.  I was whistling and singing as I put my new, super tight, dress on.  As I was fighting with the back zipper I was thinking about the previous owner.  It must have been an older girl, at least two years older than me, cause she had all the bumps and curves in the right places.  I smiled at the thought, and unzipped the dress part way, enough to add some padding to the bra (chuckle) which filled out the ‘bumps’.
Next I went to my mother’s dressing table and put on some lipstick (I hadn’t done this before) and looking in the mirror I was proud of the pretty little girl looking back (giggle).  And just settling there, begging me to wear them were two clip-on earrings.  Looking in the mirror there was still something wrong. ‘MY HAIR’ I gasped, what to do with my hair?  I decided to ‘put it up’ in a top bun (Giggle).  Well that was quick and easy, and in short order I was out the door on my way to a real adventure, a girls boutique.

It was just a short walk to ‘Sally Maries Girls Shop’, but it took me half an hour.  Then I realized it was because of my new dress, forcing me to take small, mincing, steps.

But finally I got there and looking through the shop window I could see all the pretty dresses, skirts, and a large assortment of lingerie.  ‘Wow’ I said to myself ‘I’ve gone to heaven’.  Then I noticed the little pink sign right by the front door ‘Sissy’s Welcome’ so I walked right in.  I was greeted by a sales girl (or boy), but she definitely had nice ‘boobs’, and talked with a deep voice.  I’m Jane, and I’ll be your coordinator for your ‘first time here darling’ she announced.  ‘Yes’ I replied ‘I’m looking for something new.’  I’ll bet you are, I haven’t seen a hobble skirt in ages, but we have plenty of shorter styles over here honey.  ‘Is that what it’s called’ I croaked, and she went on to say ‘it’s usually just for nighttime ‘club’ wear honey, not for walking or shopping dear.  But you’ll learn after a while son (giggle).

I was horrified, but then she asked my name.  ‘Brenda’ I stammered.  No, not your ‘girlie’ name, you’re real name.  ‘Brian’, I said embarrassed.  Then Jane (I found out later ‘Joe’) led me over to a rack loaded with pretty dresses.  A bright yellow one immediately caught my eye, and after looking at several, I always came back to it.  Jane said ‘good choice Brenda, it’s a new style called ‘Prima Ballerina’.  Handing it to me she said ‘try it on dear, and here are the shoes that come with it’. Doing as she told me I struggled out of my ‘hobble’ dress (that back zipper was a problem), and into the ‘ballerina’ dress.  WOW, it was a perfect fit, and the shoes added 2 inches to my height,  I felt like a new girl (Giggle).

Back out in the store, Jane said you look beautiful in that dress, it shows off your long girlish legs Brenda.  Saying ‘think I’ll wear it home’, Jane agreed and placed my old dress in a ‘Sally Marie Boutique’ shopping bag.  Leading me to the door she gave me a big hug and whispered in my ear ‘hope to see you again soon Brenda’.  I giggled and said good-bye, knowing I would be back for sure.

I rushed home to show Stephaney and Patty my new dress, and to relate all the things that Jane and I talked about.  WOW, what a day!

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