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Super Slut Dolls 5

Tiffanny Miller

Captain Leanna Harkin woke up with a groan blinking she tried to take
stock of her surroundings and was at first confused, until the battle
came rushing back to her, the need to put down her weapon and strip
naked, the utter humiliation she'd felt as something else had taken over
her mind, she realized she was still naked and sitting in a chair facing
a window that over saw what looked like a factory of some kind, there
was a screen in front of her as well.  "Just relax commander and watch,
I have a proposition for you, but I want you to see what will happen to
you if we can't come to an arrangement."  She heard a famine voice say
behind her.  "Who are you what are you doing to me and what the fuck do
you mean?"  She said trying to move out of the chair, and finding it
impossible.  She heard the woman behind her laugh, and the screen in
front of her zoomed in, in the factory the figure standing at the
beginning of the conveyor was one of her soldiers Jonathan Vegas, one of
the men she actually liked in her squad.  "What the fuck are you doing."
She said staring at the screen as she could hear Jonathan cursing and
struggling, right before something was placed on his neck.  She watched
helplessly as he convulsed for a moment, the camera angle changing to
his crotch she could clearly see him starting to get erect.

"It's quite simple all of your soldiers are going to be turned into
dolls the only thing left of their previous lives their small amount of
powers, and their training and skills for combat, nothing else."  The
voice behind her said.  "They will be totally obedient, with no free
will, but I do need a commander a human who can serve as a general for
them as my dolls aren't the greatest at that, and I can't control all of
them or be everywhere.  If you accept there are certain perks" She heard
the voice say, as two latex clad dolls approached her one rubbing her
breasts the other stroking her thigh.  She stared at them then back at
the screen.  She watched as her soldiers mouth was opened, and a tube
placed in it, she watched eyes wide as something slid into his ass and
he was moved along the conveyor.   She was turned on and horrified when
she saw needles injecting his chest and breasts starting to grow.  "This
is my favorite part" the voice behind her said as a helmet was placed on
his head.  She watched his body convulsing as pulses from the helmet
caused him to convulse.  She couldn't see what those pulses were doing
to his synapses, she couldn't see the pulses over riding his higher
thoughts the intensity of the signals starting to erase memories and
make the soldier more pliable and obedient.

"What you can't be serious why do you think I would ever work for you?"
She said even as she moaned in pleasure the dolls were really good with
their hands, and it was hard to see them as former people, their
features were so similar and so non-distinct all she saw was shiny latex
and she couldn't help but get wet.

"Well my telepath and my seer dolls have told me that you aren't exactly
a huge fan of hero corp anymore, that you barley passed the psych evals
to serve in their forces, and that the fact that Angelicus simply swept
sexual assault allegations under the rug pissed you off even more.  They
also don't value you.  You and I both know that even with your command
experience, and your minor power of perfect situational awareness they
see you as expendable cannon fodder, I don't, perfect spatial awareness
is an amazing talent for a general.  You know as well as I do that hero
corp is fucked in the long run, they are stretched thin with fewer
recruits only their image of invincibility keeps them from being
assailed on multiple fronts.  In a matter of weeks, I've taken out every
hero in this city except for one, and even netted one of the two
tactical teams."  The voice behind her said, and she had no reason to
disbelieve it but it was hard to concentrate when one of the dolls
started sucking on her nipple.  All she could do was moan and stare as
she saw some kind of metal plate wrapped around her soldier's waist, the
metal seemed to ripple and bond directly with his skin.  She watched as
he shuddered more, now standing at attention the programming starting to
take over, inside the helment his eyes were glazed as new thoughts were
imprinted into his mind his old personality being over written
completely.  He jerked and moaned as the metal that wrapped around him
caused his waist to narrow, constricting him making him look, as if he
was wearing a tight corset, even as it became his skin.  The next
station dipped him into a vat of latex except his head, the latex bonded
to the parts of his skin and to the armor, soon there wasn't a single
distinguishing feature on him.  Internally the fluid reshaped his bone
structure causing his hips to widen and his ass to expand, even as his
muscles and bones became denser and harder to damage.  His mind
continued to change his entire identity slowly being erased and
replaced.  There was no resistance as he was pulled out of the vat.

"What are you what the hell?"  Captain Harkin said looking at him, other
than the head there was nothing recognizable about him.  His body other
than his cock was exaggerated female portions huge breasts that jutted
out, a tiny almost impossibly narrow waist and an ass that a porn star
would kill for.  She moaned and her hips bucked as the two dolls
continued to tease and play with her, even as her eyes were glued to the
screen as the helmet was pulled off of the soldier now doll, a new
helmet of gleaming metal was placed on his head, the metal fusing with
his skin becoming his new face.  The mouth able to open and close the
eyes not visible due to the helmet.  The new doll soldier walked calmly
to the  next to last station.  Around her feet new material was pressed
into them forming permanent combat boots, another device formed a
perfect fake pussy right below her cock, and then armored plates were
placed over them both, the cock sliding into her body.  She marched to
the last station, her face an unreadable helment as she jutted her
breasts proudly out, and stood still.  SC001 was burned into her
metallic body across her chest.  She turned and stood at attention.
"Security Unit 001 ready for duty all skill packets downloaded all
systems running at optimum condition  Unit is currently in default mode
of combat operations but per orders can be switched to pleasure mode at
any time awaiting further instructions."  The drone said in a monotone

"well if the drones look like sex dolls they will be under estimated
compared to my regular dolls they have better armor, and the training
they already had has been enhanced their reflexes will be superior, and
unlike regular soldiers can't be mind controlled by anyone except me, or
someone who I allow to control them.  So what's it going to be you
becoming my willing general and second in command or do I send you
straight to the assembly line I have very limited time here."  She heard
the voice say even as she moaned and bucked her hips.  "One of my female
soldiers Daniella I want her to keep her mind and memories" She said
panting her head swimming she didn't want to become a doll, and
everything the other woman had said was true.  Her belief that hero corp
was always right or that they were a true force for justice had fallen
by the way side quite some time ago, and this woman seemed to actually
have a plan of some kind for taking them down, of course the whole
turning people into dolls was crazy, but she couldn't think straight
while the dolls worked her body.

"Excellent, Victoria said finally moving in front of her new general,
and yes I can agree with that, except she will be made totally obedient
to myself and you as well, the rest of your squad will soon join SC001."
She said smiling as the two dolls stood at attention.  "Now one final
thing for you."  She said placing a small device against the base of the
other woman's skull.

The captain screamed in pain and almost blacked out, but soon as the
device was connected to her, she could feel the dolls closest to her,
she could command them with just a thought, in fact she could even feel
SC001 the only dolls she couldn't command were the H series and those
she could give verbal commands to.  With her ability of spatial
awareness, it was incredible to be able to see everything through the
dolls eyes it took her a few moments to adjust to it.  "Holy shit this
is incredible." She said as with but a thought she had the two drones in
the room with her on their knees licking her.  She moaned and spread her
legs as they worked it was so incredible to have total control over the
dolls.  She ground the doll's hairless head into her cunt panting and
shuddering at how good it felt, it was amazing being able to totally
control the dolls to give her maximum pleasure.

"As much as I would love to explore your sexuality we are on a time
crunch.  In order to win we have to move against Angelicus rapidly.  We
have very little time left, soon as the rest of your squad is dollified
we have to attack, and I need you up to speed and ready for battle"
Victoria told her new general as she observed the woman playing with the
dolls, it had been so easy to turn her so incredibly easy, hero corp had
to be run by idiots, but that only made her job much easier.  She used
her neural implant which was also linked to the generals to make her
orgasm incredibly hard so she could think clearly afterwards.

Leeana shouted as she came harder than she ever had in her life, it was
better than either her girlfriend or any of the men she'd fucked.
"Right time to work I assume we are hitting the main compound here in
the city what's the plan after that?"  She said shuddering wondering
what the villainess would do to prevent herocorp from overwhelming her

"Quite simple the Cincinnati protocols see if they ignore that clause of
it, then it calls the rest of that treaty into question, which then
could invalidate their entire charter, or give other cities reasons and
cause to kick hero corp out, and given how much hero corp takes from
some of the cities it would be attractive to many of them.  Oh I don't
expect them to fully honor it, after all it's hero corp but if I get the
mayor to agree to singing off on it we can keep any reprisals by hero
corp to the manageable clandestine way."  Victoria said with a smirk.

Leeana just blinked no one had invoked the Cincinnati protocols on over
50 years, not since the end of the super powered wars.  At that time
heroes and villains had claimed various territories and fought over
them, the very young hero corp sent a team into Cincinnati to subdue a
rather powerful villain in the fight the entire city was devastated.  In
the wake of that a treaty had been formed, essentially a city had to be
under direct imminent threat for hero corp to unilaterally come into it,
if a cities mayor stated there was no such threat even with villain
activity then the heroes could not mount a full-scale assault.  "That's
brilliant but you are right we'll have to hit them before they call for
reinforcements, luckily Angelicus is an arrogant bastard, so he won't
call for reinforcements for at least a day or two, but the faster we
move the more time you have to work on the mayor."  She said standing up
she ordered two of the dolls further in the facility to bring her armor
and weapons.

Victoria smiled as she watched her new general in action, she'd have to
reward her hero drone, she called her newest hero drone to her, and
waited for her to arrive planning what she would do.   The drone
formerly known as foresight rushed to her Mistress she'd been waiting
for an order knowing it was going to come.  She smiled as she stared at
her amazing gorgeous Mistress.  "H-5 I think it's time to finish you, I
think its time for you to physically become a drone what do you say
hmm?"  Victoria said stroking the woman's breast.  H-5 just moaned her
cunt soaking wet.  "Yes Mistress H-5 is ready to be fully droned in body
as well as mind."  She said panting hard.   "Good drone now strip
naked."  Victoria said smiling as she lead the former woman into a
special transformation pod.  The pod was different than the assembly
line it was another chair this time lined with some kind of metal that
seemed to ripple.  "Sit into the chair and your identity as H-5 will be
sealed forever there will never be a way for them to unbind the metal
from your skin even if I am defeated you will remain a simple drone
forever.  Sit down and seal your fate."  Victoria said her hand on H-5s
small but nicely shaped rear.  H-5 had no thought of resisting at all
she eagerly sat down the metal was cool against her skin.  She felt the
substance moving as her Mistress started the program. The liquid metal
slid around her coating her ass going into it and into her pussy.  She
moaned as the metal started to fill her and started to coat her body.
Her whole body felt alive and tingled as the liquid metal found its way
into every pour of her body, she felt it coating her face, her hair
vanishing as it was eaten by the metal.  As it filled her mouth she felt
her chest inflating rapidly going from modest C cups all the way to EEs
in size her small frame looked very obscene as the liquid metal
destroyed her birth marks and any other distinguishing features, her
eyes going from the vibrant blue to a dull grey.  H-5 was lasered onto
her chest the entire process took mere minutes, minutes to finish the
process of turning one of the greatest seers on the planet into an
obedient toy.   Soon as the machine was finished with her H-5 stood up
at attention for inspection.

Victoria smiled stepping around her new toy, it was clear that H-5 was
not a combat model her small size and huge titts would be totally
impractical in a fight.   "You will never leave this base your function
is to use those visions of yours to aid me, and to be a fuck toy."  She
said grabbing the dolls ass hard.  "I wish we had more time to play but
I have a mission to run, go to the computer room and focus on what we
need to do to make this battle work."  She said even as she controlled
the factory and its drone to finish converting the other soldiers, the
one her general wanted to keep mind would be a bit difficult but doable.

While Victoria was busy with H-5 Leanna was admiring the droning process
as she put on her gear, it was very efficiently done one after another
her soldiers entered the assembly line, each one was dealt with
identically, until the last.  She watched as her dark skinned lover was
placed into the line.  Her breath hitched.  She zoomed in watching.

Daniella was scared and nervous as she was placed onto the assembly
line, she knew something was happening to them all but not what.  Her
last thought had been embarrassment as she started fingering herself in
the middle of a fight.  She gasped as something was placed against the
back of her neck, she could feel the tendrils entering her mind and
spine.  She moaned as it found the pleasure centers in her brain.  She
felt the first pulses making her body move making her pussy wet.  She
was confused as to what was going on as the pulses made her mouth open.
She moaned as dildos were slid into her ass and cunt.  Her body spasmed
in pleasure, the pleasure increasing her obedience, when needles were
placed into her breasts to keep them always upright and even larger she
squirmed more.  The helmet was placed on her head this one carefully
calibrated.  She felt her mind pulsing her thoughts changing, being
sorted file like a computer.  She could feel her identity and memories
being shuffled into a file as new programming took over.  The new
programming felt so good, her brain was linking obedience with pleasure
even with her mind intact she wouldn't be able to resist commands.  Her
loyalty to Leena was also strengthened the now drone would do anything
for her commander.   She felt the metal plates wrapping around her as
the helmet started to change bonding with her face.  She felt the metal
becoming her skin compressing her SC-012D knew what was happening she
was being repurposed to become the perfect combat and pleasure drone.
She felt her hair melting under the helmet as something unneeded,
something only humans had not dolls or drones.  She moaned as the pulses
in her mind continued the new orders burning deep into her mind her old
personality and thoughts a file that could be ordered open only by her
commander.  She moaned as her clitt was enlarged into a cock, the cock
sliding into her as the armored plate was placed over her.  She stood
still as the boots were placed onto her feet in combat mode full on
lethal combat boots in pleasure mode spiked high heels.  She saluted her
commander as soon as she was finished.  "Open program Daniella" She
heard her commander and lover say.  As soon as the words were spoken she
snapped to herself she remembered everything but even being programmed
but she could still feel how obedient she was.  "Commander what happened
why?" She said the human part of her needing answers.

"Why well either I wound up like a drone like you and all of us totally
mindless or I became Mistress Victoria's commander for her drone army, I
was able to let you keep this much of yourself at least, and dam."  She
said looking at her lover admiring the larger breasts, and narrowed
waist.  "Go to pleasure mode"  She said wanting to see it.

Daniella moaned as her head shifted the helmet fading into the
background leaving a gorgous latex face with wide eyes.  Her boots
shifted shape becoming 6-inch spiked heels that she instinctively knew
how to move in.  "You like me like this I look like a toy Mistress" She
said her programming unable to call her former lover anything but
commander or Mistress, her cock was rock hard and pussy wet and needy.

"Actually fuck yes I love it, you know I like things a bit kinky, and
this is something else entirely you know I can even do this."  She said
using her implant to take direct control of the drone and have her rub
against her.  Daniella felt her body moving without her directing it she
felt her huge breasts pressing against her Mistress and she couldn't''
help but moan.   "See you love it to now get back into combat mode line
up and arm with the other security drones we have a mission."  Leena
said admiring her toy's ass as the drone walked away.  She heard
Victoria chuckling behind her.

"So commander ready for a surprise assault on Herocorp?"  Victoria
asked.  "Forsight has a plan, H-4 will use his, soon to be her codes to
get you into the complex, she will then download herself into the
defenses disabling them you, the security drones and the other H units
will move as fast as possible through the complex your first goal is
disabeling the other security team, second is Angelicus once those are
taken the support personell should be easy to deal with."  Victoria said
with a smile.

Leanna thought for a moment.  "Actually we will need to deal with the
support personel first they are able to send a distress beacon that can
be answered, once in the garage if we go straight to central control
room, we can take out the support team in place, take control of the
entire complex isolate the other security team and Angelicus and then
deal with them."  She said her mind already focused on the mission.  She
sent a thread of awareness to the drones under her command all were
armed and ready, except for Daniella who was grabbing a pulse rifle.
"Pulse rifles holy shit you have some serious tech.  Even most of Hero
corp uses regular guns."  She said shaking her head.   "Yes well that
gang had a supply of them on hand, and now they are ours, soon the gang
bangers will be changed but the team you have with the H units should be
enough, I want to move quickly."  Victoria said smiling in a rather
predatory manner.

"Yeah time enough to get them sorted after the battle."  Leena said
giving her new boss a salute as she took her place in the transport.
The back was crowded, in fact an entirely separate transport had to be
taken just for the doll that used to be Amazonia, she was even bulkier
as a drone and denser.  Soon Lenna was in the passenger seat, one of the
regular drones driving the transport, the drive to hero corp wasn't too
long, Quick thought was busy going into the systems to disable them it
didn't take him long with forsight's help he was in in no time shutting
them down, in fact the cyber defenses used were way out of date, it
would have been one of his tasks to update them, the still human doll
smiled at the irony that the one whose job would have been to update
them had just ensured that they were useless.  They slid into the garage
no one aware of a problem at all, the station was at a higher alert
status due to losing contact with the team, but only four of the 12 in
the quick reaction force were in the garage, all in power armor but that
didn't help from the mental attacks of the Mind breaker doll two of them
dropped to their knees their eyes going glassy instantly, then H-1 had
one of the remaining pressed against a wall in an instant, and Amazonia
burst from her transport and slammed into the remaining guard with the
force of a freight train.  The few techs and support troops not in armor
found themselves stunned with the pulse rifles.  Inside of a minute both
transports were unloaded with the obedient dolls marching in perfect
formation, each doll had a perfect map of the facility, each doll had
its orders.  Unlike an army of people there was no side banter, no
distractions.  Leanna walked behind the formation of drones, the heroe
drones fanning out around the formation of security drones, in fact she
sent the Amazonia drone, and several of the regular drones towards the
barracks to deal with the remaining security troops there, while she H-
1, the combat drones and H-2 planted firmly in the middle of the
formation headed towards the central control room.

In the central control room it was chaos, the base commander Ishmael
Aleheb was staring at the blank monitors and cursing at his staff. Every
monitor was blank there was no camera feed nothing, somehow a virus had
gotten into his system.  "Sir we are doing what we can, and are issuing
a code red the reaction team, and other security personnel are headed
from the barracks to the armory."  His assistant Chin Liou said in her
soft breathy voice.  He glared at her then at the radios the one piece
of equipment working.  "Sir we are under attack some kind of large robot
and several smaller ones attacking us we didn't even reach the armory;
the lieutenant is down."  He heard over the radio he had no other forces
to send other than Angelicus who was his boss, but the hero was on the
top observation deck, and not even responding to any calls.  He saw the
doors to the control room doors sliding open, well being forced open.
The few techs an support people that were armed grabbed their pistols,
and started firing as soon as the doors were even partially open.

Leanna just laughed as the small arms fire literally ricocheted off the
armored drones.  As one the drones fired a concentrated volley focusing
on those firing at them, H-2 reached into the mind of the commander his
loyalty and obedience to hero corp was incredibly strong, but his mind
had been almost brainwashed by hero corp, so his mind was easily
suggestible in fact it was almost child's play for her to turn that
programming around.

Aleheb started staring blankly ahead new thoughts assailing his mind he
knew they weren't his but he couldn't stop them he couldn't stop the
images and the flush of desire.  "Surrender" He said shouting the words
his cock tenting his pants as the images of him being serviced by and or
servicing some of the drones assailed his mind.  Yes he had to be loyal
to his Mistress Victoria was his Mistress he moaned as his mind and
thoughts were totally twisted and corrupted.

If her face was capable of smiling H-2 would have it was so much fun
twisting the mind, turning hero corp's programming in on itself and
adding sexual controls and components to it.  The other techs looked at
him in confusion, but the drones were entering now, it was clear the
techs may have had the drones out numbered but they were way out matched
their weapons not capable of even scratching the drones.  Slowly the 20
people in the room all put their hands up.  The non armored drones then
came in with the gas weapons making sure to get all of the people with
it, once the gas had them all pleasantly pliable they were stripped and
herded back towards the transports.  Quick thought ran from the
transport to the control room using his access codes to take control of
the cameras and central monitors.  Leeanna nodded at him, idly wondering
just what sort of doll the Mistress was going to turn him into after
this, but most of her attention was on the monitors.  She watched H-4
the Amazonia doll tearing into the soldiers just coming out of the
barracks she was a one machine wrecking crew.  She watched amazed as the
former hero picked one of the men she was fighting up and threw him at
two more, the three guards went down, and didn't get back up again, she
could tell from the monitors that they were still alive just out.
Leanna sent a mental command to the two drones with her, and sent the
rest of the regular drones to her as well, and the drones started
gassing those that were still somewhat conscious and moving the
unconscious ones to the vehicle bay.  She checked the time not even ten
minutes and most of the facility was secure, no out going alarm, all
that was left was the main event Angelicus.  There were two ways up to
the observation deck stairs on one side and the armored elevator.  She
took the team with her up towards the elevator, she couldn't mentally
command H-4 but she did message her.  "H-4 take the stairway up quickly,
but then wait for my signal to enter the observation deck."  She said
attacking the hero from two directions would be far better option.

Angelicus waited, everyone else had failed him.  He was alone this city
was his and they wouldn't take it from him.  He remembered the wars
before hero corp how villians and even some so called heroes had
devastated whole cities.  No distress signal had been sent out, because
it wouldn't be needed it would end here, he had the power of the light
itself burning inside him.  He'd been a hero for 55 long years, the
first five of which had seen some of the most bitter fighting between
super powered humans ever, since then he'd been challenged only a
handful of times.  He'd felt the growing darkness but had thought the
other heroes had been up to the task, he'd been wrong.  The new
generation had been too coddled treated too gently.  He waited in the
middle of the room his wings spread out behind him, his sword held ready
in his right hand, he turned as the elevators opened, spread his wings
and unleashed the power of light upon his foes.

Leanna had been briefed on what Angelicus could do prior to transferring
to Detroit she'd seen the videos, and she knew exactly what to expect.
While in the elevator she'd had all the drones close their helmets
completely.  The blinding light washed over her squad, and rather than
leaving them blind clutching their eyes the drones didn't react at all,
soon as the light cleared he was still standing in the exact same
position expecting the light to have had them on their knees, instead as
one the drones opened fire with a barrage of pulse rifle fire set to
highest possible setting, a setting that wouldn't simply stun a normal
human but outright fry their nerves leaving them at best paralyzed.

Angelicus reacted an instant too late bringing his sword up to parry the
shots, but even he'd been expecting slugs, not the instant fire of pulse
rifles.  He screamed as a dozen hits shot him in the torso the
electricity sending shocks through him his body seizing up, but he was
able to counter it with his power barley, but it did leave him weakened.
He sent a concentrated beam of energy at the lead soldier, a mockery.
"Illegal super tech disgusting, villains are hidioius in that they use
others to fight what should be personal battles, you've taken away
everything that makes them unique."  He said but there was no response
Leanna didn't bother to say how hero corp got to decide who became a
hero, she didn't mention the thousands of people whose only crime was
having a high IQ and being different enough that hero corp considered
them a possible danger, people robbed of their full potential with the
use of inhibitors, instead H-1 simply used a telekentic shield to
protect the lead drone, the power of Angelicus burned through the shield
but it was far weaker than it would have been without the shield.  At
that moment Leanna could tell that H-4 was ready to burst through the
other door, she gave the signal.

Angelicus heard the other door crashing open, his eyes went wide what he
saw should have been impossible, no one should have been able to turn
Amazonia.  He tried to turn his beam of white hot energy towards her but
she crashed into him before he could turn fully.  As he crashed to the
ground he felt a shiver of doubt move through him for the first time he
thought he might lose.

H-2 was once again happy.  Angelicus's mental defenses had been far
harder to crack, but the fire from the pulse rifles, and everything else
had taken just enough of a toll that she was able to wiggle around them
and plant just a few seeds of doubt a few seeds of fear, mixed in with
that fear was a bit of lust as well, after all he had a strong powerful
female figure over him what man wouldn't be excited to be there.

Angelicus didn't even have time to contemplate the alien thoughts in his
mind, he was busy trying to wrestle the former hero on top of him, as he
did so he felt something jam into his arm where she was grabbing it.
Looking up into her empty eyes gave him no answers, but the answer came
as he felt the combination of chemicals hit his body, he could feel his
cock getting hard feel his head swimming as the exotic aphrodisiac
started to work.  H-4 had as ordered saved this trick just for him.

With the drugs in his system it was far easier for H-2 to manipulate his
mind to ramp up his lust even more, to let his desire overwhelm anything
else his sense of duty was still a problem, but well he had a duty to
service didn't he and he had a female that needed servcing.  She sent
enough power lust and obedience into him to overwhelm his mind.

Under normal circumstances Angelicus could have resisted the drugs, or
the physical assault or the mental, or even two of the three but all
three together were too much, his sword slipped from his hand as his
eyes started to glaze over.  Before he could recover his wits he felt
the weight on top of him move, before he could take advantage of the
situation more pulse rifle shots were going straight into his chest,
this time he blacked out.

Leanna grinned the combination of the dolls and her tactics had worked
perfectly she'd been able to control all of them like puppets, in fact
every shot had felt like she'd pulled the actual trigger, and in a way
she had the dolls weren't capable of independent thought or action.
"Mistress Victoria building secured Angelicus down."  She said grinning.

Victoria smiled and sipped a glass of wine staring at the supple ass of
one of her favorite dolls.  "Well H-5 your visions were most helpful in
pulling this off, now let's start getting all the equipment loaded and
moved over to our new head quarters" She said with a smile.  "But first
the mayor."  She said sending her own commands out to four of the
regular dolls still in the factory.  She had them accompany her and H-5
to a rented limo that had pulled up outside the building.  The driver a
cute young African American found himself staring at, what looked like a
walking sex doll right before a gas was sprayed into his face.  One of
her dolls got into the drivers seat, moving the unconscious future doll
to the side and they drove to the Mayor's house a rather large newer
building on the outskirts of the city.

They were stopped at the gate, but the guard was just gassed and one of
the namless dolls activated the gate.  More security met them at the
front entrance, and Victoria simply stepped out.  "gentlemen please
don't cause a scene the mayor will want to see this right away."  She
said holding out a data pad, on it it showed Angelicus being clipped
with power draining gauntlets and thrown into hero corps secure holding.
"I have in the space of one week taken out every single hero in this
city without anyone finding out, if you think you can do what they
couldn't I'd step aside."  She said with a smile.

Tyrone had served in the military, and had applied for hero corps combat
units but been turned down due to no powers at all, though he was still
built like a brick and capable of using almost any weapon, he'd instead
served the Detroit police department and now the mayor.   "As long as
you aren't going to try kidnapping or hurting him you can see him, make
trouble and well we'll see how good you are."  He said glaring.  "Send
them up we don't know who she is or what she wants, but if she's taken
out the heroes that fast I need to talk to her."  Mayor Landen said an
older woman who'd been in public service for years, working her way up,
she'd run on an anti corruption platform and bettering the city, only to
see all her efforts fizzle.   She eyed the buxom woman coming to her
carefully there was no sign of super powers but the woman walked with
confidence and power, and the dolls around her were eerie not a single
sound made, no response to the other guards at all.  "What do you want?"
She said staring at the woman who'd just taken out a number of heros
from the most powerful organization in the world, an organization that
might now rain fire down on her city.

"I want you to contact hero corp HQ and inact the Cincinnati accords
tell them that their response cannot be a whole sale invasion due to
risk to life and property, tell them you are aware of my presence and
that you do not want me or my operations targeted by direct assault, in
exchange I and my agents will work directly with your police department
on handling the gang problem, and violent crime.  All I ask is that I
take over the prisons and sentencing."  She said with a smile.

The mayor looked at the woman. "Not even hero corp would agree to
working with my officers   always wanted total control, and what are you
going to do with the prisoners?"  She asked narrowing her eyes, though
she was interested.  The Cincinnati protocols were the one thing that
might keep her entire city from being rubble, she just had to make sure
that it wasn't worse than an invasion by hero corp.

"Well turn the most violent ones into more drones and dolls, some of
which I'll sell and auction off to highest bidder others I'll give to
your police department, the non violent ones well my mental technology
can be used to reform them, and make them useful citizens, I can even
temporarily drone someone keep track of the serial number and when
sentence is up release them."  She said with a smile, though of course
that was a total lie once a doll always a doll but she'd pretend to
release someone every so often.  "And of course if anyone who has a
terminal illness wants to become a doll instead of dying well I'm not
going to stop them, and any charges would be based on their means."  She
said smiling at the mayor.

The mayor knew she was dealing with a predator and part of her was
screaming at her not to do this, but it still sounded better than a
street battle raging in the middle of her city.   She opened up her
computer, opened a secure connection to hero corp central.  "This is
Mayor Landen of Detroit Michigan I am informing you hero corp has been
defeated in my city by, and she read the card that was slid over to her.
By Victoria Frankenstein of Frankenstein LLC, I am informing you that as
of this moment I have come to an accord with Victoria Frankenstein and
do NOT I repeat do not want a direct intervention by hero corp, any
direct attack on her holdings or inside my city will be seen as a direct
violation of the Cincinnati protocols, now I know the high council will
want to ignore that but think very very carefully before you do that."
She said softly then hung up.  "It will take some time for them to
respond, but there now get out of my office." She said staring Victoria

Victoria just smiled she had everything she wanted, now it was time to
celebrate and then plan for the future of what would be her city, and
only the beginning.

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