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Friday, July 30, 2021

Priscilla latest story "Aunt Hilda's Girl" captures those memories of being caught dressing in your aunt's panties and being feminized as restitution!

Remember when you took a break from your first year in college while you were staying with your aunt in the same city to save money and be close to the university where you will get an education so you can go out into the world and be your own person? 

Remember while staying in her home you found her....lacy pretty soft ...panties and other intimate unmentionables....

You couldn't help yourself but sniff them..rub the soft fabric on your body and pleasured yourself to an orgasm with them.

They were good times, until your aunt showed you the footage of you doing that and wearing her sexy lingerie!! Maybe you should have left her private things alone? Well its too late for that now!

Feeling betrayed and humiliated that she has some kind of pervert living in the house where she took you in, she wants you out now and plans to expose you for the secret dirty sissy that you are to your parents (especially to your father) and the college admission office! 


    Giles was puzzled. As the DVD began to play, and Giles watched himself sashay into his Aunt Hilda’s boudoir, in full femme attire, vivid makeup and an updo hairstyle, he embarrassingly stood up to leave the room.

    “Sit your little pansy ass back down you sissy. Isn’t that what they call people like you honey? From my most recent research, the popular name for girls like you is Sissy. Isn’t it?” Hilda asked, putting her arm around her nephew’s shoulder and hugging him tightly against her bosom.

    By the time the DVD was only half way thru, Giles was sobbing and begging Hilda to turn it off.

    “No way, you little faggot. I’m not turning anything off. I watched every bit of this and then some. These are just the highlights. Oh look Giles, you’re sniffing my panties while you jack-off into another pair,” laughed Hilda. 

    “Did you enjoy the scent of Auntie’s pussy Giles? Would you like to sniff Auntie’s pussy in real time honey?” Hilda asked as Giles sniffled like a baby. 

Once the video was over, Giles had his head in his Aunt Hilda’s lap and was crying his eyes out. Hilda rubbed his back gently and whispered softly, “Don’t worry sweetie. You can make it all up to me but it will take a lot of effort and hard work on your part. Auntie Hilda will take care of this though, sweetie”Hilda promised.

    “But first you need to take off those slacks and underwear so that Aunt Hilda can use this hairbrush to beat your ass red-raw. So do that. Now Giles,” Hilda said.

    As Giles took off his slacks, he paused and asked, “My underwear also Aunt Hilda?” 

Priscilla captures that moment very well that many of us experienced, in her latest story Aunt Hilda's Girl, nephew Giles gets caught and realizes he is essentially fucked. But Aunt Hilda has a way for him to make it up to her as well as solve some of her professional matters at work that would lead to a better position and benefits from her openly gay boss who takes a liking of the young adorable office girl niece Gillian (formerly Giles) ....

Can Giles convince his  assertive closeted lesbian Aunt Hilda that he doesn't want to be her cute obedient "niece" or is he fucked being Aunt Hilda's Girl

Read Priscilla's latest erotica story to find out and let us know your thoughts!


Aunt Hilda's Girl


Tuesday, July 27, 2021

Saturday, July 17, 2021

Feminization Story Pick of the Week: Free Sex Week

 This Week's Story Pick of the Week is an instant classic feminization story suggested
from Shawna Summers (a wonderful author), Free Sex Week by Don Davis from Doll Stories.Net (a dollification fetish site).

Its the story of a man making a stop to the local brothel while in town on business. The brothel owner has a special treat for him as a way to make up for not getting the services he was looking for.....a bound latex sex doll with someone give him pleasure as good as any beautiful woman would.


What intrigued him was the steel apparatus that the doll was secured to. A post in the floor went in front of the doll up to a wide collar around the neck making movement impossible. A wide steel belt went around the waist securing the midsection. Something that was even more sinister was the metal rod coming up from the floor. There were two foot pedals on each side of the rod. The rod led up to the mouth of the doll and was on a hinge. He looked at the woman inquisitively.

She told him to step on the footpads. He walked up. He thought he could see a shudder from the doll as he did so. As he put his weight on the pads, the rod pulled down and rotated the top part. To his amazement, a long penis gag slowly pulled out of the doll's mouth and flipped down out of the way. At the same time, he could see the mouth of the doll opening wide. He noticed a hinged gag strapped into the doll head.

She explained that that was a safety mechanism. When something is inserted into the dolls mouth, it closes. It pushes against a plate at the back of the mouth. The person can control the pressure of the close by the depth of the penetration. The deeper in, the tighter the close. Backing out opens the mouth. So, it's totally safe.

The story is very simple and short, but with the old saying goes. ...Less is More. But despite the simplicity which is its charm Davis' story has some surprises which leave you wanting more!

Thank you Shawna for bringing this classic to our attention


Free Sex Week

Thursday, July 15, 2021

More Photo Collection Selected from Priscilla!

Source: Gimp Slave Girl

Source: Gimp Slave Girl

Source: Gimp Slave Girl

Unknown Artist 


Monday, July 12, 2021

Get captivated with Throne's "House Arrest" a forced feminization instant classic!

We have a treat for you all! Miss Throne's House Arrest is now here for your pleasure.

Tommy a young man gets a letter about an inheritance that has him as a recipient, when arriving at his Aunt Hilda's mansion he immediately feels uneasy by his aunt and her pretty Japanese maid Ming. 

The wealth from the inheritance and the large mansion is all his, however he must do everything Aunt Hilda ask of him while he stays at the her large mansion.


   The shorts were definitely NOT age-appropriate for him, but he endured it to keep his aunt contented. It wasn't as if he was beginning to enjoy wearing these items.  Right? Of course not, he told himself as he strutted around the room for Ming's approval.  She giggled at the sight he made and gave his shoulder a friendly squeeze.  Tommy even managed a laugh himself.  Then she gave him gaudy yellow knee socks and square-toed shoes with block heels, in green.

There were big plastic earrings that screwed onto his lobes.  They were
clear globes with a little ball that rolled around inside each.  Then she
put on his make-up.  To go with the childish clothes, he was given cupid
bow lips, round blush spots on his cheeks, and long, curved artificial
eyelashes.  A blond wig with bouncy sausage curls added to the foolish
look, which was then completed by a drawstring purse in rainbow colors
that Ming tied to his wrist.  Feeling ridiculous, but at the same time
thrilled by Ming's approval, he checked himself in the mirror before they
went downstairs to keep his modeling appointment.

Aunt Hilda was having wine with the artist, who was a lovely woman with
ash blond hair.  The guest wore a smart sweater-and-skirt outfit, three
inch heels, and a wide-brimmed pink hat.  Her smile was radiant and her
eyes glistened.  As she spied Tommy coming toward her she grinned
approvingly.  Aunt Hilda said, "This is my artist friend, Superb Sasha.
You are very fortunate to have her agree to draw you, Tommy.  What do you
say?"  He swallowed with difficulty, a bit overwhelmed by it all, and
responded, "Thank you, Sasha.  I am very flattered that you want to draw me." 


Sunday, July 11, 2021

Priscilla's Photo Caption of Pick of the Week (7/12/21)

Source: Surrender To I Decide/Deviant Art

Source: Surrendered Husband Tumblr

Source: Surrendered Husband Tumblr

Source: Sissy Slut Alice Tumblr


Friday, July 9, 2021

New erotic story "I’m Such a Gay Sissy Wife" told through the perspective of a transgender woman

How was everyone's 4th of July? Hope it was great. The fireworks and the summer heat continue with my sweet doll Priscilla's  I’m Such a Gay Sissy Wife. Leslie trapped in a marriage with a dominant wealthy wife decides to seek better intimacy through his more feminine identity "Lisbeth." 


    He worked his fingers in and out of me, and then he probed me with his cock. He slowly pushed it in and withdrew it, time and time again. Each time it went in a little further. Cynthia was correct. The anesthetic in the lubricant had begun to deaden some of the discomfort. I was beyond stopping at this juncture.

    Cole’s cock went further and further inside of me until I let out a squeal as it went all the way in. At this point I begged him, “Please Cole? Fuck me. Please fuck me? Fuck me nice and slow at first. But please fuck me?”

    His dick slid in and out and I slowly pushed my ass to meet his thrusts and then I’d pull away briefly. But once we got into a rhythm, we screwed as if we were a couple of Bunny Rabbits. The last thing I recalled, prior to nearly passing out, was Cole climaxing into my rectum and my cock spurting crazily all over the bedsheets. I know I screamed like a banshee. 

    It was the most effeminate sound that had ever emitted from my pretty lips. After our climaxes, Cole and I embraced, both of us sticky with gooey Cum, but we couldn’t have cared any less. That evening, I slept the dizzying, joyous, sated sleep of a Sissy Harlot. It wasn’t until 4:30 AM, when I wrapped my lips around Cole’s expanding cock, that Cole even realized it was morning.

    I simply craved man-cock at that point in my life. I was surely going to do what I’d just done, again and again. Given the chance, I didn’t know how I could possibly do anything else? Why not? I didn’t have a good answer for that last question. 

As Lisbeth feels fullfilled spiritually and sexually outside the marriage, his wife Jasmine eventually learns the truth! But Jasmine has her own secrets as well and it might just be the beginning for the couple....or couples involved..!

We hope you enjoy this steamy erotic transgender story of self discovery as its told through the perspective of Lisbeth as she recounts her honest experience of being, I’m Such a Gay Sissy Wife

Saturday, July 3, 2021

Cuckolding Your Hubby post from Tumblr

Priscilla brought this delightful post from The Sissy Initiative on Tumblr.

Cuckolding Your Hubby

1. Learn to take control. This can take time to master, but the more you do it the easier it will become. Eventually it will become very enjoyable and second nature. Women can rule too! 

2. Contrary to what you may read, sex with your cuckold is perfectly fine during times when you’re not seeing other men, provided you keep the cuckold theme burning. However, sex with your cuckold should slow down whenever you’re actively seeing other men. To secure the psychological impact of the husband’s cuckold status, it’s important to establish him as a secondary sexual provider when you’re seeing others. When other men are in the picture, they should be the primary source of your sexual satisfaction. Your cuckold’s involvement should occur primarily AFTER your encounters with other men. When having sex with your cuckold hubby after another man, it’s important to be verbal, reminding him that you prefer the other man, because your cuckold doesn’t satisfy for whatever reason (small dick, cums to fast, poor lover).

3. Sex with your cuckold husband should be mostly acts other than intercourse, which you should rarely give. You want to establish that you are the source of his pleasure, and you decide when to dispense that pleasure. This includes timing, frequency, sex acts, etc. Intercourse should be reserved as a special treat. Handjobs, oral and even making your cuck masturbate need to be the normal methods of his release. Penetrative sex should be reserved as a reward, or for special occasions. 

4. Include regular teasing in your daily routine. Use opportunities to drop hints and teases. Use nudity to tease, letting your cuckold husband see you nude often. Technology provides wonderful tools to keep your cuckold excited, including suggestive texts, emails, pictures, videos, online porn, etc. Make it part of your game. 

5. Occasionally have your cuckold wear nothing but a shirt or T-shirt around the house. When passing him, GENTLY “flick”, poke or slap his penis, and comment on his small size. Say aloud how you need men with bigger ones or that you’ll never be happy with just that. Make it clear to him that it’s inadequate and couldn’t possibly satisfy you. Compare it to your lovers cock. Hold his penis in your hand, giggle and remind him that you prefer men with “real cocks”. 

6. If you know you have an upcoming ‘date’, be sure to tease your cuckold husband with suggestive comments to let him know you’re excited, but don’t have sex. Remind him that you’re ‘saving yourself’ for your lover. 

7. The day of your date call your cuckold to the bedroom to undress you and help you prepare. He will love this. Remind him constantly of your excitement. If you shave your pussy before a date have your cuckold do it. Tell him you want it to be smooth for your lover, and so your cuckold can better clean you up after you get home.

8. Have him dry your body after your bath or shower, perfume you and even paint your toenails. Remind him that it’s all to please your lover .

9. Make him help you pick out the outfit and get dressed. Make sure to select sexy underclothes. Dress in extra revealing clothes than you wouldn’t normally wear for your husband. Consider going without panties, telling him these are the things your lover wants you to wear, and you’re doing it for him! 

10. When out on your date remember you are in control. Have fun and enjoy a few special hours with your lover, and your cuckold (if he’s present). The importance of your dates cannot be understated as part of the cuckold relationship. Much of it comes down to the dates themselves. Savor the moment and be prepared to tell every detail later.

11. If your cuckold is present at dinner when on a date, be sure to sit next to your lover and across the table from your cuckold. Make contact under the table. Run your hand up and down your lover’s leg. Venture into his crotch if the covering allows. This will get your cuck’s imagination going. 

12. After dinner let your cuckold play chauffeur and drive you around a little before going to the motel, or home if that’s what your plan is. Sit in the back seat and get to know each other. Allow your hands and lips do the talking. This will drive your cuckold wild, and will also get you and lover hot and horny. 

13. When you get to the hotel room or bedroom, make your cuckold undress you for your lover. Make it clear to everyone that your cuckold is there only to watch how a «real man» makes love to a woman, and also as a cleanup boy for you. 

14. Whenever your cuckold is watching you make love with someone remember to be extremely verbal. Let your cucky know how good a «real cock» feels inside you, how much bigger it is, how much more you like it than his, how much you love being fucked by someone different, and be sure to make it obvious when you get off (no faking should be needed LOL). Talk about how small and undesirable your cuckold’s small penis is, now that you’re with a man with a «real cock». 

15. After you finish, make your cuckold husband go down on you for cleanup. It’s extremely important to talk to him as he cleans you, telling him how great the sex was, how satisfied you are, and that this is his new role as your cuckold.

16. If your lover will allow it, have your cuckold take pictures or videos. You will be able to use these to get yourself off when you can’t have a lover.