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New! House Arrest Ch.3

Miss Throne

Tommy now Catnip experiences some unexpected surprises in the manor. His Aunt has a unique way to punish both him and the cute maid Ming. 

Tommy wasn't sure exactly what he had done wrong.  When his Aunt Hilda accused him of 'messy eating habits' he knew better than to object.  The last thing he wanted was to earn one of her creative punishments.  She had moved on from simply smacking his rump red to less predictable cruelties.  For instance, using nipple clips to attach large fake breasts to his chest.  The clips hurt terribly and then she would have Ming stuff the boobs into a big bra that Tommy had to wear until his aunt decided he was allowed to take it off.  An hour or two of that was worse, in its way, than a spanking or paddling.  

Another one was to make him wear heels with short points inside, which would torment his delicate soles.  Or she would have him go into the basement, naked except for  stockings, heels, and some sort of silly hat, where he had to sit on an upended cinderblock, in front of a mirror, and transfer uncooked beans from one bowl to another, a single bean at a time.  The bowls were balanced on his thighs and if he rushed he might upset one of them.  So he had to proceed slowly, even though the rough block was digging into his tender buttocks. Watching his reflection only added to the humiliation.

So it was that when she cited him for poor table manners, she had to come
up with another of her wicked sentences.  This time she made him eat like
a pig out of bowl on the floor, three hefty helpings of some sort of
disgusting gruel.  Afterwards his stomach felt distended and he was
miserable for the rest of the day.  On top of that, his aunt decided that
Ming would begin feeding him his meals.  So Tommy had to sit at the table
while the maid put his food onto a spoon or fork and placed it in his
mouth a bit at a time, as if he was an infant.  He even had to wear a
bib.  At least Ming let some sympathy show in her expression.  And she
would coo to him and whisper words of consolation.  The bond that had
been growing between them became that much stronger.  It was so nice to
have her on his side.  He even dared to think secret thoughts of
rebellion.  Why not?  How long was he going to go on letting his aunt
treat him like a sissy?  He began to think of Ming as his girlfriend and
that gave him the courage to stand up for himself.  But not yet, he
decided.  He would wait for the right moment.

A large flat package arrived in the mail.  Tommy was allowed to be in the
room when it was opened.  He had on a fishnet bodysuit, black boots,
black opera-length gloves, and silly cat ears, which Hilda had decreed he
wear to match his new name, Catnip.  She had him kneel down and hold his
hands under his chin, fingers curved and pointing downward.  Those were
his 'paws' and he had to lick them while he waited to learn what was in
the parcel.  In no hurry, she left him there in his feline role while she
lingered over coffee and sweet rolls.  Tommy was salivating at the sight
and smell of those flavorful items.  His aunt had eliminated anything
enjoyable from his diet, although Ming would sneak treats to him, which
made him care for her even more.  Finally, Hilda had Ming fetch a sharp
knife which the older woman used to gingerly cut the tape on the package.
She folded back the paper in what seemed to Tommy like slow motion.
When she lifted out the first item it was a framed art print, produced
from one of the sketches that the amazing artist Sasha had done of Tommy
when she visited.  A few well chosen colors had been added to make it
even more expressive than it had already been.  Tommy's aunt announced
that this one, and all the others, would be hung on the walls of his
bedroom so he could study and admire them every day.

The box also contained an album which featured Sasha's prison sissy art
exclusively.  With the possibility looming that he might pose for similar
pictures, perhaps with her crude macho friend Tank, Tommy was appalled to
see what was taking place in these works.  Youthful convicts were being
made not only to dress and speak like sissies, but had to serve their
'Daddy' sexually, using their hands and mouths however the stronger man
dictated.  No one would expect him, a straight young man who was only
dressing and acting this way under duress, to do any of that.  Would
they?  He gagged at the thought.  And he would gag a lot more if he
actually had to perform those acts.  His aunt told him firmly that he
would view the album every day and memorize the details of the art.  When
she quizzed him on it he had better not make any mistakes or she would be
extra inventive in creating punishments.  When he and Ming had to carry
all those gifts to his room, the maid tried to sooth him with comforting
words and made him feel, once more, that he had a friend in her.   Once
they were in his room and the album had been given a place of honor on
his dresser, between a rainbow sachet pillow and a 'Jack' doll dressed in
'Jenny' clothes, they began to hang the prints on nails that someone had
put into the walls while Tommy was absent.  He noticed something
different about Ming and inhaled deeply.  Tommy asked uncertainly, "Ming,
did you change your... scent?"  She smiled, obviously flattered that he
had noticed, and explained.  "Yes, Catnip.  Before I always wore
sandalwood.  But starting today I have on jasmine."  "Did... my aunt make
you change?"  "No, it was my idea."  "But, why did you do it?" he asked,
daring to allow a note of hope to enter his voice.  "For you, silly," she
said.  "I thought you would appreciate it."

At that moment he decided that he would definitely stand up to Aunt Hilda
and express his feelings for Ming.  He was still a guy and still due to
inherit an impressive fortune.  With that in mind he steeled his resolve.
Hands on hips, lips slightly puckered, looking much less like the master
of his fate than he felt, he told Ming, "I'm not going to let her push me
around any more.  I'm going to tell my aunt how things are going to be
from now on."  Tommy was still using his required girly voice, though he
wasn't aware of it.  That made him seem even less effective than just his
body language did.  He even stamped one high-heeled foot.  Ming eyed him
with sympathy and said, "But not yet.  Wait just a little longer.  She's
been noticing how I... well... look out for you.  And..."  She turned her
eyes toward the floor.  "... I took a spanking that was intended for you.
So right now wouldn't be the best time for you to do that.  She might
take her anger out on me.  Okay?  It doesn't have to be much longer."
Tommy hesitated and then decided that, so long as he had made his
declaration, that was the most important thing.  The rest would follow
naturally when the time was ideal.  He said, "If that's what's best for
you, that's what I'll do.  And I'm sorry you had to get your fanny
swatted because of me."  Ming rubbed her backside and made a frown,
saying, "It WAS a pretty rough one."  Tommy started to raise his hands to
give her a hug but then something inside him made him not do it.  He may
have convinced himself that he was ready to assert himself, but his
confidence didn't show in his actions.

The next day he was dressed in a silly outfit with a big bow at his neck,
a puffy blouse, and a short full skirt, all in shades of yellow.  His
hair was now in a pixie cut and perched atop his head was a flat green
hat with a narrow brim and flowers where a hatband should be.  On his
feet were Mary Janes in pale gold.  The white socks, with folded-over
tops, had small saffron dots on them.  He felt foolish, especially in
light of his intentions.  But he remembered Ming's request that he not
rebel just yet, and so was a good boy/girl, even when his aunt made him
lift his skirt and show his ruffled orange panties, then pull them down
in back and wag his bare bottom.  It was almost as if she was trying to
provoke him into action.  Hilda decided that he was fidgeting while Ming
fed him and declared that they both had to be punished.  This time Tommy
looked at the maid, begging her with his eyes (there was blue eyeshade on
his upper lids) to allow him to object.  But she gave a slight shake of
her pretty head so again he backed down.  Then Aunt Hilda announced what
the punishment was to be.  The two of them would be bound into a sheath
that would hold them pressed together, face to face, but which had cut-
outs that left their bottoms uncovered.  That way she could paddle both
their rumps, alternating between them, while they wriggled against each
other.  She made Ming fetch the sheath, which was made of rubber, and set
it on the floor.  The pair had to step onto it and reach down so both of
them could work it up their bodies at the same time.  It wasn't easy, but
the older woman was in no hurry.  She watched with cruel amusement as
they brought it higher and higher, until it was at their waists.

Then they had to stuff their hands down into the clinging material so
that she could continue bringing it higher, cocooning them with their
thighs, crotches, bellies and chests held tightly together.  It was
designed to follow the contours of their bodies and left no room for
movement.  That made it feel doubly restrictive as she lightly patted
their exposed posteriors with the flat of her wooden paddle.  Tommy bit
his lower lip and tried to be strong for Ming.  The trapped pair moved
their heads so they were looking over each others' shoulders.  It
reminded Tommy vividly of that other time when they had been face-to-face
and Ming had thrust her tongue into his mouth during a punishment.  Aunt
Hilda let them sweat a bit, literally and figuratively, while she made
trial swings of her paddle through the air.  Then, when they had let down
their guards, she smacked Tommy hard across both buttocks.  He yelped
loudly and tried to catch his breath but she quickly landed three more
blows.  Then she moved around behind Ming and, while her nephew was
fighting back tears, gave the maid a quartet of loud whacks.  Ming did
better at controlling her reaction than Tommy had, but every time the
paddle connected she thrust her hips against his.  Her chest squirmed
against his.  Before either victim could recover, Hilda had returned to
her first target and gave Tommy four more of her best.  This time he lost
control and began to cry.  He was upset that Ming had to witness that but
he just couldn't help it.  The maid took another round.

At that point Hilda stepped back to allow them to moan and pant while she
smiled triumphantly.  Then she slowly circled them so they had to
anticipate the next assault on their flesh.  She went for Ming first this
time, landing a full half dozen on her smooth backside before returning
to Tommy's reddened sitter to give it six.  By then both sufferers were
wriggling non-stop in their confinement.  Hilda announced that, "Because
you two can't stay still, I'm going to switch to the crop and give you
something that will really make you move."  She laughed mercilessly.
Tommy thought how unfair she was being.  But she had a frightening black
riding crop handy and let them both have a good look at it, savoring the
concern in their eyes.  Then she said, "One of you will get six and the
other a dozen.  Who wants which?"  The room was silent for long seconds
and then Tommy began to sniffle.  Soon he was sobbing.  "Please, Ma'am,"
he pleaded, "don't make me take a dozen."  "Very well, I'll give twelve
to Ming."  "No!" Tommy blurted, all thoughts of rebellion forgotten.
"Not to her.  Just... not to me, either."  "That's NOT how it works,
Catnip.  Now do you want me to give YOU the dozen?"  His voice quivered
as he whispered, "No, Ma'am.  Please don't give me the d... dozen."  She
told him, "So be it."

All at once she was delivering stroke after stroke to Ming's already sore
cheeks, hitting hard.   Strangled sounds of suffering came from the
maid's throat.  Tommy felt ashamed that he had shifted the heavier dose
onto her.  Hilda slowed down for the final four to prolong the
psychological torment.  Then she stepped behind Tommy and tapped his rear
lightly, getting her range.  He was quaking.  She smiled and drew her arm
far back, then sent the leather whistling through the air to produce a
loud satisfying crack.  He lurched against Ming.  His chest heaved.
Hilda allowed him to get a semblance of control before she gave him
another.  Keeping that pace, she drew out his half dozen for as long as
she could.  Then she decreed that they would remain in their rubber
prison while she had a shower and changed.  The two of them had to remain
like that, squeezed together, for over an hour.  Tommy was so humiliated
by his cowardice that he couldn't even manage an apology to Ming.    It
took him three more days before he had built up his nerve enough to feel
ready to stand up to his aunt.

The time came when he was wearing a maid's uniform.  His was rather
abbreviated, with cut-outs for his nipples.  Ming's uniform was more
traditional.  Despite his appearance, when his aunt made a comment about
how both of them were lax in doing their work, he stopped dusting and
confronted her.  Lifting his chin but still using his sissy voice, he
said, "You can't push us around anymore.  I'm still a boy... I mean a
man.  And sometime soon you will have to give me my inheritance.  You're
mean but Ming has been very sweet to me."  He took a breath.  "And I'm
extremely fond of her.  And I'm going to... make love to her."  He
hesitated and turned to the maid, saying, "If you want me to."  Ming
nodded happily.  Tommy returned his attention to his Aunt Hilda and said
with insistence that came across as comical, "And you can't stop me."
"Well," Hilda said thoughtfully.  "If you insist.  Of course you can...
make love... to Ming."  Tommy's mouth dropped open and he said, "I can?" 
"If that's what you want, I won't stop you.  So long as dear Ming is
treated properly.  You're not one of those selfish types who thinks of
only their own needs, are you Catnip?"  "I... no," he answered, feeling
like something was wrong.  Why was she giving in so easily?  But he
reinforced his stand by saying, "I will do whatever Ming wants."  "Oh,
Catnip," the maid cooed.  "Would you even do something nice for me...
with your mouth?"  She pointed to her crotch and added, "Down there?"
She reached out and lightly fingered his exposed nipples.  He sighed and
felt his dick stiffen inside his panties.

He shuddered and said, "Well, I've never done that for a girl and I don't
like the idea.  But... for you... I will."  "Oh, darling," she said, her
voice sultry, as her hands went to his shoulders and pressed downward.
Tommy sank reluctantly to his knees in front of her, telling himself that
this would only be foreplay and then he would at last experience the main
act.  Tommy would lose his virginity.  Ming unfastened her skirt and
dropped it on the carpet.  She put her fingers on the sides of her
panties and unfastened two snaps.  "Ready, lover?" she purred.  Tommy
squeaked his assent.  Ming whisked off the garment.  And Tommy found
himself staring at a long smooth penis and two hairless balls.  Ming said
seductively, "I'm so glad you got in touch with your true self, sweetie. 
I knew all along this was what you honestly wanted.  Of course, there's
no way you could have mistaken me for a real girl."  "B... bu... but, I
did think you were..."  Tommy lost his power of speech.  He had kissed
Ming, desired her touch, wanted to be intimate with her.  Had he really
known, inside, that she wasn't female?  It was all so confusing.  Then
his aunt said, "I hope you're not going to go back on your word, Catnip. 
Or do you want three days of my nastiest punishments?"  Ming took his
head gently between her hands.  His hands?  And drew him toward her.
Him?  Tommy shivered at the thought of three days... and nights... of
Aunt Hilda's worst.  As if with a will of its own, his mouth opened.

"That's my good sissy girl," Ming said encouragingly.  "Stick out that
cute pink tongue.  It felt soooo good when we had our lips locked.
Mmmmm."  He obeyed mutely, feeling the tip of his tongue touch Ming's
cock.  She rubbed herself against his mouth and her organ began to grow. 
Soon it was six firm inches.  Tommy was trapped.  Mixed up.  At her
coaxing he began to lick.  And then to suck.  And to swirl his tongue.
He couldn't believe this was happening.  He was dressed in a sissy maid
outfit, kneeling, sucking a hard cock.  It was dreadful.  But what if it
really WAS what he desired?  Ming worked her hips forward and back.
Tommy kept sucking and licking.  It went on and on with his aunt
watching.  Ming drew closer to an orgasm.  Tommy wept softly as he took
in another inch of man meat.  Then he pulled back to concentrate on just
the head.  When he had her wildly excited, he began to bob up and down on
her tool and soon she was moaning loudly.  All at once Ming stiffened and
shot her load against the roof of Tommy's mouth.  Cum puddled on his
tongue.  Ming, head thrown back and eyes closed, said in a throaty but
very feminine voice, "Show me you love me, Catnip.  Swallow all that
yummy cream I gave you."  And Tommy did, somehow knowing that the act was
something he could never erase, never deny in this house, never recover
from.  His life had changed forever.  He heard his aunt say, "Just to
show you that I'm not a bad person, Catnip, I'm going to let you have
your fun that way whenever Ming wants.  Naturally, I don't want her doing
that for you.  But I could see from how greedy you were to keep her rod
in your mouth and to gulp down all her spunk, that it's doing for her
that you're most interested in.  You are SUCH a sissy.

To be continued...

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